57 research outputs found

    Empirical analysis of daily cash flow time series and its implications for forecasting

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    Usual assumptions on the statistical properties of daily net cash flows include normality,absence of correlation and stationarity. We provide a comprehensive study based on a real-world cash flow data set showing that: (i) the usual assumption of normality, absence of correlation and stationarity hardly appear; (ii) non-linearity is often relevant for forecasting; and (iii) typical data transformations have little impact on linearity and normality. This evidence may lead to consider a more data-driven approach such as time-series forecasting in an attempt to provide cash managers with expert systems in cash management

    Utilizing biomass-based graphene oxide-polyaniline-Ag electrodes in microbial fuel cells to boost energy generation and heavy metal removal

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    Although regarded as environmentally stable, bioelectrochemical fuel cells or, microbial fuel cells (MFCs) continue to face challenges with sustaining electron transport. In response, we examined the performance of two graphene composite-based anode electrodes¿graphene oxide (GO) and GO-polymer-metal oxide (GO-PANI-Ag)¿prepared from biomass and used in MFCs. Over 7 days of operation, GO energy efficiency peaked at 1.022 mW/m2 and GO-PANI-Ag at 2.09 mW/m2. We also tested how well the MFCs could remove heavy metal ions from synthetic wastewater, a secondary application of MFCs that offers considerable benefits. Overall, GO-PANI-Ag had a higher removal rate than GO, with 78.10% removal of Pb(II) and 80.25% removal of Cd(II). Material characterizations, electrochemical testing, and microbial testing conducted to validate the anodes performance confirmed that using new materials as electrodes in MFCs can be an attractive approach to improve the electron transportation. When used with a natural organic substrate (e.g., sugar cane juice), they also present fewer challenges. We also optimized different parameters to confirm the efficiency of the MFCs under various operating conditions. Considering those results, we discuss some lingering challenges and potential possibilities for MFCs

    Prevalencia de la obesidad en la población atendida en asistencia primaria de Girona, 1995–1999

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    ResumenObjetivosEstimar y comparar la prevalencia de la obesidad y el sobrepeso en la población de Girona, entre 1995 y 1999, estratificando geográficamente por sexo y edad.MétodosMedidas directas de talla y peso correspondientes a 24.554 usuarios mayores de 14 años (10.595 varones y 13.959 mujeres) atendidos en cuatro áreas básicas de salud (ABS): Girona 1, Girona 4, Salt y Camprodon, así como en un centro de atención primaria (CAP) de la provincia de Girona. Se calculó el índice de masa corporal (IMC) como el cociente entre el peso y la talla al cuadrado. La obesidad se define como los grados II y III del índice de Garrow (IMC ≥ 30 kg/m2) y el sobrepeso como el grado I (25 kg/m2 ≤ IMC < 30 kg/m2). Al no utilizarse una muestra aleatoria de sujetos, el cálculo de prevalencias y de sus errores estándar se corrigió mediante el uso de ponderaciones adecuadas. La comparación de las prevalencias entre dos ABS distintas para cada sexo se realizó utilizando un contraste paramétrico de diferencia de proporciones. La comparación entre las prevalencias de un determinado grado del índice de Garrow, controlando por sexo y edad, se llevó a cabo utilizando una regresión logística jerárquica.ResultadosLa prevalencia de la obesidad se estimó en 15,6% entre los varones de 20 a 74 años (desde el 14,0% en Girona 1 hasta el 22,4% en Camprodon) y en un 17,5% entre las mujeres (un 15,6% en Girona 1 y un 22,7% en Camprodon), un 16,7% de promedio ponderado. La prevalencia del sobrepeso se sitúa en el 44% en varones y en un 33% en mujeres, un 37,8% de promedio ponderado. Existe una gradación en las prevalencias de la obesidad, con diferencias estadísticamente significativas: Girona 1, Salt, Girona 4, Camprodon y Sils.ConclusionesLas estimaciones de la prevalencia de la obesidad y sobrepeso obtenidas en este trabajo no están tan alejadas como se creía de las estimadas en poblaciones de nuestro entorno. De hecho, podrían ser muy similares a las estimadas en la Unión Europea y, para algunos grupos de edad, incluso a las de Estados Unidos.AbstractObjectivesTo estimate the prevalence of obesity and overweight in the population of Girona (Spain) between 1995 and 1999 and to divide the prevalences in geographical areas according to age and sex.MethodsHeight and weight were directly measures in 24,554 health care consumers older than 14 years (10,595 men and 13,959 women) treated in four primary health care areas: Girona 1, Girona 4, Salt and Camprodon and in one primary health care center in the province of Girona. Body mas index (BMI) was calcuted by dividing weight in kilograms bye height in meters squared. Obesity was defined as grades II and III of Garrow's index (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2) and overweight as degree I (25 kg/m2 ≥ BMI < 30 kg/m2). Because the sample was not randomized, the prevalences were adequately weighted. The comparison between prevalences in two different primary health care areas for each sex (in the same Garrow's index and age group) was carried out using a parametric test of differences in proportions (Student's t-test). A hierarchical logistic regression was used to compare prevalences in the same grade Garrow's index, controlling for age and sex.ResultsThe prevalence of obesity was estimated as 15.6% in men aged from 20-74 years (from 14.0% in Girona 1 to 22.4% in Camprodon) and 17.5% for women (15.6% in Girona 1, 22.7% in Camprodon). The weighted mean was 16.7%. The prevalence of overweight was 44% in men and 33% in women and the weighted mean was 37.8%. The prevalence of obesity was graduated with statistically significant differences between Girona 1, Salt, Girona 4, Camprodon and Sils.ConclusionsThe estimates of the prevalences of obesity and overweight obtained in this study were closer to those of other studies in similar populations than previously believed. Inde-ed, the prevalences may be similar to those of the European Union and, in some age groups, to those of the United States

