26 research outputs found

    Synthetic Phonics en la enseñanza bilingüe en España: análisis de errores ortográficos

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    Reading and writing in English from early ages is both a need and a must. The search of an effective learning methodology to teach early literacy has made the application of the Synthetic Phonics method to expand, regardless of the lack of agreement concerning its results. This study is aimed at showing whether this method is effective or not in bilingual educational centres of Madrid (Spain), focussing on the written skills of 640 students, aged 8-9. The errors committed in a 15-frequenly-used-word dictation have been classified according to Corder’s taxonomy. The non-parametric statistic results show that there are differences in the errors made by the students without specific method instruction (less errors) compared to those students with Synthetic Phonics instruction. However, these differences have lower level of association and do not indicate a relevant direction. Therefore, it could be concluded that Synthetic Phonics does not seem to guarantee an efficient learning of spelling for the Spanish students. There is a need to adapt the Synthetic Phonics method for learners from bilingual schools, as well as to investigate the efficiency of other methodologies to teach writing in English at early stages of literacy.Leer y escribir en inglés desde edades tempranas es tanto una necesidad como una obligación. La búsqueda de una metodología de aprendizaje efectiva ha hecho que el uso del método Synthetic Phonics se haya extendido sin que exista unanimidad sobre sus resultados. El presente estudio pretende probar la efectividad de dicho método en centros bilingües de la Comunidad de Madrid (España), centrándose en las destrezas escritas de 640 alumnos de 8-9 años. Los errores cometidos en un dictado de 15 palabras de uso frecuente han sido clasificados atendiendo a la taxonomía de Corder. Las pruebas estadísticas no paramétricas evidencian la existencia de diferencias en los errores cometidos por los alumnos sin método de instrucción específico (cometen menos errores) y por los alumnos que siguen el método Synthetic Phonics. Sin embargo, dichas diferencias presentan bajo nivel de asociación y no indican nada relevante. Por ello, se podría concluir que el uso de Synthetic Phonics no parece garantizar un aprendizaje eficiente de la ortografía en el caso del alumnado español. Es necesario adaptar el método Synthetic Phonics para el alumnado de centros bilingües y analizar la eficacia de otros métodos de enseñanza de la escritura en inglés a edades tempranas

    Motivation in 1st year CSE students: Use of the tablet vs use of the textbook

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    La teoría de la autodeterminación (Deci, Ryan, 1985) estudia la motivación intrínseca y sus efectos en el comportamiento. En la presente investigación se compara la motivación intrínseca alcanzada por dos grupos de alumnos de 1º ESO de dos colegios distintos ubicados en una misma zona de Madrid. El estudio se ha centrado en la asignatura de Ciencias. En uno de los centros los alumnos utilizaban la tablet para realizar sus tareas, mientras que en el otro utilizaban el libro de texto y el cuaderno. Los resultados muestran que los alumnos que empleaban la tablet estaban más motivados que los que utilizaban el libro de texto y el cuaderno en las tres dimensiones sometidas a análisis. Para dicho análisis se ha utilizado un Test de Motivación IntrínsecaThe Self-Determination Theory (Deci and Ryan, 1985) studies intrinsic motivation and its effects on behaviour. In this research, a comparison is made in relation to the intrinsic motivation reached by two groups of 1st year of CSE students from two different schools located within the same area of Madrid. The study is focused on the subject of Science. In one of the school’s students used the tablet to do their tasks while in the other the textbook and the workbook were used. The results show that the students who used the tablet were more motivated compared to those who used the textbook and the notebook in the three dimensions analysed. An Intrinsic Motivation Test has been used for such analysi

    La enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras: propuestas de mejora

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    Those involved in the teaching of foreign languages in general, and in the teaching of English in particular, are aware of the challenges they face when it comes to doing their job. This article analyzes some of the main reasons why the process of teaching a foreign language should be revised. Concentrating specifically on Spain, possible solutions and strategies will be presented to combat previously discovered deficiencies. In this sense, it is considered that the analyzed proposals can be a reference for the successful study of the situation in relation to the provision of positive strategies and solutions. It is important to highlight that this analysis has been carried out after detecting a series of problems. The results are aimed at becoming one of the main engines that triggers an in-depth debate. This debate should lead to change the methodology, training, design, conception and, ultimately, the teaching of foreign languages in Spain.2018-1

    El reto de la destreza del speaking en centros de educación secundaria monolingües de Andalucía

