356 research outputs found

    Computationally-efficient path planning algorithms in obstacle-rich environments based on visibility graph method

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    Path planning purpose is to find a collision-free path in a defined environment from a starting point to a target point. It is one of the vital aspects in enhancing an autonomy of a robot. Cun·ent studies have been focused on developing path planning algorithms to satisfy the criteria of path planning namely minimum path length, low computation time and complete, i.e., it gives positive result if a path is available or negative if otherwise. There are several existing path planning methods such as Visibility Graph (VG), Voronoi Diagram (VD), Potential Fields (PF) and Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree (RRT). Among those, VG is superior in terms of producing a path with the least length and completeness. However, VG has a drawback due to the fact that its computation time will increase in obstacle-rich environments. Moreover, as a path planned by VG is piece-wise linear which has sharp turns at comers, it is infeasible due to the kinematic constraints of a robot. Kinematic constraints limit the degree of freedom of the robot. In order to address the high computation time, an improved VG called Iterative Equilateral Spaces Oriented Visibility Graph (IESOVG) has been developed by reducing the number of obstacles used for path planning. IESOVG manipulates the size of the equilateral space to determine the obstacles used in path planning and consequently produces a free-collision path in considerably shorter time. On the other hand, to overcome the kinematic constraint of a car-like robot, Proportional controller, Proportional-Derivative (PD) controller and Bezier curves have been implemented to ensure that the resulting paths are feasible. As a result of the proposed methods, computation time of conventional VG has been improved by 97 %. The implementation of PD controller may contribute to path planning software development for autonomous car industry

    Kajian Aksiologi tentang Kontribusi dan Kontroversi Pemanfaatan Amonia dari Proses Haber-Bosch

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    The purpose of this article is to conduct an axiological study of the Haber-Bosch process. The Haber-Bosch process had both contributions and controversies early on in its discovery. The study in writing this article uses a literature review which consists of selecting the topic to be reviewed, searching and selecting articles related to the topic, analyzing and synthesizing the literature, and organizing the writing. The literature reviewed relates to the main themes, namely the Haber-Bosch process, the use of Haber-Bosch products, and axiological studies on Haber-Bosch products. The results of the axiological study show that: 1) The breakthrough from Haber-Bosch related to ammonia production provides benefits for the sustainability of the agricultural sector and the survival of European society. In the current context, the Haber-Bosch process has both theoretical and practical uses. 2) On the other hand, the Haber-Bosch process is used by Haber to maintain the supply of gunpowder and manufacture toxic gases used as chemical weapons that killed hundreds of thousands of people. This certainly shows something unethical and shows a scientific paradoxaxiology; Haber; Bosch; Ammoni


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan dan mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan multimedia pembelajaran berbasis literasi sains untuk siswa SMP pada tema teknologi. Multimedia dalam pembelajaran sains dapat menciptakan proses pembelajaran yang lebih bermakna, dengan demikian visi literasi sains yaitu membekali siswa dengan pengetahuan konsep sains yang benar serta mampu menerapkan konsep sains pada fenomena kehidupan sehari-hari dapat tercapai. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) dengan desain ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation), tahap analysis, design, dan development merupakan tahap pengembangan multimedia pembelajaran berbasis literasi sains. Sementara tahap implementation dan evaluation merupakan tahap penerapan multimedia dalam pembelajaran di salah satu SMP Negeri di Kota Cimahi. Multimedia pembelajaran berbasis literasi sains pada tema teknologi memiliki desain yang menyesuaikan dengan domain literasi sains yaitu kompetensi sains, pengetahuan sains dan sikap siswa terhadap sains yang dibingkai dalam konteks. Penggunaan multimedia pembelajaran berbasis literasi sains dapat meningkatkan literasi sains siswa secara keseluruhan sebesar 65,64%. Sementara itu pada domain kompetensi sains peningkatannya sebesar 70,1%, domain pengetahuan sains sebesar 63,7% dan domain sikap siswa terhadap sains sebesar 60,12%. ---------- The aim of the study is to develop the multimedia based on scientific literacy for junior high school students on the theme of technology. Moreover, the study was also done to examine the effectiveness of the multimedia in enhancing students’ scientific literacy. Multimedia in science learning can create more meaningful learning process, so the vision of scientific literacy can be achieved. This study used research and development (R&D) methods with ADDIE design (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The stage of analysis, design, and development are a development stage of multimedia learning based on scienctific literacy. The implementation and evaluation stage are the stage of implementation multimedia in science teaching in SMP Cimahi. Multimedia learning based on scienctific literacy on the theme of technology has a design that adapts to the scientific literacy from PISA, there are context domain, competence of science domain and scientific knowledge domain. The use of multimedia learning based on scienctific literacy can enhance students’ scienctific literacy for 65,64%. In the competence of science domain for 70,1%, scientific knowledge domain for 63,7% and students attitude toward for 60,12%


