3,470 research outputs found

    Brane Supersymmetry Breaking

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    We show how to construct chiral tachyon-free perturbative orientifold models, where supersymmetry is broken at the string scale on a collection of branes while, to lowest order, the bulk and the other branes are supersymmetric. In higher orders, supersymmetry breaking is mediated to the remaining sectors, but is suppressed by the size of the transverse space or by the distance from the brane where supersymmetry breaking primarily occurred. This setting is of interest for orbifold models with discrete torsion, and is of direct relevance for low-scale string models. It can guarantee the stability of the gauge hierarchy against gravitational radiative corrections, allowing an almost exact supergravity a millimeter away from a non-supersymmetric world.Comment: 15 pages, LaTe

    Brane to bulk supersymmetry breaking and radion force at micron distances

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    We study mediation of supersymmetry breaking in the bulk, in models with primordial supersymmetry breaking on D-branes at the string scale, in the TeV region. We compute the gravitino and scalar masses up to one-loop level, as well as the radion coupling to matter. We find that the latter mediates a model independent force at submillimeter distances that can be tested in micro-gravity experiments for any dimensionality of the bulk. In the case of two large dimensions, our type I string framework provides an example which allows to stabilize the radion potential and determine the desired hierarchy between the string and Planck scales.Comment: One equation and one figure corrected. Two references added. Version to be published in Nuclear Physics

    Soft Masses in Theories with Supersymmetry Breaking by TeV-Compactification

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    We study the sparticle spectroscopy and electroweak breaking of theories where supersymmetry is broken by compactification (Scherk-Schwarz mechanism) at a TeV. The evolution of the soft terms above the compactification scale and the resulting sparticle spectrum are very different from those of the usual MSSM and gauge mediated theories. This is traced to the softness of the Scherk-Schwarz mechanism which leads to scalar sparticle masses that are only logarithmically sensitive to the cutoff starting at two loops. As a result, squarks and sleptons are naturally an order of magnitude lighter than gauginos. In addition, the mechanism is very predictive and the sparticle spectrum depends on just two new parameters. A significant advantage of this mechanism relative to gauge mediation is that a Higgsino mass μMsusy\mu\sim M_susy is automatically generated when supersymmetry is broken. Our analysis applies equally well to theories where the cutoff is near a TeV or MPlM_{Pl} or some intermediate scale. We also use these observations to show how we may obtain compactification radii which are hierarchically larger than the fundamental cutoff scale.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure, Late

    Axion alternatives

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    If recent results of the PVLAS collaboration proved to be correct, some alternative to the traditional axion models are needed. We present one of the simplest possible modifications of axion paradigm, which explains the results of PVLAS experiment, while avoiding all the astrophysical and cosmological restrictions. We also mention other possible models that possess similar effects.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    One-loop Higgs mass finiteness in supersymmetric Kaluza-Klein theories

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    We analyze the one-loop ultraviolet sensitivity of the Higgs mass in a five-dimensional supersymmetric theory compactified on the orbifold S^1/Z_2, with superpotential localized on a fixed-point brane. Four-dimensional supersymmetry is broken by Scherk-Schwarz boundary conditions. Kaluza-Klein interactions are regularized by means of a brane Gaussian distribution along the extra dimension with length l_s\simeq\Lambda^{-1}_s, where \Lambda_s is the cutoff of the five-dimensional theory. The coupling of the n-mode, with mass M^{(n)}, acquires the n-dependent factor exp{-(M^{(n)}/\Lambda_s)^2/2}, which makes it to decouple for M^{(n)}\gg \Lambda_s. The sensitivity of the Higgs mass on \Lambda_s is strongly suppressed and quadratic divergences cancel by supersymmetry. The one-loop correction to the Higgs mass is finite and equals, for large values of \Lambda_s, the value obtained by the so-called KK-regularization.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. The discussion on the distribution giving rise to couplings suppressed by exp(-M/Lambda) is revised and the result is finite and equals that of the Gaussian cas

