47 research outputs found

    Self-dispersal of lodgepole pine from forest stands in southern Sweden : A field study in Östergötland and SmĂ„land

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    Contorta (Pinus contorta) Ă€r ett barrtrĂ€dslag som naturligt finns i vĂ€stra Nordamerika och Ă€r inplanterat frĂ€mst i norra Sverige. Syftet med detta arbete Ă€r att utvĂ€rdera hur lĂ„ngt och i vilken omfattning contorta spridit sig frĂ„n Ă€ldre bestĂ„nd i södra Sverige. Resultatet skulle kunna anvĂ€ndas vid bedömning om det finns en spridningsrisk i södra Sverige. De tre bestĂ„nden som anvĂ€ndes vid detta arbete ligger i södra Östergötland och norra SmĂ„land. Datainsamlingen utfördes i tre steg i respektive bestĂ„nd: 1. Bedömning om contorta kan spridas och etableras frĂ„n bestĂ„nd i södra Sverige. 2. Inventering av contortaplantor i subjektivt valda ytor. 3. Kvantitativ inventering av contortaplantor i systematiskt utlagda linjer, 2 meter breda och 250 meter lĂ„nga, i fyra riktningar utgĂ„ende frĂ„n bestĂ„ndskant. I inventeringen av subjektivt utvalda ytor hittades contortaplantor 350 meter frĂ„n contortabestĂ„nd och i den kvantitativa inventeringen 50 meter frĂ„n contortabestĂ„nd. Totalt hittades 27 contortaplantor (motsvarande 450 st/ha) i subjektivt utlagda ytor och 18 contortaplantor (45 st/ha) hittades i den kvantitativa inventeringen. Alla funna contortaplantor hittades pĂ„ störd mark och dĂ€r trĂ€dkronans tĂ€ckning var noll, dvs. dĂ€r ljustillgĂ„ngen var högst. Det Ă€r dĂ€remot inte möjligt att, utifrĂ„n denna studie, sĂ€ga vilken faktor som Ă€r primĂ€r för contortaplantornas etablering, markstörning eller ljustillgĂ„ng.Contorta (Pinus contorta) is a coniferous tree species from western North America that has been introduced mainly in northern Sweden. The purpose of this work was to evaluate how far and to what extent (number of self-dispersal seedlings/ha) Contorta has spread from older populations in southern Sweden. The result can be used in assessing the risk of spreading in southern Sweden. The three forest stands used for this work were located in southern Östergötland and northern SmĂ„land, Sweden. The data collection was done in three stages in each stand: 1. Assessment if contorta can be disseminated and established from stocks in southern Sweden. 2. Subjective inventory of Contorta plants in selected areas. 3. Quantitative inventory of contorta plants along defined corridors, 2 meters wide and 250 meters long, in four directions from the edge of the stock. In the inventory of subjectively selected areas, contorta plants were found 350 meters from a contorta stand and in the objective inventory 50 meters from a contorta stand. A total of 27 contorta plants (equivalent to 450 plants/ha) was found in subjectively inventory and 18 contorta plants (45 plants/ha) were found in the quantitative inventory. All Contorta seedlings were found on disturbed ground and where the canopy cover of trees was zero, i.e. where the access to light was highest. On the other hand, based on this study, it is not possible to say which factor is most important for the establishment, field disturbance or light supply

    Ett evenemangs effekter pĂ„ sin vĂ€rddestination : En studie av FjĂ€llmaratonveckan i Åre kommun

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    Betyg 180608.</p

    Bedömningsgrunder vid omhÀndertagande av hund : En jÀmförelse mellan sex lÀnsstyrelser i Sverige

