32 research outputs found

    Grapevine Biotechnology: Molecular Approaches Underlying Abiotic and Biotic Stress Responses

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    Grapevine is one of the most abundant crops worldwide, with varieties destined for fresh and dry consumption, as well as wine production. Unfortunately, grapevine plants are affected by both biotic and abiotic stresses, generating significant economic losses. These conditions can negatively impact grape cultivation at different stages: plant and berry development during pre- and post-harvest, production, fresh fruit processing and export, along with wine quality. Most of the grapevine varieties are susceptible to several pathogens and within this chapter, particular attention is given to fungi (Botrytis cinerea and Erysiphe necator) and viruses, since they are a worldwide concern. Within the latter, special focus is given to the grapevine leafroll disease, a complex and destructive infection. On the other hand, abiotic stress is also relevant in grapevine, and in this chapter it will be exemplified by UV-B radiation and its impact on growth and fruit development, plant adaptive responses and its relationship with the quality of grape berries for winemaking. The main biotic and abiotic grapevine stress factors are reviewed in this chapter, considering a special focus on biotechnological approaches carried out in order to address them and minimize their detrimental consequences

    Evaluación estructural en edificaciones de albañilería confinada en el AA. HH 15 de marzo Sullana-Piura, 2021

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    La investigación presentada se realizó con el propósito de evaluar las edificaciones con el sistema estructural de albañilería confinada ubicadas en el AA. HH 15 de marzo en Sullana, de modo que se pueda determinar las características del diseño estructural, los procedimientos y los materiales que involucra este sistema. La presente contempla un desarrollo metodológico de tipo básico, no experimental con enfoque cuantitativo, por el tiempo que involucra es transversal, además alcanza nivel descriptivo, la población de estudio esta comprendida por las edificaciones ubicadas en el sector determinado construidas con el sistema estructural en cuestión, seleccionando una muestra de 80 predios a los cuales se les aplico una ficha técnica de observación que permitió obtener resultados que indicaban que un gran porcentaje de los casos presentaban omisiones a la norma NTE E.070, como ausencia de juntas sísmicas, aislamientos, fraguado y fallas como cangrejeras y debilitamientos en los muros, en lo respectivo a los materiales, se encontró el predominante uso de ladrillo rustico, el acero y agregados de espesor y calidades dentro de lo permitido. por lo tanto, se concluye que existen múltiples fallas y aspectos que mejorar para garantizar el éxito en resistencia y duración de la construcción

    Aprovechamiento agroindustrial de los residuos de la planta de banano para la obtención de productos biodegradables en la provincia de Sullana

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    En este informe de investigación se ha realizado un análisis sobre el aprovechamiento o tratamiento que se les podría dar en la actualidad a los residuos orgánicos generados en el cultivo del banano de la provincia de Sullana, para ser utilizados como materia prima en la elaboración de materiales plásticos biodegradables, aprovechando de esta manera las partes de la planta considerados como desechos como es el caso del raquis, pseudotallo, hojas y la cáscara del banano; para la extracción de celulosa y almidón. Tal procedimiento se ha proyectado en un diagrama de proceso de producción que permitirá producir bioplásticos que posean características mecánicas similares a los sintéticos, pero con un proceso de degradación más corto. De esta manera se pretende ayudar a impulsar el desarrollo económico de la matriz productiva y reducir los niveles de contaminación generada por la acumulación de los desechos plásticos que en su extenso ciclo de degradación desprenden sustancias tóxicas al ecosistema. Se ha determinado dos diagramas de flujo para el aprovechamiento de los residuos orgánicos producidos por los agricultores de la provincia de Sullana dedicados al cultivo de banano y así generar un valor agregado que ayudara a mejorar la calidad de vida de los mismos tanto económicamente como ambientalmente

    Factors associated with producing a scientific publication during medical training: evidence from a cross-sectional study of 40 medical schools in Latin America [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]

