2,085 research outputs found

    Point diffraction interferometry to measure local curvatures and caustics of noisy wave fronts: Application for determining optical properties of fish lenses

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    The study of caustics is important because they contain information about the image formation properties of optical systems. In this work we use the concept of caustic as a set of focal points, and we have developed a second order approach theory to determine local slopes and curvatures of a wavefront emerging from an optical system. The method is based on the use of a point diffraction interferometer, and the analysis of the interferograms allows us to compute the focal region. Experimental results obtained with a plano-convex lens demonstrate the accuracy of the combined theoretical-experimental method here developed. Application to noisy wavefronts such as those produced by biological samples, specifically in crystalline lenses of fish eyes, are also exposed.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, grant FIS2012-38244 and Xunta de Galicia, grant CN 2012/156S

    Planes de Emergencia Exterior en accidentes graves de industrias químicas. Formulación de un modelo de referencia

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    In this document, a complete methodological proposal on the realization of an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) is developed, to serve as guide to industries in which dangerous chemical substances are present and affected by the Directive 2012/18/UE and the Royal Decree 840/2015. First, a search on the best available techniques and current legislation is realized, pointing all the necessary steps previous to the realization of the actual EAP, and the variety of documents apart from the EAP that must be generated to complement it. Once all the previous information has been gathered, the methodology on the elaboration of an EAP is proposed, including information related to the industry, the chemicals present in it, the risks and accidents probabilities, the installation organization for emergencies, the Administration cooperation, the population information, the actuation, etc. This document, as mentioned, comprises every necessary step to achieve in an optimal way a complete EAP. This is advantageous related to this prevention field, as it includes information and documents that complement the EAP and eases its elaboration and comprehension, which is not covered currently in the Best Available TechniquesEn el presente trabajo se plantea una propuesta metodológica de realización de un Plan de Emergencia Exterior (PEE), para servir como guía a industrias donde haya presentes sustancias químicas peligrosas y afectadas por la Directiva 2012/18/UE y el Real Decreto 840/2015. En primer lugar se realiza un exhaustivo estado del arte relativo a las mejores técnicas disponibles referentes a planes de emergencia para accidentes graves en industrias químicas, así como el estudio de la legislación vigente, indicando los documentos y procedimientos a tener en cuenta en un PEE. Con la información especificada se desarrolla una guía de implantación que incluye una propuesta metodológica para la elaboración de un PEE completo, incluyendo información sobre la industria, sustancias presentes, riesgos y probabilidades de accidentes, organización de la instalación frente a emergencias, cooperación con la administración, información a la población, actuación, etc. Este trabajo realizado engloba todos los pasos necesarios para facilitar y optimizar la elaboración de los Planes de Emergencia Exterior, suponiendo un importante avance en este campo de la prevención, pues incluye también información y documentos complementarios al PEE que facilitan su elaboración y comprensión, lo cual no queda reflejado en la actualidad dentro de las Mejores Técnicas Disponibles

    Low-cost pseudo-anthropomorphic PVA-C and cellulose lung phantom for ultrasound-guided interventions

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    A low-cost custom-made pseudo-anthropomorphic lung phantom, offering a model for ultrasound-guided interventions, is presented. The phantom is a rectangular solidstructure fabricated with polyvinyl alcohol cryogel (PVA-C) and cellulose to mimic the healthy parenchyma. The pathologies of interest were embedded as inclusions containing gaseous, liquid, or solid materials. The ribs were 3D-printed using polyethylene terephthalate, and the pleura was made of a bidimensional reticle based on PVA-C. The healthy and pathological tissues were mimicked to display acoustic and echoic properties similar to that of soft tissues. Theflexible fabrication process facilitated the modification of the physical and acoustic properties of the phantom. The phantom´s manufacture offers flexibility regarding the number, shape, location, and composition of the inclusions and the insertion of ribs and pleura. In-plane and out-of-plane needle insertions, fine needle aspiration, and core needle biopsy were performed under ultrasound image guidance. The mimicked tissues displayed a resistance and recoil effect typically encountered in a real scenario for a pneumothorax, abscesses, and neoplasms. The presented phantom accurately replicated thoracic tissues (lung, ribs, and pleura) and associated pathologies providing a useful tool for training ultrasound-guided procedures.This work was supported in part by Cabildo de Tenerife under IACTEC Technological Training Program, grant TF INNOVA 2016–2021, and the project MACBIOIDI2 MAC2/1.1b/352, within the INTERREG Program, funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

