16 research outputs found

    La tarjeta postal fotográfica y la escuela misional en la Araucania: el discurso visual capuchino sobre sus logros en la transformación de la niñez mapuche (1898-1930)

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    In the 1880s, the Chilean government occupied the Araucania region and missionary schools became a concrete context in which transformation occurred. In 1896, missionaries belonging to the Bavarian Capuchin order took over this task. As part of this work, they left behind a photographic record of their actions in this region, and many of these photographs were published as postcards. This paper presents the results of a socio-semiotic analysis of the postcards bearing photographs of Mapuche children which the Bavarian Capuchins published and circulated at the beginning of the 20th century.En la década de 1880 el Estado chileno ocupó la Araucanía. La escuela misional pasó a constituirse en el espacio concreto donde operó la transformación. En 1896 asumieron esta tarea los misioneros capuchinos de Baviera, quienes fueron dejando un  registro fotográfico de su accionar en la región. Muchas de estas fotografías fueron impresas como tarjetas postales. Este trabajo presenta resultados del análisis socio-semiótico de tarjetas postales ilustradas con fotografías de niños mapuches, editado y puesto en circulación por los capuchinos bávaros, a principios del siglo XX.In the 1880s, the Chilean government occupied the Araucania region and missionary schools became a concrete context in which transformation occurred. In 1896, missionaries belonging to the Bavarian Capuchin order took over this task. As part of this work, they left behind a photographic record of their actions in this region, and many of these photographs were published as postcards. This paper presents the results of a socio-semiotic analysis of the postcards bearing photographs of Mapuche children which the Bavarian Capuchins published and circulated at the beginning of the 20th century

    Así son, así somos: un texto, dos lecturas, en la construcción de identidad

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    The application of pulse shape analysis (PSA) and γ-ray tracking techniques has attracted a great deal of interest in the recent years in fields ranging from nuclear structure studies to medical imaging. These new data analysis methods add position sensitivity as well as directional information for the detected γ-rays to the excellent energy resolution of germanium detectors. This thesis focuses on the application of PSA on planar segmented germanium detectors, divided into three separate studies. The pulse shape analysis technique known as the matrix method was chosen due to its ability to treat events with arbitrary number and combinations of interactions within a single detector. It has been applied in two experiments with the 25-fold segmented planar pixel detector -- imaging and polarization measurements -- as well as in a simulation of upcoming detectors for DESPEC at NuSTAR/FAIR. In the first experiment, a point source of 137Cs was imaged. Events where the 662 keV γ-rays scattered once and were then absorbed in a different segment were treated by the PSA algorithm in order to find the locations of these interactions. The Compton scattering formula was then used to determine the direction to the source. The experiment has provided a robust test of the performance of the PSA algorithm on multiple interaction events, in particular those with interactions in adjacent segments, as well as allowed to estimate the realistically attainable position resolution. In the second experiment, the response of the detector to polarized photons of 288 keV was studied. The polarization of photons can be measured through the observation of the angular distribution of Compton-scattered photons, Hence the ability to resolve the interaction locations had once again proven useful. The third study is focused on the performance of the proposed planar germanium detectors for the DESPEC array. As these detectors have not yet been manufactured at the time of this writing, a set of data simulated in GEANT4 was used. The detector response was calculated for two of the possible segmentation patterns -- that with a single pixelated contact and one where both contacts are segmented into mutually orthogonal strips. In both cases, PSA was applied in order to reconstruct the interaction locations from this response. It was found that the double-sided strip detector can achieve an over-all better position resolution with a given number of readout channels. However, this comes at the expense of a small number of complex events where the reconstruction fails. These results have also been compared to the performance of the 25-fold pixelated detector.QC 2010111

    Así son, así somos: un texto, dos lecturas, en la construcción de identidad

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    Maps for the State. Representation of the Araucanía: 1836 -1916

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    La construcción y representación del territorio nacional constituyó una de las tareas centrales que abordaron los grupos dirigentes chilenos en el curso del siglo XIX. En este contexto la exploración, ocupación y transformación de la Araucanía pasó a ser uno de los hitos sustantivos, proceso que se reflejó en la dinámica que adquirió la cartográfica del territorio de la Araucanía en el periodo de 1836 a 1916. Si asumimos los mapas como construcciones de la realidad, más que una imagen de la naturaleza, es posible afirmar que el Estado se constituyó en un actor relevante en el proceso de representación cartográ- fica de la Araucanía a partir de 1836. Con este propósito desplazó agentes “especializados” en representar el territorio, entre otros, naturalistas, militares e ingenieros, que fueron generando una imagen de la Araucanía a partir de sus intereses y discursos específicosThe construction and representation of national territory constituted one of the central tasks of the Chilean ruling classes during the nineteenth century. In this context, the exploration, occupation and transformation of the Araucanía was one of the key factors, a process reflected in the cartography of the Araucanian territory during the period from 1836 to 1916. Viewing the maps as constructs of reality rather than images of nature allows us to see how the State became a relevant actor in the process of cartographic representation of the Araucanía from 1836 onwards. To this end it sent “specialists” such as naturalists, members of the military and engineers to generate an image of the Araucanía that reflected its specific interests and discourse

