46 research outputs found

    Piperazine derivatives as dangerous abused compounds

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    Piperazine derivatives are a group of compounds with a psychostimulant effect. They are an alternative to illegal drugs. They are being searched for recreational use due to their psychoactive and hallucinogenic effects. The high popularity of these compounds can be noticed all over the world due to easy purchase, lack of legal regulations and incorrect assessment of the safety of use. The recreational use of piperazine derivatives can often result in chronic and acute health problems and additionally with unpredictable remote effects. It is also common to take mixtures of psychoactive compounds. This hinders the correct diagnosis and treatment of patients with poisoning. The presented work is an illustration of the wide problem of piperazine derivatives abuse. The health effects and the possibility of identifying these compounds in preparations and biological material are described

    Practical considerations for in vivo MRI with higher dimensional spatial encoding

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    Object: This work seeks to examine practical aspects of in vivo imaging when spatial encoding is performed with three or more encoding channels for a 2D image. Materials and methods: The recently developed 4-Dimensional Radial In/Out (4D-RIO) trajectory is compared in simulations to an alternative higher-order encoding scheme referred to as O-space imaging. Direct comparison of local k-space representations leads to the proposal of a modification to the O-space imaging trajectory based on a scheme of prephasing to improve the reconstructed image quality. Data were collected using a 4D-RIO acquisition in vivo in the human brain and several image reconstructions were compared, exploiting the property that the dense encoding matrix, after a 1D or 2D Fourier transform, can be approximated by a sparse matrix by discarding entries below a chosen magnitude. Results: The proposed prephasing scheme for the O-space trajectory shows a marked improvement in quality in the simulated image reconstruction. In experiments, 4D-RIO data acquired in vivo in the human brain can be reconstructed to a reasonable quality using only 5% of the encoding matrix—massively reducing computer memory requirements for a practical reconstruction. Conclusion: Trajectory design and reconstruction techniques such as these may prove especially useful when extending generalized higher-order encoding methods to 3D image

    Analiza ekspresji receptora aktywowanego proteazami 2 w zmianach łuszczycowych

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    Wstęp: Uwzględniając sugerowany udział receptora aktywowanego proteazami 2 (PAR-2) w generowaniu neurogennego zapalenia skóry oraz sugestie dotyczące jego roli w powstawaniu świądu towarzyszącego zmianom łuszczycowym, w niniejszej pracy poddano analizie ekspresję receptora PAR-2 w zmienionej i niezmienionej chorobowo skórze pacjentów z łuszczycą w odniesieniu do nasilenia procesu chorobowego oraz odczuwanego przez pacjentów świądu.Materiał i metody: Do badania włączono 31 pacjentów z łuszczycą plackowatą. Nasilenie łuszczycy oceniono za pomocą skali PASI (Psoriasis Area and Severity Index), intensywność świądu zaś — za pomocą 10-centymetrowej wizualnej skali analogowej (VAS, Visual Analogue Scale). Od wszystkich uczestników badania pobrano ze skóry zmienionej i niezmienionej chorobowo dwie biopsje sztancowe o średnicy 4 mm, które następnie wykorzystano do oceny ekspresji PAR-2 w skórze chorych na łuszczycę.Wyniki: W skórze zmienionej chorobowo obserwowano silną ekspresję receptorów PAR-2, natomiast w skórze niezmienionej chorobowo ekspresja była znacznie słabsza (oceniona na 1 pkt w skali 0–3). Ekspresja PAR-2 w skórze zmienionej chorobowo była ponad trzykrotnie wyższa niż w otaczającej skórze niezmienionej chorobowo (średnia: 2,32 ± 0,59 vs 0,72 ± 0,3; p < 0,001). Stopień ekspresji PAR-2 w skórze zmienionej istotnie korelował z nasileniem świądu (r = 0,58; p = 0,01).Wnioski: Uzyskane wyniki sugerują, że świąd w łuszczycy powstaje przynajmniej częściowo w wyniku nadmiernej aktywności proteaz i pobudzenia receptorów PAR-2. Wydaje się, że układ proteaza/PAR-2 jest dobrym kandydatem do uznania go za potencjalnego mediatora świądu przewlekłego w łuszczycy

