27 research outputs found

    Fundaci贸n del TEU de Murcia (1939) y etapa de direcci贸n de Alberto Gonz谩lez Vergel (1949-1954)

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    Este art铆culo expone en qu茅 circunstancias y c贸mo se produjo la fundaci贸n del TEU de Murcia en 1939. Este se destaca por su car谩cter de pionero en el contexto nacional, por la precocidad de su fecha de creaci贸n solo unos meses despu茅s del fin de la Guerra Civil. M谩s adelante, en 1949, llega Gonz谩lez Vergel a la direcci贸n del TEU, quien instituye en el colectivo un nuevo esquema de producci贸n, basado en las aspiraciones de rigor e innovaci贸n esc茅nicos, en consonancia con el esp铆ritu dominante tanto en el teatro de c谩mara y ensayo como en el teatro universitario espa帽ol del momento. Este TEU se perfila como espacio de experimentaci贸n y de formaci贸n autodidacta a trav茅s de la propia pr谩ctica teatral, la cual pretend铆a sustentarse en el rigor esc茅nico y actoral, convirti茅ndose en bastantes casos en el paso previo al acceso a la profesi贸n teatral.The article deals with the foundation of the University Theatre (TEU) of Murcia in 1939. It was a pioneer in the national context, since it was created just a few months after the end of the Spanish Civil War. Later, in 1949, Gonz谩lez Vergel took over the direction of this theatre group, and instituted a new way of producing. The goals were rigour and innovation in the staging, according to the dominant spirit in both national chamber theatre and university theatre at the period. The TEU of Murcia became a space of experimentation and self-learning through the theatre practice itself, which tried to be rigurous in the staging and acting. In many cases, it was the previous step before entering the theatre profession

    Una mirada al testimonio en Colombia: Piedad Bonnett y H茅ctor Abad Faciolince

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    Resumen: El texto lee dos modos de elaboraci贸n del duelo, dos modos de escritura testimonial de dos escritores colombianos que luego de la p茅rdida de un ser querido -hijo y padre- le dan un giro a su forma de narrar y hacen visible la tendencia autobiogr谩fica (testimonio) en las letras de este pa铆s. Seguir las huellas del giro autobiogr谩fico de la literatura actual (Giordano), empezar a pensar las variantes del giro en un pa铆s con condiciones sociales derivadas del conflicto armado como Colombia; ubicar este tipo de relatos entre la avalancha de testimonios del secuestro y autobiograf铆as de todos los bandos son objetivos de este art铆culo2.Palabras Clave: Testimonio, literatura colombiana, giro autobiogr谩fico, duelo

    Fundamentos te贸ricos de la preparaci贸n del estudiante de Estomatolog铆a en funci贸n de la educaci贸n para la salud bucal periodontal

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    Introduction: the aim to graduate a general dentist with a high standard in knowledge to solve the most general and prevalent periodontal oral health issues is a social demand that is revealed in the current study program of dentistry major. Objective: to elaborate some theoretical references concerning dentistry student preparation in terms of education for periodontal oral health. Method: from January to July 2020, at the Facultad de Estomatolog铆a in the Universidad de Ciencias M茅dicas Guantanamo, a narrative review on the subject was carried out through a search in electronic databases (Virtual Health Library, LILACS, PubMed, SciELO, REDALYC, Scopus). It was systematized all the theoretical references that support the preparation of the dentistry students in terms of education for periodontal oral health.Conclusions: it is evident the necessity of this type of training due to its implication in the way to the best professional performance for an integral oral care. The foundations for achieving this goal emerge from the harmonious conjugation of philosophical, sociological, legal, psychological, pedagogical and didactic referents, in accordance to the practice of the profession.Introducci贸n: la aspiraci贸n de egresar un estomat贸logo general suficientemente preparado para resolver los problemas de salud bucal periodontal m谩s generales y prevalentes es una exigencia social que se revela en el actual plan de estudio de la carrera de Estomatolog铆a. Objetivo: elaborar unos referentes te贸ricos de la preparaci贸n del estudiante de Estomatolog铆a en funci贸n de la educaci贸n para la salud bucal periodontal. M茅todo: de enero a julio de 2020, en la Facultad de Estomatolog铆a de la Universidad de Ciencias M茅dicas Guant谩namo se realiz贸 una revisi贸n narrativa sobre el tema a trav茅s de una b煤squeda en bases de datos electr贸nicas (Biblioteca Virtual en Salud, LILACS, PubMed, SciELO, REDALYC, Scopus). Se sistematizaron referentes te贸ricos que sustentan la preparaci贸n del estudiante de Estomatolog铆a en funci贸n de la educaci贸n para la salud bucal periodontal. Conclusiones: se evidencia la necesidad de esta preparaci贸n dada su implicaci贸n en el modo de actuaci贸n profesional para una Atenci贸n Bucal Periodontal Integral. Las bases para esta finalidad emergen de la conjugaci贸n armoniosa de referentes filos贸ficos, sociol贸gicos, legales, psicol贸gicos, pedag贸gicos y did谩cticos en funci贸n de la pr谩ctica de la profesi贸n