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    The dog brings great joy and is of great benefit to humans, for example as a companion dog, hunting dog, service dog and assistance dog. In some cases, dogs cause problems and society must then intervene. The Act of Supervision of Dogs and Cats aims at preventing damage and significant inconvenience that can be caused by dogs and cats. If a dog causes damage or nuisance according to The Act of Supervision of Dogs and Cats, the law can support a decision to seize a dog by the County Administrative Board or the Police Authority. Often the dog is seized because it has bitten another dog, human or other animal. In case of seizure, an investigation must be carried out by the County Administrative Board to assess the dog's mental and physical status. The Police inspector performs a mental examination of the dog, and a Veterinarian examines the dog's physical status. The County Administrative Board then decides whether the dog should be returned to its owner, rehomed, or euthanized. This study has examined the county administrations' work in Norrbotten, SkĂ„ne, Stockholm, VĂ€sterbotten, VĂ€stmanland and VĂ€stra Götaland. A total of 89 dogs were seized in the six counties, between the years 2019–2021, 53 male dogs (approx. 60%) and 36 female dogs (approx. 40%). Euthanasia was the most frequently performed measure, 42 dogs were euthanized. Others were returned or rehomed. In general, all six county administrations carry out careful investigations, but a clear difference between them is how often the county administrations follow the police's proposed measures. The county administrative boards decide on euthanasia more often, 42 out of 89 times (47%), than the police give suggestions on euthanasia, 34 out of 89 times (38%). The new regulation, which entered into force on February 1, 2022, makes it possible for the county administrations to be even more thorough in their investigations of dogs in care. In addition to a mental examination and veterinary examination, the county administrations must also request a statement from the kennel about the dog's behaviour towards people and animals.Hunden ger stor glĂ€dje och gör stor nytta för mĂ€nniskan, exempelvis som sĂ€llskapshund, jakthund, tjĂ€nstehund och assistanshund. I enstaka fall orsakar hundar problem och samhĂ€llet mĂ„ste dĂ„ ingripa. Lagen (2007:1150) om tillsyn över hundar och katter, hĂ€refter ”TL” eller ”tillsynslagen” finns för att förebygga skador och avsevĂ€rda olĂ€genheter som kan orsakas av hund och katt. Om en hund orsakar skada eller olĂ€genhet enligt TL kan hunden omhĂ€ndertas av lĂ€nsstyrelse eller Polismyndigheten. Ofta blir hunden omhĂ€ndertagen för att den har bitit en annan hund, mĂ€nniska eller annat djur.  Vid ett omhĂ€ndertagande ska en utredning genomföras av lĂ€nsstyrelsen för att bedöma hundens psykiska- och fysiska status. Besiktningsman pĂ„ polisen gör en mentalbesiktning av hunden och veterinĂ€r granskar hundens fysiska status. DĂ€refter tar lĂ€nsstyrelsen beslut om hunden ska Ă„terlĂ€mnas till sin Ă€gare, omplaceras eller avlivas. I denna studie har lĂ€nsstyrelserna arbete i Norrbotten, SkĂ„ne, Stockholm, VĂ€sterbotten, VĂ€stmanland och VĂ€stra Götaland granskats. Totalt omhĂ€ndertogs 89 hundar i de sex lĂ€nen, 2019–2021, 53 hanhundar (ca 60 %) och 36 tikar (ca 40 %). Avlivning var den Ă„tgĂ€rd som utfördes oftast, 42 hundar avlivades. Övriga Ă„terlĂ€mnades eller omplacerades. LĂ€nsstyrelserna beslutar oftare om avlivning, 42 av 89 gĂ„nger (47 %), Ă€n vad polisen ger förslag om avlivning, 34 av 89 gĂ„nger (38 %). Generellt gör alla sex lĂ€nsstyrelserna gedigna utredningar men det som framför allt skiljer dem Ă„t Ă€r hur ofta respektive lĂ€nsstyrelse följer polisens förslag pĂ„ Ă„tgĂ€rd. Den nya föreskriften som trĂ€dde i kraft 1 februari 2022 gör det möjligt för lĂ€nsstyrelserna att bli Ă€nnu mer noggranna i sina utredningar av omhĂ€ndertagna hundar. Utöver mentalbesiktning och veterinĂ€rundersökning ska lĂ€nsstyrelserna Ă€ven begĂ€ra utlĂ„tande frĂ„n uppstallningsplatsen, om hundens beteende mot mĂ€nniskor och djur

    The Patterns of Democratic Backsliding : A systematic comparison of Hungary, Turkey and Venezuela