    Fotografía de capuchinos y anglicanos a principios del siglo XX: la escuela como instrumento de cristianización y chilenización

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    Este artículo pretende dar cuenta de las acciones de intervención que desarrollaron las Iglesias católica y anglicana hacia el pueblo mapuche a fines del siglo XIX y principios del XX. En este sentido queremos analizar el rol de las misiones y las estrategias de intervención desplegadas sobre las comunidades indígenas; a la vez deseamos examinar las dinámicas de adaptación y resistencia que desarrollaron los mapuches durante este proceso. A fin de lograr estos propósitos nos apoyaremos, fundamentalmente, en fuentes fotográficas. Para este efecto contamos con un corpus compuesto por fotografías relativas a las misiones capuchinas en la Araucanía y a las misiones anglicanas ubicadas en el mismo territorio. En forma complementaria nos apoyaremos en fuentes escritas, para efectuar una lectura más completa y compleja de la acción de las misiones en la Araucanía.<br>This paper tries to show the intervention actions carried out by the catholic and anglican churches towards the mapuche people at the end of the XIX century and the beginnings of the XXth. With this goal in mind we are going to analyze the role played by the missions and their strategies of intervention towards the indigenous communities, the adaptation-resistance dynamics offered by the mapuches during the process. We will pursue our goal resting essentially on photographic material. We have a corpus of photographs about the capuchin missions settled in the Araucanía region and also about the anglican missions within the same territory. Complementary, we will also consider written sounces which will facilitate us doing a more complete and complex reading of the role played by those religious institutions

    562. Mapas para el Estado. La representación de la Araucanía: 1836 -1916

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    The construction and representation of national territory constituted one of the central tasks of the Chilean ruling classes during the nineteenth century. In this context, the exploration, occupation and transformation of the Araucanía was one of the key factors, a process reflected in the cartography of the Araucanian territory during the period from 1836 to 1916. Viewing the maps as constructs of reality rather than images of nature allows us to see how the State became a relevant actor in the process of cartographic representation of the Araucanía from 1836 onwards. To this end it sent “specialists” such as naturalists, members of the military and engineers to generate an image of the Araucanía that reflected its specific interests and discoursesLa construcción y representación del territorio nacional constituyó una de las tareas centrales que abordaron los grupos dirigentes chilenos en el curso del siglo XIX. En este contexto la exploración, ocupación y transformación de la Araucanía pasó a ser uno de los hitos sustantivos, proceso que se reflejó en la dinámica que adquirió la cartográfica del territorio de la Araucanía en el periodo de 1836 a 1916. Si asumimos los mapas como construcciones de la realidad, más que una imagen de la naturaleza, es posible afirmar que el Estado se constituyó en un actor relevante en el proceso de representación cartográfica de la Araucanía a partir de 1836. Con este propósito desplazó agentes “especializados” en representar el territorio, entre otros, naturalistas, militares e ingenieros, que fueron generando una imagen de la Araucanía a partir de sus intereses y discursos específicos

    Modeling the Ignition Risk: Analysis before and after Megafire on Maule Region, Chile

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    Wildland fires are a phenomenon of broad interest due to their relationship with climate change. The impacts of climate change are related to a greater frequency and intensity of wildland fires. In this context, megafires have become a phenomenon of particular concern. In this study, we develop a model of ignition risk. We use factors such as human activity, geographic, topographic, and land cover variables to develop a bagged decision tree model. The study area corresponds to the Maule region in Chile, a large zone with a Mediterranean climate. This area was affected by a megafire in 2017. After generating the model, we compared three interface zones, analyzing the scar and the occurrences of ignition during and after the megafire. For the construction of georeferenced data, we used the geographic information system QGIS. The results show a model with high fit goodness that can be replicated in other areas. Fewer ignitions are observed after the megafire, a high recovery of urban infrastructure, and a slow recovery of forest plantations. It is feasible to interpret that the lower number of ignitions observed in the 2019&ndash;2020 season is a consequence of the megafire scar. It is crucial to remember that the risk of ignition will increase as forest crops recover. Wildland fire management requires integrating this information into decision-making processes if we consider that the impacts of climate change persist in the area


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    Este trabajo intenta entregar una comprensión totalizadora derivada de las entrevistas, entendidas como discursos orales que este equipo investigador recolectó a través de encuentros con vecinos realizados en 3 áreas geográfico-culturales de la Araucanía durante el 2001 y 2002. Este propósito se ajusta al objetivo general del proyecto que nos reúne, el cual dice: “Obtener del análisis y de la interpretación interdisciplinaria del material recopilado un entendimiento renovado y holístico de aquellas realidades culturales que emergen de la periferia regional y semi rural de la Araucanía.”. ........... Ver art&iacute;culo complet