54 research outputs found

    The Masaya Triple Layer: a 2100 year old basaltic multi-episodic Plinian eruption from the Masaya Caldera Complex (Nicaragua)

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    The Masaya Caldera Complex has been the site of three highly explosive basaltic eruptions within the last six thousand years. A Plinian eruption ca. 2 ka ago formed the widespread deposits of the Masaya Triple Layer. We distinguish two facies within the Masaya Triple Layer from each other: La Concepción facies to the south and Managua facies to the northwest. These two facies were previously treated as two separated deposits (La Concepción Tephra and the Masaya Triple Layer of Pérez and Freundt, 2006) because of their distinct regional distribution and internal architectures. However, chemical compositions of bulk rock, matrix and inclusion glasses and mineral phases demonstrate that they are the product of a single basaltic magma batch. Additionally, a marker bed containing fluidal-shaped vesicular lapilli allowed us to make a plausible correlation between the two facies, also supported by consistent lateral changes in lithologic structure and composition, thickness and grain size. We distinguish 10 main subunits of the Masaya Triple Layer (I to X), with bulk volumes ranging between 0.02 and 0.22 km3, adding up to 0.86 km3 (0.4 km3 DRE) for the entire deposit. Distal deposits identified in two cores drilled offshore Nicaragua, at a distance of ∼ 170 km from the Masaya Caldera Complex, increase the total tephra volume to 3.4 km3 or ∼ 1.8 km3 DRE of erupted basaltic magma. Isopleth data of five major fallout subunits indicate mass discharges of 106 to 108 kg/s and eruption columns of 21 to 32 km height, affected by wind speeds of < 2 m/s to ∼ 20 m/s which increased during the course of the multi-episodic eruption. Magmatic Plinian events alternated with phreatoplinian eruptions and phreatomagmatic explosions generating surges that typically preceded breaks in activity. While single eruptive episodes lasted for few hours, the entire eruption probable lasted weeks to months. This is indicated by changes in atmospheric conditions and ash-layer surfaces that had become modified during the breaks in activity. The Masaya Triple Layer has allowed to reconstruct in detail how a basaltic Plinian eruption develops in terms of duration, episodicity, and variable access of external water to the conduit, with implications for volcanic hazard assessment

    A Miocene to Pleistocene climate and elevation record of the Sierra Nevada (California)

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    Orographic precipitation of Pacific-sourced moisture creates a rain shadow across the central part of the Sierra Nevada (California) that contrasts with the southern part of the range, where seasonal monsoonal precipitation sourced to the south obscures this rain shadow effect. Orographic rainout systematically lowers the hydrogen isotope composition of precipitation (δDppt) and therefore δDppt reflects a measure of the magnitude of the rain shadow. Hydrogen isotope compositions of volcanic glass (δDglass) hydrated at the earth's surface provide a unique opportunity to track the elevation and precipitation history of the Sierra Nevada and adjacent Basin and Range Province. Analysis of 67 well dated volcanic glass samples from widespread volcanic ash-fall deposits located from the Pacific coast to the Basin and Range Province demonstrates that between 0.6 and 12.1 Ma the hydrogen isotope compositions of meteoric water displayed a large (>40‰) decrease from the windward to the leeward side of the central Sierra Nevada, consistent with the existence of a rain shadow of modern magnitude over that time. Evidence for a Miocene-to-recent rain shadow of constant magnitude and systematic changes in the longitudinal climate and precipitation patterns strongly suggest that the modern first-order topographic elements of the Sierra Nevada characterized the landscape over at least the last 12 million years

    Compositional heterogeneity of tephras from the 1980 eruptions of Mount St. Helens

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    Samples collected at hourly intervals on May 18–19, 1980, at three sites 200 km downwind from Mount St. Helens, have made possible a detailed reconstruction of the conditions that contribute to the compositional heterogeneity of mineral and glass components observed in distal tephra layers. The air fall tephra deposited at the sites during the first 7 hours of the May 18 eruption is mostly coarse grained, microlite-rich, nonjuvenile glass and feldspar. Grain-size maxima in this initial tephra can be related to the cataclysmic blast at 0832 and a subsequent pulse of the eruption at 1200. Juvenile, microlite-free glass increases in relative abundance at the sampling sites beginning at about 1900. Such a change between nonjuvenile and juvenile tephra can be related to a 5-km increase in column height associated with the last major pulse of the eruption which occurred at 1700 at the volcano. Electron microprobe study of both microlite-rich and microlite-free pumice in the time series samples reveals significant compositional differences. Interstitial glass in nonjuvenile pumice deposited during the first few hours at the sampling sites is enriched in SiO2 and K2O and depleted in TiO2, FeO*, and MgO relative to juvenile glass. By comparison, major element composition of the least evolved juvenile glass sampled during the last several hours of the eruption displays a slight trend toward less evolved composition. Least squares calculations suggest that the more evolved character of the nonjuvenile glass can be explained by greater fractional crystallization brought about by enhanced cooling in a cryptodome prior to eruption, whereas the temporal changes observed in juvenile glass composition during the last several hours of the eruption suggest the presence of a small, slightly zoned magma chamber at depth. Electron microprobe study of glass-coated ilmenites, magnetites, and plagioclases provides the following estimates of the physical conditions in this reservoir: 865°±50°C, PH2O = 2.2 kbar and -log ƒO2 = 11.7. Analyses of bulk pumice, glass and selected mineral phases from May 25, June 12, July 22, and October 16–18 pumices erupted from Mount St. Helens indicate that the bulk pumice (magma) compositions have become slightly more andesitic with time, while mineral and co-existing glass compositions have changed significantly in post-May 18 eruptions with both being more highly evolved than those associated with the May 18 eruption. An application of the magnetite-ilmenite geothermometer to June 12 and July 22 samples indicates temperatures of 919°±30°C and 930°±50°C, respectively. Least squares calculations suggest that such evolved post-May 18 glass and mineral phases can be derived by fractional crystallization of a magma composition like bulk May 18 pumice into approximately 50% crystals and 50% residual liquid. Such partitioning between crystals and residual liquid appears to have occurred on the scale of centimeters and is interpreted as a consequence of accelerated crystallization under reduced water pressure