20 research outputs found

    How to Measure Galaxy Star Formation Histories. II. Nonparametric Models

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    Nonparametric star formation histories (SFHs) have long promised to be the `gold standard' for galaxy spectral energy distribution (SED) modeling as they are flexible enough to describe the full diversity of SFH shapes, whereas parametric models rule out a significant fraction of these shapes {\it a priori}. However, this flexibility is not fully constrained even with high-quality observations, making it critical to choose a well-motivated prior. Here, we use the SED-fitting code \texttt{Prospector} to explore the effect of different nonparametric priors by fitting SFHs to mock UV-IR photometry generated from a diverse set of input SFHs. First, we confirm that nonparametric SFHs recover input SFHs with less bias and return more accurate errors than do parametric SFHs. We further find that, while nonparametric SFHs robustly recover the overall shape of the input SFH, the primary determinant of the size and shape of the posterior star formation rate (SFR) as a function of time is the choice of prior, rather than the photometric noise. As a practical demonstration, we fit the UV-IR photometry of \sim6000 galaxies from the GAMA survey and measure inter-prior scatters in mass (0.1 dex), SFR100  Myr_{100\; \mathrm{Myr}} (0.8 dex), and mass-weighted ages (0.2 dex), with the bluest star-forming galaxies showing the most sensitivity. An important distinguishing characteristic for nonparametric models is the characteristic timescale for changes in SFR(t). This difference controls whether galaxies are assembled in bursts or in steady-state star formation, corresponding respectively to (feedback-dominated/accretion-dominated) models of galaxy formation and to (larger/smaller) confidence intervals derived from SED-fitting. High-quality spectroscopy has the potential to further distinguish between these proposed models of SFR(t).Comment: replacing with ApJ accepted versio

    How to Measure Galaxy Star Formation Histories. I. Parametric Models

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    Parametric models for galaxy star-formation histories (SFHs) are widely used, though they are known to impose strong priors on physical parameters. This has consequences for measurements of the galaxy stellar-mass function (GSMF), star-formation-rate density (SFRD) and star-forming main sequence (SFMS). We investigate the effects of the exponentially declining, delayed exponentially declining, lognormal and double power law SFH models using BAGPIPES. We demonstrate that each of these models imposes strong priors on specific star-formation rates (sSFRs), potentially biasing the SFMS, and also imposes a strong prior preference for young stellar populations. We show that stellar mass, SFR and mass-weighted age inferences from high-quality mock photometry vary with the choice of SFH model by at least 0.1, 0.3 and 0.2 dex respectively. However the biases with respect to the true values depend more on the true SFH shape than the choice of model. We also demonstrate that photometric data cannot discriminate between SFH models, meaning it is important to perform independent tests to find well-motivated priors. We finally fit a low-redshift, volume-complete sample of galaxies from the Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA) Survey with each model. We demonstrate that our stellar masses and SFRs at redshift, z0.05z\sim0.05 are consistent with other analyses. However, our inferred cosmic SFRDs peak at z0.4z\sim0.4, approximately 6 Gyr later than direct observations suggest, meaning our mass-weighted ages are significantly underestimated. This makes the use of parametric SFH models for understanding mass assembly in galaxies challenging. In a companion paper we consider non-parametric SFH models.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, ApJ accepte

    A massive quiescent galaxy at redshift 4.658

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    A. C. Carnall thanks the Leverhulme Trust for their support via a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship. R. J. McLure, J. S. Dunlop, D. J. McLeod, V. Wild, R. Begley, C. T. Donnan and M. L. Hamadouche acknowledge the support of the Science and Technology Facilities Council. F. Cullen acknowledges support from a UKRI Frontier Research Guarantee Grant (grant reference EP/X021025/1). A. Cimatti acknowledges support from the grant PRIN MIUR 2017 - 20173ML3WW 001.The extremely rapid assembly of the earliest galaxies during the first billion years of cosmic history is a major challenge for our understanding of galaxy formation physics (1; 2; 3; 4; 5). The advent of JWST has exacerbated this issue by confirming the existence of galaxies in significant numbers as early as the first few hundred million years (6; 7; 8). Perhaps even more surprisingly, in some galaxies, this initial highly efficient star formation rapidly shuts down, or quenches, giving rise to massive quiescent galaxies as little as 1.5 billion years after the Big Bang (9; 10), however, due to their faintness and red colour, it has proven extremely challenging to learn about these extreme quiescent galaxies, or to confirm whether any exist at earlier times. Here we report the spectroscopic confirmation of a massive quiescent galaxy, GS-9209, at redshift, z = 4.658, just 1.25 billion years after the Big Bang, using JWST NIRSpec. From these data we infer a stellar mass of M∗ = 3.8 ± 0.2 × 1010 M⊙, which formed over a ≃ 200 Myr period before this galaxy quenched its star formation activity at z=6.5+0.2−0.5, when the Universe was ≃ 800 million years old. This galaxy is both a likely descendent of the highest-redshift submillimetre galaxies and quasars, and a likely progenitor for the dense, ancient cores of the most massive local galaxies.PostprintPeer reviewe

