14 research outputs found

    Antibacterial activity of Novel Prodrugs of Amoxicillin and Cephalexin

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    The two novel prodrugs of amoxicillin and cephalexin were synthesized to improve the stability and bitter taste of their parent drugs. The in vitro susceptibility for both prodrugs was determined against Escherichia coli, staphylococcus epidermidis, staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumonia, streptococcus group A, streptococcus group B, and compared to that of their parents. The results revealed that both novel prodrugs have antibacterial activity on most bacterial strains with about the same potency as their parent drugs, In addition, Klebsiella pneumonia, and staphylococcus epidermidis showed resistance to both amoxicillin drug and its prodrug. Since klebsiella is gram negative bacteria and staphylococcus epidermidise is beta lactamase positive . It is worth noting that those two novel prodrugs are among a small number of prodrugs that have activity themselves before undergoing conversion via enzymatic or chemical processes to their corresponding parent drugs. The novel prodrugs exhibit their antibacterial activity against different types of bacterial strains due to the presence of beta lactam ring in their structures. In addition, it is expected that the novel two prodrugs will be much more stable in aqueous media than their corresponding parent drugs due to the fact that the sensitive amine group exists in the parent drugs was replaced with a more stable group, amide

    The Impact of Economic Performance on the Return on Investment (ROI) in the Pharmaceutical Industry (A Case Study: Hikma Pharmaceutical Company for the Period 2011 to 2021)

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    This study aimed to identify the impact of economic performance on pharmaceutical companies’ return on investment. The sample of the study included pharmaceutical companies in Jordan as Al-Hikma pharmaceutical Company was particularly chosen to be the sample of the study. Moreover, the study relied on some variables relevant to Al-Hikma pharmaceutical Company’s economic performance, such as (total revenue, volume of export, and Net Profit). Furthermore, the results of the study showed that there was a statistically significance impact of total revenue and net profit on the Return on investment of Al-Hikma pharmaceutical Company at a significance level (α = 0.05).and showed there was not a statistically significance impact of volume of export on the Return on investment of Al-Hikma pharmaceutical Company at a significance level (α = 0.05).  The study suggested a number of recommendations such as encouragement to invest in the company, as it achieves a good return on investment and is characterized by growth. Keywords: return on investment, economic Performance, Al-Hikma pharmaceutical Company. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/14-8-04 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Energy Systems Modeling for Eco-Cities with Focus on Renewable Energy Integration

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    This report’s main objective is to examine the potential electricity yield and cost for integrating renewable energy technologies into the Sino-Swedish eco-city, a part of the Taihu New City in Wuxi, a city in the Jiangsu province, China. The renewable energy technology to be implemented is solar photovoltaics.   The report begins with presenting the current role of the renewable energy industry in China and continues with a study on the applications, economic and market aspects of solar photovoltaics. To get a good idea of how solar energy can be integrated on a larger scale, case-studies of other ecocities, have also been carried out.   The results presented in the latter parts of the report indicate that there is a good energy yield potential with solar photovoltaics in the eco-city, but the cost competitiveness of installing a solar photovoltaics system in the eco-city is highly dependent on financial incentives. The levelized cost of the electricity generated by solar photovoltaics, needs to be decreased by around 91% to be at grid parity.Syftet med rapporten är att undersöka vad den potentiella elektricitetsproduktionen samt kostnaden är för att installera förnyelsebara energikällor i den svensk-kinesiska ekostaden i New Taihu City, som är belägen i Wuxi, Kina. Den förnyelsebara energiteknologin som ska implementeras är solceller.   Rapporten börjar med att presentera förnyelsebara energikällors nuvarande marknadsläge i Kina och fortsätter med en studie av solceller och dess tillämpningar och ekonomiska och  marknadsmässiga aspekter. For att få en bättre bild av hur solceller kan bli integrerad i en store skala har fallundersökningar av andra städer som har lyckats med detta gjorts.   Resultaten som presenteras i den senare delen av rapporten tyder på att det finns bra avkastningspotential i ekostaden med solceller. Men rent kostnadsmässigt är implementeringen av  solceller mycket beroende av ekonomiska incitament från den kinesiska staten.   For att priset för elektriciteten producerad med solceller ska kunna vara onkurrenskraftig måste 91% av solcellernas elektricitetspris sänkas för att kunna komma i närheten av Wuxis elpris

    Managing the one-person library

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    Šobrīd Latvijā lielāka uzmanība tiek pievērsta bibliotēkām un to nozīmei sabiedrībā. Īpaši svarīgas ir visas mazās lauku bibliotēkas, kurās nereti strādā tikai viens darbinieks, jo šajās bibliotēkās ikdienā tiek ieguldīts milzu darbs, lai nodrošinātu lauku iedzīvotājus ar tiem nepieciešamajiem pakalpojumiem un informāciju. Bakalaura darbā “Darba organizēšana viena darbinieka bibliotēkās” tika veikts pētījums par solo bibliotekāru ikdienas darbu un problēmām, ar kurām nākas saskarties. Lai iegūtu datus, tika izmantotas divas pētniecības metodes – intervēšana un novērošana. Pētījuma rezultātā secināts, ka solo bibliotekāriem nepieciešamas dažādas zināšanas un prasmes, lai ikdienas darbs noritētu veiksmīgi. Būt par solo bibliotekāru nav viegli, taču šis darbs ir atbildīgs un svarīgs.Recently in Latvia there has been more attention directed to libraries and their value in society. Especially important are the small rural libraries that are often managed only by one person. Every day these solo librarians do all they can to provide their local societies with the information and services they need. In Bachelor thesis “Managing the one-person library” the research subject was the daily work of solo librarians and the problems they face. Empirical data was collected using two methods – interviewing and observing. This study concludes that solo librarians need a lot of different knowledge and skills to successfully manage their library. Being a solo librarian is not easy, but this job is meaningful and important

    Wind Turbines as Additional Power Supply

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