2,181 research outputs found

    Computing Volume Bounds of Inclusions by EIT Measurements

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    The size estimates approach for Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) allows for estimating the size (area or volume) of an unknown inclusion in an electrical conductor by means of one pair of boundary measurements of voltage and current. In this paper we show by numerical simulations how to obtain such bounds for practical application of the method. The computations are carried out both in a 2D and a 3D setting.Comment: 20 pages with figure

    On local comparison between various metrics on Teichmüller spaces

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    International audienceThere are several Teichmüller spaces associated to a surface of infinite topological type, after the choice of a particular basepoint ( a complex or a hyperbolic structure on the surface). These spaces include the quasiconformal Teichmüller space, the length spectrum Teichmüller space, the Fenchel-Nielsen Teichmüller space, and there are others. In general, these spaces are set-theoretically different. An important question is therefore to understand relations between these spaces. Each of these spaces is equipped with its own metric, and under some hypotheses, there are inclusions between these spaces. In this paper, we obtain local metric comparison results on these inclusions, namely, we show that the inclusions are locally bi-Lipschitz under certain hypotheses. To obtain these results, we use some hyperbolic geometry estimates that give new results also for surfaces of finite type. We recall that in the case of a surface of finite type, all these Teichmüller spaces coincide setwise. In the case of a surface of finite type with no boundary components (and possibly with punctures), we show that the restriction of the identity map to any thick part of Teichmüller space is globally bi-Lipschitz with respect to the length spectrum metric and the classical Teichmüller metric on the domain and on the range respectively. In the case of a surface of finite type with punctures and boundary components, there is a metric on the Teichmüller space which we call the arc metric, whose definition is analogous to the length spectrum metric, but which uses lengths of geodesic arcs instead of lengths of closed geodesics. We show that the restriction of the identity map restricted to any ``relative thick" part of Teichmüller space is globally bi-Lipschitz, with respect to any of the three metrics: the length spectrum metric, the Teichmüller metric and the arc metric on the domain and on the range

    Multiscale optical flow computation from the monogenic signal

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    National audienceWe have developed an algorithm for the estimation of cardiac motion from medical images. The algorithm exploits monogenic signal theory, recently introduced as an N-dimensional generalization of the analytic signal. The displacement is computed locally by assuming the conservation of the monogenic phase over time. A local affine displacement model replaces the standard translation model to account for more complex motions as contraction/expansion and shear. A coarse-to-fine B-spline scheme allows a robust and effective computation of the models parameters and a pyramidal refinement scheme helps handle large motions. Robustness against noise is increased by replacing the standard pointwise computation of the monogenic orientation with a more robust least-squares orientation estimate. This paper reviews the results obtained on simulated cardiac images from different modalities, namely 2D and 3D cardiac ultrasound and tagged magnetic resonance. We also show how the proposed algorithm represents a valuable alternative to state-of-the-art algorithms in the respective fields

    Sewing Constraints and Non-Orientable Open Strings

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    We extend to non-orientable surfaces previous work on sewing constraints in Conformal Field Theory. A new constraint, related to the real projective plane, is described and is used to illustrate the correspondence with a previous construction of open-string spectra.Comment: phyzzx, 11 pages and 4 figures, ROM2F-93/3

    Glutamate Receptors and Glioblastoma Multiforme: An Old "Route" for New Perspectives

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    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most aggressive malignant tumor of the central nervous system, with poor survival in both treated and untreated patients. Recent studies began to explain the molecular pathway, comprising the dynamic structural and mechanical changes involved in GBM. In this context, some studies showed that the human glioblastoma cells release high levels of glutamate, which regulates the proliferation and survival of neuronal progenitor cells. Considering that cancer cells possess properties in common with neural progenitor cells, it is likely that the functions of glutamate receptors may affect the growth of cancer cells and, therefore, open the road to new and more targeted therapies

    No second-in-command: human fatigue and the crash of the airship Italia revisited

