916 research outputs found

    Investigation of A1g phonons in YBa2Cu3O7 by means of LAPW atomic-force calculations

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    We report first-principles frozen-phonon calculations for the determination of the force-free geometry and the dynamical matrix of the five Raman-active A1g modes in YBa2Cu3O7. To establish the shape of the phonon potentials atomic forces are calculated within the LAPW method. Two different schemes - the local density approximation (LDA) and a generalized gradient approximation (GGA) - are employed for the treatment of electronic exchange and correlation effects. We find that in the case of LDA the resulting phonon frequencies show a deviation from experimental values of approximately -10%. Invoking GGA the frequency values are significantly improved and also the eigenvectors are in very good agreement with experimental findings.Comment: 15 page

    Diel turbidity cycles in a headwater stream: evidence of nocturnal bioturbation?

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    Purpose: A small number of recent studies have linked daily cycles in stream turbidity to nocturnal bioturbation by aquatic fauna, principally crayfish, and demonstrated this process can significantly impact upon water quality under baseflow conditions. Adding to this limited body of research, we use high-resolution water quality monitoring data to investigate evidence of diel turbidity cycles in a lowland, headwater stream with a known signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) population and explore a range of potential causal mechanisms. Materials and methods: Automatic bankside monitoring stations measured turbidity and other water quality parameters at 30-min resolution at three locations on the River Blackwater, Norfolk, UK during 2013. Specifically, we focused on two 20-day periods of baseflow conditions during January and April 2013 which displayed turbidity trends typical of winter and spring seasons, respectively. The turbidity time-series, which were smoothed with 6.5 hour Savitzky-Golay filters to highlight diel trends, were correlated against temperature, stage, dissolved oxygen and pH to assess the importance of abiotic influences on turbidity. Turbidity was also calibrated against suspended particulate matter (SPM) over a wide range of values via linear regression. Results and discussion: Pronounced diel turbidity cycles were found at two of the three sites under baseflow conditions during April. Spring night-time turbidity values consistently peaked between 21:00 and 04:00 with values increasing by ~10 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) compared with the lowest recorded daytime values which occurred between 10:00 and 14:00. This translated into statistically significant increases in median midnight SPM concentration of up to 76% compared with midday, with night-time (18:00 – 05:30) SPM loads also up to 30% higher than that recorded during the daytime (06:00 – 17:30). Relating turbidity to other water quality parameters exhibiting diel cycles revealed there to be neither any correlation that might indicate a causal link, nor any obvious mechanistic connections to explain the temporal turbidity trends. Diel turbidity cycles were less prominent at all sites during the winter. Conclusions: Considering the seasonality and timing of elevated turbidity, visual observations of crayfish activity, and an absence of mechanistic connections with other water quality parameters, the results presented here are consistent with the hypothesis that nocturnal bioturbation is responsible for generating diel turbidity cycles under baseflow conditions in headwater streams. However, further research in a variety of fluvial environments is required to better assess the spatial extent, importance and causal mechanisms of this phenomenon

    Validation of performance of real-time kinematic PPP. A possible tool for deformation monitoring

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    Structural failures (bridge or building collapses) and geohazards (landslides, ground subsi- dence or earthquakes) are worldwide problems that often lead to significant economic and loss of life. Monitoring the deformation of both natural phenomena and man-made struc- tures is a major key to assessing structural dynamic responses. Actually, this monitoring process is under real-time demand for developing warning and alert systems. One of the most used techniques for real-time deformation monitoring is the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) real-time procedure, where the relative positioning approach, using a well-known reference station, has been applied. This study was conducted to evaluate the actual quality of the real-time kinematic Precise Point Positioning (PPP) GNSS solution for deformation monitoring, where it can be concluded that a promise tool is under development and should be taken into account on actual and near future real-time deformation monitoring studies and applications.This research was supported by the Spanish Science and Innovation Directorate project number AYA2010-18706 and the Generalitat Valenciana Geronimo Forteza research program with project number FPA/2014/056.Martín Furones, ÁE.; Anquela Julián, AB.; Dimas Pagés, A.; Cos-Gayón López, FJ. (2015). Validation of performance of real-time kinematic PPP. A possible tool for deformation monitoring. Measurement. 69:95-108. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2015.03.026S951086

    Phonon dispersion and electron-phonon interaction for YBa_2Cu_3O_7 from first-principles calculations

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    We present a first principles investigation of the lattice dynamics and electron-phonon coupling of the high-T_c superconductor YBa_2Cu_3O_7 within the framework of density functional perturbation theory using a mixed-basis pseudopotential method. The calculated phonon dispersion curves are in excellent agreement with Raman, infrared and neutron data. Calculation of the Eliashberg function alpha^2F leads to a small electron-phonon coupling lambda=0.27 in disagreement with earlier approximate treatments. Our calculations strongly support the view that conventional electron-phonon coupling is not an important contribution to superconductivity in high-T_c materials.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The Quadrupole Magnets for the LHC Injection Transfer Lines

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    Two injection transfer lines, each about 2.8 km long, are being built to transfer protons at 450 GeV from the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). A total of 180 quadrupole magnets are required; they are produced in the framework of the contribution of the Russian Federation to the construction of the LHC. The classical quadrupoles, built from laminated steel cores and copper coils, have a core length of 1.4 m, an inscribed diameter of 32 mm and a strength of 53.5 T/m at a current of 530 A. The total weight of one magnet is 1.1 ton. For obtaining the required field quality at the small inscribed diameter, great care in the stamping of the laminations and the assembly of quadrants is necessary. Special instruments have been developed to measure, with a precision of some mm, the variations of the pole gaps over the full length of the magnet and correlate them to the obtained field distribution. The design has been developed in a collaboration between BINP and CERN. Fabrication and the magnetic measurements are done at BINP and should be finished at the end of the year 2000

    Structure optimization effects on the electronic properties of Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8_8

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    We present detailed first-principles calculations for the normal state electronic properties of the high TC_C superconductor Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8_8, by means of the linearized augmented plane wave (LAPW) method within the framework of density functional theory (DFT). As a first step, the body centered tetragonal (BCT) cell has been adopted, and optimized regarding its volume, c/ac/a ratio and internal atomic positions by total energy and force minimizations. The full optimization of the BCT cell leads to small but visible changes in the topology of the Fermi surface, rounding the shape of CuO2_2 barrels, and causing both the BiO bands, responsible for the pockets near the \textit{\=M} 2D symmetry point, to dip below the Fermi level. We have then studied the influence of the distortions in the BiO plane observed in nature by means of a 2×2\sqrt{2}\times\sqrt{2} orthorhombic cell (AD-ORTH) with BbmbBbmb space group. Contrary to what has been observed for the Bi-2201 compound, we find that for Bi-2212 the distortion does not sensibly shift the BiO bands which retain their metallic character. As a severe test for the considered structures we present Raman-active phonon frequencies (q=0q = 0) and eigenvectors calculated within the frozen-phonon approximation. Focussing on the totally symmetric Ag_{g} modes, we observe that for a reliable attribution of the peaks observed in Raman experiments, both cc- and a-axis vibrations must be taken into account, the latter being activated by the in-plane orthorhombic distortion.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Measurement of CNGS muon neutrino speed with Borexino

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    We have measured the speed of muon neutrinos with the Borexino detector using short-bunch CNGS beams. The final result for the difference in time-of-flight between a =17 GeV muon neutrino and a particle moving at the speed of light in vacuum is {\delta}t = 0.8 \pm 0.7stat \pm 2.9sys ns, well consistent with zero.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure