90 research outputs found

    carapa guianensis aubl. and Carapa procera DC. (meliaceae)] by insects in Amazon

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    The objectives of this study were to identify the insects associated to seed predation of Carapa guianensis and Carapa procera, to evaluate the seeds damage potential of these insects and the occurrence of vertical stratification in the predation of Carapa seeds. The study was carried out in C. guianensis and C. procera plantations at Reserva Florestal Ducke, Manaus, Amazonas State, Brazil. The seed samples from the ground were taken weekly, and the canopy samples were taken monthly from three different heights. To evaluate the effect of predation on germination, 30 non-predated seeds and 30 predated seeds were collected monthly from the ground at each plot, and the germination was monitored during a month. The results showed that Hypsipyla grandella and H. ferrealis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) are the main insect species associated to seed predation in C. procera and C. guianensis, with predation mean rates of 39% to 61,96%, respectively. Fruit and seed predation were observed inside the canopy vertical stratification of the two Carapa species. The seed predation in C. procera and C. guianensis by Hypsipyla spp. reduced the germination process. This study produced information on the association between C. procera and C. guianensis and the species of Hypsipyla

    Naturally Occurring Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors and Their Potential Use for Alzheimer's Disease Therapy

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a main cause of dementia, accounting for up to 75% of all dementia cases. Pathophysiological processes described for AD progression involve neurons and synapses degeneration, mainly characterized by cholinergic impairment. This feature makes acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEi) the main class of drugs currently used for the treatment of AD dementia phase, among which galantamine is the only naturally occurring substance. However, several plant species producing diverse classes of alkaloids, coumarins, terpenes, and polyphenols have been assessed for their anti-AChE activity, becoming potential candidates for new anti-AD drugs. Therefore, this mini-review aimed to recapitulate last decade studies on the anti-AChE activity of plant species, their respective extracts, as well as isolated compounds. The anti-AChE activity of extracts prepared from 54 plant species pertaining 29 families, as well as 36 isolated compounds were classified and discussed according to their anti-AChE pharmacological potency to highlight the most prominent ones. Besides, relevant limitations, such as proper antioxidant assessment, and scarcity of toxicological and clinical studies were also discussed in order to help researchers out with the bioprospection of potentially new AChEi

    O que precisamos saber sobre Monkeypox em humanos: fatos, não fakes

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    The aim was to provide scientific reflections based on concepts and evidence presented by studies published on the subject in the current year. This is an integrative review, carried out during the month of July 2022. The search led us to 15 articles selected for meeting the precepts of the research question established as a guide. Monkeypox is not a sexually transmitted infection, although it can be transmitted by close contact during sexual intercourse, when an active rash develops, regardless of the practitioners' sexual orientation. As with COVID-19, the use of masks, distancing and hand hygiene are ways to avoid contagion by monkeypox. Multimodal strategies, evidence-based discourses/publications, use of bundles and protocols, as well as articulations between academia, governments, services and civil society, should honor the diversity of compositions to strengthen actions and practices that preserve the autonomy of the individual and of society as a whole.Objetivou-se propiciar reflexões científicas baseadas em conceitos e evidências apresentadas por estudos publicados sobre o assunto no ano vigente. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa, realizada ao longo do mês de julho de 2022. A busca nos levou a 15 artigos selecionados por atenderem aos preceitos da pergunta de pesquisa estabelecida como guia. A varíola dos macacos não é uma infecção sexualmente transmissível, embora possa ser transmitida por contato próximo durante a relação sexual, quando uma erupção cutânea ativa se desenvolve, independente da opção sexual dos praticantes. Assim como na COVID-19, o uso de máscaras, o distanciamento e a higienização das mãos são formas de evitar o contágio pela varíola dos macacos. Estratégias multimodais, discursos/publicações baseadas em evidência, utilização de bundles e protocolos, bem como articulações entre a academia, governos, serviços e sociedade civil, devem prestigiar a diversidade de composições para o fortalecimento de ações e práticas que preservem a autonomia do indivíduo e da sociedade como um todo