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    This dissertation attempts to answer the research question on whether there is a common pattern of democratic backsliding. Levitsky and Ziblatt’s theoretical model of democratic backsliding is utilized as the guiding theory. The theory suggests that Democratic Backsliding has three stages where different goals are attempted to be achieved. The goals are first to take over state institutions, thereafter to use these institutions to target political opponents and protect the government from criticism. The third stage concerns entrenching the political dominance. The research question is answered by a systematic comparison of Hungary, Turkey and Venezuela. The results are that each case does follow the suggested path of democratic backsliding, with certain differences. More emphasis is put on the media, election monitoring, and how the institutions are controlled. The institutions are often taken control over by hijacking the nomination process, a fact overlooked by the theoretical model. These aspects are not expanded on in the theoretical model, and this dissertation suggest adding these to the model

    Timber quality and volume growth in naturally regenerated and planted Scots pine stands in S. W. Sweden

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    Timber quality in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands in Sweden has deteriorated during the 20th century. A possible cause of this is the increasing proportion of timber that originates in planted stands. Two naturally regenerated and two planted pine stands, of the same genetic origin, were compared. The planted stands were established as spacing experiments (1.25 x 1.25-2.5 x 2.5 m) at Tönnersjöheden Experimental Forest (lat. 56"42'N, long.l3"06'E, alt. 60 m). Volume growth and timber quality, i.e. taper, crookedness, number of branches, branch thickness, branch angle, crown size, occurrence of spike knots and damage were compared. The quality of dominant and co-dominant trees was higher in the naturally regenerated stands than in the planted stands. Of the planted trees, only 25% were straight, compared with 86% of naturally regenerated trees. In the planted stands, the mean diameter of the thickest branch below 2 m was 23 mm, compared to 15 mm in the naturally regenerated stands. Timber quality and planting density were also positively correlated, quality being very poor at the widest spacings. Volume growth at initial spacings of 1.75 x 1.75 m and denser was estimated to be 5-10% higher than that in the naturally regenerated stands

    Humanity's Place in Utopia is Nowhere

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    Utopia, the perfect society, is a concept linked with the perfect human being. These concepts are the focus of Arthur C. Clarke's The City and the Stars, and this essay will examine how the text challenges ideas of humanity and utopia. The two utopias are presented in The City and the Stars, with one branch of genetically engineered humans on Earth in each utopia. Their differences in approaches to challenges sets them apart. While examining the text literary and philosophical concepts of utopia and humanity will be used to better understand the text. The text shows us the significance of facing challenges. Moreover, that utopia, while desirable, is not for humankind as humanity's potential will not be reached when it resides in a utopia.  Humanity is defined by complex emotions that are hard to allow to exist in utopias.

    The Patterns of Democratic Backsliding : A systematic comparison of Hungary, Turkey and Venezuela

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    This dissertation attempts to answer the research question on whether there is a common pattern of democratic backsliding. Levitsky and Ziblatt’s theoretical model of democratic backsliding is utilized as the guiding theory. The theory suggests that Democratic Backsliding has three stages where different goals are attempted to be achieved. The goals are first to take over state institutions, thereafter to use these institutions to target political opponents and protect the government from criticism. The third stage concerns entrenching the political dominance. The research question is answered by a systematic comparison of Hungary, Turkey and Venezuela. The results are that each case does follow the suggested path of democratic backsliding, with certain differences. More emphasis is put on the media, election monitoring, and how the institutions are controlled. The institutions are often taken control over by hijacking the nomination process, a fact overlooked by the theoretical model. These aspects are not expanded on in the theoretical model, and this dissertation suggest adding these to the model

    Humanity's Place in Utopia is Nowhere

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    Utopia, the perfect society, is a concept linked with the perfect human being. These concepts are the focus of Arthur C. Clarke's The City and the Stars, and this essay will examine how the text challenges ideas of humanity and utopia. The two utopias are presented in The City and the Stars, with one branch of genetically engineered humans on Earth in each utopia. Their differences in approaches to challenges sets them apart. While examining the text literary and philosophical concepts of utopia and humanity will be used to better understand the text. The text shows us the significance of facing challenges. Moreover, that utopia, while desirable, is not for humankind as humanity's potential will not be reached when it resides in a utopia.  Humanity is defined by complex emotions that are hard to allow to exist in utopias.