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    The dirigible Italia crashed onto the Arctic sea ice north-east of the Svalbard archipelago on 25 May 1928 at 10:33 GMT while travelling back to her base from the North Pole. Only eight of the 16 crew members survived: one was killed upon impact, one did not survive the post-crash ordeal and six were trapped in the airship envelope (i.e., the balloon), which floated away and disappeared. No definite conclusions have ever been reached about the causes of the crash. The judgements of the Commission of Inquiry instituted by the Italian government and published in 1929 are carefully examined. Recent analysis has presented evidence that the mishap may have been fatigue-related. In this paper, the pivotal question of why General Nobile was so sleep-deprived at the time of the accident is addressed, specifically with reference to the lack of a second-in-command (i.e., a deputy commander) during the flight. Such a position was a standard practice for airships at the time, and General Nobile himself described this position as one necessary for an airship. Nevertheless, for a variety of reasons he proceeded on the Italia expedition without an official crew member responsible for this role. The lack of a second-in-command is proposed as a possible major contributing factor in the overall sequence of events leading to the crash of the Italia, although other possible causes and contributing factors for the crash are also considered, including structural failures, crew selection and political obstacles

    Demonstration of an electrostatic-shielded cantilever

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    The fabrication and performances of cantilevered probes with reduced parasitic capacitance starting from a commercial Si3N4 cantilever chip is presented. Nanomachining and metal deposition induced by focused ion beam techniques were employed in order to modify the original insulating pyramidal tip and insert a conducting metallic tip. Two parallel metallic electrodes deposited on the original cantilever arms are employed for tip biasing and as ground plane in order to minimize the electrostatic force due to the capacitive interaction between cantilever and sample surface. Excitation spectra and force-to-distance characterization are shown with different electrode configurations. Applications of this scheme in electrostatic force microscopy, Kelvin probe microscopy and local anodic oxidation is discussed.Comment: 4 pages and 3 figures. Submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Impact of climate change and urban development on the flora of a southern European city: analysis of biodiversity change over a 120-year period

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    Ecological studies in cities are not only aimed at investigating floristic diversity, but also represent informative test cases for understanding ecological system dynamics and responses to urban and climate changes since cities represent microcosms of environmental changes happening globally. The city of Bologna was selected as a case study since two specific and complete studies have been carried out in a 120-years timespan, one in 1894 and one in 2018. Since 1894, a large increase occurred in the number of taxa (families from 41 to 101, species from 176 to 477) and alien species (from 22 to 144), with a 65% total species turnover. The comparison of species life forms pointed out a noticeable recent expansion of phanerophytes and geophytes at the expense of therophytes and hemicryptophytes. The correlation between urbanistic features and plant richness indicated that the main factor affecting plant richness is the presence of green spaces (parks, tree lines, flowerbeds, etc.). Analysis of variation in Ellenberg\u2019s indicator values over the last 120 years evidenced a shift toward shade-tolerant species, mainly connected to the increased presence of parks and trees within the city. Climate change and the presence of artificially irrigated areas within the city has led to an increase in both hygrophilous and drought-resistant species. In particular, the temperature index showed a significantly higher amount of macrothermal species in accordance with a warmer climate and the urban heat island effect

    Focusing on the Fixed Point of 4D Simplicial Gravity

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    Our earlier renormalization group analysis of simplicial gravity is extended. A high statistics study of the volume and coupling constant dependence of the cumulants of the node distribution is carried out. It appears that the phase transition of the theory is of first order, contrary to what is generally believed.Comment: Latex, 20 pages, 6 postscript figures, published versio

    Path integral evaluation of Dbrane amplitudes

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    We extend Polchinski's evaluation of the measure for the one-loop closed string path integral to open string tree amplitudes with boundaries and crosscaps embedded in Dbranes. We explain how the nonabelian limit of near-coincident Dbranes emerges in the path integral formalism. We give a careful path integral derivation of the cylinder amplitude including the modulus dependence of the volume of the conformal Killing group.Comment: Extended version replacing hep-th/9903184, includes discussion of nonabelian limit, Latex, 10 page