    Worms take to the slo lane: a perspective on the mode of action of emodepside

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    The cyclo-octapdepsipeptide anthelmintic emodepside exerts a profound paralysis on parasitic and free-living nematodes. The neuromuscular junction is a significant determinant of this effect. Pharmacological and electrophysiological analyses in the parasitic nematode Ascaris suum have resolved that emodepside elicits a hyperpolarisation of body wall muscle, which is dependent on extracellular calcium and the efflux of potassium ions. The molecular basis for emodepside’s action has been investigated in forward genetic screens in the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Two screens for emodepside resistance, totalling 20,000 genomes, identified several mutants of slo-1, which encodes a calcium-activated potassium channel homologous to mammalian BK channels. Slo-1 null mutants are more than 1000-fold less sensitive to emodepside than wild-type C. elegans and tissue-specific expression studies show emodepside acts on SLO-1 in neurons regulating feeding and motility as well as acting on SLO-1 in body wall muscle. These genetic data, combined with physiological measurements in C. elegans and the earlier physiological analyses on A. suum, define a pivotal role for SLO-1 in the mode of action of emodepside. Additional signalling pathways have emerged as determinants of emodepside’s mode of action through biochemical and hypothesis-driven approaches. Mutant analyses of these pathways suggest a modulatory role for each of them in emodepside’s mode of action; however, they impart much more modest changes in the sensitivity to emodepside than mutations in slo-1. Taken together these studies identify SLO-1 as the major determinant of emodepside’s anthelmintic activity. Structural information on the BK channels has advanced significantly in the last 2 years. Therefore, we rationalise this possibility by suggesting a model that speculates on the nature of the emodepside pharmacophore within the calcium-activated potassium channels

    Capacity building for effective social dialogue in the European Union

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    Aquesta publicació s'elabora a partir de les contribucions de cadascú dels membres nacionals que integren la Network of Eufound Correspondent. Pel cas d'Espanya la contribució ha estat realitzada per l'Oscar MolinaThe aim of this report is to add to the discussion on how Eurofound can contribute to supporting capacity building of social partners for effective social dialogue. The report includes a review by Eurofound aimed at identifying the capacity-building needs and initiatives of social partners in relation to national frameworks for autonomous collective bargaining, involvement in European social dialogue and the European Semester, and the development of membership and services for members. It also includes the results from stakeholder consultations and two exchange seminars held in 2019, along with a set of policy pointers for further discussion

    Regulating minimum wages and other forms of pay for the self-employed

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    Aquesta publicació s'elabora a partir de les contribucions de cadascú dels membres nacionals que integren la Network of Eurofound Correspondents. Pel cas d'Espanya la contribució ha estat realitzada per l' Oscar Molina (veure annex 2 Network of Eurofound Correspondents)This report is carried out in the context of the three-year pilot project (2021-2023), 'Role of the minimum wage in establishing the Universal Labour Guarantee', mandated to Eurofound by the European Commission. Its focus is module 3 of the project, investigating minimum wages and other forms of pay for the self-employed. Out of concern for the challenging conditions faced by certain groups of self-employed workers, some Member States have established or are in discussions about proposing some statutory forms of minimum pay for selected categories of the self-employed. The main objective of the report is to understand how minimum wages, wage rates, tariffs, fees and other forms of pay could be fixed for specific jobs or professions in sectors having a high level of 'vulnerable' workers, as well as 'concealed' self-employed. While the majority of Member States allow trade union representation, the right to collective bargaining for the self-employed is much more limited. Only a small number of Member States provide examples of collectively agreed minimum wages or other forms of pay for the self-employed

