297 research outputs found

    La importancia de la magnitud de las protestas del movimiento Occupy: el caso de una protesta local como instrumento de comunicación mediante las Relaciones Públicas y los Medios Sociales

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    This paper explores the persuasive communications (public relations and branding through social media) of a micro Occupy event, namely a nine-day appearance of the global protest movement at Bournemouth University (BU), on the south coast of the UK. It reflects on how student and town protesters used digital and social media in comparison to the wider and more successful UK movement. It interviews the student leader, and asks questions about the role social networks like Occupii.org played in formulating communication strategies as well as how they integrated with more popular social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. The conclusions coming from our micro case study suggest that without a supportive geographic and civic location; clear and focused messages, and robust strategic communication planning and execution, Occupy events will remain very small

    The importance of scale in Occupy movement protests: a case study of a local Occupy protest as a tool of communication through Public Relations and Social Media

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    This paper explores the persuasive communications (public relations and branding through social media) of a micro Occupy event, namely a nine-day appearance of the global protest movement at Bournemouth University (BU), on the south coast of the UK. It reflects on how student and town protesters used digital and social media in comparison to the wider and more successful UK movement. It interviews the student leader, and asks questions about the role social networks like Occupii.org played in formulating communication strategies as well as how they integrated with more popular social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. The conclusions coming from our micro case study suggest that without a supportive geographic and civic location; clear and focused messages, and robust strategic communication planning and execution, Occupy events will remain very small

    Media Regulations and the Olympic Charter: a history of visible changes.

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    This article considers processes of change within the Olympic Charter, to better understand how the relationship between media and the Olympic Movement has evolved in time. As the media presence at the Games increased, along with the increase of TV rights revenues, the Olympic Movement was forced to address and redefine its requirements for, responsibilities towards and relationship with the media, itself in a period of great change. This paper focuses in particular on the development of Article 49 of the Olympic Charter. This is the clause which defines this relationship and discusses how changes brought about by technological advances and transformations of how journalists conduct their work influenced it and its development. The analysis draws on different editions of the Charter, the minutes of the IOC Executive Board Meetings from 1921 until 1975 and of the IOC Sessions from 1894 to 20002

    Believe it or not: youth and young adult female perceptions of the credibility of online multimedia messages

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    The entire dissertation/thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file (which also appears in the research.pdf); a non-technical general description, or public abstract, appears in the public.pdf file.Title from title screen of research.pdf file (viewed on October 23, 2007)Includes bibliographical references.Thesis (M.A.) University of Missouri-Columbia 2007.Dissertations, Academic -- University of Missouri--Columbia -- Journalism.In the age of Internet, multimedia messages and speed information, it is highly important for communicators to design and create more effective messages to reach their targets. This research addressed the issue of message design by investigating the impact the emotional tone of an online multimedia message has on the perception of the source releasing it. It also explored the influence of the emotional tone on the number of people to whom respondents would forward the messages to and the impact on their comprehension and recognition of risk and benefit information. A 2 (source) x 3 (emotional tone) factorial design online experiment was conducted on youth and young adult women. Results showed that the emotional tone of a message influences the way the respondents perceive the credibility of the source releasing it as well as it influences the number of people to whom respondents would forward the message. Also, risk statements were proven to be better recognized than the benefit ones. Furthermore, implications of the findings on future message design as well as future research directions are discussed

    #rezist – Romania’s 2017 anti-corruption protests: causes, development and implications

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    The report captures in its collection of essays and articles written by activists, journalists, academics and protestors, a variety of perspectives of the #rezist 2017 protests: the personnel, the political and media environments, and their impact. In doing so, it raises questions regarding the future, the challenges faced by Romanians seeking greater input into democracy as well as those faced by a government attempting to retain power and legitimacy

    Relaciones públicas, posverdad y grandes desafíos: una mejor investigación hacia el valor social

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    La trayectoria histórica del campo, su fundamento neoliberal, la centralidad organizacional y un exceso de confianza producto de un enfoque cuantitativo y pragmático son algunas de las razones por las que se cree que las Relaciones Públicas no están preparadas para los desafíos que imponen los entornos hipercomplejos que emergen. del contexto social posmoderno. Este artículo propone una lógica de planificación revisada y ampliada para la ejecución, medición y evaluación de actividades de comunicación con un enfoque en las partes interesadas para enfrentar problemas de gran escala.A trajetória histórica do campo, sua fundamentação neoliberal, a centralidade organizacional e uma confiança excessiva advinda de uma abordagem quantitativa e pragmática são algumas das razões pelas quais acredita-se que as Relações Públicas não estão preparadas para os desafios impostos por ambientes hipercomplexos que emergem do contexto social pós-moderno. Este artigo propõe uma lógica de planejamento revisada e ampliada para execução, mensuração e avaliação das atividades de comunicação com foco nos stakeholders para o enfrentamento de grandes desafios.The historical trajectory of the field, its neoliberal foundation, its organizational centrality, and an excessive confidence resulting from a quantitative and pragmatic approach are some of the reasons why it is believed that Public Relations are ill-prepared for the challenges imposed by the hypercomplex environments that emerge from the postmodern social context. This study proposes a revised and expanded planning logic to perform, measure, and evaluate communication activities with a focus on stakeholders to face large scale issues