    HST Imaging of the Ionizing Radiation from a Star-forming Galaxy at z = 3.794

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    We report on the HST detection of the Lyman-continuum (LyC) radiation emitted by a galaxy at redshift z=3.794, dubbed Ion1 (Vanzella et al. 2012). The LyC from Ion1 is detected at rest-frame wavelength 820\sim890 \AA with HST WFC3/UVIS in the F410M band (m410=27.60±0.36m_{410}=27.60\pm0.36 magnitude (AB), peak SNR = 4.17 in a circular aperture with radius r = 0.12'') and at 700\sim830 \AA with the VLT/VIMOS in the U-band (mU=27.84±0.19m_U = 27.84\pm0.19 magnitude (AB), peak SNR = 6.7 with a r = 0.6'' aperture). A 20-hr VLT/VIMOS spectrum shows low- and high-ionization interstellar metal absorption lines, the P-Cygni profile of CIV and Lyα\alpha in absorption. The latter spectral feature differs from what observed in known LyC emitters, which show strong Lyα\alpha emission. An HST far-UV color map reveals that the LyC emission escapes from a region of the galaxy that is bluer than the rest, presumably because of lower dust obscuration. The F410M image shows that the centroid of the LyC emission is offset from the centroid of the non-ionizing UV emission by 0.12''±\pm0.03'', corresponding to 0.85±\pm0.21 kpc (physical), and that its morphology is likely moderately resolved. These morphological characteristics favor a scenario where the LyC photons produced by massive stars escape from low HI column-density "cavities" in the ISM, possibly carved by stellar winds and/or supernova. We also collect the VIMOS U-band images of a sample of 107 Lyman-break galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts at 3.40<z<3.953.40<z<3.95, i.e. sampling the LyC, and stack them with inverse-variance weights. No LyC emission is detected in the stacked image, resulting in a 32.5 magnitude (AB) flux limit (1σ\sigma) and an upper limit of absolute LyC escape fraction fescabs<0.63%f_{esc}^{abs} < 0.63\%. LyC emitters like Ion1 are very likely at the bright-end of the LyC luminosity function.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Cosmic Vine: A z=3.44 Large-Scale Structure Hosting Massive Quiescent Galaxies

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    We report the discovery of a large-scale structure at z=3.44 revealed by JWST data in the EGS field. This structure, dubbed "Cosmic Vine", consists of 20 galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts at 3.43<z<3.453.43<z<3.45 and six galaxy overdensities with consistent photometric redshifts, making up a vine-like structure extending over a ~4x0.2 pMpc^2 area. The two most massive galaxies (M*~10^10.9 Msun) of the Cosmic Vine are found to be quiescent with bulge-dominated morphologies (B/T>70%B/T>70\%). Comparisons with simulations suggest that the Cosmic Vine would form a cluster with halo mass >10^14 Msun at z=0, and the two massive galaxies are likely forming the brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs). The results unambiguously reveal that massive quiescent galaxies can form in growing large-scale structures at z>3, thus disfavoring the environmental quenching mechanisms that require a virialized cluster core. Instead, as suggested by the interacting and bulge-dominated morphologies, the two galaxies are likely quenched by merger-triggered starburst or AGN feedback before falling into a cluster core. Moreover, we found that the observed specific star formation rates of massive quiescent galaxies in z>3 dense environments are two orders of magnitude lower than that of the BCGs in the TNG300 simulation. This discrepancy potentially poses a challenge to the models of massive cluster galaxy formation. Future studies comparing a large sample with dedicated cluster simulations are required to solve the problem.Comment: Submitted to A&

    The stellar metallicities of massive quiescent galaxies at 1.0 &lt; z &lt; 1.3 from KMOS+VANDELS

