154 research outputs found

    Exposure to animal suffering, adult attachment styles, and professional quality of life in a sample of Italian veterinarians

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    Contextual and individual risk factors of veterinarians’ professional quality of life are being debated. Research suggests that attachment styles are relevant predictors of professional quality of life; however, their role in work-related well-being of veterinarians is yet to be ascertained. In the present study, self-report measures on exposure to animal suffering, adult attachment styles, and professional quality of life were administered to 1,445 Italian veterinarians (70% females) aged 24 to 74 years old; sociodemographic information and information on workload were also collected. Female gender, higher levels of ordinary workload, on-call hours per week, exposure to animal suffering, together with fearful and preoccupied attachment styles were significantly associated with lower levels of veterinarians’ quality of life. This suggests that work-related factors may combine with individual psychological features in promoting or disadvantaging the professional quality of life of veterinarians. Implications of these findings for promoting veterinarians’ quality of life and directions for future research are discussed

    Incidence of grapevine trunk diseases on four cultivars in Sardinia, Southern Italy

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    Esca proper and Botryosphaeria dieback are among the most widespread Grapevine trunk diseases (GTDs), characterized by similar decline symptoms. In the present work, chronic, apoplexy and death symptoms were analysed separately in four vineyards and four different cultivars, on more than 1,000 vines per cultivar, taking into account ten-year annual surveys. The cumulative incidence of plants with chronic symptoms (CHR) reached high values on 'Sauvignon Blanc' (81.9 %), 'Cabernet Sauvignon' (79.4 %) and 'Cannonau' (66.5 %), but it was low on 'Merlot' (25.1 %). 'Sauvignon Blanc' showed the highest cumulative incidence of apoplectic events (23.1 %) and dead cordons (49.2 %), while 'Cannonau' had the greatest number of dead plants (28.8 %). In each symptom category, incidence among cultivars differed significantly according to χ2 test at P ≤ 0.05. Annual incidence of foliar symptoms fluctuated over ten years (ranging from 0.9-9.5 % in 'Merlot' to 6.3‑59.1 % in 'Cabernet Sauvignon'), mostly with regard to CHR. On average, every year only 33.9 % of plants showing CHR had expressed symptoms in the previous year, while 48.6 % did not show symptoms the following year. Conversely, most of the plants exhibiting apoplexy or death were symptomatic the previous year. According to Tuckey HSD test (P ≤ 0.05) 'Merlot' had the highest incidence of plants showing CHR symptoms for the first time (72.1 %) and of apparently recovered plants (76.3 %), while 'Cabernet Sauvignon' exhibited the highest incidence of plants showing CHR symptoms also the previous year (50.0 %). The 'Cabernet Sauvignon' attitude to show chronic symptoms with a certain continuity was also confirmed by the low incidence of plants with hidden symptoms (lack of symptoms in previously symptomatic vines). On the contrary, the incidence of acute symptoms (apoplectic events and dead plants) was quite low on 'Cabernet Sauvignon'. The present study confirms that GTD incidence is influenced by cultivar. All the cultivars assessed were susceptible, but with differences in intensity, type (chronic or acute) and fluctuation of symptoms. It cannot be excluded, however, that besides the genotype also external factors, as the vigour conferred by the type of soil or the combination with the rootstock, may have influenced the results

    Instability and network effects in innovative markets

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    We consider a network of interacting agents and we model the process of choice on the adoption of a given innovative product by means of statistical-mechanics tools. The modelization allows us to focus on the effects of direct interactions among agents in establishing the success or failure of the product itself. Mimicking real systems, the whole population is divided into two sub-communities called, respectively, Innovators and Followers, where the former are assumed to display more influence power. We study in detail and via numerical simulations on a random graph two different scenarios: no-feedback interaction, where innovators are cohesive and not sensitively affected by the remaining population, and feedback interaction, where the influence of followers on innovators is non negligible. The outcomes are markedly different: in the former case, which corresponds to the creation of a niche in the market, Innovators are able to drive and polarize the whole market. In the latter case the behavior of the market cannot be definitely predicted and become unstable. In both cases we highlight the emergence of collective phenomena and we show how the final outcome, in terms of the number of buyers, is affected by the concentration of innovators and by the interaction strengths among agents.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures. 7th workshop on "Dynamic Models in Economics and Finance" - MDEF2012 (COST Action IS1104), Urbino (2012

