95 research outputs found

    Hemiptera records from Lake Spechtensee and from Southern Styria (Austria)

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    Hemiptera records gained in July 2015 in course of the 7th European Hemiptera Congress in Styria are presented. In total, 144 Auchenorrhyncha, 143 Heteroptera, 13 Psylloidea and 2 Aphididae species were collected. Ribautodelphax imitans (Delphacidae), Eurhadina saageri (Cicadellidae), Notonecta maculata (Notonectidae), Notonecta meridionalis (Notonectidae) and Polymerus cognatus (Miridae) are new records for Styria

    Photography-based taxonomy is inadequate, unnecessary, and potentially harmful for biological sciences

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    The question whether taxonomic descriptions naming new animal species without type specimen(s) deposited in collections should be accepted for publication by scientific journals and allowed by the Code has already been discussed in Zootaxa (Dubois & NemĂ©sio 2007; Donegan 2008, 2009; NemĂ©sio 2009a–b; Dubois 2009; Gentile & Snell 2009; Minelli 2009; Cianferoni & Bartolozzi 2016; Amorim et al. 2016). This question was again raised in a letter supported by 35 signatories published in the journal Nature (Pape et al. 2016) on 15 September 2016. On 25 September 2016, the following rebuttal (strictly limited to 300 words as per the editorial rules of Nature) was submitted to Nature, which on 18 October 2016 refused to publish it. As we think this problem is a very important one for zoological taxonomy, this text is published here exactly as submitted to Nature, followed by the list of the 493 taxonomists and collection-based researchers who signed it in the short time span from 20 September to 6 October 2016

    Magia Distant 1907

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    Genus Magia Distant, 1907 Type species: Magia subocellata Distant, 1907Published as part of Soulier-Perkins, Adeline, 2008, The genus Magia Distant (Hemiptera: Lophopidae): review and biogeographic history, pp. 61-68 in Zootaxa 1870 on page 62, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.18395

