6 research outputs found

    Effects of 'pre-fracking' operations on ambient air quality at a shale gas exploration site in rural North Yorkshire, England

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    Rural observations of air quality and meteorological parameters (NOx, O3, NMHCs, SO2, PM) were made over a 2.5-year period (2016-2018) before, during and after preparations for hydraulic fracturing (fracking) at a shale gas exploration site near Kirby Misperton, North Yorkshire, England. As one of the first sites to apply for permits to carry out hydraulic fracturing, it has been subject to extensive regulatory and public scrutiny, as well as the focus for a major programme of long-term environmental monitoring. A baseline period of air quality monitoring (starting 2016) established the annual climatology of atmospheric composition against which a 20-week period of intensive activity on the site in preparation for hydraulic fracturing could be compared. During this 'pre-operational phase' of work in late 2017, the most significant effect was an increase in ambient NO (3-fold) and NOx (2-fold), arising from a combination of increased vehicle activity and operation of equipment on site. Although ambient NOx increased, air quality limit values for NO2 were not exceeded, even close to the well-site. Local ozone concentrations during the pre-operational period were slightly lower than the baseline phase due to titration with primary emitted NO. The activity on site did not lead to significant changes in airborne particulate matter or non-methane hydrocarbons. Hydraulic fracturing of the well did not subsequently take place and the on-site equipment was decommissioned and removed. Air quality parameters then returned to the original (baseline) climatological conditions. This work highlights the need to characterise the full annual climatology of air quality parameters against which short-term local activity changes can be compared. Based on this study, changes to ambient NOx appear to be the most significant air quality ahead of hydraulic fracturing. However, in rural locations, concentrations at individual sites are expected to be below ambient air quality limit thresholds

    Early Observations on the impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Air Quality Trends across the UK

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    UK government implemented national lockdown in response to COVID-19 on the 23-26 March 2020. As elsewhere in Europe and Internationally, associated restrictions initially limited individual mobility and workplace activity to essential services and travel, and significant air quality benefits were widely anticipated. Here, break-point/segment methods are applied to air pollutant time-series from the first half of 2020 to provide an independent estimate of the timings of discrete changes in NO, NO2, NOx, O3, PM10 and PM2.5 time-series from Automatic Urban Rural Network (AURN) monitoring stations across the UK. NO, NO2 and NOx all exhibit abrupt decreases at the time the UK locked down of (on average) 7.6 to 17 μg.m-3 (or 32 to 50%) at Urban Traffic stations and 4 to 5.7 μg.m-3 (or 26 to 46%) at Urban Background stations. However, after the initial abrupt reduction, gradual increases were then observed through lockdown. This suggests that the return of vehicles to the road during early lockdown has already offset much of the air quality improvement seen when locking down (provisional estimate 50 to 70% by 01 July). While locking down O3 increased (7 to 7.4 μg.m-3 or 14 to 17% at Urban stations) broadly in line with NO2 reductions, but later changes suggest significant non-lockdown contributions to O3 during the months that followed. Increases of similar magnitudes were observed for both PM10 (5.9 to 6.3 μg.m-3) and PM2.5 (3.9 to 5.0 μg.m-3) at both Rural and Urban stations alike, but the distribution of changes suggests the lockdown was not an obvious direct source of changes in levels of either of these species during this period, and that more complex contributions, e.g. from resuspension and secondary aerosol, may be more likely major drivers for these changes