    Emergence of Anaplasma Species Related to A. phagocytophilum and A. platys in Senegal

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    The genus Anaplasma (Anaplasmataceae, Rickettsiales) includes tick-transmitted bacterial species of importance to both veterinary and human medicine. Apart from the traditionally recognized six Anaplasma species (A. phagocytophilum, A. platys, A. bovis, A. ovis, A. centrale, A. marginale), novel strains and candidate species, also of relevance to veterinary and human medicine, are emerging worldwide. Although species related to the zoonotic A. platys and A. phagocytophilum have been reported in several African and European Mediterranean countries, data on the presence of these species in sub-Saharan countries are still lacking. This manuscript reports the investigation of Anaplasma strains related to zoonotic species in ruminants in Senegal by combining different molecular tests and phylogenetic approaches. The results demonstrated a recent introduction of Candidatus (Ca) Anaplasma turritanum, a species related to the pathogenic A. platys, possibly originating by founder effect. Further, novel undetected strains related to Candidatus (Ca) Anaplasma cinensis were detected in cattle. Based on groEL and gltA molecular comparisons, we propose including these latter strains into the Candidatus (Ca) Anaplasma africanum species. Finally, we also report the emergence of Candidatus (Ca) A. boleense in Senegal. Collectively, results confirm that Anaplasma species diversity is greater than expected and should be further investigated, and that Anaplasma routine diagnostic procedures and epidemiological surveillance should take into account specificity issues raised by the presence of these novel strains, suggesting the use of a One Health approach for the management of Anaplasmataceae in sub-Saharan Africa

    Clindamycin phospate-zinc acetate versus clindamycin phosphate-zinc acetate + adapalene in the treatment of mild to moderate acne. Results of a multicentre, randomized, retrospective, sponsor-free study

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    Introduction: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy and the response in patients with mild to moderate acne of a clindamycin phosphate-zinc acetate topical therapy in comparison with clindamycin phosphate-zinc acetate plus adapalene. Methods: Patients with mild to moderate acne were randomized into two groups and treated, respectively, with a gel containing 1 % clindamycin phosphate-0.5% zinc acetate (2 applications/day for 12 weeks) or with the same gel (1 application/day for 12 weeks) plus a gel containing 0.1% adapalene (1 application/day for 12 weeks). No other topical or systemic drugs were allowed, except for a detergent and a sunscreen. Acne severity and treatment efficacy were evaluated by means of the Global Acne Grading System (GAGS). Results: At the end of the study, 63 patients were considered evaluable (29 patients in the group treated with clindamycin-zinc and 34 in the group treated with clindamycin-zinc and adapalene). Significant clinical improvement (maggiore/uguale 50% from baseline) was observed in 12/29 patients (41.4%) in the group treated with clindamycin-zinc and in 22/34 patients (64.7%) in the group treated with clindamycin-zinc and adapalene (p< 0.05). Irritant contact dermatitis was observed in 12 patients (3 in the group treated with clindamycin-zinc and 9 in the group treated with clindamycin-zinc and adapalene); in the latter group, two patients stopped the treatment. Conclusions: On the basis of the results of this study, which is the first one on the activity and tolerability of the association clindamycin-zinc, the latter association is less effective than the association clindamycin-zinc and adapalene

    Prevention of relapses in patients previously treated with oral isotretinoin for severe acne. Results of a multicentre, randomized, retrospective, sponsor-free study

