
A Multiproject Chip Approach to the Teaching of Analog MOS LSI and VLSI


Multiproject chip implementation has been used in teaching analog MOS circuit design. After having worked with computer simulation and layout aids in homework problems, students designed novel circuits including several high performance op amps, an A/D converter, a switched capacitor filter, a 1 K dynamic RAM, and a variety of less conventional MOS circuits such as a VII converter, an AC/DC converter, an AM radio receiver, a digitally-controlled analog signal processor, and on-chip circuitry for measuring transistor capacitances. These circuits were laid out as part of an NMOS multiproject chip. Several of the designs exhibit a considerable degree of innovation; fabrication pending, computer simulation shows that some may be pushing the state of the art. Several designs are of interest to digital designers; in fact, the course has provided knowledge and technique needed for detailed digital circuit design at the gate level

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