205 research outputs found

    Проблемы специализированной помощи обожженным в России и пути их решения

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    На основании изучения динамики ожогового травматизма в России, тяжести травм и летальности среди больных с ожогами отмечено увеличение тяжести термической травмы, частоты раннего ожогового сепсиса и летальности среди взрослого населения, определены организационные и научные пути решения проблемы, повышения эффективности работы ожоговых центров.Basing on the study of the dynamics of burns in Russia, severity of the injury and death rate in the patients with burns the authors emphasize the increase in severity of thermal injury, incidence of early burn sepsis and death rate in adults. Organizational and scientific ways to solve the problem as well as to increase the efficacy of work of burn centers are defined

    Nutritional psychiatry:towards improving mental health by what you eat

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    Does it matter what we eat for our mental health? Accumulating data suggests that this may indeed be the case and that diet and nutrition are not only critical for human physiology and body composition, but also have significant effects on mood and mental wellbeing. While the determining factors of mental health are complex, increasing evidence indicates a strong association between a poor diet and the exacerbation of mood disorders, including anxiety and depression, as well as other neuropsychiatric conditions. There are common beliefs about the health effects of certain foods that are not supported by solid evidence and the scientific evidence demonstrating the unequivocal link between nutrition and mental health is only beginning to emerge. Current epidemiological data on nutrition and mental health do not provide information about causality or underlying mechanisms. Future studies should focus on elucidating mechanism. Randomized controlled trials should be of high quality, adequately powered and geared towards the advancement of knowledge from population-based observations towards personalized nutrition. Here, we provide an overview of the emerging field of nutritional psychiatry, exploring the scientific evidence exemplifying the importance of a well-balanced diet for mental health. We conclude that an experimental medicine approach and a mechanistic understanding is required to provide solid evidence on which future policies on diet and nutrition for mental health can be based


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    Розглянуто специфічні задачі внутрішахтного транспорту. Запропоновано використовувати метод Флойду-Уоршелла для моделювання допоміжних вантажопотоків з урахуванням характеристики мар- шруту. Наведені результати застосування цього методу для своєчасної доставки матеріальних потоків вугільних шахт у підготовчі вибої. Рассмотрены специфические задачи внутришахтного транспорта. Предложено использовать метод Флойда – Уоршелла для моделирования вспомогательных грузопотоков с учетом характеристики трас- сы. Приведены результаты применения используемого метода для оперативной доставки материаль- ных потоков угольных шахт в подготовительные забои

    З історії меценатства в Катеринославі

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    The role of the melanocortin (MC) system in feeding behavior is well established. Food intake is potently suppressed by central infusion of the MC 3/4 receptor agonist α-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH), whereas the MC 3/4 receptor inverse-agonist Agouti Related Peptide (AGRP) has the opposite effect. MC receptors are widely expressed in both hypothalamic and extra-hypothalamic brain regions, including nuclei involved in food reward and motivation, such as the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and the ventral tegmental area. This suggests that MCs modulate motivational aspects of food intake. To test this hypothesis, rats were injected intracerebroventricularly with α-MSH or AGRP and their motivation for sucrose was tested under a progressive ratio schedule of reinforcement. Food motivated behavior was dose-dependently decreased by α-MSH. Conversely, AGRP increased responding for sucrose, an effect that was blocked by pretreatment with the dopamine receptor antagonist α-flupenthixol. In contrast to progressive ratio responding, free intake of sucrose remained unaltered upon α-MSH or AGRP infusion. In addition, we investigated whether the effects of α-MSH and AGRP on food motivation were mediated by the NAc shell. In situ hybridization of MC3 and MC4 receptor expression confirmed that the MC4 receptor was expressed throughout the NAc, and injection of α-MSH and AGRP into the NAc shell caused a decrease and an increase in motivation for sucrose, respectively. These data show that the motivation for palatable food is modulated by MC4 receptors in the NAc shell, and demonstrate cross-talk between the MC and dopamine system in the modulation of food motivation

    Sexually dimorphic gene expression in bovine conceptuses at the initiation of implantation

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    In cattle, maternal recognition of pregnancy occurs on Day 16 via secretion of interferon tau (IFNT) by the conceptus. The endometrium can distinguish between embryos with different developmental competencies. In eutherian mammals, X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) is required to ensure an equal transcriptional level of most X-linked genes for both male and female embryos in adult tissues, but this process is markedly different in cattle than mice. We examined how sexual dimorphism affected conceptus transcript abundance and amino acid composition as well as the endometrial transcriptome during the peri-implantation period of pregnancy. Of the 5132 genes that were differentially expressed on Day 19 in male compared to female conceptuses, 2.7% were located on the X-chromosome. Concentrations of specific amino acids were higher in the uterine luminal fluid of male compared to female conceptuses, while female conceptuses had higher transcript abundance of specific amino acid transporters (SLC6A19 and SLC1A35). Of note, the endometrial transcriptome was not different in cattle gestating a male or a female conceptus. These data support the hypothesis that, far from being a blastocyst specific phenomenon, XCI is incomplete before and during implantation in cattle. Despite differences in transcript abundance and amino acid utilization in male versus female conceptuses, the sex of the conceptus itself does not elicit a different transcriptomic response in the endometrium

