593 research outputs found

    Complete classification of Minkowski vacua in generalised flux models

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    30 pages, 11 figures, 1 tableWe present a complete and systematic analysis of the Minkowski extrema of the N=1, D=4 Supergravity potential obtained from type II orientifold models that are T-duality invariant, in the presence of generalised fluxes. Based on our previous work on algebras spanned by fluxes, and the so-called no-go theorems on the existence of Minkowski and/or de Sitter vacua, we perform a partly analytic, partly numerical analysis of the promising cases previously hinted. We find that the models contain Minkowski extrema with one tachyonic direction. Moreover, those models defined by the Supergravity algebra so(3,1)^2 also contain Minkowski/de Sitter minima that are totally stable. All Minkowski solutions, stable or not, interpolate between points in parameter space where one or several of the moduli go to either zero or infinity, the so-called singular points. We finally reinterpret our results in the language of type IIA flux models, in order to show explicitly the contribution of the different sources of potential energy to the extrema found. In particular, the cases of totally stable Minkowski/de Sitter vacua require of the presence of non-geometric fluxes.A.G. acknowledges the financial support of a FPI (MEC) grant reference BES-2005-8412. This work has been partially supported by CICYT, Spain, under contract FPA 2007-60252, the European Union through the Marie Curie Research Training Network \UniverseNet" (MRTN-CT-2006-035863) and the Comunidad de Madrid through Proyecto HEPHACOS S-0505/ESP-0346. The work of BdC is supported by STFC (UK).Peer reviewe

    La influencia del giro lingüístico en la nueva retórica de Chaim Perelman

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    La historia va construyéndose a diario. Pasado, presente y futuro son las vetas de un enorme árbol que, pese a los años, sigue creciendo. No es asunto sencillo de estudiar. En la actualidad, con el auge de los medios de comunicación electrónicos y la inmediatez de la información, los cambios en el interior de las sociedades parecen corresponder a eventos o circunstancias estrictamente contextuales, como si lo histórico no fuera más que bruma y la historia un ir y venir constante de acontecimientos nuevos, sin ninguna conexión entre sí, como surgidos del sombrero de un mago. Lo cierto es que lo que parece nuevo no es más que la manifestación de un estado anterior y Occidente es un buen ejemplo de ello. Las virtudes y debilidades de la cultura occidental son un compendio de ideas y acontecimientos tan antiguos que harían sonrojar de envidia al hombre o la mujer que sustente el récord fútil de ser el más longevo del mundo. Así como nuestro rostro es el reflejo de una vida acumulada, donde cada arruga, cada cicatriz tiene un significado especial, así el pasado es mucho más que acontecimientos que fueron como el presente acontecimientos que son, juntos configuran el futuro de una sociedad y le confieren sentido

    La (des)confianza de los periodistas españoles hacia las instituciones públicas a partir del estudio de factores organizacionales

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    Existe un creciente interés en la bibliografía científica por conocer las prácticas y rutinas de las y los periodistas en distintos contextos (Hanitzsch et al., 2011). La confianza que tienen estos/as profesionales en las instituciones públicas es una variable clave para comprender su cultura profesional (Hanitzsch & Berganza, 2012; Brants, de Vreese, Möller & van Praag, 2010; van Dalen, Albæk & de Vreese, 2011), así como el interés y la confianza de la ciudadanía en la política (Cappella & Jamieson, 1997). Este estudio pretende conocer el nivel de confianza de las y los periodistas españoles en las instituciones públicas y verificar si el tipo, alcance y propiedad del medio influyen en dichos niveles de confianza. Para ello, se llevó a cabo una encuesta a una muestra probabilística de periodistas españoles (n=390) estratificada por tipo de medio y comunidad autónoma, entre marzo de 2014 y mayo de 2015. El estudio fue desarrollado como parte del proyecto Worlds of Journalism Study. En contraste con la última medición de Hanitzsch y Berganza (2014), los resultados muestran una caída significativa en los niveles de confianza, en especial hacia el sector político y, probablemente, como consecuencia de la crisis económica. Los datos del estudio revelan diferencias parciales en los niveles de confianza respecto al tipo de medio (televisión, radio, prensa, en línea, etc.), pero niveles homogéneos entre los diferentes alcances (regional, nacional) y propiedades (pública, privada, etc.) de los medios, de modo que se sugiere avanzar hacia modelos explicativos que permitan seguir profundizando en el origen de la desconfianza de las y los periodistas españoles/as. The scientific community has shown an increasing interest in exploring the practices and routines of journalists in different contexts (Hanitzsch et al., 2011). The trust journalists place in public institutions is a key variable to understand their professional culture (Hanitzsch & Berganza, 2012; Brants, de Vreese, Möller & van Praag, 2010; van Dalen, Albæk & de Vreese, 2011), as well as citizens' interest and trust in politics (Cappella & Jamieson, 1997). The goal of this paper is to identify the level of trust of Spanish journalists in public institutions and to verify whether media type, regional scope and ownership influence these trust levels. As part of the "Worlds of Journalism Study", an international research project, we surveyed a probabilistic sample (n=390) of Spanish journalists, stratified by media type and region, from March 2014 to May 2015. In comparison to the results of the last survey carried out by Hanitzsch & Berganza (2014), the findings of this study show a significant decrease in trust levels (specially towards politicians), probably as a consequence of the economic crisis. The analysis also revealed partial differences in journalists' trust levels according to media type (TV, radio, printed press, online press, etc.), but showed homogeneous trust levels among journalists working for media with different geographical reach (regional, national) and ownership (public, private, etc.). It is necessary to further develop this line of research with explanatory models that allow delving into the origins of the distrust of Spanish journalists