    Bedömningsgrunder vid omhÀndertagande av hund : En jÀmförelse mellan sex lÀnsstyrelser i Sverige

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    The dog brings great joy and is of great benefit to humans, for example as a companion dog, hunting dog, service dog and assistance dog. In some cases, dogs cause problems and society must then intervene. The Act of Supervision of Dogs and Cats aims at preventing damage and significant inconvenience that can be caused by dogs and cats. If a dog causes damage or nuisance according to The Act of Supervision of Dogs and Cats, the law can support a decision to seize a dog by the County Administrative Board or the Police Authority. Often the dog is seized because it has bitten another dog, human or other animal. In case of seizure, an investigation must be carried out by the County Administrative Board to assess the dog's mental and physical status. The Police inspector performs a mental examination of the dog, and a Veterinarian examines the dog's physical status. The County Administrative Board then decides whether the dog should be returned to its owner, rehomed, or euthanized. This study has examined the county administrations' work in Norrbotten, SkĂ„ne, Stockholm, VĂ€sterbotten, VĂ€stmanland and VĂ€stra Götaland. A total of 89 dogs were seized in the six counties, between the years 2019–2021, 53 male dogs (approx. 60%) and 36 female dogs (approx. 40%). Euthanasia was the most frequently performed measure, 42 dogs were euthanized. Others were returned or rehomed. In general, all six county administrations carry out careful investigations, but a clear difference between them is how often the county administrations follow the police's proposed measures. The county administrative boards decide on euthanasia more often, 42 out of 89 times (47%), than the police give suggestions on euthanasia, 34 out of 89 times (38%). The new regulation, which entered into force on February 1, 2022, makes it possible for the county administrations to be even more thorough in their investigations of dogs in care. In addition to a mental examination and veterinary examination, the county administrations must also request a statement from the kennel about the dog's behaviour towards people and animals.Hunden ger stor glĂ€dje och gör stor nytta för mĂ€nniskan, exempelvis som sĂ€llskapshund, jakthund, tjĂ€nstehund och assistanshund. I enstaka fall orsakar hundar problem och samhĂ€llet mĂ„ste dĂ„ ingripa. Lagen (2007:1150) om tillsyn över hundar och katter, hĂ€refter ”TL” eller ”tillsynslagen” finns för att förebygga skador och avsevĂ€rda olĂ€genheter som kan orsakas av hund och katt. Om en hund orsakar skada eller olĂ€genhet enligt TL kan hunden omhĂ€ndertas av lĂ€nsstyrelse eller Polismyndigheten. Ofta blir hunden omhĂ€ndertagen för att den har bitit en annan hund, mĂ€nniska eller annat djur.  Vid ett omhĂ€ndertagande ska en utredning genomföras av lĂ€nsstyrelsen för att bedöma hundens psykiska- och fysiska status. Besiktningsman pĂ„ polisen gör en mentalbesiktning av hunden och veterinĂ€r granskar hundens fysiska status. DĂ€refter tar lĂ€nsstyrelsen beslut om hunden ska Ă„terlĂ€mnas till sin Ă€gare, omplaceras eller avlivas. I denna studie har lĂ€nsstyrelserna arbete i Norrbotten, SkĂ„ne, Stockholm, VĂ€sterbotten, VĂ€stmanland och VĂ€stra Götaland granskats. Totalt omhĂ€ndertogs 89 hundar i de sex lĂ€nen, 2019–2021, 53 hanhundar (ca 60 %) och 36 tikar (ca 40 %). Avlivning var den Ă„tgĂ€rd som utfördes oftast, 42 hundar avlivades. Övriga Ă„terlĂ€mnades eller omplacerades. LĂ€nsstyrelserna beslutar oftare om avlivning, 42 av 89 gĂ„nger (47 %), Ă€n vad polisen ger förslag om avlivning, 34 av 89 gĂ„nger (38 %). Generellt gör alla sex lĂ€nsstyrelserna gedigna utredningar men det som framför allt skiljer dem Ă„t Ă€r hur ofta respektive lĂ€nsstyrelse följer polisens förslag pĂ„ Ă„tgĂ€rd. Den nya föreskriften som trĂ€dde i kraft 1 februari 2022 gör det möjligt för lĂ€nsstyrelserna att bli Ă€nnu mer noggranna i sina utredningar av omhĂ€ndertagna hundar. Utöver mentalbesiktning och veterinĂ€rundersökning ska lĂ€nsstyrelserna Ă€ven begĂ€ra utlĂ„tande frĂ„n uppstallningsplatsen, om hundens beteende mot mĂ€nniskor och djur