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    We present a rest-frame UV-optical stacked spectrum representative of massive quiescent galaxies at The stack is constructed using VANDELS survey data, combined with new KMOS observations. We apply two independent full-spectral-fitting approaches, measuring a total metallicity, [Z/H]=0.13±0.08-0.13\pm0.08 with Bagpipes, and [Z/H]=0.04±0.140.04\pm0.14 with Alf, a fall of 0.20.3\sim0.2-0.3 dex compared with the local Universe. We also measure an iron abundance, [Fe/H] =0.18±0.08-0.18\pm0.08, a fall of 0.15\sim0.15 dex compared with the the local Universe. We measure the alpha enhancement via the magnesium abundance, obtaining [Mg/Fe]=0.23±0.23\pm0.12, consistent with similar-mass galaxies in the local Universe, indicating no evolution in the average alpha enhancement of log(M/M)=11(M_*/\rm{M_\odot})=11 quiescent galaxies over the last 8\sim8 Gyr. This suggests the very high alpha enhancements recently reported for several bright z12z\sim1-2 quiescent galaxies are due to their extreme masses, log(M/M)11.5(M_*/\rm{M_\odot})\gtrsim11.5, rather than being typical of the z1z\gtrsim1 population. The metallicity evolution we observe with redshift (falling [Z/H], [Fe/H], constant [Mg/Fe]) is consistent with recent studies. We recover a mean stellar age of 2.50.4+0.62.5^{+0.6}_{-0.4} Gyr, corresponding to a formation redshift, z_\rm{form}=2.4^{+0.6}_{-0.3}. Recent studies have obtained varying average formation redshifts for z1z\gtrsim1 massive quiescent galaxies, and, as these studies report consistent metallicities, we identify different star-formation-history models as the most likely cause. Larger spectroscopic samples from upcoming ground-based instruments will provide precise constraints on ages and metallicities at z1z\gtrsim1. Combining these with precise JWST z>2z>2 quiescent-galaxy stellar-mass functions will provide an independent test of formation redshifts derived from spectral fitting.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    High-velocity outflows in massive post-starburst galaxies at z &gt; 1

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    We investigate the prevalence of galactic-scale outflows in post-starburst (PSB) galaxies at high redshift (1 1010M⊙⁠) PSBs at z > 1, there is clear evidence for a strong blue-shifted component to the Mg ii absorption feature, indicative of high-velocity outflows (⁠vout∼1150±160kms−1⁠) in the interstellar medium. We conclude that such outflows are typical in massive PSBs at this epoch, and potentially represent the residual signature of a feedback process that quenched these galaxies. Using full spectral fitting, we also obtain a typical stellar velocity dispersion σ* for these PSBs of ∼200kms−1⁠, which confirms they are intrinsically massive in nature (dynamical mass Md∼1011M⊙⁠). Given that these high-z PSBs are also exceptionally compact (re ∼ 1–2kpc⁠) and spheroidal (Sérsic index n ∼ 3), we propose that the outflowing winds may have been launched during a recent compaction event (e.g. major merger or disc collapse) that triggered either a centralized starburst or active galactic nuclei (AGN) activity. Finally, we find no evidence for AGN signatures in the optical spectra of these PSBs, suggesting they were either quenched by stellar feedback from the starburst itself, or that if AGN feedback is responsible, the AGN episode that triggered quenching does not linger into the post-starburst phase.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    RELICS: Properties of z>5.5 Galaxies Inferred from Spitzer and Hubble Imaging Including A Candidate z~6.8 Strong [OIII] Emitter

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    We present constraints on the physical properties (including stellar mass, age, and star formation rate) of 207 6z86\lesssim z \lesssim8 galaxy candidates from the Reionization Lensing Cluster Survey (RELICS) and companion Spitzer-RELICS surveys. We measure photometry using T-PHOT and perform spectral energy distribution fitting using EAzzY and BAGPIPES. Of the 207 candidates for which we could successfully measure Spitzer fluxes, 23 were demoted to likely low redshift (z<4z<4). Among the remaining high redshift candidates, we find intrinsic stellar masses between 1×106M1\times10^6\rm{M_{\odot}} and 4×109M4\times10^9\rm{M_\odot}, and rest-frame UV absolute magnitudes between 22.6-22.6 and 14.5-14.5 mag. While our sample is mostly comprised of LUV/LUV<1L_{UV}/L^*_{UV}<1 galaxies, there are a number of brighter objects in the sample, extending to LUV/LUV2L_{UV}/L^*_{UV}\sim2. The galaxies in our sample span approximately four orders of magnitude in stellar mass and star-formation rates, and exhibit ages ranging from maximally young to maximally old. We highlight 11 galaxies which have detections in Spitzer/IRAC imaging and redshift estimates z6.5z\geq6.5, several of which show evidence for some combination of evolved stellar populations, large contributions of nebular emission lines, and/or dust. Among these is PLCKG287+32-2013, one of the brightest z7z\sim7 candidates known (AB mag 24.9) with a Spitzer 3.6μ\mum flux excess suggesting strong [OIII] + H-β\beta emission (\sim1000\AA\ rest-frame equivalent width). We discuss the possible uses and limits of our sample and present a public catalog of Hubble 0.4--1.6μ\mum + Spitzer 3.6μ\mum and 4.5μ\mum photometry along with physical property estimates for all 207 objects in the sample. Because of their apparent brightnesses, high redshifts, and variety of stellar populations, these objects are excellent targets for follow-up with James Webb Space Telescope.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    Spectroscopic verification of very luminous galaxy candidates in the early universe