    Magia subocellata Distant 1907

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    Magia subocellata Distant, 1907 (fig. 1) Magia subocellata Distant, 1907: 288 Kasserota illingworthi Baker, 1925: 295, pl. VIII, figs. 25 a–d, new synonym Male genitalia (figs 2–6). Anal tube developed posteriorly and laterally (fig. 2), protecting genitalia dorsally. Dorsal margin of pygofer slightly concave in middle. Ventral margin of pygofer longer than dorsal margin. Posterior margin of pygofer roughly straight vertically. Gonostyli bearing dorso-anteriorly a small spine orientated interiorly (fig. 2). Periandrium protruding laterally with gutter on each side receiving anterior ventral process of aedeagus (fig. 3). Dorsal margin of periandrium strongly curved dorsally with apex orientated anteriorly (fig. 4). Slender process orientated anteriorly on each side of protruding periandrium. Apex of aedeagus inflated, dorsal margin strongly curved dorsally (fig. 5). Processes of aedeagus orientated ventrally and anteriorly, posterior process slimmer than anterior (fig. 5). Fifth instar nymph (figs 7–9). General colour light brown with some dark brown patches. Dorsal view vertex cream with lateral carinae reddish, prothorax dark brown except for sensory pits which are light cream (fig. 7). Mesothorax: general pattern light brown to cream with dark brown patch on centre, red along sublateral carinae. Head: 1 row of 11 sensory pits between margin and sub-lateral carina of frons, 7 pits closer to compound eye (fig. 8). Dorsally, sensory pits along median frontal carina and vertex-frons carinae. Prothorax, 3 pits along internal margin of each sub-lateral carinae plus 3 pits running on from apex of carinae toward lateral apex of prothorax. Mesothorax: median group of 2 pits each and 2 pits on each wing pad. Metathorax: 2 pits in median group. Abdominal tergites IV to VII each with 4 pits on each side, VIII with one. Posteriorly with 2 circular wax plates (fig. 9) that produce very long twisted stem of wax (fig. 7). Material examined. Holotype male, Queensland, F.P. Dodd. 1902 - 319 (BMNH). 2 females, Babinda, N. Q. 1920, J. F. Illingworth coll. ex.tree (NMNH). 1 male, Babinda, Q. 11–20, J. F. Illingworth collector (BPBM). 1 male [head missing], Babinda, Q. 1920, J. F. Illingworth collector (BPBM). 1 male, Australia, Queensland, Cairns, 10m, 28.xi. 1963, J. L. Gressit collector, Ginger (BPBM). 2 females: MNHN (EH)- 3718, MNHN (EH)- 3719, 3 males: MNHN (EH)- 3720, MNHN (EH)- 3721, MNHN (EH)- 3722, 7 nymphs: MNHN (EH)- 3723, MNHN (EH)- 3724, MNHN (EH)- 3725, MNHN (EH)- 3726, MNHN (EH)- 3727, MNHN (EH)- 3728, MNHN (EH)- 3729, Australia (Queensland), Brisbane, 17.iii. 1997, A. Soulier-Perkins & Th. Bourgoin rec. (MNHN). 9 females: MNHN (EH)- 3730, MNHN (EH)- 3731, MNHN (EH)- 3732, MNHN (EH)- 3733, MNHN (EH)- 3734, MNHN (EH)- 3735, MNHN (EH)- 3736, MNHN (EH)- 3737, MNHN (EH)- 3738, 3 male: MNHN (EH)- 3737, MNHN (EH)- 3710, MNHN (EH)- 3711, 2 larva: MNHN (EH)- 3740, MNHN (EH)- 3741, Australia (Queensland), Kuranda, 17.iii. 1997, A. Soulier-Perkins & Th. Bourgoin rec. (MNHN). 1 female: MNHN (EH)- 3708, Australia (Queensland), Kuranda, bord de Baron river, 2.iii. 1997, A. Soulier-Perkins & Th. Bourgoin rec. (MNHN). 1 female: MNHN (EH)- 3709, Australia (Queensland), Kuranda, S 16 ° 54 ’ E 145 ° 36 ’, 14.iii. 1997, A. Soulier-Perkins & Th. Bourgoin rec. (MNHN). 5 males: MNHN (EH)- 3742, MNHN (EH)- 3743, MNHN (EH)- 3744, MNHN (EH)- 3745, MNHN (EH)- 3746, 6 larva: MNHN (EH)- 3747, MNHN (EH)- 3748, MNHN (EH)- 3749, MNHN (EH)- 3750, MNHN (EH)- 3751, MNHN (EH)- 3752, Australia, Sydney, Royal Botanic Gardens, 22.iii. 2002, Th. Bourgoin rec. (MNHN). 2 males Australia, Kuranda Qld, 10.x. 1991, P. Wright, feeding on Fiji fan palm (QDPI, Qld). 4 male, 1?, Australia, Gold coast, Q., on palm, xi. 1989 (QDPI, Qld). 2 females, 2 males, Yandina, Qld, 10.x. 1992, D. Smith, plague numbers on Livistona palms (QDPI, Qld). 1 female, 6789 (QDPI, Qld). 4 females: HE033297, HE033296, HE033295, HE033294, 3 males: HE033293, HE033292, HE033291, Australia, NSW Sydney, Royal Botanic Gardens, 33,86694 S 151,21733 E, 29.iii. 2007, coll. P. Gillespie, M. Priest, H. & B. Löcker, on Rhapidophyllum hystrix (needle palm) (ASCU). 1 male, E 032894, Australia, NSW Sydney, RBG in glasshouse, 11.i. 2007, P. Gillepsie, M. Kerr & E. Liew, on palm (ASCU). 1 male, HE029969, Australia, Kuranda, N. Qld, Speewah, Ganyan Dr, 21.ix. 2003, P. Erbe, m. v. lamp (ASCU).Published as part of Soulier-Perkins, Adeline, 2008, The genus Magia Distant (Hemiptera: Lophopidae): review and biogeographic history, pp. 61-68 in Zootaxa 1870 on pages 62-64, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.18395

    Magia stuarti Soulier-Perkins, sp. n.

