518 research outputs found

    The orchestra conductor

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    In musical and social representations, the orchestra conductor is portrayed as a figure of autocratic power, one whose authority is recognized and accepted by all. In reality, however, this authority is a social construct which is created over the course of the rehearsals. Moreover, it is highly dependent on the type of legitimacy held by the conductor, i.e., contractual legitimacy, which remains minimal, or professional legitimacy, which is based on the instrumentalists’ approval and recognition. This article attempts to understand which criteria allow this professional legitimacy to be established, for only this can allow the musicians to truly embrace the conductor’s interpretation. The first part of this article presents our ethnographic study of three symphonic orchestras. The second part distinguishes between contractual legitimacy and professional legitimacy and then explores the process by which the latter is constructed in orchestra-conductor interactions

    Palatability assessment of oral dosage forms for companion animals: A systematic review

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    The challenging administration of poorly palatable oral dosage forms to companion animals has fostered sub-optimal treatment outcomes for animals and thus a need for highly palatable treatments. Pharmaceutical companies are creating formulations to answer this need, but lack of a standardised procedure renders palatability assessment complicated and hinders comparison between studies. The gold standard in assessing voluntary acceptance is to utilise an acceptance test and/or preference test but slight variations as to how these are conducted can be observed between studies. This systematic review aims to examine palatability assessment methods and how palatability of oral dosage forms influences acceptability of medicines in companion animals. Solid oral dosage forms are well tolerated by dogs but very poorly by cats. Cats accept pastes more readily although this dosage form seems more suited for short-term forced administration and owner convenience. Liquid formulations seem to be well tolerated in cats but poorly in dogs. Meat-based flavours yield high palatability. The shape and colour of dosage forms also seem to impact palatability. Methodology can induce bias and must therefore be adapted to the animals and dosage forms tested. It seems there is a lack of evidence relating to formulation parameters that yield high palatability in companion animals. Additional studies and revised guidelines from the European Medicines Agency on palatability testing of veterinary medicinal products are therefore required. This review provides insight as to which dosage form, flavours and physical aspect generate increased palatability and which methodological parameters should be altered or monitored to avoid bias

    Le chef d’orchestre

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    L’autorité du chef d’orchestre apparaît dans les représentations sociales et musicales comme une figure du pouvoir autocratique, acceptée et reconnue par tous. Cette autorité est en réalité un construit social qui s’opère au cours des répétitions et qui engage en premier lieu le type de légitimité dont va jouir le chef d’orchestre : légitimité contractuelle, donc minimale, ou légitimité professionnelle qui engage la reconnaissance des instrumentistes. L’enjeu est ici de comprendre selon quels critères se construit la légitimité professionnelle qui elle seule permet au chef d’obtenir la pleine adhésion des musiciens à son interprétation.La première partie de cet article présente donc une enquête ethnographique menée auprès de trois orchestres symphoniques ; la seconde partie distingue la légitimité contractuelle de la légitimité professionnelle et expose les modalités de construction de cette dernière dans les interactions entre le chef et l’orchestre

    Microwave properties of diluted composites made of magnetic wires with giant magneto impedance effect

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    International audienceIn this paper, the theoretical description of wire media made of magnetic wires. We show that there is a close link between the Giant Magneto Impedence effect (GMI) in individual wires, and free-space microwave properties of the composite wire media. The demonstration with tunable dielectric constant under a static magnetic field