    Green electrochemical template synthesis of CoPt nanoparticles with tunable size, composition, and magnetism from microemulsions using an ionic liquid (bmimPF6)

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    Altres ajuts: Substrates have been prepared in IMB-CNM (CSIC),supported by the (CSIC) NGG-258 project.Electrodeposition from microemulsions using ionic liquids is revealed as a green method for synthesizing magnetic alloyed nanoparticles, avoiding the use of aggressive reducing agents. Microemulsions containing droplets of aqueous solution (electrolytic solution containing Pt(IV) and Co(II) ions) in an ionic liquid (bmimPF) define nanoreactors in which the electrochemical reduction takes place. Highly crystalline hcp alloyed CoPt nanoparticles, in the 10-120 nm range with a rather narrow size distribution, have been deposited on a conductive substrate. The relative amount of aqueous solution to ionic liquid determines the size of the nanoreactors, which serve as nanotemplates for the growth of the nanoparticles and hence determine their size and distribution. Further, the stoichiometry (PtCo) of the particles can be tuned by the composition of the electrolytic solution inside the droplets. The control of the size and composition of the particles allows tailoring the room-temperature magnetic behavior of the nanoparticles from superparaparamagnetic to hard magnetic (with a coercivity of H = 4100 Oe) in the as-obtained state. © 2014 American Chemical Society

    Self-labeling techniques for semi-supervised time series classification: an empirical study

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    An increasing amount of unlabeled time series data available render the semi-supervised paradigm a suitable approach to tackle classification problems with a reduced quantity of labeled data. Self-labeled techniques stand out from semi-supervised classification methods due to their simplicity and the lack of strong assumptions about the distribution of the labeled and unlabeled data. This paper addresses the relevance of these techniques in the time series classification context by means of an empirical study that compares successful self-labeled methods in conjunction with various learning schemes and dissimilarity measures. Our experiments involve 35 time series datasets with different ratios of labeled data, aiming to measure the transductive and inductive classification capabilities of the self-labeled methods studied. The results show that the nearest-neighbor rule is a robust choice for the base classifier. In addition, the amending and multi-classifier self-labeled-based approaches reveal a promising attempt to perform semi-supervised classification in the time series context

    Zipf's Law in Short-Time Timbral Codings of Speech, Music, and Environmental Sound Signals

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    Timbre is a key perceptual feature that allows discrimination between different sounds. Timbral sensations are highly dependent on the temporal evolution of the power spectrum of an audio signal. In order to quantitatively characterize such sensations, the shape of the power spectrum has to be encoded in a way that preserves certain physical and perceptual properties. Therefore, it is common practice to encode short-time power spectra using psychoacoustical frequency scales. In this paper, we study and characterize the statistical properties of such encodings, here called timbral code-words. In particular, we report on rank-frequency distributions of timbral code-words extracted from 740 hours of audio coming from disparate sources such as speech, music, and environmental sounds. Analogously to text corpora, we find a heavy-tailed Zipfian distribution with exponent close to one. Importantly, this distribution is found independently of different encoding decisions and regardless of the audio source. Further analysis on the intrinsic characteristics of most and least frequent code-words reveals that the most frequent code-words tend to have a more homogeneous structure. We also find that speech and music databases have specific, distinctive code-words while, in the case of the environmental sounds, this database-specific code-words are not present. Finally, we find that a Yule-Simon process with memory provides a reasonable quantitative approximation for our data, suggesting the existence of a common simple generative mechanism for all considered sound sources

    Tonal representations for music retrieval: from version identification to query-by-humming

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    In this study we compare the use of different music representations for retrieving alternative performances of the same musical piece, a task commonly referred to as version identification. Given the audio signal of a song, we compute descriptors representing its melody, bass line and harmonic progression using state-of-the-art algorithms. These descriptors are then employed to retrieve different versions of the same musical piece using a dynamic programming algorithm based on nonlinear time series analysis. First, we evaluate the accuracy obtained using individual descriptors, and then we examine whether performance can be improved by combining these music representations (i.e. descriptor fusion). Our results show that whilst harmony is the most reliable music representation for version identification, the melody and bass line representations also carry useful information for this task. Furthermore, we show that by combining these tonal representations we can increase version detection accuracy. Finally, we demonstrate how the proposed version identification method can be adapted for the task of query-by-humming. We propose a melody-based retrieval approach, and demonstrate how melody representations extracted from recordings of a cappella singing can be successfully used to retrieve the original song from a collection of polyphonic audio. The current limitations of the proposed approach are discussed in the context of version identification and query-by-humming, and possible solutions and future research directions are proposed