144 research outputs found

    Attributing the Electrical Conductivity into Asphalt Composite Using Kaoline-Dominant Mixture Clays

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    تمتلك مخاليط الإسفلت إمكانات كبيرة كموصلات كهربائية للعديد من الوظائف في مجال الاستشعار الذاتي والاستشفاء وجمع الطاقة. تتحكم التوصيلية الكهربائية (EC) في صب الخرسانة الإسفلتية إلى مرحلة ذات أولوية لمثل هذه العروض المقدمة، مع مراعاة بعض الإضافات التي تقلل من تلف المواد الأساسية مع مرور الوقت. تستخدم اختبارات الموصلية الليفية سابقًا في توصيل خليط الإسفلت. هناك الآن حاجة للتخفيف بسبب التغيير المفاجئ في منحنى ER المقاومة الكهربائية لظروف الترشيح للمخاليط الاسفلتية، مع مراعاة الانتقال المفاجئ من قيم المقاومة الكهربائية (ER) إلى مرحلة التوصيل الكهربائي (EC). يعتبر وجود الخلائط الطينية الفعالة لتخفيف عيوب التغيرات المفاجئة صديقة للبيئة. لذلك، تبحث هذه الدراسة عن ناتج حيث كفاءة التغليف المستخدمة عن طريق توجيه التوصيل الكهربائي (EC) من الخرسانة الإسفلتية فقط عن طريق إضافة محتوى معين من محتوى البنتونيت في خليط الكاولين المهيمن بين الكولين-البنتونايت0.4 الى الكولين– البنتونايت 0.1 (KB0.1) إلى و’ و(0.4 الى (الكولين-البنتونايت (الكولين-البنتونايت 0.1)   التي تتميز بخصائص جيوفيزيائية مختلفة ومعلما (0.4 الى (الكولين-البنتونايت (الكولين-البنتونايت 0.1) لذلك، فان ثمانية أنواع المختبرة والمختلفة من خليط الطين جيوتقنية مختلفة. يتم تقييم قيم ER بواسطة عينات مختلطة من الأسفلت التي تحتوي على محتويات مختلفة من خليط الطين المهيمن..Asphalt mixtures have great potentials as electrical connectors for many functions in the field of self-sensing, hospitalization and energy collection. Electrical conductivity (EC) controls the pouring of asphalt concrete to a priority stage for such presentations, taking into account some additives that minimize damage to basic materials over time. Previously fibre conductivity tests are used in the conductivity of the asphalt mixture. There is now a need for mitigation due to the sudden change in the ER electrical curve of the filtration conditions of the down mixtures, considering the sudden transition from the electrical resistivity (ER) values ​​to the conduction phase (EC). Efficient clay mixtures to relieve defects of sudden changes are considered eco-friendly. Therefore, this study looks for an output where encapsulation efficiency used by directing the electrical conductivity (EC) of asphalt concrete only by adding a specific content of bentonite content in the kaolin-dominant mixture between (KB0.1) to (KB0.4). Therefore, eight different types of clay mixture KB0.1 to KB0.4 and Kaolinite 0.9-Sand 0.1 to KS0.4 have different geophysical properties and different geotechnical parameters. EC values. ER values are evaluated by asphalt-mixed samples containing different contents of the dominant K-clay mixture

    Extraction of eco-friendly natural dyes from Pina leaves and their application on wool fabrics

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    Natural dyes comprise of colorants that are obtained from animals or vegetable matters without any chemical processing. Natural dyes can substitute synthetic dye and promotes green technology initiatives in the field of textile dyeing. This study was carried out by extracting dyes from pineapple leaves (Ananas Comosus) using three stage mordanting methods using different mordants namely premordanting, post-mordanting and simultaneous dyeing-mordanting. The mordants used were aluminium potassium sulphate, white vinegar and sodium chloride (NaCl). Wool fabrics were used for dyeing. The strength of colour and K/S values of the dyed fabrics were measured before and after washing. The colourfastness to washing, rubbing and light fastness of the fabrics were conducted to investigate the performance of the dye and mordants. The results indicate that the washing, rubbing and light fastness properties of dyed samples were between good to excellent grades