    Changing the intensity of coriolis cross-coupled stimulus with head-angle

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (p. 91-94).Artificial Gravity (AG) created by high-speed rotation is a promising method for preventing the serious deconditioning associated with prolonged exposure to weightlessness. Unfortunately, head-movements in a rotating environment create Coriolis cross-coupled stimuli that introduce problematic vestibular responses. Earlier studies have shown that it is possible to achieve at least partial adaptation to these stimuli, and that side-effects diminish by the end of the training. This thesis seeks to contribute to the understanding of the problem of optimization of and efficiency in AG-training. We tested 14 subjects to see if variations of the angle of head-turn (300, 600, 900), when performed on a 23 rpm short-radius centrifuge, had an effect on adaptation on VOR gain, on time-constant, and on subjective reports (motion sickness, motion illusion and body-tilt). We found that: 1. The pattern of adaptation is different for the time constant r from that of the amplitude of the VOR: higher fractional decreases in r are found at smaller angles, but in peak- and normalized slow-phase velocity, higher fractional decreases are found at higher angles. 2. Small head-angles correspond to small intensity of Coriolis cross-coupled stimulus which leads to less discomfort, i.e. low motion sickness and illusion scores, but also to weaker adaptation. 3. When subjects are already familiar with the AG environment, their VOR amplitudes and time constants are smaller, and show smaller fractional decreases. 4. Subjects feel a(n) (illusory) feet-down tilt after to-nose-up head-turns, but they feel horizontal after to-right-ear-down head-turns.by Sophie Adenot.S.M

    Effect of the magnetic properties of the inclusions on the high-frequency dielectric response of diluted composites

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    International audienceThe high-frequency permittivity of composites consisting of a lattice of ferromagnetic wires is investigated. Experimental results using free space or coaxial line microwave measurements are reported. It is shown that the dielectric response is strongly dependent on the magnetic properties of the wires. Negative real permittivity is observed over a wide frequency range for wires with circumferential magnetization, while a resonant behavior is observed on wires with an axially magnetized core. In addition, it is shown that a moderate external field can induce large changes in the dielectric response. We prove that the underlying physics of these composites made of oriented magnetic wires is basically the same as the giant magnetoimpedance (GMI) effect. A model based on GMI equations is proposed which predicts this unusual dielectric phenomenon

    Sulfonylative Hiyama Cross-Coupling: Development and Mechanistic Insights

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    International audienceDue to distinctive structural and electronic features, sulfones have attracted a particular attention over the pa st few decades, ma king it a widespread functional group.[1] Present in many contemporary pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals, they are also used as essential intermediates in organic synthesis. Therefore, numérous methodologies have been developed for their preparation. [1] However, the most common methods suffer from significant limitations with harsh reaction conditions or regioselectivity issues. Recently, the insertion of a molecule of sulfur dioxide between two partners was investigated and reactions involving organomagnesium,[2a] organozind2b] and organoboron[2c] compounds were reported. Herein we report a direct single-step palladium-catalyzed synthesis of sulfones involving organosilanes, sulfur dioxide and organohalides. Different mechanistic pathways were envisaged and discussed both from an experimental and theoretical stand point

    Random allocation of blastomere descendants to the trophectoderm and ICM of the bovine blastocyst

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    The first lineage specification during mammalian embryo development can be visually distinguished at the blastocyst stage. Two cell lineages are observed on the embryonic-abembryonic axis of the blastocyst: the inner cell mass and the trophectoderm. The timing and mechanisms driving this process are still not fully understood. In mouse embryos, cells seem prepatterned to become certain cell lineage because the first cleavage plane has been related with further embryonic-abembryonic axis at the blastocyst stage. Nevertheless, this possibility has been very debatable. Our objective was to determine whether this would be the case in another mammalian species, the bovine. To achieve this, cells of in vitro produced bovine embryos were traced from the 2-cell stage to the blastocyst stage. Blastocysts were then classified according to the allocation of the labeled cells in the embryonic and/or abembryonic part of the blastocyst. Surprisingly, we found that there is a significant percentage of the embryos (∼60%) with labeled and nonlabeled cells randomly distributed and intermingled. Using time-lapse microscopy, we have identified the emergence of this random pattern at the third to fourth cell cycle, when cells started to intermingle. Even though no differences were found on morphokinetics among different embryos, these random blastocysts and those with labeled cells separated by the embryonic-abembryonic axis (deviant pattern) are significantly bigger; moreover deviant embryos have a significantly higher number of cells. Interestingly, we observed that daughter cells allocation at the blastocyst stage is not affected by biopsies performed at an earlier stage

    Micro- and nano-structural evolutions in white Portland cement/pulverized fuel ash cement pastes due to deionized-water leaching