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    Magia stuarti Soulier-Perkins, sp. n. (fig. 10) Diagnosis. Except for the general body colour with a cuticle closer to white than yellow gold, this species can be differentiated from M. subocellata only by the male genitalia. Male genitalia (figs 11–14). Anal tube developed posteriorly and laterally (Fig. 10), apical part flattened ventrally. Dorsal margin of pygofer truncated posteriorly. Posterior margin of pygofer slightly rounded posteriorly. Gonostyli bearing small spine dorso-anteriorly, orientated anteriorly (fig. 10). Dorsal margin of periandrium strongly curved dorsally with apex orientated anteriorly (fig. 11). Slender periandrium process absent (present in M. subocellata). Ventral part of periandrium developed posteriorly and apex curved dorsally (fig. 13). This apex is more developed than for M. subocellata. Apex of aedeagus inflated, dorsal margin strongly curved dorsally (fig. 12). Presence of only one process of aedeagus orientated ventrally and anteriorly, shorter than for M. subocellata. Ventral posterior process of edeagus absent. Note. Apex of periandrium much larger and rounded for this species than for M. subocellata (fig. 11). Etymology. Species named after the author’s husband Stuart. Material examined. holotype male: HE029987, Australia, Cape Tribulation, N. Qld, Dubuji Boardwalk, 29.ix. 2003, P. Erbe (ASCU). Paratypes: 4 males: HE029998, HE029997, HE029991, HE029990, 3 females: HE029996, HE029994, HE02993, Australia, Cape Tribulation, N. Qld, Dubuji Boardwalk, 29.ix. 2003, P. Erbe (ASCU). 2 males: HE029995, MNHN (EH)- 3689, HE029989, MNHN (EH)- 3688, 2 females: HE029992, MNHN (EH)- 3687, HE029988, MNHN (EH)- 3686, Australia, Cape Tribulation, N. Qld, Dubuji Boardwalk, 29.ix. 2003, P. Erbe (MNHN).Published as part of Soulier-Perkins, Adeline, 2008, The genus Magia Distant (Hemiptera: Lophopidae): review and biogeographic history, pp. 61-68 in Zootaxa 1870 on page 64, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.18395

    Prokelisia marginata (Van Duzee, 1897) lands on the French coast of Normandy (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Delphacidae)

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    The Nearctic species Prokelisia marginata (Van Duzee, 1897) is recorded for the first time in France, along the English Channel. It was found on Spartina anglica C. E. Hubb. (Poaceae), which is not its original host but a well established cord-grass on that coast. An account is given on the actual known distribution of P. marginata throughout Europe.Prokelisia marginata (Van Duzee, 1897) débarque en France sur les plages normandes (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Delphacidae). L'espÚce néarctique Prokelisia marginata (Van Duzee, 1897) a été observée pour la premiÚre fois en France, sur la cÎte normande. On la trouve sur Spartina anglica C. E. Hubb., Poaceae abondante sur ce littoral, mais qui n'est pas sa plante hÎte originelle. La progression de P. marginata en Europe et sa distribution actuelle sont discutées.Ouvrard David, Soulier-Perkins Adeline. Prokelisia marginata (Van Duzee, 1897) lands on the French coast of Normandy (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Delphacidae). In: Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, volume 117 (4),2012. pp. 441-444

    Amberana humeralis Fallou 1890

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    <i>Amberana humeralis</i> (Fallou, 1890) <p>(Figs 52–56)</p> <p> <i>Sphenorhina humeralis</i> Fallou, 1890: 353, transferred to <i>Amberana</i> by Lallemand, 1949: 70, 72. <i>Tomaspis</i> (?) <i>humeralis</i> Jacobi, 1917: 540.</p> <p> <i>Literna seminigra</i> Lallemand 1920a: 287 nec Melichar 1902: 105, corrected by Lallemand, 1949: 70, 72.</p> <p> <b>Male genitalia</b> (Figs 55–56). Pygofer larger in its middle section than along upper or basal margin, posterior margin clearly curved posteriorly, its basal apex protrudes into a distinct extension on which the subgenital plates are attached. Pygofer height: 1.8 mm. Subgenital plates long, large at their insertion point up to half of their length then reducing in size and finishing with a very pointed apex, total length greater than pygofer height (2 mm). Aedeagus with a single protrusion on its anterior margin large at base and finishing into a point, two dorsal extensions with the posterior one finishing with a bifid apex.</p> <p> <b>Nomenclatural note</b>. The original description does not allow us to identify the number of the specimens examined by the author. In Fallou’s collection (MNHN), the mention “ type ”, was not attached to the specimen present in the collection but written on the label placed at the bottom of the box along with the species name. Since only one representative for this species was present in Fallou’s collection (along with a single pin hole in the place dedicated to this species in the original collection box), this specimen is then recognised as being the holotype.</p> <p> <b>Material examined</b>. Holotype 3, Madagascar, collection Fallou, 259–95, MNHN (EH) 4768 (MNHN). Madagascar est, Ivontaka 8m, dct Maroansetra, III.58 Soga-Raharizonina, Institut scientifique Madagascar, I. G. 22.889, 1Æ€ (RIScNB).</p>Published as part of <i>Soulier-Perkins, Adeline & Kunz, Gernot, 2012, Revision of the malagassy endemic genus Amberana Distant (Hemiptera, Cercopidae) with description of one new genus, pp. 1-42 in Zootaxa 3156 (1)</i> on page 17, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3156.1.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/279630">http://zenodo.org/record/279630</a&gt