    Speaking abouth the death

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    El sentido del siguiente artículo es dar a conocer una lectura familiar para muchos profesionales de los Cuidados y nueva para otros, a veces la intuición nos ha llevado a un cuidar mejor, apareciendo conceptos profesionales como: confianza, empatía, autonomía, cuidados y esperanza, que nos capacitan cada vez más para una relación terapéutica de calidad. Valoramos, como muy importante, conocer las distintas fases psicológicas por las que pasa el paciente terminal.The sense of the following article is to present a familiar reading for many professionals of cares and new for others, sometimes the intuition has taken us to improve the cares, appearing professional concepts as confidence, empathy, autonomy, cares and hope, that enable to us more and more for a therapeutic relation of quality. We valued, as very important, to know the psychological different phases through which passes the terminal patient

    Manual de procedimientos del sistema de gestión de la calidad por procesos en una universidad

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    The quality management systems in higher education based on the ISO 9001:2015 standard, integrated with the requirements of Internal Control and the National Accreditation Board constitutes a Strategy adopted by Higher School of State and Government Cadres (ESCEG) for the fulfillment of its mission. The article aims to present the design of the Procedures Manual of the ESCEG Quality Management System, based on four stages, referring to the theoretical referential framework, the integral diagnosis with a focus on processes and risks, the design of the Manual, aligned to the strategic objectives, compliance with regulations and requirements, as well as the control and improvement of the procedures for the fulfillment of the goals of the indicators outlined in the strategic projection of the university.Los sistemas de gestión de la calidad en la educación superior basados en la norma ISO 9001:2015, integrados a los requerimientos del Control Interno y de la Junta de Acreditación Nacional constituye una Estrategia adoptada por la Escuela Superior de Cuadros del Estado y del Gobierno (ESCEG) para el cumplimiento de su misión. El artículo tiene como objetivo exponer el diseño del Manual de Procedimientos del Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad de la ESCEG, basado en cuatro etapas, referidas al marco teórico referencial, el diagnóstico integral con enfoque a procesos y a riesgos, el diseño del Manual, alineado a los objetivos estratégicos, el cumplimiento de las normativas y requerimientos, así como el control y la mejora de los procedimientos para el cumplimiento de las metas de los indicadores trazados en la proyección estratégica de la universidad

    Strategic territory and segregation: the northeast region of the Metropolitan Area of Montevideo

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    Las áreas metropolitanas de América Latina transitan por diversos cambios territoriales que se han profundizado durante las últimas décadas. En este estudio se analizan las dinámicas territoriales que han ocurrido en la región noreste del Área Metropolitana de Montevideo, se considera a la segregación territorial y a los territorios estratégicos como conceptos claves para entender dichas transformaciones. En este sentido se emplean técnicas de Geoprocesamiento y se elabora un índice de estratificación socioeconómica. Los resultados indican un crecimiento sostenido de los procesos de urbanización sobre el uso rural y se evidencia un desarrollo acelerado de cambios en las distintas clases sociales donde el Estado es un actor clave para favorecer los procesos de segregación territorial.Latin American metropolitan areas currently undergo various regional changes which have intensified over the past decades. This study analyzes the territorial dynamics that have occurred in the Northeast Region of the Metropolitan Area of Montevideo, considering concepts such as territorial segregation and strategic territories as a key to understand these changes. Geoprocessing techniques are used and an index of socioeconomic stratification is produced. The results indicate a steady growth of urbanization pressing on rural uses, showing a process of rapid change in different social classes in which the State is one of the key actors to favor territorial segregation

    Effectiveness and Safety of Ustekinumab in Ulcerative Colitis: Real-world Evidence from the ENEIDA Registry

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    Ustekinumab; Remission; Ulcerative colitisUstekinumab; Remisión; Colitis ulcerosaUstekinumab; Remissió; Colitis ulcerosaBackground and aims: The development programm UNIFI has shown promising results of ustekinumab in ulcerative colitis [UC] treatment which should be confirmed in clinical practice. We aimed to evaluate the durability, effectiveness, and safety of ustekinumab in UC in real life. Methods: Patients included in the prospectively maintained ENEIDA registry, who received at least one intravenous dose of ustekinumab due to active UC [Partial Mayo Score [PMS]>2], were included. Clinical activity and effectiveness were defined based on PMS. Short-term response was assessed at Week 16. Results: A total of 95 patients were included. At Week 16, 53% of patients had response [including 35% of patients in remission]. In the multivariate analysis, elevated serum C-reactive protein was the only variable significantly associated with lower likelihood of achieving remission. Remission was achieved in 39% and 33% of patients at Weeks 24 and 52, respectively; 36% of patients discontinued the treatment with ustekinumab during a median follow-up of 31 weeks. The probability of maintaining ustekinumab treatment was 87% at Week 16, 63% at Week 56, and 59% at Week 72; primary failure was the main reason for ustekinumab discontinuation. No variable was associated with risk of discontinuation. Three patients reported adverse events; one of them had a fatal severe SARS-CoV-2 infection. Conclusions: Ustekinumab is effective in both the short and the long term in real life, even in a highly refractory cohort. Higher inflammatory burden at baseline correlated with lower probability of achieving remission. Safety was consistent with the known profile of ustekinumab.The ENEIDA registry of GETECCU is supported by Biogen, Janssen, Takeda, and Pfizer

