115 research outputs found

    Large Strain Transparent Magneto-Active Polymer Nanocomposites

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    A large strain polymer nanocomposite actuator is provided that upon subjected to an external stimulus, such as a magnetic field (static or electromagnetic field), an electric field, thermal energy, light, etc., will deform to thereby enable mechanical manipulations of structural components in a remote and wireless manner

    High-Temperature Shape Memory Polymers

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    physical conformation changes when exposed to an external stimulus, such as a change in temperature. Such materials have a permanent shape, but can be reshaped above a critical temperature and fixed into a temporary shape when cooled under stress to below the critical temperature. When reheated above the critical temperature (Tc, also sometimes called the triggering or switching temperature), the materials revert to the permanent shape. The current innovation involves a chemically treated (sulfonated, carboxylated, phosphonated, or other polar function group), high-temperature, semicrystalline thermoplastic poly(ether ether ketone) (Tg .140 C, Tm = 340 C) mix containing organometallic complexes (Zn++, Li+, or other metal, ammonium, or phosphonium salts), or high-temperature ionic liquids (e.g. hexafluorosilicate salt with 1-propyl-3- methyl imidazolium, Tm = 210 C) to form a network where dipolar or ionic interactions between the polymer and the low-molecular-weight or inorganic compound forms a complex that provides a physical crosslink. Hereafter, these compounds will be referred to as "additives". The polymer is semicrystalline, and the high-melt-point crystals provide a temporary crosslink that acts as a permanent crosslink just so long as the melting temperature is not exceeded. In this example case, the melting point is .340 C, and the shape memory critical temperature is between 150 and 250 C. PEEK is an engineering thermoplastic with a high Young fs modulus, nominally 3.6 GPa. An important aspect of the invention is the control of the PEEK functionalization (in this example, the sulfonation degree), and the thermal properties (i.e. melting point) of the additive, which determines the switching temperature. Because the compound is thermoplastic, it can be formed into the "permanent" shape by conventional plastics processing operations. In addition, the compound may be covalently cross - linked after forming the permanent shape by S-PEEK by applying ionizing radiation ( radiation, neutrons), or by chemical crosslinking to form a covalent permanent network. With respect to other shape memory polymers, this invention is novel in that it describes the use of a thermoplastic composition that can be thermally molded or solution-cast into complex "permanent" shapes, and then reheated or redissolved and recast from solution to prepare another shape. It is also unique in that the shape memory behavior is provided by a non-polymer additive

    Dissociation Between Attention and Consciousness During a Novel Task: an ERP Study

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    While consciousness and attention seem to be tightly connected, recent evidence has suggested that one of these processes can be present in the absence of the other. Recent researches showed that observers can pay attention to an invisible (unconscious) stimulus, and that a stimulus can be clearly perceived (seen) in the absence of attention. We have proposed a novel psychophysical task to explore neural correlates of top-down attention and consciousness. The task is meant to confirm that these two processes can occur independently of each other. EEG was recorded during realizations of the task and target-locked event-related potentials (ERPs) for masked and unmasked conditions were constructed. Time features corresponding to the P100, N150, and P300 components were extracted for each channel separately. Utilizing these features, we employed some common classifiers for classification of the fourfold state. Our task could separate attention and consciousness successfully through their neural correlates. The results indicate that some of the mentioned components changed when attention or consciousness occurs. By comparing difference waves in each condition separately, our results introduce new ERP correlates of attention and consciousness. We also revealed that parieto-occipital areas are the most relevant areas for dissociation between attention and consciousness. To our knowledge, this is the first time that these correlates are introduced in a separable mode, and that the classification accuracies are reported for this purpose.Як вважають, увага та усвідомлення тісно поєднані, проте результати недавніх досліджень дають підстави думати, що один із цих процесів може реалізуватися за відсутності другого. У новітніх експериментах виявилося, що спостерігачі можуть приділяти увагу невидимому (неусвідомлюваному) стимулу і що стимул може чітко розпізнаватися (диференціюватися) за відсутності уваги. Ми запропонували нове психофізіологічне завдання для дослідження нервових корелятів змін рівнів уваги та усвідомлення. Цільові ЕЕГпотенціали, пов’язані з подією (ППП), відводили в умовах пред’явлення замаскованих та незамаскованих візуальних патернів. Часові характеристики компонентів P100, N150 та P300 визначалися роздільно для відведень по кожному ЕЕГканалу. З урахуванням цих характеристик були використані певні загальні класифікатори для параметрів, спостережуваних у всіх чотирьох стимуляційних станах. У нашому тесті ефекти уваги та усвідомлення могли бути успішно розділені відповідно до їх нервових ЕЕГ-корелятів. Згідно з отриманими результатами, згадані вище компоненти ППП змінюються залежно від того, як проявляється увага або усвідомлення. Роздільне порівняння відмінностей між хвилями ППП для кожної з умов дозволило виявити нові кореляти уваги та усвідомлення, що відбиваються в ППП. Показано також, що тім’яно-потиличні кортикальні зони є структурами, найбільшою мірою пов’язаними з дисоціацією ефектів уваги та усвідомлення. Як ми вважаємо, ці кореляти вперше представлені з використанням методики, котра дозволяє їх розрізнити, і наведені дані щодо точності такої диференціації