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    ABSTRACT ABDUL LATIP. 8105112286. The Correlation Between Controling With Work Disipline on Employee at PT Exotica Bogor. Scientific Paper, Jakarta: Study Program of Economic Education, Concetratio of Office Administration Education, Economics and Administratio Department, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta, Juni 2015. This research aims to determine whether there is the correlation between Controling With Job Disipline on employee at PT Exotica Bogor. This research was conducted for two months from March to April 2015. The research method used survey method with the correlational approach. The population in this research were all the empolyee at PT Exotica Bogor which numbered 59 people and researchers took samples used were 51 employees by using sample random technique. Data variable Y ( Discipline Work ) is a secondary data obtained from the assessment employer to its employee. While the data variable X ( Supervision ) instrument used was a questionnaire using Likert scale model. The instrument used was a questionnaire totaling 24 point statement after being validated there are two statements in the drop so that a 22 point declaration. Calculation of reliability using Cronbach alpha formula . Results of the reliability of the variable X at 0.948 and prove that the instrument reliable . The resulting regression equation is Y = 58,15 + 0,309 X. Test requirements analysis that estimates the error normality test regression of Y on X with the test Liliefors produce Lhitung = 0.066 , while Ltabel for n = 51 at the 0.05 significance level was 0.124 , Because Lhitung < Ltabel the estimated error of Y on X normal distribution . Regression linearity test produces Fhitung Ftable , ie 34.55 > 3.92 means that a significant regression equation . Product moment correlation coefficient of Pearson r xy = 0.643generate further test correlation coefficient using the t test and the resulting t = 5.88 and table = 1.68 . It can be concluded that the correlation coefficient r xy = 0.643 is significant. The coefficient of determination obtained at 41.35 %, which indicates that 41.35 % of the variation is determined labor discipline supervision and the remaining 58.65 % influenced by other variables not examine. Keywords : Controling, Work Disciplin