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses pembelajaran daring menggunakan media aplikasi google meet terhadap keaktifan peserta didik kelas IV SD Negeri 2 Pliken Kembaran Banyumas. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru kelas IV, peserta didik kelas IV yang berjumlah 10 peserta didik, dan orangtua peserta didik kelas IV yang berjumlah 6 orangtua peserta didik kelas IV SD Negeri 2 Pliken Kembaran Banyumas. Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan teknik Miles & Huberman (proses pengumpulan data secara sistematis untuk mempermudah peneliti memperoleh kesimpulan, proses mencari dan menyusun secara sistematik data yang diperoleh dari hasil wawancara, catatan lapangan, dan bahan-bahan lain sehingga dapat mudah dipahami dan temuannya dapat diinformasikan kepada orang lain). Uji keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan teknik. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa proses pembelajaran daring menggunakan media aplikasi google meet terhadap keaktifan peserta didik kelas IV SD Negeri 2 Pliken Kembaran Banyumas berjalan dengan efektif dan solusi terbaik dikarenakan aplikasi tersebut mudah dipahami oleh semua pengguna untuk dapat memberikan manfaat atau berdampak positif bagi pendidik seperti mengenal teknologi


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    Deteksi warna merupakan salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk tracking objek maupun klasifikasi benda dalam robotic dan aplikasi lainnya. Dalam paper ini dibahas mengenai deteksi warna primer dengan memanfaatkan webcam yang terdapat pada laptop. Inisialisasi awal variable HSV amatlah penting untuk menentukan warna yang diinginkan. Berdasarkan variable warna dapat didefinisikan dan dilakukan deteksi lebih lanjut. Dari hasil percobaan, terdapat non objek yang tedeteksi akibat system yang bersifat real-time sehingga diperlukan tambahan machine learning sebagai penstabil data yang ditangkap kamera


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    Latar Belakang :Ketidakpuasan terhadap bentuk dan ukuran tubuh semakin sering dijumpai di kalangan remaja putri,khususnya di kalangan model. Masalah yang paling umum dihadapi oleh model yakni membatasi asupan jenis makanan tertentu untuk mendapatkan tubuh yang kurus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui status gizi, asupan makan remaja putri usia 19-20tahun yang berprofesi sebagai model. Metode : Peneliti menggunakan deskriptif analitis. Penelitian ini diadakan pada 31 subyek remaja putri usia 19-20 tahun di managemen modeling school.Sampel diambil secara non probability sampling. Kriteria inklusi adalah sehat jasmani dan tidak sedang menjalani pengobatan tertentu. Data perilaku makan diperoleh dari Food Frequency Questionner (FFQ). Analisis data dengan menggunakan Nutrisurvey untuk memperoleh hasil asupan karbohidrat, protein, dan lemak dari subyek. Hasil : Subyek sebanyak (80,6%) dengan status gizi kurang, asupan karbohidrat, protein dan lemak belum sesuai dengan AKG. Sebanyak (12,9 %) dengan status gizi normal Asupan protein sesuai dengan AKG namun karbohidrat dan lemak tidak sesuai AKG. Sebanyak (6,45%) status gizi normal asupan karbohidrat sesuai namun protein dan lemak belum sesuai dengan AKG. Simpulan : Asupan remaja akhir yang berprofesi sebagai model belum baik, dan sebagian remaja akhir memiliki status gizi kurang


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    AbstrakSalah satu cara pemenuhan kebutuhan air di perkotaan yaitu melalui PDAM, dengan menambahkan jumlah Instalasi Pengolahan Air (IPA) terutama di daerah yang mengalami kesulitan air bersih. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah mengetahui prediksi kebutuhan air bersih di wilayah Nagari Malampah, Kecamatan Tigo Nagari serta menganalisa perencanaan Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Data yang diperlukan antara lain, data jumlah penduduk yang diproyeksikan sampai tahun 2035 , data debit aliran,dan data kapasitas produksi. Data Existing dari Jumlah Penduduk pada tahun 2019  adalah 9621 Jiwa. Dari hasil perhitungan kebutuhan air domestik   tahun 2035 adalah 885.000 l/hari. Kebutuhan air non domestik existing adalah 165.700 l/hr ,Debit air baku = 302 l/det dengan rencana dimensi intake 7 x 3.5 x 3 m.Rencana pipa yang akan dipasang untuk pipa GI diameter 300 milimeter sepanjang 3.047 meter, pipa GI diameter 250 milimeter sepanjang 1.142 meter, pipa HDPE diameter 250 milimeter sepanjang 2.787 meter, pipa HDPE diameter 200 milimeter sepanjang 7.375 meter, pipa HDPE diameter 150 milimeter 5.865 meter, pipa HDPE 100 mm sepanjang 1.235 meter, sedangkan pipa HDPE diameter 75 milimeter  sepanjang 5.072 mm jadi total pipa yang akan dipasang sepanjang 23.477 meter. Kata kunci: Kebutuhan Air, Instalasi Pengolahan Air, Pertumbuhan Penduduk, Proyeksi Penduduk, Cakupan Pelayanan
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