29 research outputs found

    Zinc and calcium apparent absorption from an infant cereal: a stable isotope study in healthy infants

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    Fractional apparent absorption of Zn and Ca from a wheat-milk-based infant cereal was studied in six healthy infants (18-30 weeks old). Mineral absorption was measured by a stable-isotope technique based on faecal excretion of the isotopes. Each test meal (40 g cereal) was extrinsically labelled with 70Zn and 42Ca before intake. All faecal material passed during the 21 d following intake of the labelled test meal was collected on trace-element-free nappies. Individual stool samples were analysed for their content of ‘OZn and 42Ca by thermal ionization mass spectrometry. Apparent absorption was calculated as intake minus total faecal excretion of the isotopes over 68-92 h after administration. The fractional apparent absorption values for Zn and Ca were 33.9 (SD 164) % (range 19.2-639 %) and 53.5 (SD 12.6) %) (range 36.7-71.7 %) respectively. Re-excretion of absorbed 70Zn (> 68-92 h to 21 d after intake of the labelled meal) was 044 (SD 038) %] of administered dose while only one infant re-excreted detectable amounts of 42Ca (1.74%) of administered dose). The analysis of individual stool samples confirmed that 72 h is a sufficient time period for complete collections of non-absorbed isotopes in faecal material from infants during the weaning period and that re-excretion of initially absorbed 70Zn and 42Ca (> 68-92 h to 21 d after intake of the labelled meal) is negligibl

    Severity scoring of manganese health effects for categorical regression

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    Characterizing the U-shaped exposure response relationship for manganese (Mn) is necessary for estimating the risk of adverse health from Mn toxicity due to excess or deficiency. Categorical regression has emerged as a powerful tool for exposure-response analysis because of its ability to synthesize relevant information across multiple studies and species into a single integrated analysis of all relevant data. This paper documents the development of a database on Mn toxicity designed to support the application of categorical regression techniques. Specifically, we describe (i) the conduct of a systematic search of the literature on Mn toxicity to gather data appropriate for dose-response assessment; (ii) the establishment of inclusion/exclusion criteria for data to be included in the categorical regression modeling database; (iii) the development of a categorical severity scoring matrix for Mn health effects to permit the inclusion of diverse health outcomes in a single categorical regression analysis using the severity score as the outcome variable; and (iv) the convening of an international expert panel to both review the severity scoring matrix and assign severity scores to health outcomes observed in studies (including case reports, epidemiological investigations, and in vivo experimental studies) selected for inclusion in the categorical regression database. Exposure information including route, concentration, duration, health endpoint(s), and characteristics of the exposed population was abstracted from included studies and stored in a computerized manganese database (MnDB), providing a comprehensive repository of exposure-response information with the ability to support categorical regression modeling of oral exposure data

    Nutrition issues in Codex: health claims, nutrient reference values and WTO agreements: a conference report

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    BACKGROUND: Codex documents may be used as educational and consensus materials for member governments. Also, the WTO SPS Agreement recognizes Codex as the presumptive international authority on food issues. Nutrient bioavailability is a critical factor in determining the ability of nutrients to provide beneficial effects. Bioavailability also influences the quantitative dietary requirements that are the basis of nutrient intake recommendations and NRVs. HEALTH CLAIMS: Codex, EFSA and some national regulatory authorities have established guidelines or regulations that will permit several types of health claims. The scientific basis for claims has been established by the US FDA and EFSA, but not yet by Codex. Evidence-based nutrition differs from evidence-based medicine, but the differences are only recently gaining recognition. Health claims on foods may provide useful information to consumers, but many will interpret the information to mean that they can rely upon the food or nutrient to eliminate a disease risk. NUTRIENT REFERENCE VALUES: NRVs are designed to provide a quantitative basis for comparing the nutritive values of foods, helping to illustrate how specific foods fit into the overall diet. The INL-98 and the mean of adult male and female values provide NRVs that are sufficient when used as targets for individual intakes by most adults. WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION AGREEMENTS: WTO recognizes Codex as the primary international authority on food issues. Current regulatory schemes based on recommended dietary allowances are trade restrictive. A substantial number of decisions by the EFSA could lead to violation of WTO agreements

