31 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT THE INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL SUPPORT AND JOB STRESS TO JOB SATISFACTION BY EMPLOYEES WORKING AT PT.CITRA VAN TITIPAN KILAT Andi Siti Aisyah. The Influence of Social Support and Job Stress to Job Satisfaction by Employees working at PT.Citra Van Titipan Kilat. Research Paper, Jakarta : Study of Office Administration Education Program, Economic and Administration Departement, Faculty of Economic, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, 2013. This research conducted to know the effect between the used of social support and job stress to job satisfaction by employees working at PT. Citra van Titipan Kilat. The method of research is survey method with correlation approach. The populations research was all of employees with total 528 employees, with 44 employees for simple random sampling. For collecting variable data, instrument that used for X1 variable data (social support), X2 variable data (job stress) and Y variable data (job satisfaction) are using questionnaire with likert scale. Before used, that it has construct validity test by validation process, that is correlation test using Alpha Cronbach formula. Reliability X1 variable (Social Support) 0,905, X2 variable (Job Stress) 0,914, and Y variable (Job Satisfaction) 0,90. The analysis test by finding regression equations, that is Y = 57.753 + 0413 X1 0.295 X2 . After that data normality test by using liliefors formula and the result is Ltable = 0,200 Ltable> 0,05 Mean that the mistake of prediction regression X1 and X2 to Y has normal distribution. For regresion significancetest and the result is, Fcount= 21,358 > Ftabel = 3,23. The results of these studies concluded that a significance and positive influence between social support to job satisfaction, negative influence between job stress to job satisfaction, and significance influence between Social Support and Job Stress to Job Satisfaction. With determination test or the results obtained 51 % critical job satisfaction variable (Y) is determined by the concept of social support (X1) Job stress (X2)

    Hubungan Parameter Lingkungan Dengan Struktur Komunitas Gastropoda di Perairan Teluk Kelabat, Bangka Belitung

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    Gastropods are invertebrate animals and members mollusca phylum that have a soft body, and use the abdomen as a legs. Gastropods generally have a shell to protect their body. The existence of the gastropods community play an important role in the food chain in aquatic ecosystems, and can be used as an indicator of waters pollution. This study aims to determine the species, analyze the community structure, and determine the relationship between gastropods and environmental parameters in Kelabat Bay. The time and place of this research was carried out in December 2020 to July 2021 in Kelabat Bay, West Bangka. The research method of this study that used to take a sample were belt Transect method along 50 m, with a stretch along 1 m to the right and to the left. The identification results showed that 19 species of gastropods were found, namely: Laevistrombus turturella, Cerithidea weyersi, Nassarius margaritiferus, Pleuroploca trapezium, Polinices didyma, Turritella terebra, Lataxiena fimbriata, Natica gualteriana, Pugilina cochlidium, Semiricinula nodosa, Cerithidea cingulata, Cymbiola nobilis octogonalis, Eunaticina papilla, Olivia sericea, Architectonica perdix, Murex concinnus, Olivia tricolor, Nassarius venustus, and Turbo bruneus. The Diversity Index (H') showed that it is 0,59, and the Evenness Index (E) is 0,59, and dominance indeks (C) is 0,26. Water quality parameter values include temperature ranging from 30-31 °C, salinity ranging from 28-30 ppt, brightness 65-100%, depth 0.19-0.69 cm, pH 7, DO ranging from 4.5-7.8 ppt

    Action Reduce The Rate Of Tax Evasion Through Planning and Tax Fairness

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    The purpose of this study is to determine whether planning and tax justice have an effect on Tax Evasion. This type of research is carried out with an applied qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used are library methods, documentation studies, observations, and interviews. The results of this study indicate the payment of tax amounts is not only done with a tax plan but can also be due to taxpayer negligence, for example errors in calculating debt. the tax. Tax evasion can also occur because of the low level of tax justice to taxpayers which causes the attitude of taxpayers to lead to negative things and take tax evasion

    Perbedaan Arsitektur Pura Giri Natha dengan Pura Penataran Sasih

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    Abstrak_ Tempat suci Hindu adalah suatu tempat maupun bangunan yang dikeramatkan oleh umat Hindu atau tempat persembahyangan bagi umat Hindu dan biasa di sebut Pura. Pura Giri Natha adalah salah satu contoh dari tempat ibadah umat Hindu di Kota Makassar, sedangkan Pura Penataran Sasih adalah salah satu contoh Pura di Bali. Dalam segi arsitektur kedua pura ini memiliki beberapa perbedaan yang akan dijabarkan pada penelitian ini. Penulis melakukan penelitian tentang Pura Giri Natha dan Pura Penataran sasih ini untuk mengidentifikasi perbedaan bentuk fisik yang implementasikan kedalam arsitekturnya. Penelitian terhadap Pura Giri Natha berdasarkan pengamatan peneliti untuk merefleksikan fenomena budaya berkaitan dengan Pura Giri Natha. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, literatur yang berupa jurnal, dan dokumentasi. Kesakralan kedua Pura ini tetap dijaga oleh Karma Penyunsung meskipun mulai dijadikan objek bagi wisatawan dari agama lain. Kata Kunci: Hindu-Bali; Pura Giri Natha; Pura Penataran Sasih. Abstract_ The Hindu holy place is a place or building sacred by Hindus or a place of worship for Hindus and commonly called Pura. Pura Giri Natha is one example of a Hindu place of worship in Makassar City, while Penataran Sasih Temple is one example of a temple in Bali. In terms of architecture, the two temples have several differences that will be explained in this study. The author conducts research on Pura Giri Natha and Pura Penataran Sasih to identify differences in physical forms that are implemented into the architecture. Research on Pura Giri Natha is based on the observations of researchers to reflect cultural phenomena related to Pura 2Giri Natha. Data collection is done through observation, interviews, literature in the form of journals, and documentation. The sacredness of this temple is still guarded by Karma Penyunsung even though it began to be used as an object for tourists from other religions.Keyword: Hindu-Bali; Giri Natha Temple; Penataran Sasih Temple

