61 research outputs found

    Energetic evaluation of a double-effect LiBr-H2O absorption heat pump coupled to a multi-effect distillation plant at nominal and off-design conditions

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    This paper presents the experimental characterization of a double-effect absorption heat pump (DEAHP) using lithium bromide-water (LiBr-H2O) which recovers the low-energy latent heat from the last effect of a multi-effect distillation (MED) plant. The experimental facility is located at the Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA) and the test campaign has been performed with the aim to find the best operating strategies that minimize the energy consumption and maximize the energetic efficiency of the DEAHP-MED system taking also into account the distillate production of the MED unit. For this purpose, the impact of the variation of the input variables by which the DEAHP-MED system can be controlled (MED inlet hot water flow rate, MED inlet hot water temperature, the live steam flow rate and the DEAHP cooling water flow rate) on the coefficient of performance (COP), the performance ratio (PR) and on the total distillate production, has been analysed in two different coupling schemes between the DEAHP and the MED unit (indirect and direct). The results revealed that in direct mode, the rise in the live steam flow rate has the greatest impact on the distillate production and the increase of the MED inlet hot water flow rate and the DEAHP cooling flow rate on the COP. In the indirect mode, the rise in the MED inlet hot water temperature was the most influential in both parameters. The maximum COP, distillate production and PR was 2.08±0.34, 2.42±0.07 m3/h, and 18.53±1.94, respectively in the direct mode and 2.04±0.39, 1.92±0.11 m3/h, 16.67±3.42, respectively the indirect mode. Moreover, empirical correlations that forecast the PR and the distillate production as a function of the COP were developed from the characterization results and were validated statistically by the coefficient of determination (R^2) and the adjusted R^2(R_adj^2)

    Politique monétaire et stabilité financière : évaluation de la stratégie "Leaning Against the Wind" dans les décisions du BAM

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    Ce papier explore les effets de la stratégie "leaning against the wind" de la Banque Centrale marocaine sur la stabilité financière. A partir de la règle de Taylor et ses extensions, notre objectif est de vérifier le pouvoir de la politique monétaire de Bank Al-Maghrib d'influencer la stabilité financière à travers la dynamique des prix des actifs financiers.Notre travail consiste à l’estimation de cinq spécifications de la règle de Taylor à l’aide des modèles GMM pour la période entre 2000 et 2020. Les résultats indiquent que la stabilité financière n’est pas prise en compte dans les décisions de la politique monétaire de BAM. Ainsi, le ciblage des prix des actifs peut être un moyen efficace pour contenir l’instabilité financière

    Techno-economic assessment of a Multi-effect Distillation plant installed 1 for the production of irrigation water in Arica (Chile)

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    In the context of a regional Chilean project (FIC Taltape project, BIP code 30158422-0), a multi-effect distillation (MED) pilot plant has been built and installed in a small community in the north of Chile (Taltape, Arica) in order to supply treated water for agricultural and domestic purposes. The aim of this paper is to assess the techno-economic feasibility of this system for supplying water with the required quality to the population. The characterization of the feed water and the effluents from the MED pilot plant (distillate and brine), obtained during five months of operation, has been firstly performed. Then, the prediction of the operation of the water treatment system with solar energy has been carried out using a typical meteorological year and the design of a static solar field that cover the thermal energy needs of the water treatment plant

    Removal of Carbofuran Pesticide from Aqueous Solution by Adsorption onto Animal Bone Meal as New Low Cost Adsorbent

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    The objective of this study is to investigate the Carbofuran pesticide adsorption from aqueous solution using animal bone meal as an alternative low cost adsorbent. The effects of various experimental factors; adsorbent dose, initial Carbofuran concentration, contact time, solution pH and particle size of adsorbent were studied by using the batch technique. The results showed that Carbofuran adsorption equilibrium was rapidly attained after 70 min of contact time. A maximum of 98.3% removal of the Carbofuran pesticide was observed by 25 mg of Animal Bone Meal (ABM). Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models were applied for the analysis of equilibrium adsorption data obtained. The maximum monolayer adsorption capacity was 18.5 mg/g. The characteristic results; dimensionless separation factor, R L , and the adsorption intensity, n, showed that animal bone meal can be employed as an alternative to commercial adsorbents in the removal of Carbofuran pesticide from aqueous solution.Keywords: Animal Bone Meal, Carbofuran, Adsorption Isotherms, Water treatment