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    Spain, following the recommendations of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR, 2011), is undergoing a quick English-learning process in order to qualify the population as citizens of the world. The mastering of speaking skills in English is crucial to ease personal, social, political, professional and economic relationships. For this reason, the objectives of this paper are: analysing the current regional and national legislation regarding foreign language communication; understanding how relevant it is for the Andalusian population to speak fluently in English, given the magnitude of the international tourism industry in Andalusia and the current European socio-educational context; as well as knowing if Andalusian Secondary Education students are aware of this situation, and how comfortable they feel with their current oral-skills in English nowadays.España, siguiendo las recomendaciones del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas (MCER, 2011), se encuentra inmersa en un rápido proceso de aprendizaje del inglés que permita a sus gentes convertirse en ciudadanos del mundo. El dominio del componente oral de esta lengua es fundamental para facilitar las relaciones sociales, laborales, políticas o económicas. Por ello, esta investigación establece los siguientes objetivos: analizar la legislación estatal y autonómica vigente con respecto a la comunicación en lenguas extranjeras; entender hasta qué punto es relevante para la población andaluza el hecho de poder hablar con fluidez en lengua inglesa dada la envergadura del turismo internacional en Andalucía y el contexto socioeducativo europeo actual; tratar de averiguar si los estudiantes de Educación Secundaria andaluces son conscientes de esta situación, y conocer cómo de cómodos se sienten hoy día con la práctica de la destreza oral o speaking en lengua inglesa

    Racismo: um desafio para a educação bilíngue em Madrid

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    With the increasing prevalence of bilingual public and private schools, the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages heavily influences how English is taught in Spain, emphasizing plurilingualism and communicative competence, underlining the importance of education to reduce inequality and discrimination, and improving intercultural understanding. Since bilingual education can greatly impact this scenario (whether positively or negatively), it is important to outline the advantages and disadvantages of bilingual education nowadays. Additionally, we should admit that English language classes both disprove and propagate stereotypes, providing opportunities due to the ubiquity of the language, although not to everyone. This study aims to evaluate the success of English in secondary education, if it effectively gives opportunities and opens students to new cultures and if it raises awareness about racism. A survey was conducted with 406 students of Compulsory Secondary Education 1st and 4th grades at three schools in the Community of Madrid. We hypothesized that bilingual education students would be more open to difference and to new opportunities and would be more likely to recognize and challenge discrimination. The study found no significant differences in the responses given at the three schools. We contend that formal education impeded truthful answers and that a more casual questionnaire would be more appropriate.A forma como a língua inglesa é ensinada na Espanha, com a crescente oferta de escolas bilíngues, tanto públicas quanto privadas, é fortemente influenciada pelo Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas. Este documento enfatiza os valores do plurilinguismo e da competência comunicativa, ao passo que sublinha a importância de reduzir a desigualdade e a discriminação e de melhorar a compreensão intercultural no âmbito da educação. Como se constata que a educação bilíngue tem impacto positivo e negativo neste aspecto, é importante destacar suas vantagens e desvantagens na atualidade. Por outro lado, deve-se admitir que as aulas de língua inglesa demonstram tanto refutar quanto propagar estereótipos, e que a onipresença do inglês oferece oportunidades, ainda que não para todos. Este trabalho teve como objetivos: avaliar o sucesso do ensino do inglês no ensino secundário; a efetiva oferta de oportunidades e abertura dos horizontes dos alunos a novas culturas; e o potencial aumento da sua consciência sobre o racismo. Foi realizada uma pesquisa entre 406 alunos do 1º e 4º anos do ensino secundário obrigatório de três escolas da Comunidade de Madrid. Levantou-se a hipótese de que os alunos da educação bilíngue estivessem mais abertos à diferença e a novas oportunidades e fossem mais propensos a reconhecer e desafiar a discriminação. O estudo não encontrou diferenças significativas nas respostas recebidas nas três escolas. Argumentou-se, por fim, que o contexto formal de estudo representou um empecilho à obtenção de respostas verdadeiras e que um questionário mais casual seria mais apropriado

    Envolvimento docente na utilização de ferramentas digitais em salas de aula de conservatórios, escolas municipais e universidades

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    The paper’s objective is to depict the current situation regarding the use of digital tools on the part of musical education teachers and students to teach and learn music. The research tool used is a questionnaire designed and validated psychometrically by the authors, focusing on eight types of technological musical tools. The questionnaire was distributed through social networks, providing a valid sample of 274 participants in Spain. The analysis of the results reveals very little knowl edge regarding digital tools for present-day musical education. It also highlights that the age of the participants does not correlate with the type of technological resources used in classrooms, leading to the conclusion that said resources are not a factor that impede acquisition of digital competence. However, substantial differences are observed depending on the sample’s professional profile. This study intensifies the need to provide training solutions in order to improve the quality of music education systems.O objetivo do artigo é descrever a situação atual no que diz respeito à utilização de ferramentas digitais por parte de professores e alunos de educação musical para ensinar e aprender música. O instrumento de investigação utilizado é um questionário concebido e validado psicometricamente pelos autores, que incide sobre oito tipos de instrumentos musicais tecnológicos. O questionário foi distribuído através das redes sociais, o que permitiu obter uma amostra válida de 274 participantes em Espanha. A análise dos resultados revela um conhecimento muito reduzido das ferramentas digitais para a educação musical atual. Salienta também que a idade dos participantes não está correlacionada com o tipo de recursos tecnológicos utilizados nas salas de aula, o que permite concluir que esses recursos não são um fator que impeça a aquisição de competências digitais. No entanto, observam-se diferenças substanciais em função do perfil profissional da amostra. Este estudo reforça a necessidade de encontrar soluções de formação para melhorar a qualidade dos sistemas de ensino da músic