    The determinants of food choice

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    Health nudge interventions to steer people into healthier lifestyles are increasingly applied by governments worldwide, and it is natural to look to such approaches to improve health by altering what people choose to eat. However, to produce policy recommendations that are likely to be effective, we need to be able to make valid predictions about the consequences of proposed interventions, and for this, we need a better understanding of the determinants of food choice. These determinants include dietary components (e.g. highly palatable foods and alcohol), but also diverse cultural and social pressures, cognitive-affective factors (perceived stress, health attitude, anxiety and depression), and familial, genetic and epigenetic influences on personality characteristics. In addition, our choices are influenced by an array of physiological mechanisms, including signals to the brain from the gastrointestinal tract and adipose tissue, which affect not only our hunger and satiety but also our motivation to eat particular nutrients, and the reward we experience from eating. Thus, to develop the evidence base necessary for effective policies, we need to build bridges across different levels of knowledge and understanding. This requires experimental models that can fill in the gaps in our understanding that are needed to inform policy, translational models that connect mechanistic understanding from laboratory studies to the real life human condition, and formal models that encapsulate scientific knowledge from diverse disciplines, and which embed understanding in a way that enables policy-relevant predictions to be made. Here we review recent developments in these areas.</p

    Inhibition of ventral tegmental area projections to the nucleus accumbens shell increases premature responding in the five-choice serial reaction time task in rats

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    Exaggerated impulsivity and attentional impairments are hallmarks of certain disorders of behavioural control such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), schizophrenia and addiction. Pharmacological studies have implicated elevated dopamine (DA) levels in the nucleus accumbens shell (NAcbS) in impulsive actions. The NAcbS receives its DA input from the ventral tegmental area (VTA), and we have previously shown that optogenetic activation of VTA-NAcbS projections impaired impulse control and attention in the five-choice serial reaction time task (5-CSRTT) in rats. To better understand the role of VTA-NAcbS projections in impulsivity and attention, the present study sought to inhibit this projection using optogenetics. We demonstrate that inhibiting VTA-NAcbS efferents during the last seconds of the inter-trial interval (i.e. immediately before presentation of the instructive cue) induces exaggerated impulsive action, in the absence of changes in attentional or motivational parameters in the 5-CSRTT. Together with our earlier observations, this suggests that impulse control in the 5-CSRTT is tightly controlled by VTA-NAcbS activity, with deviations in both directions resulting in increased impulsivity

    Chronic Loss of Melanin-Concentrating Hormone Affects Motivational Aspects of Feeding in the Rat

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    Current epidemic obesity levels apply great medical and financial pressure to the strenuous economy of obesity-prone cultures, and neuropeptides involved in body weight regulation are regarded as attractive targets for a possible treatment of obesity in humans. The lateral hypothalamus and the nucleus accumbens shell (AcbSh) form a hypothalamic-limbic neuropeptide feeding circuit mediated by Melanin-Concentrating Hormone (MCH). MCH promotes feeding behavior via MCH receptor-1 (MCH1R) in the AcbSh, although this relationship has not been fully characterized. Given the AcbSh mediates reinforcing properties of food, we hypothesized that MCH modulates motivational aspects of feeding

    Anatomical projections of the dorsomedial hypothalamus to the periaqueductal grey and their role in thermoregulation: a cautionary note

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    The DMH is known to regulate brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenesis via projections to sympathetic premotor neurons in the raphe pallidus, but there is evidence that the periaqueductal gray (PAG) is also an important relay in the descending pathways regulating thermogenesis. The anatomical projections from the DMH to the PAG subdivisions and their function are largely elusive, and may differ per anterior-posterior level from bregma. We here aimed to investigate the anatomical projections from the DMH to the PAG along the entire anterior-posterior axis of the PAG, and to study the role of these projections in thermogenesis in Wistar rats. Anterograde channel rhodopsin viral tracing showed that the DMH projects especially to the dorsal and lateral PAG. Retrograde rabies viral tracing confirmed this, but also indicated that the PAG receives a diffuse input from the DMH and adjacent hypothalamic subregions. We aimed to study the role of the identified DMH to PAG projections in thermogenesis in conscious rats by specifically activating them using a combination of canine adenovirus-2 (CAV2Cre) and Cre-dependent designer receptor exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADD) technology. Chemogenetic activation of DMH to PAG projections increased BAT temperature and core body temperature, but we cannot exclude the possibility that at least some thermogenic effects were mediated by adjacent hypothalamic subregions due to difficulties in specifically targeting the DMH and distinct subdivisions of the PAG because of diffuse virus expression. To conclude, our study shows the complexity of the anatomical and functional connection between the hypothalamus and the PAG, and some technical challenges in studying their connection