    Efficient Coding Theory Predicts a Tilt Aftereffect from Viewing Untilted Patterns

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    The brain is bombarded with a continuous stream of sensory information, but biological limitations on the data-transmission rate require this information to be encoded very efficiently [1]. Li and Atick [2] proposed that the two eyes? signals are coded efficiently in the brain using mutually decorrelated binocular summation and differencing channels; when a channel is strongly stimulated by the visual input, such that sensory noise is negligible, the channel should undergo temporary desensitization (known as adaptation). To date, the evidence for this theory has been limited [3 and 4], and the binocular differencing channel is missing from many models of binocular integration [5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10]. Li and Atick?s theory makes the remarkable prediction that perceived direction of tilt (clockwise or counterclockwise) of a test pattern can be controlled by pre-exposing observers to visual adaptation patterns that are untilted or even have no orientation signal. Here, we confirm this prediction. Each test pattern consisted of different images presented to the two eyes such that the binocular summation and difference signals were tilted in opposite directions, to give ambiguous information about tilt; by selectively desensitizing one or other of the binocular channels using untilted or non-oriented binocular adaptation patterns, we controlled the perceived tilt of the test pattern. Our results provide compelling evidence that the brain contains binocular summation and differencing channels that adapt to the prevailing binocular statistics

    Tissue factor expression as a possible determinant of thromboembolism in ovarian cancer

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    Ovarian cancer, and clear cell carcinoma in particular, reportedly increases the risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE). However, the mechanisms remain unclear. Tissue factor (TF) supposedly represents a major factor in the procoagulant activities of cancer cells. The present study examined the involvement of TF expression in VTE for patients with ovarian cancer. Subjects comprised 32 consecutive patients (mean age 49.8 years) with histologically confirmed ovarian cancer. Presence of VTE was examined using a combination of clinical features, D-dimer levels and venous ultrasonography. Immunohistochemical analysis was used to evaluate TF expression into 4 degrees. Venous thromboembolism was identified in 10 of the 32 patients (31%), including five of the 11 patients with clear cell carcinoma. Tissue factor expression was detected in cancer tissues from 24 patients and displayed significant correlations with VTE development (P=0.0003), D-dimer concentration (P=0.003) and clear cell carcinoma (P<0.05). Multivariate analysis identified TF expression as an independent predictive factor of VTE development (P<0.05). Tissue factor (TF) expression is a possible determinant of VTE development in ovarian cancer. In particular, clear cell carcinoma may produce excessive levels of TF and is more likely to develop VTE

    Natural rubber-clay nanocomposites: mechanical and structural properties

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    International audienceThe mechanical properties of non-vulcanized natural rubber and dialyzed natural rubber-clay nanocomposites have been studied by uniaxial deformations to evaluate the reinforcement efficiency of the clay. We show that while non-rubber molecules contribute to auto-reinforcement, removal of these molecules improves significantly the performance of clay as reinforcement agent. These mechanical properties are discussed in relation to morphological aspects of the clay characterized by TEM and SANS. The nanocomposites prepared by "latex-mixing" with aqueous dispersions of clay are found to contain completely exfoliated clay lamellae in coexistence with tactoids. Improved mechanical properties of the nanocomposites can be modeled by the high aspect ratio of exfoliated clay platelets coupled with immobilized rubber matrix. Interestingly, presence of tactoids does not appear to compromise the excellent reinforcement properties of the exfoliated platelets. At high deformations, strain-induced alignment of the clay exhibits anisotropic scattering, with anisotropy increasing with clay concentration and stretching

    Golestan cohort study of oesophageal cancer: feasibility and first results

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    To investigate the incidence of oesophageal cancer (EC) in the Golestan province of North-East Iran, we invited 1349 rural and urban inhabitants of Golestan province aged 35–80 to undergo extensive lifestyle interviews and to provide biological samples. The interview was repeated on a subset of 130 participants to assess reliability of questionnaire and medical information. Temperature at which tea was consumed was measured on two occasions by 110 subjects. Samples of rice, wheat and sorghum were tested for fumonisin contamination. An active follow-up was carried out after 6 and 12 months. A total of 1057 subjects (610 women and 447 men) participated in this feasibility study (78.4% participation rate). Cigarette smoking, opium and alcohol use were reported by 163 (13.8%), 93 (8.8%) and 39 (3.7%) subjects, respectively. Tobacco smoking was correlated with urinary cotinine (κ=0.74). Most questionnaire data had κ >0.7 in repeat measurements; tea temperature measurement was reliable (κ=0.71). No fumonisins were detected in the samples analysed. During the follow-up six subjects were lost (0.6%), two subjects developed EC (one dead, one alive); in all, 13 subjects died (with cause of death known for 11, 84.6%). Conducting a cohort study in Golestan is feasible with reliable information obtained for suspected risk factors; participants can be followed up for EC incidence and mortality