378 research outputs found

    Monoid rings that are firs

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    It is well-known that the monoid ring of the free product of a free group and a free monoid over a skew field is a fir. We give a proof of this fact that is more direct than the proof in the literature


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    The cant valencia or cant valencia d'estil of Valencia is one of the four main living monodic expressive song traditions of Spain. Comprised of non-metric cant d'estil and metric albaes songs mostly used in street serenades, it features a distinctive vocality characterized by a highly-projected, clear, inflected, and flexible voice as well as two melodic styles, of which the more ornamented cant requintat developed at the turn of the twentieth century. I take a historical, theoretical, and ethnographic approach to this Valencian vocal genre and explore the ways in which vocality can help us to understand it better. After examining the origins of the cant valencia and the antiquarian, journalistic, folkloristic, and (ethno)musicological approaches to it, I probe the notion of vocality in a transdisciplinary way: drawing on ethnomusicological theory, anthropology, folklore, semiotics, and other disciplines I show its significance for the development of a musical anthropology of the voice productively based on the ethnographic exploration of the iconicity of style and of two sets of central vocal issues: on the one hand, identity, gender, authority, and sonic histories and geographies; on the other, acoustemology, interpellation, and transcendence. Vocality not only expands usefully the scope of vocal or singing style by encompassing larger bodily-dependent traits of the human voice as central or salient means of aesthetic and ethical production of meanings, but also acknowledges its pre-eminent position in the hierarchy of musical values, since the material/textural qualities of (vocal) sounds iconically shape our first sonorous perceptions and identifications and are thus paramount for communication. I make a first approach to vocality and the performance of collective identities in the cant valencia by showing that its modern stylistic development is linked to two diachronic frameworks: the moments of modern radical situational change in Europe and the construction of Spanish national identity. I also explore how issues of interpellation and transcendence bear on the formation of personal identities of the cantadors d'estil, the specialized cant valencia singers. I show that an emically-informed, etic approach to vocality can afford an understanding of how people can create their own history and affirm their own collective or personal identities in response to larger social processes

    Characterization of >oil on copper> paintings by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry

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    Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence is a common analytical tool for layer thickness measurements in quality control processes in the coating industry, but there are scarce microanalytical applications in order to ascertain semi-quantitative or quantitative information of painted layers. >Oil on copper> painting becomes a suitable material to be analysed by means of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, due to the metallic nature of substrate and the possibility of applying layered models as used in coating industry. The aim of this work is to study the suitability of a quantitative energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence methodology for the assessment of the areal distribution of pigments and the characterization of painting methods on such kind of pictorial artworks. The method was calibrated using standard reference materials: dried droplets of monoelemental standard solutions laid on a metallic plate of copper. As an example of application, we estimated pigment mass distribution of two >oil on copper> paintings from the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries. Pictorial layers have been complementarily analysed by X-ray diffraction. Apart of the supporting media made of copper or brass, we could identify two different superimposed layers: (a) a preparation layer mainly composed by white lead and (b) the pictorial layer of variable composition depending on the pigments used by the artist on small areas of the painting surface. The areal mass distribution of the different elements identified in the painting pigments (Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe, Zn, Cd, Hg and Pb) have been determined by elemental mapping of some parts of the artworks. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.A. Pitarch gratefully acknowledges the Spanish Ministry of Education for the grant within the program of Formation of Graduate Stuff-FPU (reference AP2006-4591)Peer Reviewe

    Hall-Petch strengthening of the constrained metallic binder in WC-Co cemented carbides: Experimental assessment by means of massive nanoindentation and statistical analysis

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    WC–Co cemented carbides are geometrically complex composites constituted for two interpenetrating networks of the constitutive ceramic and metal phases. Accordingly, assessment of microstructural effects on the local mechanical properties of each phase is a challenging task, especially for the metallic binder. In this work, it is attempted by combining massive nanoindentation, statistical analysis, and implementation of a thin film model for deconvolution of the intrinsic hardness and flow stress of the metallic phase. Plotting of yield stress values as a function of the binder mean free path results in a Hall-Petch strengthening relationship with a slope (ky) of 0.98 MPa m1/2. This value points out the effectiveness of WC–Co phase boundaries as strong obstacles to slip propagation; and thus, for toughening of the brittle phase (WC) by means of crack-bridging ductile (Co) reinforcement.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Influencia de la fertilización potásica sobre las relaciones Q/I en el suelo pardo calizo

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    The dynamic of potassium in soils is studied after different rates of potassium fertilizar are added to the soil. The parameters abtained from the Q/I relationship and the changeable potassium in soil are calculated (AR^, PBC'', AK°, AKj^ and AK^). The influences of the quantity (Q), intensity (I) and capacity (O/I) factors upon the equilibrium time, fertilization and the soil / solution rate are shown. The resülts found in deficient potassium soils allow to understand in a better way the competition between potassium and the complementary cations as well as the potassium fertilization in these soils

    Microblasting with vegetable and cellulosic media for heritage wood cleaning: effects on surface morphology