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    O presente trabalho consiste no estudo da previsão da dinâmica do íon cálcio através do solo do Aterro Municipal de Volta Redonda, situado no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. O estudo se baseia no movimento do líquido contaminante (solução) no meio poroso (solo), com a determinação da sua taxa de sorção. Para tanto, foram realizados ensaios em colunas de PVC, contendo solo do Aterro, onde ocorre o processo de transferência do íon cálcio entre a solução contaminante e o solo. Utilizaram-se como solução contaminante o lixiviado do Aterro e a solução de gesso agrícola. Foram realizados ensaios de laboratório para determinar parâmetros de interação do solo com o íon cálcio e simulações computacionais para prever o comportamento do transporte do íon após período de 5 dias. O modelo utilizado foi o MPHMTP (Multi Phase Heat and Mass Transfer Program) desenvolvido pelo programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Metalúrgica de Volta Redonda (PPGM/EEIMVR/UFF). A simulação computacional determina numericamente os parâmetros de transporte no sistema solo-chorume. Os resultados obtidos durante a realização deste trabalho mostraram que a migração do cálcio pode ser explicada através da ação simultânea de três fenômenos, que são: difusão, sorção e advecção. Palavras-chave: difusão, sorção, mecanismos de transporte, lixiviado ABSTRACT Experimental and numerical study of the behavior of Calcium ion in the Volta Redonda municipal solid waste landfill. The present work aims to study the dynamics of calcium ion within the soil of Volta Redonda Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) landfill, located in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. The study is based on the movement of fluid contaminant (solution) into the porous matrix (soil) and determination of the sorption rate of calcium. The experimental procedure was carried out in PVC columns containing soil from the Landfill, with both, the leachate of the MSW and synthetic solutions with controlled concentrations of calcium ion. The experimental results were carried out for 5 days and the concentrations of the liquid were recorded. A computer software (MPHMTP), developed by the Graduate Program on Metallurgical Engineering of Volta Redonda (PPGM/EEIMVR/UFF) was used to determine the transport parameters and the ion concentration on liquid and solid for same conditions of the experiment. The computational simulation determines numerically the parameters of transport in the system soilleachate. Based on the experimental and numerical simulations carried out in this investigation, it is concluded that the migration of calcium can be explained by the simultaneous action of phenomena which are diffusion, advection in the liquid solution and sorption/desorption in the soil particles. Key words: diffusion, sorption, transport mechanisms, leachat

    a hospital-based cohort study

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    Publisher Copyright: © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2023. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.OBJECTIVES: Healthcare workers (HCWs) were the first to be prioritised for COVID-19 vaccination. This study aims to estimate the COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness (VE) against SARS-CoV-2 symptomatic infection among HCWs in Portuguese hospitals. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: We analysed data from HCWs (all professional categories) from three central hospitals: one in the Lisbon and Tagus Valley region and two in the central region of mainland Portugal, between December 2020 and March 2022. VE against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection was estimated as one minus the confounder adjusted HRs by Cox models considering age group, sex, self-reported chronic disease and occupational exposure to patients diagnosed with COVID-19 as adjustment variables. RESULTS: During the 15 months of follow-up, the 3034 HCWs contributed a total of 3054 person-years at risk, and 581 SARS-CoV-2 events occurred. Most participants were already vaccinated with a booster dose (n=2653, 87%), some are vaccinated with only the primary scheme (n=369, 12.6%) and a few remained unvaccinated (n=12, 0.4%) at the end of the study period. VE against symptomatic infection was 63.6% (95% CI 22.6% to 82.9%) for HCWs vaccinated with two doses and 55.9% (95% CI -1.3% to 80.8%) for HCWs vaccinated with one booster dose. Point estimate VE was higher for individuals with two doses taken between 14 days and 98 days (VE=71.9%; 95% CI 32.3% to 88.3%). CONCLUSION: This cohort study found a high COVID-19 VE against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection in Portuguese HCWs after vaccination with one booster dose, even after Omicron variant occurrence. The small sample size, the high vaccine coverage, the very low number of unvaccinated individuals and the few events observed during the study period contributed to the low precision of the estimates.publishersversionpublishe

    Coxsackievirus A6 strains causing an outbreak of hand-foot-and-mouth disease in Northeastern Brazil in 2018