    Propuesta de estructura corporativa para la Empresa Distribuidora Ochenta y Seis S.A.

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Maestría en Dirección de Empresas) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Administración de Empresas, 2017.Distribuidora Ochenta y Seis S.A was born almost 30 years ago in San Ramón, Alajuela, due to the vision and entrepreneurship of a young bicycle lover who started its business in a garage at early age. During his first steps in the business world, he showed a lot of dedication, honest work and effort which has led his company to be one of the strongest in the western area of Costa Rica and one of the three biggest players in the bicycle Market in which it competes; However due to market evolution and strong competition, the organization begins with a process of professionalization and structuring which had allowed the company to not only survive but also thrive. Part of the story also includes reforming the company´s trident of values (corporate, family and property) into a single path that guarantees the success and healthy coexistence among the parts. That is why we are trying to carry out a project with a main question. Does the company Distribuidora Ochenta y Seis have the necessary corporate governance to supervise, direct, manage and measure the strategic and functional performance of the company, and also the tools to guide the good family business practices, which guarantee their operation and evolution with the passing of generations? The objective of this research is to give an affirmative answer to that question and to be a support for the company and the family business interested in its success.Empresa Distribuidora Ochenta y Seis S.A

    Inca landscapes in Kollasuyu. The case of Quebrada de Humauaca, Jujuy, Argentina

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    El Imperio Incaico operó con un conjunto versátil de políticas que respondían a las diversas condiciones locales y, en consecuencia, el mismo estaba compuesto de un mosaico de paisajes diferentes. En los sectores central y centro-sur de la Quebrada de Humahuaca, en el norte de Argentina, el análisis combinado de diversos elementos nos ha permitido realizar inferencias acerca de la naturaleza y el grado de la intervención imperial, enriqueciendo así nuestra comprensión acerca de la dominación incaica y las estrategias de control puestas en juego de acuerdo a las condiciones locales en una región que presenta variaciones preexistentes. En el Pucara de Tilcara, el cual parece haber funcionado como un centro político, administrativo, productivo y religioso, hemos documentado la producción especializada de bienes lapidarios de lujo (e.g. alabastro). También resaltamos el interés de los Incas en los recursos de los valles orientales y yungas hacia el sur, con el importante centro administrativo Esquina de Huajra. Los procesos económicos y sociales diversos observados en la Quebrada de Humahuaca, iniciados durante el Período Intermedio Tardío y subsecuentemente amplificados por los Inca, formaron la base de una dinámica social y una identidad regional que perduró hasta momentos coloniales.The Inca Empire operated a versatile set of policies that responded to distinct local conditions and,consequently, it was comprised of a mosaic of different landscapes. In the central and south-central sectors of Quebrada de Humahuaca, in the north of Argentina, the combined analysis of a number of elements allowed us to infer the nature and degree of imperial intervention, thus enriching the understanding of Inca domination and conquest strategies according to local conditions within a region that presented pre-existing variations. At Pucara de Tilcara, which appears to have functioned as a political, administrative, productive and religious center, we have documented the specialized productionof luxury lapidary goods (e.g. alabaster). We also highlight the Inca interest in the resources of the eastern valleys and yungas to the south, with an important administrative center in Esquina de Huajra. The distinct economic and social processes observed in Quebrada de Humahuaca,initiated during the Late Intermediate Period and subsequently amplified by the Inca, formed the basis of a regional social dynamic and identity that lasted into Colonial times.Fil: Cremonte, Maria Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Instituto de Ecorregiones Andinas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Ecorregiones Andinas; ArgentinaFil: Otero, Clarisa. Universidad Nacional de Tucuman. Instituto de Datacion y Arqueometria. - Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Instituto de Datacion y Arqueometria. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Saltajujuy. Instituto de Datacion y Arqueometria.; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto Interdisciplinario Tilcara; ArgentinaFil: Ochoa, Pablo Adolfo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto Interdisciplinario Tilcara; ArgentinaFil: Scaro, Agustina. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Instituto de Ecorregiones Andinas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Ecorregiones Andinas; Argentin

