282 research outputs found

    The origin and evolution of lactation

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    The presence of mammary glands is the defining morphological feature of mammals. The recent assembly of the bovine genome and a report in Genome Biology that links the milk and lactation data of bovine and other mammalian genomes will help biologists investigate this economically and medically important feature

    Investigating fusion plasma instabilities in the Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak using mega electron volt proton emissions (invited)a)

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    The proton detector (PD) measures 3 MeV proton yield distributions from deuterium-deuterium fusion reactions within the Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak (MAST). The PD's compact four-channel system of collimated and individually oriented silicon detectors probes different regions of the plasma, detecting protons (with gyro radii large enough to be unconfined) leaving the plasma on curved trajectories during neutral beam injection. From first PD data obtained during plasma operation in 2013, proton production rates (up to several hundred kHz and 1 ms time resolution) during sawtooth events were compared to the corresponding MAST neutron camera data. Fitted proton emission profiles in the poloidal plane demonstrate the capabilities of this new system

    Bovine Mammary Gland Biopsy Techniques

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    Bovine mammary gland biopsies allow researchers to collect tissue samples to study cell biology including gene expression, histological analysis, signaling pathways, and protein translation. This article describes two techniques for biopsy of the bovine mammary gland (MG). Three healthy Holstein dairy cows were the subjects. Before biopsies, cows were milked and subsequently restrained in a cattle chute. An analgesic (flunixin meglumine, 1.1 to 2.2 mg/kg of body weight) was administered via jugular intravenous [IV] injection 15-20 min prior to biopsy. For standing sedation, xylazine hydrochloride (0.01-0.05 mg/kg of body weight) was injected via the coccygeal vessels 5-10 min before the procedure. Once adequately sedated, the biopsy site was aseptically prepared and locally anaesthetized with 6 mL of 2% lidocaine hydrochloride via subcutaneous injection. Using aseptic technique, a 2 to 3 cm vertical incision was made using a number 10 scalpel. Core and needle biopsy tools were used. The core biopsy tool was attached to a cordless drill and inserted into the MG tissue through the incision using a clock-wise drill action. The needle biopsy tool was manually inserted into the incision site. Immediately after the procedure, an assistant applied pressure on the incision site for 20 to 25 min using a sterile towel to achieve hemostasis. Stainless steel surgical staples were used to oppose the skin incision. The staples were removed 10 days post-procedure. The main advantages of core and needle biopsies is that both approaches are minimally invasive procedures that can be safely performed in healthy cows. Milk yield following the biopsy was unaffected. These procedures require a short recovery time and result in fewer risks of complications. Specific limitations may include bleeding after the biopsy and infection on the biopsy site. Applications of these techniques include tissue collection for clinical diagnosis and research purposes, such as primary cell culture

    Invisible Z-Boson Decays at e+e- Colliders

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    The measurement of the invisible Z-boson decay width at e+e- colliders can be done "indirectly", by subtracting the Z-boson visible partial widths from the Z-boson total width, or "directly", from the process e+e- -> \gamma \nu \bar{\nu}. Both procedures are sensitive to different types of new physics and provide information about the couplings of the neutrinos to the Z-boson. At present, measurements at LEP and CHARM II are capable of constraining the left-handed Z\nu\nu-coupling, 0.45 <~ g_L <~ 0.5, while the right-handed one is only mildly bounded, |g_R| <= 0.2. We show that measurements at a future e+e- linear collider at different center-of-mass energies, \sqrt{s} = MZ and \sqrt{s}s ~ 170 GeV, would translate into a markedly more precise measurement of the Z\nu\nu-couplings. A statistically significant deviation from Standard Model predictions will point toward different new physics mechanisms, depending on whether the discrepancy appears in the direct or the indirect measurement of the invisible Z-width. We discuss some scenarios which illustrate the ability of different invisible Z-boson decay measurements to constrain new physics beyond the Standard Model

    Collisionality and safety factor scalings of H-mode energy transport in the MAST spherical tokamak

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    A factor of 4 dimensionless collisionality scan of H-mode plasmas in MAST shows that the thermal energy confinement time scales as BτE,th ∝ ν-0.82±0.1*e. Local heat transport is dominated by electrons and is consistent with the global scaling. The n

    Hadron Spectra for Semileptonic Heavy Quark Decay

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    We calculate the leading perturbative and power corrections to the hadronic invariant mass and energy spectra in semileptonic heavy hadron decays. We apply our results to the BB system. Moments of the invariant mass spectrum, which vanish in the parton model, probe gluon bremsstrahlung and nonperturbative effects. Combining our results with recent data on BB meson branching ratios, we obtain a lower bound Λˉ>410MeV\bar\Lambda>410\,{\rm MeV} and an upper bound mbpole<4.89m_b^{\rm pole}<4.89\,GeV. The Brodsky-Lepage-Mackenzie scale setting procedure suggests that higher order perturbative corrections are small for bottom decay, and even tractable for charm decay.Comment: 24 pages, uses REVTeX, 5 EPS figures embedded with epsf.sty, slightly modified version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Aerodynamic investigations of ventilated brake discs.

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    The heat dissipation and performance of a ventilated brake disc strongly depends on the aerodynamic characteristics of the flow through the rotor passages. The aim of this investigation was to provide an improved understanding of ventilated brake rotor flow phenomena, with a view to improving heat dissipation, as well as providing a measurement data set for validation of computational fluid dynamics methods. The flow fields at the exit of four different brake rotor geometries, rotated in free air, were measured using a five-hole pressure probe and a hot-wire anemometry system. The principal measurements were taken using two-component hot-wire techniques and were used to determine mean and unsteady flow characteristics at the exit of the brake rotors. Using phase-locked data processing, it was possible to reveal the spatial and temporal flow variation within individual rotor passages. The effects of disc geometry and rotational speed on the mean flow, passage turbulence intensity, and mass flow were determined. The rotor exit jet and wake flow were clearly observed as characterized by the passage geometry as well as definite regions of high and low turbulence. The aerodynamic flow characteristics were found to be reasonably independent of rotational speed but highly dependent upon rotor geometry

    LOCUST-GPU predictions of fast-ion transport and power loads due to ELM-control coils in ITER

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    The LOCUST-GPU code has been applied to study the fast-ion transport and loss caused by resonant magnetic perturbations in the high-performance Q= 10 ITER baseline scenario. The unique computational efficiency of the code is exploited to calculate the impact of the application of the ITER ELM-control-coil system on neutral beam heating efficiency, as well as producing detailed predictions of the resulting plasma-facing component power loads, for a variety of operational parameters—the toroidal mode number n0, mode spectrum and absolute toroidal phase of the imposed perturbation. The feasibility of continually rotating the perturbations is assessed and shown to be effective at reducing the time-averaged power loads.Through careful adjustment of the relative phase of the applied perturbation in the three rows of coils, peak power loads are found to correlate with reductions in NBI heating efficiency for n= 3 fields. Adjusting the phase this way can increase total NBI system efficiency by approximately 2-3% and reduce peak power loads by up to 0.43 MWm-2. From the point of view of fast-ion confinement, n= 3 ELM control fields are preferred overall to n= 4 fields.In addition, the implementation of 3D magnetic fields in LOCUST is also verified by comparison with the SPIRAL code for a DIII-D discharge with ITER-similar shaping and n= 3 perturbation