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    In this research, microblasting with powdered vegetable particles (almond and hazelnut husks, cork saw dust and rice husks) and cellulosic fibres was used to analyse their usefulness for cleaning unpainted wooden cultural heritage and their effects on surface morphology. Tests were made on mock-ups of old pine wood from wooden boards with original soiling. Before cleaning powdered particles were characterised by SEM–EDS to analyse their morphology and elemental composition. Wood surfaces were analysed before and after cleaning by means of digital microscope (white and UV light) and SEM–EDS to evaluate cleaning effectiveness, assess effects on the wood surface, and determine eventual soiling and powdered particles larger than 1 µm that might remain in the surface after the procedure. Results indicate that microblasting with powdered vegetable and cellulosic media is a useful and safe technique to remove soiling from wood, including micrometric particles embedded in its texture, with negligible surface changes. Furthermore, residues left after the cleaning procedure are very scarce and chemically compatible with the substrate because they are mainly composed of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, the main components of wood.</p

    Reduction of CO2-emissions in ceramic tiles manufacture by combining energy-saving measures

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    Ceramic tile manufacture requires a great quantity of energy, mainly in the form of heat. The heat is principally used in the kilns and dryers, and it is obtained by natural gas combustion. The increasing cost of natural gas, as well as the application of a new gas tax, the new legislation in regard to emissions trading, and the difficult current economic situation have driven the ceramic tile sector to implement energy-saving actions in the production process with the twofold aim of reducing energy costs and abating carbon dioxide emissions. One such course of action is the European project REDUCER, funded by the European Commission and led by Azulev S.A.U., in which the Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica (ITC) also participates. This project seeks to implement energy-saving actions in company kilns and dryers in order to lower natural gas consumption and reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the tile manufacturing process. One of the saving actions envisaged is the installation of a system of waste heat recovery from one of the company kilns to the tile body dryers. This new waste heat recovery system is to be added to and will complement the already existing system at the company, thus achieving maximum heat recovery from the kiln stacks. The recovered heat will go entirely to the green tile body dryers, thus reducing natural gas consumption in the dryers. The designed installation seeks to recover 600 kW heat from the stacks of one of the kilns, entailing a natural gas saving of more than 120 k€/year and suppressing the emission into the atmosphere of 720 tons of CO2/year, savings that are to be added to those attained with other energy-saving measures. This paper describes the energy-saving actions implemented at the company, as well as the resulting energy savings

    New Insights into the Geochemical Processes Occurring on the Surface of Stuccoes Made of Slaked Lime Putty

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    The fresco technique performed with slaked lime putty as binding material has been well known since Antiquity. However, the geochemical processes that occur on the surface have been generally described as part of the carbonation process of the intonaco itself. When approaching this technique from experimental archaeology, it has been observed for the first time that during the execution period (from 0 to 20 h, approximately) the processes occurring on the surface of the stucco are different from those occurring inside. Furthermore, these processes lead to the formation of an epigenetic film of specific texture, stiffness and compactness. This study investigates the formation and evolution of this surface film using a series of slaked lime putty stucco test tubes. Samples were extracted at different intervals and subsequently analyzed by polarized optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Results indicate that the development of the film, composed of an amorphous gel-like stratum and a micro-crystalline stratum, occurs in parallel to the carbonation occurring inside the stucco. Moreover, this process does not respond to the classical geological processes of calcium carbonate formation. It was also observed that its presence slows down the carbonation in the underlying strata (intonaco, intonachino, arriccio, etc.) and that the surface becomes more crystalline over time. The identification of this film has implications for the field of the conservation-restoration of fresco paintings and lime-based wall paintings

    Patients’ experiences of lupus related foot problems : a qualitative investigation

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    Background: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) can present with a variety of symptoms. Previous research has shown there is a high prevalence of lower limb and foot problems in patients with SLE associated with the musculoskeletal, vascular and neurological changes. Furthermore, there is a high prevalence of infections affecting the feet and a range of common skin and nail problems. However, it is not known how these foot problems impact upon people’s lives. Therefore, we aimed to explore this using a qualitative approach. Method: Following ethical approval, 12 participants were recruited who had a diagnosis of SLE, current and/or past experience of foot problems and were over 18 years in age. Following consent, interviews were carried out with an interpretivist phenomenological approach to both data collection and analysis. Results: Seven themes provide insight into: foot problems and symptoms; the impact of these foot problems and symptoms on activities; disclosure and diagnosis of foot problems; treatment of foot problems and symptoms; perceived barriers to professional foot care; unanswered questions about feet and foot care; and identification of the need for professional foot care and foot care advice. Conclusion: These participants tend to “self-treat” rather than disclose that they may need professional foot care. A lack of focus upon foot health within a medical consultation is attributed to the participant’s belief that it is not within the doctor’s role, even though it is noted to contribute to reduced daily activity. There is a need for feet to be included as a part of patient monitoring and for foot health management to be made accessible for people with SLE