    The use of categorical regression in evidence integration

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    Exposure-response assessment methods have shifted towards more quantitative approaches, with health risk assessors exploring more statistically driven techniques. These assessments, however, usually rely on one critical health effect from a single key study. Categorical regression addresses this limitation by incorporating data from all relevant studies – including human, animal, and mechanistic studies - thereby including a broad spectrum of health endpoints and exposure levels for exposure-response analysis in an objective manner. Categorical regression requires the establishment of ordered response categories corresponding to increasingly severe adverse health outcomes, and the availability of a comprehensive database that summarizes all data on different outcomes from different studies, including the exposure or dose at which these outcomes are observed and their severity. It has found application in the risk assessment of essential nutrients and trace metals. Since adverse effects may arise from either deficient or excess exposure, the exposure-response curve is U-shaped, which provides a basis for determining optimal intake levels that minimize the joint risks of deficiency and excess. This article provides an overview of the use of categorical regression fit exposure-response models incorporating data from multiple evidence streams. An extension of categorical regression that permits the simultaneous analysis of excess and deficiency toxicity data is presented and applied to comprehensive databases on copper and manganese. Future applications of categorical regression will be able to make greater use of diverse data sets developed using new approach methodologies, which can be expected to provide valuable information on toxic responses of varying severity

    Guidance for establishing and applying tolerable upper intake levels for vitamins and essential minerals:Draft for internal testing

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    Vitamins and essential minerals are micronutrients that are essential for the normal functioning of the human body. However, they may lead to adverse health effects if consumed in excess. The concept of a tolerable upper intake level (UL) is a science-based reference value, which was introduced to support policy-makers and other relevant actors in managing the risks of excess nutrient intake. EFSA\u2019s principles for establishing ULs for vitamins and minerals were originally developed by the Scientific Committee on Food in 2000. Since then, experience has been gained and the scientific field developed. This guidance from the EFSA Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens provides an updated framework to support EFSA\u2019s UL assessments. It covers aspects related to the planning of the risk assessment (problem formulation and definition of methods) and its implementation (evidence retrieval, appraisal, synthesis, integration, uncertainty analysis). As in the previous framework, the general principles developed for the risk assessment of chemicals in food are applied (hazard identification, hazard characterisation, intake assessment, risk characterisation). Peculiar to nutrients are their biochemical and physiological roles and the specific and selective mechanisms that maintain the systemic homoeostasis and body burden of the nutrient. These must be considered when conducting a risk assessment of nutrients. This document constitutes a draft guidance that will be applied in EFSA\u2019s assessments during a 1-year pilot phase and be revised and complemented as necessary. Before finalisation of the guidance, a public consultation will be launched

    Scientific opinion on the tolerable upper intake level for selenium

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    Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens (NDA) was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the tolerable upper intake level (UL) for selenium. Systematic reviews of the literature were conducted to identify evidence regarding excess selenium intake and clinical effects and potential biomarkers of effect, risk of chronic diseases and impaired neuropsychological development in humans. Alopecia, as an early observable feature and a well‐established adverse effect of excess selenium exposure, is selected as the critical endpoint on which to base a UL for selenium. A lowest‐observed‐adverse‐effect‐level (LOAEL) of 330 μg/day is identified from a large randomised controlled trial in humans (the Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial (SELECT)), to which an uncertainty factor of 1.3 is applied. A UL of 255 μg/day is established for adult men and women (including pregnant and lactating women). ULs for children are derived from the UL for adults using allometric scaling (body weight(0.75)). Based on available intake data, adult consumers are unlikely to exceed the UL, except for regular users of food supplements containing high daily doses of selenium or regular consumers of Brazil nuts. No risk has been reported with the current levels of selenium intake in European countries from food (excluding food supplements) in toddlers and children, and selenium intake arising from the natural content of foods does not raise reasons for concern. Selenium‐containing supplements in toddlers and children should be used with caution, based on individual needs

    Dietary reference values for chloride

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    This publication is linked to the following EFSA Supporting Publications articles: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.2903/sp.efsa.2019.EN-1679/full, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.2903/sp.efsa.2017.e15121/full This publication is linked to the following EFSA Journal article: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.2903/j.efsa.2019.5778/fullPeer reviewedPublisher PD