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    Thin slices of white Portland cement-low calcium pulverized fuel ash (pfa) blended cement pastes containing 30 or 50% pfa were leached progressively in de-ionized water. The paste with 50% pfa was aged 13 years prior to leaching and those with 30% pfa were aged 1 and 13 years. Pastes were leached for up to 75 days and were characterized using thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, analytical scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Leaching affected the pastes in the following sequence: (i) crystals of Ca(OH)2 large enough to be resolved by backscattered electron imaging were removed completely prior to any effect on C-A-S-H; (ii) the Ca/Si ratio of C-A-S-H reduced from ≈1.4 to ≈1.0 whilst the aluminosilicate structure was unaffected; (iii) further reduction in the Ca/Si ratio of C-A-S-H was accompanied by lengthening of the aluminosilicate chains; (iv) the Ca/Si ratio of C-A-S-H reduced ultimately to ≈0.6

    AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR3 Regulates Compound Leaf Patterning by Directly Repressing PALMATE-LIKE PENTAFOLIATA1 Expression in Medicago truncatula

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    [EN] Diverse leaf forms can be seen in nature. In Medicago truncatula, PALM1 encoding a Cys(2) His(2) transcription factor is a key regulator of compound leaf patterning. PALM1 negatively regulates expression of SGL1, a key regulator of lateral leaflet initiation. However, how PALM1 itself is regulated is not yet known. To answer this question, we used promoter sequence analysis, yeast one-hybrid tests, quantitative transcription activity assays, ChIP-PCR analysis, and phenotypic analyses of overexpression lines and mutant plants. The results show that M. truncatula AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR3 (MtARF3) functions as a direct transcriptional repressor of PALM1. MtARF3 physically binds to the PALM1 promoter sequence in yeast cells. MtARF3 selectively interacts with specific auxin response elements (AuxREs) in the PALM1 promoter to repress reporter gene expression in tobacco leaves and binds to specific sequences in the PALM1 promoter in vivo. Upregulation of MtARF3 or removal of both PHANTASTICA (PHAN) and ARGONAUTE7 (AGO7) pathways resulted in compound leaves with five narrow leaflets arranged in a palmate-like configuration. These results support that MtARF3, in addition as an adaxial-abaxial polarity regulator, functions to restrict spatiotemporal expression of PALM1, linking auxin signaling to compound leaf patterning in the legume plant M. truncatula.Funding of this work was provided in part by The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation and by grants from the Oklahoma Center for Advancement of Science and Technology (OCAST; PS12-036 and PS16-034) and the National Science Foundation (IOS-1127155). The laboratory of FM was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad and FEDER (BIO2015-64307-R) and the Generalitat Valenciana (ACOMP2012-099).Peng, J.; Berbel Tornero, A.; Madueño Albi, F.; Chen, R. (2017). AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR3 Regulates Compound Leaf Patterning by Directly Repressing PALMATE-LIKE PENTAFOLIATA1 Expression in Medicago truncatula. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8:1-15. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2017.01630S1158Adenot, X., Elmayan, T., Lauressergues, D., Boutet, S., Bouché, N., Gasciolli, V., & Vaucheret, H. (2006). DRB4-Dependent TAS3 trans-Acting siRNAs Control Leaf Morphology through AGO7. Current Biology, 16(9), 927-932. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2006.03.035Allen, E., Xie, Z., Gustafson, A. M., & Carrington, J. C. (2005). microRNA-Directed Phasing during Trans-Acting siRNA Biogenesis in Plants. Cell, 121(2), 207-221. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2005.04.004Barkoulas, M., Hay, A., Kougioumoutzi, E., & Tsiantis, M. (2008). A developmental framework for dissected leaf formation in the Arabidopsis relative Cardamine hirsuta. Nature Genetics, 40(9), 1136-1141. doi:10.1038/ng.189Ben-Gera, H., Shwartz, I., Shao, M.-R., Shani, E., Estelle, M., & Ori, N. (2012). 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Genome-Wide Identification of Transcription Factor-Binding Sites in Plants Using Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Followed by Microarray (ChIP-chip) or Sequencing (ChIP-seq). Plant Signalling Networks, 173-188. doi:10.1007/978-1-61779-809-2_1
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