    Invariant tensors for simple groups

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    The forms of the invariant primitive tensors for the simple Lie algebras A_l, B_l, C_l and D_l are investigated. A new family of symmetric invariant tensors is introduced using the non-trivial cocycles for the Lie algebra cohomology. For the A_l algebra it is explicitly shown that the generic forms of these tensors become zero except for the l primitive ones and that they give rise to the l primitive Casimir operators. Some recurrence and duality relations are given for the Lie algebra cocycles. Tables for the 3- and 5-cocycles for su(3) and su(4) are also provided. Finally, new relations involving the d and f su(n) tensors are given.Comment: Latex file. 34 pages. (Trivial) misprints corrected. To appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Phosphate steering by Flap Endonuclease 1 promotes 5´-flap specificity and incision to prevent genome instability

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    DNA replication and repair enzyme Flap Endonuclease 1 (FEN1) is vital for genome integrity, and FEN1 mutations arise in multiple cancers. FEN1 precisely cleaves single-stranded (ss) 50-flaps one nucleotide into duplex (ds) DNA. Yet, how FEN1 selects for but does not incise the ss 50-flap was enigmatic. Here we combine crystallographic, biochemical and genetic analyses to show that two dsDNA binding sites set the 50polarity and to reveal unexpected control of the DNA phosphodiester backbone by electrostatic interactions. Via ‘phosphate steering’, basic residues energetically steer an inverted ss 50-flap through a gateway over FEN1’s active site and shift dsDNA for catalysis. Mutations of these residues cause an 18,000-fold reduction in catalytic rate in vitro and large-scale trinucleotide (GAA)n repeat expansions in vivo, implying failed phosphate-steering promotes an unanticipated lagging-strand template-switch mechanism during replication. Thus, phosphate steering is an unappreciated FEN1 function that enforces 50-flap specificity and catalysis, preventing genomic instability

    Phosphate steering by Flap Endonuclease 1 promotes 5´-flap specificity and incision to prevent genome instability

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    DNA replication and repair enzyme Flap Endonuclease 1 (FEN1) is vital for genome integrity, and FEN1 mutations arise in multiple cancers. FEN1 precisely cleaves single-stranded (ss) 50-flaps one nucleotide into duplex (ds) DNA. Yet, how FEN1 selects for but does not incise the ss 50-flap was enigmatic. Here we combine crystallographic, biochemical and genetic analyses to show that two dsDNA binding sites set the 50polarity and to reveal unexpected control of the DNA phosphodiester backbone by electrostatic interactions. Via ‘phosphate steering’, basic residues energetically steer an inverted ss 50-flap through a gateway over FEN1’s active site and shift dsDNA for catalysis. Mutations of these residues cause an 18,000-fold reduction in catalytic rate in vitro and large-scale trinucleotide (GAA)n repeat expansions in vivo, implying failed phosphate-steering promotes an unanticipated lagging-strand template-switch mechanism during replication. Thus, phosphate steering is an unappreciated FEN1 function that enforces 50-flap specificity and catalysis, preventing genomic instability

    HI-NESS:a family of genetically encoded DNA labels based on a bacterial nucleoid-associated protein

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    The interplay between three-dimensional chromosome organisation and genomic processes such as replication and transcription necessitates in vivo studies of chromosome dynamics. Fluorescent organic dyes are often used for chromosome labelling in vivo. The mode of binding of these dyes to DNA cause its distortion, elongation, and partial unwinding. The structural changes induce DNA damage and interfere with the binding dynamics of chromatin-associated proteins, consequently perturbing gene expression, genome replication, and cell cycle progression. We have developed a minimally-perturbing, genetically encoded fluorescent DNA label consisting of a (photo-switchable) fluorescent protein fused to the DNA-binding domain of H-NS - a bacterial nucleoid-associated protein. We show that this DNA label, abbreviated as HI-NESS (H-NS-based indicator for nucleic acid stainings), is minimally-perturbing to genomic processes and labels chromosomes in eukaryotic cells in culture, and in zebrafish embryos with preferential binding to AT-rich chromatin.Genome Instability and Cance