    Professional training needs in the environmental area in Ecuador

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    El presente trabajo evalúa la necesidad de formación de cuarto nivel en el área de la ingeniería ambiental en la provincia de Manabí, Ecuador, en función a los objetivos propuestos en el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo (2017-2021). El análisis se realizó mediante la aplicación de una encuesta dirigida a 1 000 profesionales vinculados con las actividades medioambientales en el sector público y privado. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran la pertinencia en el desarrollo de una maestría de investigación que responda a las necesidades y exigencias de la región y el país, que permita desarrollar investigaciones científicas en las esferas de la ingeniería ambiental y sanitaria; realizar estudios de viabilidad ambiental de procesos y proyectos; diseñar, dirigir y ejecutar procesos de muestreo de aguas y aguas residuales; así como proponer nuevas tecnologías para el tratamiento de residuos sólidos y líquidos y la optimización de insumos, productos y procesos.This paper assesses the need for fourth level training in the area of environmental engineering in the province of Manabí, Ecuador, based on the objectives proposed in the National Development Plan (2017-2021). The analysis was carried out through the application of a survey aimed at 1,000 professionals linked to environmental activities in the public and private sectors. The results obtained demonstrate the pertinence in the development of a research master's degree that responds to the needs and demands of the region and the country, which must develop scientific research in the fields of environmental and health engineering; conduct environmental feasibility studies of processes and projects; design, direct and execute water and wastewater sampling processes; as well as new technologies for the treatment of solid and liquid waste and the optimization of inputs, products and processes

    Nuevas tendencias en la evaluación de las dificultades de aprendizaje de las matemáticas. El papel de la metacognición

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    Introducción. Las tendencias actuales en la evaluación de las dificultades de aprendizaje de las matemáticas (DAM), fundamentadas en los modelos cognitivo y empírico, se orientan hacia la combinación de procedimientos referidos al criterio y a la valoración de los procesos cognitivos y metacognitivos, asociados al desempeño en tareas matemáticas. Objetivos. Analizar las habilidades metacognitivas de predicción y evaluación en el desempeño de tareas matemáticas, y comparar el rendimiento metacognitivo entre estudiantes con DAM y estudiantes más jóvenes sin DAM, igualados en el mismo nivel de desempeño matemático. Así mismo se analiza la ilusión de conocer de estos estudiantes. Sujetos y métodos. Se comparan un total de 44 estudiantes de segundo ciclo de primaria con y sin dificultades de aprendizaje en las matemáticas. Resultados. Se observan diferencias significativas entre los estudiantes con y sin dificultades de aprendizaje en las matemáticas, en su capacidad para predecir y evaluar el conjunto de tareas valoradas. En cuanto a la `ilusión de conocer¿, no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los estudiantes con y sin DAM, indicando que los estudiantes con DAM valoran sus posibilidades de tener éxito en la ejecución de tareas matemáticas de igual forma que los estudiantes sin DAM. Finalmente, los resultados revelan un perfil metacognitivo semejante en los estudiantes con DAM y los estudiantes más jóvenes sin dificultades de aprendizaje en las matemáticas. Conclusión. Se considera importante analizar en futuros estudios la influencia del sistema de creencias socioafectivas en el uso de habilidades metacognitivas

    Protective effects of epoxypukalide on pancreatic b-cells and glucose metabolism in STZ-induced diabetic mice

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    Producción CientíficaDiabetes is a consequence of a decrease on functional β-cell mass. We have recently demonstrated that epoxypukalide (Epoxy) is a natural compound with beneficial effects on primary cultures of rat islets. In this study, we extend our previous investigations to test the hypothesis that Epoxy protects β-cells and improves glucose metabolism in STZ-induced diabetic mice. We used 3-months old male mice that were treated with Epoxy at 200 μg/kg body weight. Glucose intolerance was induced by multiple intraperitoneal low-doses of streptozotocin (STZ) on 5 consecutive days. Glucose homeostasis was evaluated measuring plasma insulin levels and glucose tolerance. Histomorphometry was used to quantify the number of pancreatic β-cells per islet. β-cell proliferation was assessed by BrdU incorporation, and apoptosis by TUNEL staining. Epoxy treatment significantly improved glucose tolerance and plasma insulin levels. These metabolic changes were associated with increased β-cell numbers, as a result of a two-fold increase in β-cell proliferation and a 50% decrease in β-cell death. Our results demonstrate that Epoxy improves whole-body glucose homeostasis by preventing pancreatic β-cell death due to STZ-induced toxicity in STZ-treated mic