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    ABSTRAK Pada era perkembangan teknologi dan ilmu pengetahuan, multimedia memegang peran dalam mengakomodasi pembelajaran IPA yang lebih bermakna melalui visualisasi konsep yang abstrrak dan kontektualisasi konsep dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis dan menggambarkan tahapan pengembangan multimedia pembelajaran berbasis literasi sains dengan model ADDIE. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif yang menjabarkan penerapan model ADDIE dalam pengembangan multimedia pembelajaran berbasis literasi sains. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan diperoleh gambaran sebagai berikut: 1) Analysis terdiri dari analisis permasalahan, konten, kurikulum dan objek multimedia. 2) Design terdiri dari proses analisis wacana, pembuatan flowchart dan story board, 3) Develpoment merupakan tahap pembuatan multimedia dan validasi multimedia oleh tim ahli serta tim guru, 4) Implementation merupakan tahap uji coba terbatas dalam pembelajaran IPA di Kelas, dan 5) Evaluation merupakan tahap pemberian umpan balik terhadap multimedia pembelajaran berbasis literasi sains yang sudah dikembangkan oleh alhli, guru dan siswa. Berdasarkan penerapan tahapan model ADDIE yang dilakukan diperoleh gambaran bahwa model tersebut dapat digunakan untuk pengembangan multimedia pembelajaran IPA dengan basis pengembangan berupa literasi sains. Kata Kunci: Literasi Sains, Model ADDIE, Multimedia ABSTRACT In the era of technological and scientific development, multimedia plays a role in accommodating more meaningful science learning through visualization of abstract concepts and contextualization of concepts in everyday life. This study aims to analyze and describe the stages of developing scientific literacy-based learning multimedia using the ADDIE model. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative which describes the application of the ADDIE model in the development of scientific literacy-based learning multimedia. The results of the research carried out are described as follows: 1) The analysis consists of analysis of problems, content, curriculum and multimedia objects. 2) Design consists of a discourse analysis process, making flowcharts and story boards, 3) Development is the stage of making multimedia and multimedia validation by a team of experts and a team of teachers, 4) Implementation is a limited trial stage in learning science in class, and 5) Evaluation is the stage of providing feedback to multimedia learning based on scientific literacy that has been developed by experts, teachers and students. Based on the implementation of the stages of the ADDIE model carried out, it is obtained an illustration that the model can be used for the development of multimedia learning in science with the basis of development in the form of scientific literacy. Keyword: Scientific Literacy, ADDIE model, Multimedi

    Minat Belajar Peserta Didik SMP Pada Pembelajaran STEM dengan Media Robot Edukasi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan minat belajar peserta didik SMP pada pembelajaran STEM dengan media robot edukasi (STEM-Robotik). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan sampel penelitian sebanyak 47 peserta didik SMP swasta di Kota Bandung yang mendapatkan pembelajaran STEM-Robotik selama satu semester. Instrumen yang digunakan merupakan kuisioner yang menggali 3 aspek minat belajar peserta didik dalam pembelajaran STEM-Robotik yaitu perhatian peserta didik, keterlibatan peserta didik, dan manfaat pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, 1) Sebanyak 61,8% peserta didik memberikan perhatian yang baik dalam pembelajaran STEM-Robotik. 2) Sebanyak 73,4% peserta didik menunjukkan keterlibatan yang baik dalam pembelajaran STEM-Robotik, dan 3) Sebanyak 71,64% peserta didik mendapatkan manfaat yang baik dalam pembelajaran STEM-Robotik. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa secara umum peserta didik menunjukkan minat belajar yang baik dalam pembelajaran STEM-Robotik


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    Menggunakan Metode Pembelajaran Problem Posing pada Pokok Bahasan Perbandingan Trigonometri Pada Segitiga Siku-siku di Kelas XI Mipa-5 MAN 3 Medan Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019 dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa hal ini dapat dilihat dari nilai rata-rata pada saat Siklus I 72,29, pada siklus II terjadi peningkatan nilai rata-rata siswa menjadi 85,00. Menggunakan metode Pembelajaran Problem Posing pada Pokok Bahasan Perbandingan Trigonometri Pada Segitiga Siku-siku di Kelas Kelas XI Mipa-5 MAN 3 Medan Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019 dapat meningkatkan ketuntasan  belajar  siswa  dimana pada saat siklus I 57,14 % akan tetapi meningkat menjadi 100% pada siklus II. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa menggunakan metode Pembelajaran Problem Posing dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dengan demikian berarti tepat bila digunakan ,metode Pembelajaran Problem Posing untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada Pokok Bahasan Perbandingan Trigonometri Pada Segitiga Siku-siku di Kelas Kelas XI Mipa-5 MAN 3 Medan Tahun Pelajaran 2018/201