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    "Background: Scientific publication during medical training is key to promoting enduring cutting-edge knowledge. The promotion of science among medical students in Latin America is a multisectoral issue that is hampered by the lack of governmental knowledge to invest in national research, as well as by the lack of support from local universities. This study aims to determine the factors associated with the production of a scientific publication during medical training among Latin American medical students of local scientific societies. Methods: This is a secondary data analysis of a cross-sectional study conducted in 2016 that assessed the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) among medical students from 40 local scientific societies of medical students affiliated with FELSOCEM. Teams from each local scientific society surveyed self-reported scientific publications and explored their association with socioeconomic, academic, and research training conditions. We applied nested models to identify the covariates associated with selfreported scientific publication, obtaining a parsimonious mixedeffects multilevel model grouped by medical scientific society. Results: Of 11,587 participants, the prevalence of scientific publications increased in 36% among medical students affiliated to a Scientific Society of Medical Students [parsimonious prevalence ratio (pPR)=1.36, 95%CI=1.16–1.59], 51% among medical students with advanced English proficiency [pPR=1.51, 95%CI=1.21 – 1.87], 85% among medical students who attended a scientific writing skills course [pPR=1.85, 95%CI=1.59–2.15], 81% among medical students who use Sci-Hub [pPR=1.81, 95%CI=1.50–2.20], and 108% among medical students who have access to a pirated academic account [pPR=2.08, 95%CI=1.83–2.36]. Conclusions: Producing a scientific publication among medical students is associated with being affiliated to a scientific society of medical students, English proficiency, training in scientific writing, use of Sci-Hub, and pirated academic accounts. The results will help clinical educators and medical programs improve resources for training students in high-quality research

    Structural Control on Megathrust Rupture and Slip Behavior: Insights From the 2016 Mw 7.8 Pedernales Ecuador Earthquake

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    The heterogeneous seafloor topography of the Nazca Plate as it enters the Ecuador subduction zone provides an opportunity to document the influence of seafloor roughness on slip behavior and megathrust rupture. The 2016 Mw_{w} 7.8 Pedernales Ecuador earthquake was followed by a rich and active postseismic sequence. An internationally coordinated rapid response effort installed a temporary seismic network to densify coastal stations of the permanent Ecuadorian national seismic network. A combination of 82 onshore short and intermediate period and broadband seismic stations and six ocean bottom seismometers recorded the postseismic Pedernales sequence for over a year after the mainshock. A robust earthquake catalog combined with calibrated relocations for a subset of magnitude ≥4 earthquakes shows pronounced spatial and temporal clustering. A range of slip behavior accommodates postseismic deformation including earthquakes, slow slip events, and earthquake swarms. Models of plate coupling and the consistency of earthquake clustering and slip behavior through multiple seismic cycles reveal a segmented subduction zone primarily controlled by subducted seafloor topography, accreted terranes, and inherited structure. The 2016 Pedernales mainshock triggered moderate to strong earthquakes (5 ≤ M ≤ 7) and earthquake swarms north of the mainshock rupture close to the epicenter of the 1906Mw_{w} 8.8 earthquake and in the segment of the subduction zone that ruptured in 1958 in a Mw_{w} 7.7 earthquake

    3D Local Earthquake Tomography of the Ecuadorian Margin in the Source Area of the 2016 Mw 7.8 Pedernales Earthquake

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    Based on manually analyzed waveforms recorded by the permanent Ecuadorian network and our large aftershock deployment installed after the Pedernales earthquake, we derive three-dimensional Vp and Vp/Vs structures and earthquake locations for central coastal Ecuador using local earthquake tomography. Images highlight the features in the subducting and overriding plates down to 35 km depth. Vp anomalies (∼4.5–7.5 km/s) show the roughness of the incoming oceanic crust (OC). Vp/Vs varies from ∼1.75 to ∼1.94, averaging a value of 1.82 consistent with terranes of oceanic nature. We identify a low Vp (∼5.5 km/s) region extending along strike, in the marine forearc. To the North, we relate this low Vp and Vp/Vs (1.85) which we interpret as deeply fractured, probably hydrated OC caused by the CR being subducted. These features play an important role in controlling the seismic behavior of the margin. While subducted seamounts might contribute to the nucleation of intermediate megathrust earthquakes in the northern segment, the CR seems to be the main feature controlling the seismicity in the region by promoting creeping and slow slip events offshore that can be linked to the updip limit of large megathrust earthquakes in the northern segment and the absence of them in the southern region over the instrumental period

    1D-velocity structure and seismotectonics of the Ecuadorian margin inferred from the 2016 Mw7.8 Pedernales aftershock sequence