    Energy and Climate Implications for Agricultural Nutrient Use Efficiency

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    Energy and climate change are beginning to dominate the global political agenda and will drive policy formation that will shape the future of agriculture. Energy issues threaten national security and economic stability, as well as access to low-cost nutrient inputs for agriculture. Climate change has the potential to cause serious disruption to agricultural productivity. Paradoxically, nutrient use in agriculture to increase crop yields has the potential to negatively impact climate. This chapter will discuss recent and future energy and climate trends, the relationships between agricultural nutrient use efficiency and biofuels, and how global land limitations will shape agriculture in the future. Comparative gross energy yield and nitrogen use efficiency for ethanol production from crop residue, switchgrass, grain sorghum, sweet sorghum, and corn grain is presented, showing small differences in nitrogen use efficiency, but large differences in gross energy yields. In addition to considering the need to increase crop productivity to meet the demands of a growing population and bioenergy, agricultural nutrient use efficiency must be reconsidered with respect to the important energy and climate challenges shaping agriculture today

    HI-NESS: a family of genetically encoded DNA labels based on a bacterial nucleoid-associated protein

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    The interplay between three-dimensional chromosome organisation and genomic processes such as replication and transcription necessitates in vivo studies of chromosome dynamics. Fluorescent organic dyes are often used for chromosome labelling in vivo. The mode of binding of these dyes to DNA cause its distortion, elongation, and partial unwinding. The structural changes induce DNA damage and interfere with the binding dynamics of chromatin-associated proteins, consequently perturbing gene expression, genome replication, and cell cycle progression. We have developed a minimally-perturbing, genetically encoded fluorescent DNA label consisting of a (photo-switchable) fluorescent protein fused to the DNA-binding domain of H-NS - a bacterial nucleoid-associated protein. We show that this DNA label, abbreviated as HI-NESS (H-NS-based indicator for nucleic acid stainings), is minimally-perturbing to genomic processes and labels chromosomes in eukaryotic cells in culture, and in zebrafish embryos with preferential binding to AT-rich chromatin.Animal science

    The Persistency of the India-Pakistan Conflict: Chances and Obstacles of the Bilateral Composite Dialogue

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    This article investigates the underlying causes for the persistency of the India–Pakistan conflict and, on this basis, the chances and obstacles of the bilateral composite dialogue initiated in 2004. In particular, it wants to provide a theoretically grounded account of the factors that facilitated and constrained the bilateral composite dialogue process. Drawing on the regional security complex theory, this article examines the rivalry between the two South Asian nuclear powers on four levels of analysis: the domestic, the regional, the interregional and the global level. The analysis shows that there have been some substantial changes on all four levels in the recent decade or so and that these changes have provided more beneficial conditions for a peace process. These changes include, inter alia, India’s new regional policy, the consequences of the 9/11 terrorist attacks for the region and India’s growing power capacities. However, major obstacles to the India–Pakistan dialogue and a permanent conflict resolution continue to persist: the dominant role of the military in Pakistan, conflicting national identities and the still partially contested nature of statehood in India and Pakistan, which is in the case of Pakistan linked to the growing power of Islamic fundamentalists

    The vital roles of blue foods in the global food system

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    Blue foods play a central role in food and nutrition security for billions of people and are a cornerstone of the livelihoods, economies, and cultures of many coastal and riparian communities. Blue foods are extraordinarily diverse, are often rich in essential micronutrients and fatty acids, and can often be produced in ways that are more environmentally sustainable than terrestrial animal-source foods. Capture fisheries constitute the largest wild-food resource for human extraction that would be challenging to replace. Yet, despite their unique value, blue foods have often been left out of food system analyses, policies, and investments. Here, we focus on three imperatives for realizing the potential of blue foods: (1) Bring blue foods into the heart of food system decision-making; (2) Protect and develop the potential of blue foods to help end malnutrition; and (3) Support the central role of small-scale actors in fisheries and aquaculture. Recognition of the importance of blue foods for food and nutrition security constitutes a critical justification to preserve the integrity and diversity of aquatic species and ecosystems