    Patrón reproductivo y fecundidad de la merluza (Merluccius merluccius (Linnaeus, 1758)) en el Mediterráneo occidental

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    12 pages, 12 figures[EN] The spawning cycle of the European hake (Merluccius merluccius, (Linnaeus, 1758)) was studied in two western Mediterranean areas, the Catalan Sea and the northern Tyrrhenian Sea, including observation of the monthly seasonal variation of the gonad maturity and the gonadosomatic index (GSI). The estimation of the maturity stages by GSI gave similar values in the two study areas: the spawning stage (IV) was easily distinguished from the other maturity stages and its range of variation showed a low overlap with stage III and no overlap with other stages. Although in both study areas active females were present during all the sampled months, the peak of reproductive activity was concentrated from February to May in the northern Tyrrhenian Sea but from August to December in the Catalan Sea, which was subjected to winter cascading events. Batch fecundity gave similar values in the Catalan and northern Tyrrhenian Seas: 204 and 202 eggs per gonad-free female gram, respectively. An asynchronous oocyte development is suggested for M. merluccius in the western Mediterranean[ES] Se ha estudiado el ciclo reproductivo de la merluza (Merluccius merluccius, (Linnaeus, 1758)) en dos áreas del Mediterráneo occidental, el Mar Catalán y el norte del Mar Tirreno, analizando la evolución mensual de la madurez en las gónadas y el índice gonadosomático (GSI). La estimación del estadio de madurez mediante el GSI dio resultados parecidos en ambas áreas de estudio: el estadio de puesta (IV) resultó fácil de distinguir de los otros estadios de madurez y su rango de variación mostró poca superposición con el estadio III y ninguna con los otros estadios. Aunque en ambas áreas de estudio se encontraron hembras activas durante todos los meses muestreados, el pico de actividad reproductiva se concentró entre febrero y mayo en el norte del Mar Tirreno, mientras que en el Mar Catalán es entre agosto y diciembre, esta última área sujeta en invierno a fenómenos de cascadas submarinas. La fecundidad relativa presentó valores similares en los mares Catalán y Tirreno norte: 204 huevos por gramo de hembras sin gónada y 202, respectivamente. Se sugiere un desarrollo ovocitario asíncrono para M. merluccius del Mediterráneo occidentalThis work was supported by the EU LLUCET Project (FAIR CT-97-3522)Peer reviewe

    L' apport de différentes théories économiques à la problématique de la localisation des activités économiques : Une perspective historique sur la relation "territoire / investisseur".

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    Cet article identifie un ensemble de thĂ©ories classico-historiques qui irriguent la thĂ©orie de la localisation des activitĂ©s Ă©conomiques, dont l'investissement ; ces thĂ©ories ont tentĂ© de dĂ©terminer les champs d'analyse territoriale que l'on retrouve dans les projets, les investissements et les entreprises. Dans cette logique de base et selon ces thĂ©ories classiques, la localisation des investissements est liĂ©e Ă  un ensemble de dispositifs dont le territoire module pour chaque reprise sa stratĂ©gie en raison des bouleversements Ă©conomiques, des croisements et des abandons de projets d'investissement. De ce fait, les investisseurs se caractĂ©risent par une motilitĂ© sĂ»re et certaine et une flexibilitĂ© dans le raisonnement de recherche de territoires Ă©mergents porteurs de richesses et de ressources. Un territoire peut ĂŞtre vu et mesurĂ© Ă  partir de plusieurs points de mesure, mĂŞme l'Ă©conomie, la gouvernance, la sociĂ©tĂ©, les liens gĂ©ographiques, les bases historiques, la dĂ©mographie, et ainsi de suite. En outre, on a tentĂ©, entre autres, de dĂ©finir le territoire par plusieurs sens, Ă  savoir la notion endogène et exogène, la pluralitĂ© des partenaires, les attributs du territoire, et un marchĂ© de confrontation. A la fin de cet article, nous prĂ©sentons les quatre dĂ©terminants de la localisation des investissements, Ă  savoir le climat d'investissement, les avantages de l'efficacitĂ© et de l'efficience, les ressources de toute nature et un territoire attractif en termes de rĂ©sidents.   &nbsp