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    International audienceOn April 16th 2016 a Mw 7.8 earthquake ruptured the central coastal segment of the Ecuadorian subduction zone. Shortly after the earthquake, the Instituto Geofisico de la Escuela Politecnica Nacional of Ecuador, together with several international institutions deployed a dense, temporary seismic network to accurately categorize the post-seismic aftershock sequence. Instrumentation included short-period and broadband sensors, along with Ocean Bottom Seismometers. This deployment complemented the permanent Ecuadorian seismic network and recorded the developing aftershock sequence for a period of one year following the main-shock. A subset of 345 events with ML > 3.5, were manually picked in the period of May to August 2016, providing highly accurate P- and S-onset times. From this catalogue, a high-quality dataset of 227 events, with an azimuthal gap <200°, are simultaneously inverted for, obtaining the minimum 1D velocity model for the rupture region, along with hypocentral locations and station corrections. We observe an average Vp/Vs of 1.82 throughout the study region, with relatively higher Vp/Vs values of 1.95 and 2.18 observed for the shallowest layers down to 7.5 km. The high relative Vp/Vs ratio (1.93) of the deeper section, between 30 km and 40 km, is attributed to dehydration and serpentinization processes. For the relocated seismicity distribution, clusters of events align perpendicular to the trench, and crustal seismicity is also evidenced, along with earthquakes located close to the trench axis. We also compute Regional Moment Tensors to analyze the different sources of seismicity after the mainshock. Aside from thrust events related to the subduction process, normal and strike-slip mechanisms are detected. We suggest that the presence of subducting seamounts coming from the Carnegie Ridge act as erosional agents, helping to create a scenario which promotes locking and allows seismicity to extend up to the trench, along zones of weakness activated after large earthquakes

    Research Reports Andean Past 6

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    Diseño de una estrategia de venta de asientos para el financiamiento del nuevo Estadio del Club Universidad de Chile

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    Memoria para optar al título de Ingeniero Civil IndustrialEl Club de Fútbol Universidad de Chile a lo largo de su historia ha vivido épocas gloriosas, obteniendo varios logros a nivel deportivo. Sin embargo, a nivel institucional aún tiene algunos objetivos por cumplir, dentro de los cuales destaca tener su propio estadio. Desde la fundación del club hasta hoy, ha habido varios intentos concretos de construir un estadio para el club, teniendo todos como principal causa de fracaso no haber logrado diseñar y gestionar una estrategia de financiamiento lo suficientemente buena para lograr tal objetivo. Es por lo anterior y con el afán de recaudar la mayor cantidad de dinero, que Azul Azul desea analizar en profundidad una de las posibles fuentes de financiamiento del estadio, la venta de abonos a largo plazo, y saber qué tipos de abonos poner a la venta, a qué precios y cuáles serían sus respectivas demandas. Dado lo anterior, el objetivo principal de este Trabajo de Título es diseñar una estrategia que maximice los ingresos por concepto de venta de abonos a largo plazo del nuevo estadio, de modo tal de poder financiar parcialmente su construcción. Para cumplir tal objetivo se realizó en primera instancia una investigación cualitativa, principalmente mediante entrevistas a actuales abonados para encontrar las eventuales características que pudiesen tener estos tipos de abonos, surgiendo nuevas características como opción de estacionamiento y uso ampliado de la tarjeta de abonado, entre otras cosas. Luego, utilizando un Análisis Conjunto Adaptativo y mediante una encuesta, se midieron las valoraciones de las distintas características de un abono a una muestra de 410 abonados. Más adelante, utilizando dichas valoraciones, se diseñó un modelo de optimización que entregó como resultado la configuración óptima de abonos a vender, estimando unos ingresos esperados de 16.604,8millonesporpartedelosactualesabonados,loscualespodrıˊanaumentarhastaen16.604,8 millones por parte de los actuales abonados, los cuales podrían aumentar hasta en 464,3 millones si se decide eliminar alguna de las restricciones impuestas por Azul Azul. Por último, para facilitar la venta de los abonos, se elaboraron algunas recomendaciones o lineamientos de un plan promocional que permiten identificar, a grandes rasgos, la audiencia objetivo, medios de dar a conocer el producto, mensaje, formas de incentivar la compra, etc