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    During the first 500 million years of cosmic history, the first stars and galaxies formed and seeded the cosmos with heavy elements. These early galaxies illuminated the transition from the cosmic "dark ages" to the reionization of the intergalactic medium. This transitional period has been largely inaccessible to direct observation until the recent commissioning of JWST, which has extended our observational reach into that epoch. Excitingly, the first JWST science observations uncovered a surprisingly high abundance of early star-forming galaxies. However, the distances (redshifts) of these galaxies were, by necessity, estimated from multi-band photometry. Photometric redshifts, while generally robust, can suffer from uncertainties and/or degeneracies. Spectroscopic measurements of the precise redshifts are required to validate these sources and to reliably quantify their space densities, stellar masses, and star formation rates, which provide powerful constraints on galaxy formation models and cosmology. Here we present the results of JWST follow-up spectroscopy of a small sample of galaxies suspected to be amongst the most distant yet observed. We confirm redshifts z > 10 for two galaxies, including one of the first bright JWST-discovered candidates with z = 11.4, and show that another galaxy with suggested z ~ 16 instead has z = 4.9, with strong emission lines that mimic the expected colors of more distant objects. These results reinforce the evidence for the rapid production of luminous galaxies in the very young Universe, while also highlighting the necessity of spectroscopic verification for remarkable candidates.Comment: Submitted to Natur

    JWST reveals a possible z11z \sim 11 galaxy merger in triply-lensed MACS0647-JD

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    MACS0647-JD is a triply-lensed z11z\sim11 galaxy originally discovered with the Hubble Space Telescope. Here we report new JWST imaging, which clearly resolves MACS0647-JD as having two components that are either merging galaxies or stellar complexes within a single galaxy. Both are very small, with stellar masses 108M\sim10^8\,M_\odot and radii r<100pcr<100\,\rm pc. The brighter larger component "A" is intrinsically very blue (β2.6\beta\sim-2.6), likely due to very recent star formation and no dust, and is spatially extended with an effective radius 70pc\sim70\,\rm pc. The smaller component "B" appears redder (β2\beta\sim-2), likely because it is older (100200Myr100-200\,\rm Myr) with mild dust extinction (AV0.1magA_V\sim0.1\,\rm mag), and a smaller radius 20pc\sim20\,\rm pc. We identify galaxies with similar colors in a high-redshift simulation, finding their star formation histories to be out of phase. With an estimated stellar mass ratio of roughly 2:1 and physical projected separation 400pc\sim400\,\rm pc, we may be witnessing a galaxy merger 400 million years after the Big Bang. We also identify a candidate companion galaxy C 3kpc\sim3\,{\rm kpc} away, likely destined to merge with galaxies A and B. The combined light from galaxies A+B is magnified by factors of \sim8, 5, and 2 in three lensed images JD1, 2, and 3 with F356W fluxes 322\sim322, 203203, 86nJy86\,\rm nJy (AB mag 25.1, 25.6, 26.6). MACS0647-JD is significantly brighter than other galaxies recently discovered at similar redshifts with JWST. Without magnification, it would have AB mag 27.3 (MUV=20.4M_{UV}=-20.4). With a high confidence level, we obtain a photometric redshift of z=10.6±0.3z=10.6\pm0.3 based on photometry measured in 6 NIRCam filters spanning 15μm1-5\rm\mu m, out to 4300A˚4300\,\r{A} rest-frame. JWST NIRSpec observations planned for January 2023 will deliver a spectroscopic redshift and a more detailed study of the physical properties of MACS0647-JD.Comment: 27 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Natur