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    Introduction: After a systemic treatment with oral isotretinoin, acne therapy must be continued with topical products in order to avoid possible relapses. The aim of this study was to assess whether a topical retinoid is an effective choice in the prevention of relapses. Methods: Patients who were successfully treated with oral isotretinoin for severe acne, at the end of the therapy were randomized into two groups: the first one was treated with a topical retinoid (0.05% tretinoin or 0.05% isotretinoin or 0.1 % adapalene, 1 application/day for 6-8 months); the second group was not treated (only detergents and moisturizers were allowed). Follow up was >6 months. Results: At the end of the study, 2/37 patients (5.4%) treated with topical retinoids developed a relapse; in the group of patients who were not treated, 7/31 patients (22.6%) developed a relapse (p< 0.05). Conclusions: On the basis of the results of this study, topical retinoids are helpful in the prevention of relapses of acne in patients previously treated with oral isotretinoin

    Immunological and Molecular Correlates of Disease Recurrence after Liver Resection for Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    The definition of the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) recurrence after resection represents a central issue to improve the clinical management of patients. In this study we examined the prognostic relevance of infiltrating immune cell subsets in the tumor (TIL) and in nontumorous (NT) liver (LIL), and the expression of immune-related and lineage-specific mRNAs in HCC and NT liver derived from 42 patients. The phenotype of infiltrating cells was analyzed by flow cytometry, and mRNA expression in liver tissue was examined by real-time reverse transcription (RT)-PCR. The tumor immune microenvironment was enriched in inhibitory and dysfunctional cell subsets. Enrichment in CD4+ T-cells and in particular CD4 and CD8+ memory subsets within TIL was predictive of better overall survival (OS) and time to recurrence (TTR). Increased programmed death ligand 1 (PDL1) mRNA content and higher prevalence of invariant NKT (iNKT) cells were associated with shorter OS and TTR, respectively. By combined evaluation of infiltrating cell subsets along with mRNA profiling of immune and tumor related genes, we identified the intratumoral frequency of memory T-cells and iNKT-cells as well as PDL1 expression as the best predictors of clinical outcome. HCC infiltrate is characterized by the expression of molecules with negative regulatory function that may favor tumor recurrence and poor survival

    L'Italia come modello per l'Europa e per il mondo nelle politiche sanitarie per il trattamento dell'epatite cronica da HCV

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    The World Health Organization foresees the elimination of HCV infection by 2030. In light of this and the curre nt, nearly worldwide, restriction in direct-acting agents (DAA) accessibility due to their high price, we aimed to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of two alternative DAA treatment policies: Policy 1 (universal): treat all patients, regardless of the fibrosis stage; Policy 2 (prioritized): treat only priori tized patients and delay treatment of the remaining patients until reaching stage F3. T he model was based on patient’s data from the PITER cohort. We demonstrated that extending HC V treatment of patients in any fibrosis stage improves health outcomes and is cost-effective

    Economic consequences of investing in anti-HCV antiviral treatment from the Italian NHS perspective : a real-world-based analysis of PITER data

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    OBJECTIVE: We estimated the cost consequence of Italian National Health System (NHS) investment in direct-acting antiviral (DAA) therapy according to hepatitis C virus (HCV) treatment access policies in Italy. METHODS: A multistate, 20-year time horizon Markov model of HCV liver disease progression was developed. Fibrosis stage, age and genotype distributions were derived from the Italian Platform for the Study of Viral Hepatitis Therapies (PITER) cohort. The treatment efficacy, disease progression probabilities and direct costs in each health state were obtained from the literature. The break-even point in time (BPT) was defined as the period of time required for the cumulative costs saved to recover the Italian NHS investment in DAA treatment. Three different PITER enrolment periods, which covered the full DAA access evolution in Italy, were considered. RESULTS: The disease stages of 2657 patients who consecutively underwent DAA therapy from January 2015 to December 2017 at 30 PITER clinical centres were standardized for 1000 patients. The investment in DAAs was considered to equal €25 million, €15 million, and €9 million in 2015, 2016, and 2017, respectively. For patients treated in 2015, the BPT was not achieved, because of the disease severity of the treated patients and high DAA prices. For 2016 and 2017, the estimated BPTs were 6.6 and 6.2 years, respectively. The total cost savings after 20 years were €50.13 and €55.50 million for 1000 patients treated in 2016 and 2017, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: This study may be a useful tool for public decision makers to understand how HCV clinical and epidemiological profiles influence the economic burden of HCV

    Porfolio Optimization with short-selling and spin-glass

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