    Effects of participating in public conversation groups

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    Neste trabalho descrevemos o processo de mudança das descrições de si de uma participante de um grupo de apoio aos portadores do HIV. A análise das transcrições de 10 sessões, em uma perspectiva construcionista social, se deu através de um ‘eixo temático’ referente à revelação da soropositividade e um ‘eixo processual’ relacionado à participação como mulher e mãe. Foi possivel identificarmos momentos de emergência de novas descrições de si da participante, formas de interação grupal facilitadas por sua postura de cuidado e a presença dos sentidos sociais da Aids nas possibilidades de significar a vivência feminina. Esse estudo convida a reconhecer as condições conversacionais de emergência de outras descrições de si, os lugares de gênero na construção do processo grupal, bem como, a contribuição dos discursos sociais na definição do problema e da mudança em terapia.The aim of this research was to analyze the effects of the participation of health, education and religious professionals in public conversation groups with LGBT people. Participants were interviewed some weeks after the groups for feedback. Professionals declared that this dialogic method (known as Public Conversations Project) allowed a qualification of their practices, awareness about the challenges of talking about gender and sexual diversity at their professional’s contexts, and a broader contact with narratives of violence and discrimination against LGBT people.The structure of dialogue allowed participants to talk and listen in a less evaluative context. Differences in the effects produced by each group are discussed in relation to the differences in the group composition and to the specificities of the health, educational and religious contexts

    Violent Conflicts and the New Mediatization: The Impact of Social Media on the European Parliamentary Agenda Regarding the Syrian War

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    As key institutions in Western democracies, parliaments have gained importance regarding foreign affairs issues in recent years. Their increasing role as moral tribunes and discussion forums on conflict prevention and resolution have led to the parliamentarization of international affairs. The examination of the parliamentary agenda and the actors who shape it constitutes a fundamental part of agenda-setting studies as applied to the media and political systems. Among these actors, mass media must be highlighted, taking into account the complex process of information gathering for members of Parliament, particularly in cases related to international violent conflicts. Moreover, in the specific situation of the Syrian Civil War, social media have become increasingly important due to the difficulties faced by traditional media in performing their job on the ground. In order to know the impact and roles played by social media in parliamentary debates, we applied a computer assisted quantitative content analysis to 3,249 minutes from the parliaments of United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain and the EU, as well as a qualitative analysis. The results show that, during the first part of the conflict, social media were regarded by European parliaments as positive tools for the dissemination of information whereas, in the second phase, the diffusion of jihadist propaganda by such media completely altered the attitudes toward them

    Influence of serological factors and BMI on the blood pressure/hematocrit association in healthy young men and women.

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    The association between mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) and hematocrit (Hct) as a surrogate for blood viscosity was investigated in a young (average 20.0±2.3 years), healthy population of 174 men and 442 women. Health status was assessed by clinical examination and serological evaluation. Individuals with severe anemia or hemoconcentration, prior traumas or major surgical intervention, smokers, and pregnant or lactating women were excluded from the study. The MAP/Hct association was positive and significant (P=0.04) for women and negative, albeit not significantly so, for men. The MAP/Hct association was also evaluated in subgroups of the same population with a progressive step-by-step exclusion of: individuals with cholesterol >200 mg/dL; triglycerides >200 mg/dL; body mass index >25 kg/m(2); and glucose >100 mg/dL. This consecutively reduced the strength of the positive MAP/Hct association in women, which became negative - although not significantly so - when all anomalously high factors were excluded. The same trend was found in men. Our study indicates that previously reported positive trends in the relationship between the MAP and Hct in the population are not present in a young, healthy population of men or women that excludes individuals with the confounding factors of above normal serological values and BMI