    Analisis Kepatuhan Peserta Didik Terhadap Tata Tertib Sekolah pada SMP Negeri 2 Barombong Kabupaten Gowa.

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    This study aims to find out: 1) Compliance of students with respect to discipline in the SMP. 2 Barombong, 2) Efforts made by the school to foster student compliance with the discipline in the SMP. 2 Barombong. To achieve these objectives, the researchers used the technique of collecting data through documentation, observation, and interviews. Data that has been obtained from the results of the research are processed 1. Compliance of students with respect to discipline in the Public High School. 2 Barombong 2. Efforts made by the school to foster student adherence to discipline in the SMP. 2 Barombong. This is evidenced by the average student in the SMP. 2 Barombong has obeyed the existing rules so that not many violations occur, while the violations that sometimes arise are only for minor types of violations (not wearing white and white uniforms on Mondays). The factors that form the basis of students' obedience to school discipline are Hedonist, and the type of compliance that belongs to the Hedonist Conformist. 2) Efforts made by schools to foster student compliance with school discipline are divided into 2, namely: 1) Pre-incentive Efforts, which consist of giving / delivering socialization about the importance of student compliance with school discipline, incidental inspection, structuring canteen location. 2) Repressive efforts, which consist of providing strict sanctions against violators, increasing cooperation between BK teachers and homeroom teachers, and supervising individuals (strict supervision / control).Keywords : Analysis, Compliance, School Rules and Student

    Factors Associated with Malnutrition in Adolescent Girls during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This study aimed to analyze the factors associated with malnutrition in adolescent girls. The study design was a cross-sectional study with a stratified proportional random sampling, which resulted in samples of 156 adolescent girls aged 10 to 24 years in high schools in Tasikmalaya City. Chi-square test is used to analyze factors associated with malnutrition in adolescent girls. Menstrual cycle, knowledge, physical activity, and stress were significantly associated with malnutrition, while a history of infectious disease was not significantly associated. The implication of this research is that during the pandemic, adolescent girls need to maintain knowledge, physical activity, and coping skills to avoid malnutrition

    Pengolahan Minyak Parede Aroma Jeruk sebagai Diferensiasi Produk Ibu PKK Desa Latellang Kabupaten Bone

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    Rendahnya harga jual buah kelapa tua mengakibatkan masyarakat bingung untuk mengolahya menjadi produk lebih bernilai. Penggiatan pembuatan minyak Parede yang memanfaatkan buah kelapa tua semakin pudar disebabkan minyak Parede mudah tengik serta proses pemasakan yang lama, sehingga dinilai tidak efisien dari segi waktu, tenaga dan penggunaan bahan bakar. Program kemitraan masyarakat dilaksanakan untuk mengatasi permasalahan mitra dalam mengolah minyak Parede sekaligus meningkatkan keterampilan mitra yaitu Ibu PKK Desa Latellang dalam melakukan diferensiasi produk. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam pengolahan minyak Parede yaitu lebih efisien serta mitra mampu melakukan pembuatan Minyak Parjek sebagai produk diferensiasi

    Pemetaan Risiko Relatif Kasus Demam Berdarah Dengue di Kota Makassar Menggunakan Model Bayesian Spasial

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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a disease that is still a main problem in public health in Indonesia. This study aims to map the relative risk (RR) of dengue cases in Makassar City using the Spatial Conditional Autoregressive (CAR) model with Bayesian approaches: Besag-York-Molliѐ (BYM) and Leroux models. The data used in this study is DHF case data from 2016 to 2018 for 15 sub-districts in Makassar City. The best model was based on the model fit criteria, namely Watanabe Akaike Information Criteria (WAIC) and Deviance Information Criteria (DIC). The results indicate that the best model used to map the RR for DHF cases in 2016 and 2017 is the BYM CAR model, while the best model for 2018 is the Leroux CAR model. Based on the results of the analysis, it was concluded that in 2016 the area with the highest RR was Manggala District and the lowest RR was Tamalate District. In 2017, the area with the highest RR was Ujung Pandang District and the lowest RR was Biringkanaya District. Meanwhile, in 2018, the area with the highest dan the lowest RR was Ujung Tanah and Tamalate Districts, respectively. The results of this study are expected to be able to assist the government in implementing the program to control dengue fever in Makassar City effectively and efficiently.Keywords⎯ Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, Relative Risk Mapping, CAR BYM, CAR Leroux