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    Hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD) is a highly contagious viral disease commonly associated to Enteroviruses (EV). During 2018, Brazil faced massive HFMD outbreaks spread across the country. This study aimed to characterize the EV responsible for the HFMD outbreak that occurred in Paraiba State, Brazilian Northeastern region, in 2018, followed by a phylogenetic analysis to detail information on its genetic diversity. A total of 49 serum samples (one from each patient) collected from children ≤ 15 years old, clinically diagnosed with HFMD were tested for EV using conventional RT-PCR and RT-qPCR. EV infection was confirmed in 71.4% (35/49) of samples. The mean and median ages were 1.83 years and one year old, respectively. Twenty-two EV-positive samples were successfully sequenced and classified as EV-A species; 13 samples were also identified with the CV-A6 genotype. The phylogenetic analysis (VP1 region) of three samples revealed that the detected CV-A6 strains belonged to sub-lineage D3. The CV-A6 strains detected here clustered with strains from South America, Europe and West Asia strains that were also involved in HFMD cases during the 2017-2018 seasons, in addition to the previously detected Brazilian CV-A6 strains from 2012 to 2017, suggesting a global co-circulation of a set of different CV-A6 strains introduced in the country at different times. The growing circulation of the emerging CV-A6 associated with HFMD, together with the detection of more severe cases worldwide, suggests the need for a more intense surveillance system of HFMD in Brazil. In addition, this investigation was performed exclusively on serum samples, and the analysis of whole blood samples should be considered and could have shown advantages when employed in the diagnosis of enteroviral HFMD outbreaks


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    A raiva é considerada uma zoonose de notificação compulsória pelo Ministério daSaúde (MS) e notificação obrigatória pelo Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA). O controle da raiva é regulamentado pelo Programa Nacional de Controle da Raiva dos Herbívoros (PNCRH) do MAPA. Os técnicos do Núcleo de Defesa Agropecuária (NDA) do Rio de Janeiro da Secretaria de Estado de Agricultura, Pecuária, Pesca e Abastecimento (SEAPPA) do estado do Rio de Janeiro proferem palestras na sua área de abrangência levando o conhecimentosobre as enfermidades, principalmente os agravos de notificação obrigatória, como a raiva animal para produtores rurais, escolares e veterinários da iniciativa privada. São abordados durante as palestras os seguintes assuntos sobre o tema raiva: o agente causador, os principais reservatórios no meio rural e urbano, a identificação de morcegos hematófagos e não hematófagos, como transmite, controle através de políticas públicas, a prevenção com a vacinação de animais de estimação e produção, medidas profiláticas ao ser atacado por animal suspeito, evitar tocar em morcegos caídos no chão. O presente relato tem o objetivo de registrar as palestras proferidas pelos técnicos do NDA Rio de Janeiro, realizadas no ano de 2019, sobre o tema raiva animal paraescolares do ensino fundamental e médio das redes municipal e particular dos municípios de Belford Roxo, Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro e São João de Meriti. Ao todo foram 40 palestras e 749 alunos participantes, com a seguinte distribuição por município: Belford Roxo (8 palestras/138 alunos), Duque de Caxias (16 palestras/398 alunos), Rio de Janeiro (6 palestras/48 alunos) e SãoJoão de Meriti (10 palestras/165 alunos), com a distribuição de folders e revistas informativas sobre o tema raiva animal. As palestras colocaram em prática a educação em saúde animal, possibilitando um maior contato dos alunos com as principais zoonoses da cidade e do campo desenvolvendo a consciência de controle e prevenção de doenças, além da propagação da informação recebida para a sua comunidade. Em 2018, Milhomens registrou 295 casos de raiva emherbívoros ocorridos no estado do Rio de Janeiro, no período de 2010 a 2016. A ratificação da circulação do vírus da raiva no estado do Rio de Janeiro justifica o planejamento e aplicação de ações educativas, de forma contínua, com base no conceito de saúde única, envolvendo as comunidades escolares rurais e urbanas visando trazer o conhecimento sobre as formas de controle de focos nas propriedades e a captura de morcegos transmissores da raiva realizadospela equipe da SEAPPA e a prevenção praticada pelos criadores através da vacinação anual dos animais desta importante enfermidade fatal para as espécies acometidas