    Prokelisia marginata (Van Duzee, 1897) lands on the French coast of Normandy (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Delphacidae)

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    The Nearctic species Prokelisia marginata (Van Duzee, 1897) is recorded for the first time in France, along the English Channel. It was found on Spartina anglica C. E. Hubb. (Poaceae), which is not its original host but a well established cord-grass on that coast. An account is given on the actual known distribution of P. marginata throughout Europe.Prokelisia marginata (Van Duzee, 1897) débarque en France sur les plages normandes (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Delphacidae). L'espÚce néarctique Prokelisia marginata (Van Duzee, 1897) a été observée pour la premiÚre fois en France, sur la cÎte normande. On la trouve sur Spartina anglica C. E. Hubb., Poaceae abondante sur ce littoral, mais qui n'est pas sa plante hÎte originelle. La progression de P. marginata en Europe et sa distribution actuelle sont discutées.Ouvrard David, Soulier-Perkins Adeline. Prokelisia marginata (Van Duzee, 1897) lands on the French coast of Normandy (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Delphacidae). In: Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, volume 117 (4),2012. pp. 441-444

    Bourgoinrana perinetana Synave 1957, comb. n.

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    <i>Bourgoinrana perinetana</i> (Synave, 1957) comb. n. <p>(Figs 123–128)</p> <p> <i>Amberana perinetana</i> Synave, 1957: 135.</p> <p> <b>Male genitalia</b> (Figs 126–128). Pygofer with dorsal margin largely curved dorsally anteriorly to anal tube, posterior margin generally strait vertically for most of its length, last third truncated. Pygofer height: 1.1 mm. Subgenital plate large at base, diminishing in diameter regularly to pointed apex, total length greater than pygofer height (1.3 mm). Parameres and aedeagus similar to <i>B. rubescens</i> and <i>B. sandrangatensis</i>. Parameres bifid posteriorly with upper extension longer and oriented dorsally, both extensions finger shaped. Dorsal margin of parameres protruding into a hook shaped extension interiorly oriented and placed before upper posterior extension. Aedeagus generally shaped as circumvented tube, one extension on anterior margin, thumb shaped. Aedeagus long, posterior dorsal extension toothed laterally, folded, reaching beyond pygofer dorsal margin. Anterior dorsal extension slender and apically club shaped.</p> <p> <b>Material examined</b>. Paratypes: 13, 1Æ€ Madagascar, Périnet, Synave det. 1956, I. G. 23.285, I. G. 20.595 (RIScNB). Madagascar est dct. Sambava, R. N. XII, Marojejy ouest, 1600 m, XI.59, P. Soga I. G. 22.889, 23, 1Æ€; I. G. 23.285, 23; Périnet, Synave det. 1957, I. G. 21.002, 13, 2Æ€; Madagascar nord, massif du Staratanana, (versant Sud), 2030m, Andohanambatoafo, 16/ 18–XII–1966, P. Soga, 1Æ€ (RIScNB). Madagascar nord, massif du Staratanana, (versant Sud), 2030m, Andohanambatoafo, 16/ 18–XII–1966, P. Soga, coll. P. Viette, MNHN (EH) 4816–4821, 23, 4Æ€ (MNHN).</p>Published as part of <i>Soulier-Perkins, Adeline & Kunz, Gernot, 2012, Revision of the malagassy endemic genus Amberana Distant (Hemiptera, Cercopidae) with description of one new genus, pp. 1-42 in Zootaxa 3156 (1)</i> on pages 37-38, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3156.1.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/279630">http://zenodo.org/record/279630</a&gt
