The analysis of students news text translation work taken from the Jakarta Post


Communicative translation is obviously needed in the global era, because many books and technology used the English Language.This research is needed by students of English Education Department to find and optimize students’ ability in translation. This research aims are to find the students’ quality in translating news text from English into Indonesia Language especially in the communicative translation and to find advantages and disadvantages of communicative translation. This research used qualitative approach with a case study research. The research participants were six selected students based on their quality of the second translation field. The data were obtained by document analysis and interview.After all data were taken, these were analyzed by using Creswell theory (2012). Next, these datawere classified as suggested Larson (1997). Then, interview data gathering was implemented in finding a deeper analysis on advantages and disadvantages of communicative translation based on students’ responses. The findings showed that the qualities of students’ translation works were different with each other in terms of their accuracy, clarity, and naturalness, but the majority of them were in good quality. In accuracy, five participants got good accuracy where the translator translated the source language (SL) text with correct meaning, with no omission, addition, or any changes of meaning, and one participant got fair accuracy. In clarity, there were five participants got good clarity where the translator translated the SLtext withappropriv ate words, phrases and grammar and clear meaning, and one participant got fair clarity. In Naturalness, there were five participants got good naturalness where the translator translated the source language text with correct meaning, appropriate idioms and words but there are some syntactic structure errors, and one participant got fair naturalness. No one had identical score in all aspects. However, there was a consistency score of all aspects in every participant. Meanwhile based on the result of the interview, the advantages of communicative translation were divided into translator such assimpler, and flexible, etc. Then, readers got such as enjoyable to read, and more comprehensive,etc. These advantages were more dominant than disadvantages in which translator got choose inappropriate diction, etc.Then, for reader got only one the disadvantage. It was choosing in appropriate diction.Finally, the majority of studetents’ qualities were good quality in all aspects and advantages of this method were more dominant than the disadvantages. Then, based on these research findings, communicative translation is necessary to students of English education department to learn and to master it

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