    La integraci贸n de Sistemas de Gesti贸n Empresariales, conceptos, enfoques y tendencias

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    La presente investigaci贸n tiene como objetivo describir e interpretar los antecedentes sobre los Sistemas de Gesti贸n Empresarial, fundamentalmente en su integraci贸n. En la metodolog铆a se consider贸 la revisi贸n y an谩lisis de publicaciones para identificar aquellos aspectos de inter茅s a tener en cuenta para emprender la conformaci贸n de un 煤nico sistema de gesti贸n. Los principales hallazgos indican que la conceptualizaci贸n de lo entendido por Sistema Integrado de Gesti贸n es heterog茅nea, adem谩s se han propuestos varios niveles de integraci贸n en funci贸n del grado de avance alcanzado por las empresas y se identifica que el n煤mero mayor de las investigaciones al respecto est谩n centradas en Europa. Se a帽ade un an谩lisis del estado de la certificaci贸n de sistemas empresariales en Cuba y se enfatiza en la necesidad de fortalecer la integraci贸n en todos los sectores empresariales

    MENOS4 trial: a multicentre randomised controlled trial (RCT) of a breast care nurse delivered cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) intervention to reduce the impact of hot flushes in women with breast cancer: Study Protocol

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    BACKGROUND: Women who have been treated for breast cancer may identify vasomotor symptoms, such as hot flushes and night sweats (HFNS), as a serious problem. HFNS are unpleasant to experience and can have a significant impact on daily life, potentially leading to reduced adherence to life saving adjuvant hormonal therapy. It is known that Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is effective for the alleviation of hot flushes in both well women and women who have had breast cancer. Most women with breast cancer will see a breast care nurse and there is evidence that nurses can be trained to deliver psychological treatments to a satisfactory level, whilst also maintaining treatment fidelity. The research team will assess whether breast care nurses can effectively deliver a CBT intervention to alleviate hot flushes in women with breast cancer.METHODS: This study is a multi-centre phase III individually randomised controlled trial of group CBT versus usual care to reduce the impact of hot flushes in women with breast cancer. 120-160 women with primary breast cancer experiencing seven or more problematic HFNS a week will be randomised to receive either treatment as usual (TAU) or participation in the group CBT intervention plus TAU (CBT Group). A process evaluation using May's Normalisation Process Theory will be conducted, as well as practical and organisational issues relating to the implementation of the intervention. Fidelity of implementation of the intervention will be conducted by expert assessment. The cost effectiveness of the intervention will also be assessed.DISCUSSION: There is a need for studies that enable effective interventions to be implemented in practice. There is good evidence that CBT is helpful for women with breast cancer who experience HFNS, yet it is not widely available. It is not yet known whether the intervention can be effectively delivered by breast care nurses or implemented in practice. This study will provide information on both whether the intervention can effectively help women with hot flushes and whether and how it can be translated into routine clinical practice.TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN 12824632 . Registered 25-01-2017.</p

    COAST (Cisplatin ototoxicity attenuated by aspirin trial): A phase II double-blind, randomised controlled trial to establish if aspirin reduces cisplatin induced hearing-loss