    Development of New drying system using salt solution

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    The title of this project is Development ofNew Drying System using salt solution. The topic is actually to investigate for the salt solution to be as an alternative refrigerant in the drying system. Seven types of salt involved in this project andthe properties of each salt are determine via experimental work. The process of dissolving salt has an energy change associated with it, which are endothermic and exothermic heats of solution. The main properties for the salt solution to be an alternative refrigerant in this research is the salt solution that involved in the exothermic reaction. There are three objective needs to be achieved in the project, which are to measure the heat involved of solution of salts, to relate the heat of solution involved to the two-step process of dissolving and to identify the best salt solutions for drying system. Two experimental works is done to achieve all objectives and to prove the topic given. Based on the result, three salts among seven salts experienced an exothermic reaction and the other is endothermic reaction. From the experimental results it prove that exothermic salt solution can be as alternative refrigerant, where the heat release from the reaction can be used as a drying agent. Modification to the existing refrigerator system need to be done to suited the application of salt solution as an alternative refrigerant


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    Problem Based Learning adalah kurikulum dan proses pembelajaran. Dalam kurikulumnya, dirancang masalah yang siswa mendapatkan pengetahuan yang penting, membuat mereka mahir dalam memecahkan masalah, dan memiliki strategi belajar sendiri serta memiliki kecakapan berpartisipasi dalam tim. Proses pembelajarannya menggunakan pendekatan yang sistematik untuk memecahkan masalah atau menghadapi tantangan yang nanti diperlukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan aktivitas belajar dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning di Kelas XI Mipa -1 MAN 3 Medan Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020. Metode penelitian berupa penelitian tindakan kelas dan subjek penelitian adalah Kelas XI. Kelas yang diteliti terdiri dari 30 orang siswa. Berdasarkan hasil belajar dari siklus I, diperoleh nilai rata-rata 75. Setelah suklus  II, terjadi peningkatan menjadi 85. Pada penelitian ini diperoleh data kriteria ketuntasan belajar individu dan klasikal, menjadi sebanyak 30 siswa atau sebesar 100%.Dengan demikian pembelajaran pada penelitian ini dapat dikatakan telah tuntas.Tingkat penguasaan siswa terhadap materi yang diajarkan, yang dibuat berdasarkan tes akhir adalah 100% siswa yang mempunyai penguasaan sangat tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dengan XI Mipa -1 MAN 3 Medan mengalami peningkatan akivitas belajar dan kemampuan memecahkan masalah matematika siswa. Kata Kunci: Aktivitas belajar, model pembelajaran Problem Based Learnin

    The analysis of students news text translation work taken from the Jakarta Post

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    Communicative translation is obviously needed in the global era, because many books and technology used the English Language.This research is needed by students of English Education Department to find and optimize students’ ability in translation. This research aims are to find the students’ quality in translating news text from English into Indonesia Language especially in the communicative translation and to find advantages and disadvantages of communicative translation. This research used qualitative approach with a case study research. The research participants were six selected students based on their quality of the second translation field. The data were obtained by document analysis and interview.After all data were taken, these were analyzed by using Creswell theory (2012). Next, these datawere classified as suggested Larson (1997). Then, interview data gathering was implemented in finding a deeper analysis on advantages and disadvantages of communicative translation based on students’ responses. The findings showed that the qualities of students’ translation works were different with each other in terms of their accuracy, clarity, and naturalness, but the majority of them were in good quality. In accuracy, five participants got good accuracy where the translator translated the source language (SL) text with correct meaning, with no omission, addition, or any changes of meaning, and one participant got fair accuracy. In clarity, there were five participants got good clarity where the translator translated the SLtext withappropriv ate words, phrases and grammar and clear meaning, and one participant got fair clarity. In Naturalness, there were five participants got good naturalness where the translator translated the source language text with correct meaning, appropriate idioms and words but there are some syntactic structure errors, and one participant got fair naturalness. No one had identical score in all aspects. However, there was a consistency score of all aspects in every participant. Meanwhile based on the result of the interview, the advantages of communicative translation were divided into translator such assimpler, and flexible, etc. Then, readers got such as enjoyable to read, and more comprehensive,etc. These advantages were more dominant than disadvantages in which translator got choose inappropriate diction, etc.Then, for reader got only one the disadvantage. It was choosing in appropriate diction.Finally, the majority of studetents’ qualities were good quality in all aspects and advantages of this method were more dominant than the disadvantages. Then, based on these research findings, communicative translation is necessary to students of English education department to learn and to master it
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