74 research outputs found

    A position- and time-sensitive photon-counting detector with delay-line read-out

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    We have developed image intensifier tubes with delay-anode read-out for time- and position-sensitive photon counting. The timing precision is better than 1 ns with 1000x1000 pixels position resolution and up to one megacounts/s processing rate. Large format detectors of 40 and 75 mm active diameter with internal helical-wire delay-line anodes have been produced and specified. A different type of 40 and 25 mm tubes with semi-conducting screen for image charge read-out allow for an economic and robust tube design and for placing the read-out anodes outside the sealed housing. Two types of external delay-line anodes, i.e. pick-up electrodes for the image charge, have been tested. We present tests of the detector and anode performance. Due to the low background this technique is well suited for applications with very low light intensity and especially if a precise time tagging for each photon is required. As an example we present the application of scintillator read-out in time-of-flight (TOF) neutron radiography. Further applications so far are Fluorescence Life-time Microscopy (FLIM) and AstronomyComment: Proceedings of SPIE Conference "Optics and Optoelectronics", 16 - 19. Apr.200

    (e,3e) on helium at low impact energy: the strongly correlated three-electron continuum

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    Double ionization of the helium atom by slow electron impact (E0=106  eV) is studied in a kinematically complete experiment. Because of a low excess energy Eexc=27  eV above the double ionization threshold, a strongly correlated three-electron continuum is realized. This is demonstrated by measuring and calculating the fully differential cross sections for equal energy sharing of the final-state electrons. While the electron emission is dominated by a strong Coulomb repulsion, also signatures of more complex dynamics of the full four-body system are identified

    Time and position sensitive single photon detector for scintillator read-out

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    We have developed a photon counting detector system for combined neutron and gamma radiography which can determine position, time and intensity of a secondary photon flash created by a high-energy particle or photon within a scintillator screen. The system is based on a micro-channel plate photomultiplier concept utilizing image charge coupling to a position- and time-sensitive read-out anode placed outside the vacuum tube in air, aided by a standard photomultiplier and very fast pulse-height analyzing electronics. Due to the low dead time of all system components it can cope with the high throughput demands of a proposed combined fast neutron and dual discrete energy gamma radiography method (FNDDER). We show tests with different types of delay-line read-out anodes and present a novel pulse-height-to-time converter circuit with its potential to discriminate gamma energies for the projected FNDDER devices for an automated cargo container inspection system (ACCIS).Comment: Proceedings of FNDA 201

    Carbon K-shell Photo Ionization of CO: Molecular frame angular Distributions of normal and conjugate shakeup Satellites

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    We have measured the molecular frame angular distributions of photoelectrons emitted from the Carbon K shell of fixed-in-space CO molecules for the case of simultaneous excitation of the remaining molecular ion. Normal and conjugate shake up states are observed. Photo electrons belonging to normal \Sigma -satellite lines show an angular distribution resembling that observed for the main photoline at the same electron energy. Surprisingly a similar shape is found for conjugate shake up states with \Pi -symmetry. In our data we identify shake rather than electron scattering (PEVE) as the mechanism producing the conjugate lines. The angular distributions clearly show the presence of a \Sigma -shape resonance for all of the satellite lines.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Ion impact induced Interatomic Coulombic Decay in neon and argon dimers

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    We investigate the contribution of Interatomic Coulombic Decay induced by ion impact in neon and argon dimers (Ne2_2 and Ar2_2) to the production of low energy electrons. Our experiments cover a broad range of perturbation strengths and reaction channels. We use 11.37 MeV/u S14+^{14+}, 0.125 MeV/u He1+^{1+}, 0.1625 MeV/u He1+^{1+} and 0.150 MeV/u He2+^{2+} as projectiles and study ionization, single and double electron transfer to the projectile as well as projectile electron loss processes. The application of a COLTRIMS reaction microscope enables us to retrieve the three-dimensional momentum vectors of the ion pairs of the fragmenting dimer into Neq+^{q+}/Ne1+^{1+} and Arq+^{q+}/Ar1+^{1+} (q = 1, 2, 3) in coincidence with at least one emitted electron

    Fully differential cross sections for photo-double-ionization of D2

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    We report the first kinematically complete study of the four-body fragmentation of the D2 molecule following absorption of a single photon. For equal energy sharing of the two electrons and a photon energy of 75.5 eV, we observed the relaxation of one of the selection rules valid for He photo-double-ionization and a strong dependence of the electron angular distribution on the orientation of the molecular axis. This effect is reproduced by a model in which a pair of photoionization amplitudes is introduced for the light polarization parallel and perpendicular to the molecular axis

    Position-sensitive ion detection in precision Penning trap mass spectrometry

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    A commercial, position-sensitive ion detector was used for the first time for the time-of-flight ion-cyclotron resonance detection technique in Penning trap mass spectrometry. In this work, the characteristics of the detector and its implementation in a Penning trap mass spectrometer will be presented. In addition, simulations and experimental studies concerning the observation of ions ejected from a Penning trap are described. This will allow for a precise monitoring of the state of ion motion in the trap.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figure

    Absolute ion detection efficiencies of microchannel plates and funnel microchannel plates for multi-coincidence detection

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    Modern momentum imaging techniques allow for the investigation of complex molecules in the gas phase by detection of several fragment ions in coincidence. For these studies, it is of great importance that the single-particle detection efficiency e is as high as possible, as the overall efficiency scales with e over n, i.e. the power of the number of detected particles. Here we present measured absolute detection efficiencies for protons of several micro-channel plates (MCPs), including efficiency enhanced "funnel MCPs". Furthermore, the relative detection efficiency for two-, three-, four-, and five-body fragmentation of CHBrClF has been examined. The "funnel" MCPs exhibit an efficiency of approx. 90 percent, gaining a factor of 24 (as compared to "normal" MCPs) in case of a five-fold ion coincidence detection

    Auger decay of 1{\sigma}g and 1{\sigma}u hole states of N2 molecule: disentangling decay routes from coincidence measurements

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    Results of the most sophisticated measurements in coincidence of the angular resolved K-shell photo- and Auger-electrons, and of two atomic ions produced by dissociation of N2 molecule, are analyzed. Detection of photoelectrons at certain angles allows separating the Auger decay processes of the 1{\sigma}g and 1{\sigma}u core hole states. The Auger electron angular distributions for each of these hole states are measured as a function of the kinetic energy release of two atomic ions and are compared with the corresponding theoretical angular distributions. From that comparison one can disentangle the contributions of different repulsive doubly charged molecular ion states to the Auger decay. Different kinetic energy release values are directly related to the different internuclear distances. In this way one can trace experimentally the behavior of the potential energy curves of dicationic final states inside the Frank-Condon region. Presentation of the Auger electron angular distributions as a function of kinetic energy release of two atomic ions opens a new dimension in the study of Auger decay
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