22 research outputs found

    Constraints on Dark Matter Annihilation in Clusters of Galaxies with the Fermi Large Area Telescope

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    Nearby clusters and groups of galaxies are potentially bright sources of high-energy gamma-ray emission resulting from the pair-annihilation of dark matter particles. However, no significant gamma-ray emission has been detected so far from clusters in the first 11 months of observations with the Fermi Large Area Telescope. We interpret this non-detection in terms of constraints on dark matter particle properties. In particular for leptonic annihilation final states and particle masses greater than ~200 GeV, gamma-ray emission from inverse Compton scattering of CMB photons is expected to dominate the dark matter annihilation signal from clusters, and our gamma-ray limits exclude large regions of the parameter space that would give a good fit to the recent anomalous Pamela and Fermi-LAT electron-positron measurements. We also present constraints on the annihilation of more standard dark matter candidates, such as the lightest neutralino of supersymmetric models. The constraints are particularly strong when including the fact that clusters are known to contain substructure at least on galaxy scales, increasing the expected gamma-ray flux by a factor of ~5 over a smooth-halo assumption. We also explore the effect of uncertainties in cluster dark matter density profiles, finding a systematic uncertainty in the constraints of roughly a factor of two, but similar overall conclusions. In this work, we focus on deriving limits on dark matter models; a more general consideration of the Fermi-LAT data on clusters and clusters as gamma-ray sources is forthcoming.Comment: accepted to JCAP, Corresponding authors: T.E. Jeltema and S. Profumo, minor revisions to be consistent with accepted versio

    Discovery of widespread transcription initiation at microsatellites predictable by sequence-based deep neural network

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    Using the Cap Analysis of Gene Expression (CAGE) technology, the FANTOM5 consortium provided one of the most comprehensive maps of transcription start sites (TSSs) in several species. Strikingly, ~72% of them could not be assigned to a specific gene and initiate at unconventional regions, outside promoters or enhancers. Here, we probe these unassigned TSSs and show that, in all species studied, a significant fraction of CAGE peaks initiate at microsatellites, also called short tandem repeats (STRs). To confirm this transcription, we develop Cap Trap RNA-seq, a technology which combines cap trapping and long read MinION sequencing. We train sequence-based deep learning models able to predict CAGE signal at STRs with high accuracy. These models unveil the importance of STR surrounding sequences not only to distinguish STR classes, but also to predict the level of transcription initiation. Importantly, genetic variants linked to human diseases are preferentially found at STRs with high transcription initiation level, supporting the biological and clinical relevance of transcription initiation at STRs. Together, our results extend the repertoire of non-coding transcription associated with DNA tandem repeats and complexify STR polymorphism


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    The active seismic zone geophysical structure features and its models identification can be fixed by revealing planes on which the earthquake hypocenters are grouping. The algorithm and computer program are developed, to search the planes on the basis of the earthquake catalogue

    Method preparation shells departure requirements from trunks

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    Проведено дослідження ступеня впливу різноманітних збуджуючих факторів на політ снарядів (мін), визначені основні балістичні фактори, вплив яких належить враховувати під час стрільби снарядів (мін), зроблена оцінка точності сучасних методів і засобів балістичної підготовки. Досліджуються умови впливу коливального руху снарядів (мін) на поступовий рух центра мас снаряду, на основі чого розроблюються способи урахування нутаційних коливань, що виникають під час вильоту снаряду із каналу стволу.Проведено исследование степени влияния разнообразных возмущающих факторов на полет снарядов (мин), определены основные баллистические факторы, влияние которых надлежит учитывать во время стрельбы снарядов (мин), сделана оценка точности современных методов и средств баллистической подготовки. Исследуются условия влияния колебательного движения снарядов (мин) на постепенное движение центра масс снаряда, на основе чего разрабатываются способы учета нутационных колебаний, которые возникают во время вылета снаряда из канала ствола.Research of degree of influencing of various revolting factors is conducted on flight of shells (mines), basic ballistic factors influencing of which it is required to take into account during firing of shells (mines) are certain, the estimation of exactness of modern methods and facilities of ballistic preparation is done. Research condition of influence oscillatory motion of shells to translation center of mass and create method of calculation nutation oscillations which come into existence departure time of shells from trunks