    Modélisation de l'effet des murs de remplissage sur la performance sismique des bâtiments en béton armé

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    Les murs de remplissage contribuent à la rigidité et la résistance latérales des bâtiments en béton armé qu’ils emplissent. Les variations qu’ils induisent dépendent des propriétés mécaniques du matériau constituant le remplissage et aussi de l’interaction de ce dernier avec l’ossature du bâtiment [1]. Dans ce travail, le remplissage de type maçonnerie non renforcée a été modélisé en utilisant le concept de barre diagonale équivalente [2], dans le but de déterminer son influence sur la performance sismique d’un bâtiment régulier. L’analyse pushover a été effectuée à l’aide du logiciel ZeusNL [3]. Différents scénarios de remplissage concernant sa répartition sur les étages du bâtiment ont été étudiés. Une comparaison entre la configuration entièrement remplie et partiellement remplie en présence d’un étage faible a été accomplie. Les résultats obtenus ont montré que le remplissage a une influence considérable sur le comportement latéral du bâtiment sous l’action d’un chargement sismique. Les résultats ont montré aussi que le remplissage améliore la performance sismique. Le gain réalisé est cependant tributaire de beaucoup de facteur dont les principaux sont la distribution du remplissage sur la hauteur du bâtiment, la présence de vides. Le mécanisme étage faible caractéristique de la situation d’un remplissage qui n’est pas uniformément réparti est plus sévère lorsque l’étage vide est proche du sol. Lorsque le vide est présent au niveau des étages supérieur, un équilibre surprenant peut naître augmentant considérablement la résistance au pushover et un effet bénéfique sur la performance sismique pourrait en résulter. [1] F. López-Almansa, D. Domínguez, A. Benavent-Climent. Vulnerability analysis of RC buildings with wide beams located in moderate seismicity regions. Engineering Structures, 46: 687-702, 2013. [2] B. Stafford Smith. Behaviour of the square infilled frames. Journal of Structural Div. ASCE; 92:381-403, 1966. [3] A.S. Elnashai, V.K. Papanikolaou, D.H. Lee. Zeus NL A system for inelastic analysis: User Manual, Version 1.8.7, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Mid- America Earthquake Center, 2008

    Isolation and identification of Bacillus strains with antimycobacterial activity

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    Tuberculosis is the principal cause of death worldwide due to an infectious disease. The resurgence of tuberculosis, followed by the increase in prevalence of infections caused by nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), as well as the multi-drug resistance of mycobacteria to the majority of currently available antibiotics, have encouraged research for new antimycobacterial agents. Soil and water samples from different Moroccan biotopes, have led to the isolation of four bacterial strains (M, R, G and S), showing an inhibitory effect on mycobacterial growth. This effect was shown to be due to secreted substances in the growth medium. From subsequent analysis it was concluded that these strains produced different active substances. Sequencing of the 16S rRNA showed that these isolates belong to the genus Bacillus. The active substance from isolate M, showed the more important inhibitory effect on mycobacterial growth. It is precipitated with ammonium sulfate and lost all activity when treated with Proteinase K, revealing its protein nature

    Endobronchial lipoma a rare cause of pleural empyema: a case report

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    Benign neoplasm of the endobronchial tree is quite rare, while endobronchial lipoma is extremely rare. The irreversible pulmonary damage is due to progressive bronchial obstruction; even so, pleural empyema is exceptionally encountered in a case of endobronchial lipoma. We report a case of a 47-year-old man who had left lung pneumonia with hemoptysis. The chest computed tomography showed cystic bronchiectasis with pleural effusion, Flexible bronchoscopy revealed a round tumor on the left main bronchus
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