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    Background: Cisplatin is one of the most ototoxic chemotherapy drugs, resulting in a permanent and irreversible hearing loss in up to 50% of patients. Cisplatin and gentamicin are thought to damage hearing through a common mechanism, involving reactive oxygen species in the inner ear. Aspirin has been shown to minimise gentamicin-induced ototoxicity. We, therefore, tested the hypothesis that aspirin could also reduce ototoxicity from cisplatin-based chemotherapy. Methods: A total of 94 patients receiving cisplatin-based chemotherapy for multiple cancer types were recruited into a phase II, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial and randomised in a ratio of 1:1 to receive aspirin 975 mg tid and omeprazole 20 mg od, or matched placebos from the day before, to 2 days after, their cisplatin dose(s), for each treatment cycle. Patients underwent pure tone audiometry before and at 7 and 90 days after their final cisplatin dose. The primary end-point was combined hearing loss (cHL), the summed hearing loss at 6 kHz and 8 kHz, in both ears. Results: Although aspirin was well tolerated, it did not protect hearing in patients receiving cisplatin (p-value = 0.233, 20% one-sided level of significance). In the aspirin arm, patients demonstrated mean cHL of 49 dB (standard deviation [SD] 61.41) following cisplatin compared with placebo patients who demonstrated mean cHL of 36 dB (SD 50.85). Women had greater average hearing loss than men, and patients treated for head and neck malignancy experienced the greatest cHL. Conclusions: Aspirin did not protect from cisplatin-related ototoxicity. Cisplatin and gentamicin may therefore have distinct ototoxic mechanisms, or cisplatin-induced ototoxicity may be refractory to the aspirin regimen used here

    Digital transformation of business-to-government reporting:An institutional work perspective

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    Traditional business-to-government reporting is a core remit of the accounting function but is associated with a significant administrative burden on business. This burden is a major obstacle hindering business efforts to achieve core efficiency and innovation objectives. We use the conceptual lens of institutional work to examine how traditional business-to-government reporting is abolished and how digital reporting is established to replace it in attempts to reduce administrative burden but without compromising regulation effectiveness. We adopt a comparative approach to analyse qualitative evidence from three jurisdictions, namely, Netherlands, United Kingdom, and Australia. Regulators across these jurisdictions have been both pioneers and leaders internationally to transform business-to-government reporting in multi-agency settings. Our analyses illustrate how institutional work to develop digital business-to-government reporting across the jurisdictions was shaped by international influences and local factors. We also illuminate how actor engagement issues and the intertwined and mutually reinforcing nature of a mosaic of forms of institutional work shaped the path of these transformations. The study contributes to existing research by explaining how supportive conditions and structures are brought about and made to coalesce in the regulatory business reporting space for digital reporting to become established and widely adopted by business

    Proyecto de grado: Estrategia de comunicaci贸n digital para una aplicaci贸n enfocada a las corridas de toros

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    1 archivo de lectura en pdf.El presente trabajo describe una estrategia comunicativa digital dirigida a un nicho de mercado reducido como son los amantes de las corridas de toros. En Colombia para adquirir un tiquete a la fiesta taurina, el usuario debe dirigirse a la plaza de toros directamente en la mayor铆a de casos. Con el apoyo de una aplicaci贸n m贸vil se busca crear una estrategia de comunicaci贸n digital que pueda ofrecer distintas ofertas al usuario como: boleter铆a, informaci贸n de inter茅s, galer铆a fotogr谩fica o servicios adicionales para los amantes de la fiesta brava. Para lo anterior, se har谩 un levantamiento de datos de nuestros posibles usuarios a trav茅s de un estudio cuantitativo del mercado con el fin de encontrar las preferencias del nicho seleccionado para la creaci贸n de la aplicaci贸n.鈥婥onfidencial por 1 a帽o por solicitud del auto

    Comunica莽茫o intercultural e resili锚ncia extensionista na forma莽茫o de direitos humanos na UFJF-GV

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    -Este trabalho trata de repensar a extens茫o universit谩ria com uma peculiaridade, a pandemia causada pela COVID-19. Al茅m de tal fator, o artigo aborda a extens茫o sobre a 贸tica Paulo freiriana, percebendo-a como meio primordial, quando atrelada ao trip茅 constitucional, ensino pesquisa e extens茫o, para tencionar realidades e enfim produzir um olhar cr铆tico do ser humano sobre o mundo que o cerca. Para tanto, atrav茅s do programa de extens茫o da UFJF GV, NAG脭 (N煤cleo de Agroecologia de Governador Valadares), por meio do projeto Pluriversidade dos povos e comunidades tradicionais do Watu foram realizadas 15 lives tem谩ticas com 15 lideran莽as ind铆genas de 10 povos diferentes, onde 7 foram selecionadas para compor o texto deste trabalho. A partir delas, discutir a import芒ncia da experi锚ncia extensionista da Pluriversidade do Watu na densifica莽茫o do debate e da forma莽茫o em direitos humanos. As lives est茫o disponibilizadas nas redes sociais Instagram e Youtube, do respectivo projeto, al茅m da rede social do parceiro Instituto Shirley Djukurn茫 Krenak(ISDK)