    Coronavirus – current medical and social problem

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    Coronaviruses can be divided into two groups due to pathogenicity. The first group causes mild upper respiratory tract infections. The second group includes highly pathogenic coronaviruses, which are the cause of severe pneumonia. In December 2019, the emergence of a new 2019-nCoV coronavirus was reported in the human population, which caused a pandemic. Cases of pneumonia have been reported in patients. Complications included: acute respiratory distress syndrome, anaemia, acute myocardial injury, secondary infections and in severe cases - death of patients. Viral factors and host immune responses were important in the development of infection. The course of the disease also depended on: initial viral load in the respiratory tract, comorbidities and the age of patients. Younger people experienced milder symptoms, and older people had more severe disease. Diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and renal failure were the most frequently mentioned comorbidities. The therapeutic problems concerned the need to develop effective CoV treatment regimens. Late diagnosis is often the cause of a complex situation that requires intervention in intensive care units. There are still no approved antiviral drugs and vaccines to prevent SARS-CoV infection. One of the therapeutic solutions is to change the purpose of various approved medicines used in other diseases. Another problem is the transmission of infection, which occurs between people as a result in close and direct contact. Rules for protection against infection have been introduced. Personal protective equipment has been used: gloves, aprons, protective masks and glasses. In addition, the transmission of the infection in indirect contact with contaminated objects is of great importance. Monitoring the epidemiological situation and providing timely information is very important to ensure the safety of the public during and after the pandemic. The purpose of this article is to present the characteristics of the new 2019-nCoV coronavirus and its ability to multiply in the human body. Pathogenic types of coronaviruses, current infection, symptoms, diagnostic methods, treatment and infection transmission, and psychological effects of quarantine are discussed.Koronawirusy ze względu na chorobotwórczość można podzielić na dwie grupy. Pierwsza grupa powoduje łagodne infekcje górnych dróg oddechowych. Do drugiej grupy należą wysoce patogenne koronawirusy, które są powodem ciężkiego zapalenia płuc. W grudniu 2019 w populacji ludzi odnotowano pojawienie się nowego koronawirusa 2019-nCoV, który stał się przyczyną pandemii. Wśród pacjentów wystąpiły przypadki zapalenia płuc, a jako powikłania zaobserwowano: zespół ostrej niewydolności oddechowej, niedokrwistość, ostre uszkodzenie mięśnia sercowego, wtórne zakażenia i w ciężkich przypadkach śmierć pacjentów. W rozwoju zakażenia znaczenie miały czynniki wirusowe i odpowiedź immunologiczna gospodarza. Przebieg choroby był uzależniony również od: początkowego miana wirusa w drogach oddechowych, chorób współistniejących i wieku pacjentów. Osoby młodsze doświadczały łagodniejszych objawów, a u osób starszych obserwowano cięższy przebieg infekcji. Najczęściej wymienianymi chorobami współistniejącymi były: cukrzyca, nadciśnienie tętnicze, choroby sercowo-naczyniowe i niewydolność nerek. Przedstawione problemy terapeutyczne dotyczyły potrzeby opracowania skutecznych schematów leczenia zakażeń CoV przy braku zatwierdzonych leków antywirusowych oraz szczepionek. Zaproponowane rozwiązania terapeutyczne ukierunkowane zostały na zmianę przeznaczenia zatwierdzonych w lecznictwie różnych leków wykazujących dodatkowo działanie przeciwwirusowe. Szybkie przenoszenie zakażenia drogą kropelkową między ludźmi spowodowało konieczność wprowadzenia rygorystycznej ochrony przed zakażeniem. Celem tego artykułu jest przedstawienie charakterystyki nowego koronawirusa 2019-nCoV i jego zdolności do namnażania w organizmie człowieka. Omówiono patogenne typy koronawirusów, przebieg obecnego zakażenia, objawy, metody diagnostyczne, leczenie oraz transmisję zakażenia i psychologiczne skutki kwarantanny