    Magnetic fluxes and moduli stabilization

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    Stabilization of closed string moduli in toroidal orientifold compactifications of type IIB string theory are studied using constant internal magnetic fields on D-branes and 3-form fluxes that preserve N=1 supersymmetry in four dimensions. Our analysis corrects and extends previous work by us, and indicates that charged scalar VEV's need to be turned on, in addition to the fluxes, in order to construct a consistent supersymmetric model. As an explicit example, we first show the stabilization of all Kahler class and complex structure moduli by turning on magnetic fluxes on different sets of D9-branes that wrap the internal space T^6 in a compactified type I string theory, when a charged scalar on one of these branes acquires a non-zero VEV. The latter can also be determined by adding extra magnetized branes, as we demonstrate in a subsequent example. In a different model with magnetized D7-branes, in a IIB orientifold on T^6/Z_2, we show the stabilization of all the closed string moduli, including the axion-dilaton at weak string coupling g_s, by turning on appropriate closed string 3-form fluxes.Comment: v2: minor changes, added discussio

    Supersymmetry breaking, open strings and M-theory

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    We study supersymmetry breaking by Scherk-Schwarz compactifications in type I string theory. While in the gravitational sector all mass splittings are proportional to a (large) compactification radius, supersymmetry remains unbroken for the massless excitations of D-branes orthogonal to the large dimension. In this sector, supersymmetry breaking can then be mediated by gravitational interactions alone, that are expected to be suppressed by powers of the Planck mass. The mechanism is non perturbative from the heterotic viewpoint and requires a compactification radius at intermediate energies of order 10^{12}-10^{14} GeV. This can also explain the value of Newton's constant if the string scale is close to the unification scale, of order 10^{16} GeV.Comment: 47 pages, LaTeX, typos correcte

    A Multiproject Chip Approach to the Teaching of Analog MOS LSI and VLSI

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    Multiproject chip implementation has been used in teaching analog MOS circuit design. After having worked with computer simulation and layout aids in homework problems, students designed novel circuits including several high performance op amps, an A/D converter, a switched capacitor filter, a 1 K dynamic RAM, and a variety of less conventional MOS circuits such as a VII converter, an AC/DC converter, an AM radio receiver, a digitally-controlled analog signal processor, and on-chip circuitry for measuring transistor capacitances. These circuits were laid out as part of an NMOS multiproject chip. Several of the designs exhibit a considerable degree of innovation; fabrication pending, computer simulation shows that some may be pushing the state of the art. Several designs are of interest to digital designers; in fact, the course has provided knowledge and technique needed for detailed digital circuit design at the gate level

    Moduli stabilization with open and closed string fluxes

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    We study the stabilization of all closed string moduli in the T^6/Z_2 orientifold, using constant internal magnetic fields and 3-form fluxes that preserve N=1 supersymmetry in four dimensions. We first analyze the stabilization of Kahler class and complex structure moduli by turning on magnetic fluxes on different sets of D9 branes that wrap the internal space T^6/Z_2. We present explicit consistent string constructions, satisfying in particular tadpole cancellation, where the radii can take arbitrarily large values by tuning the winding numbers appropriately. We then show that the dilaton-axion modulus can also be fixed by turning on closed string constant 3-form fluxes, consistently with the supersymmetry preserved by the magnetic fields, providing at the same time perturbative values for the string coupling. Finally, several models are presented combining open string magnetic fields that fix part of Kahler class and complex structure moduli, with closed string 3-form fluxes that stabilize the remaining ones together with the dilaton.Comment: 49 pages, a new model added, as well as improvements and reference

    Scherk-Schwarz Supersymmetry Breaking with Radion Stabilization

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    We study the issue of radion stabilization within five-dimensional supersymmetric theories compactified on the orbifold S^1/Z_2. We break supersymmetry by the Scherk-Schwarz mechanism and explain its implementation in the off-shell formulation of five dimensional supergravity in terms of the tensor and linear compensator multiplets. We show that radion stabilization may be achieved by radiative corrections in the presence of five-dimensional fields which are quasi-localized on the boundaries through the presence of Z_2 odd mass terms. For the mechanism to work the number of quasi-localized fields should be greater than 2+N_V-N_h where N_V and N_h are the number of massless gauge- and hypermultiplets in the bulk. The radion is stabilized in a metastable Minkowski vacuum with a lifetime much larger than cosmological time-scales. The radion mass is in the meV range making it interesting for present and future measurements of deviations from the gravitational inverse-square law in the submillimeter range.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure