154 research outputs found

    Coral reef carbonate budgets and ecological drivers in the central Red Sea: a naturally high temperature and high total alkalinity environment.

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    The structural framework provided by corals is crucial for reef ecosystem function and services, but high seawater temperatures can be detrimental to the calcification capacity of reef-building organisms. The Red Sea is very warm, but total alkalinity (TA) is naturally high and beneficial for reef accretion. To date, we know little about how such detrimental and beneficial abiotic factors affect each other and the balance between calcification and erosion on Red Sea coral reefs, i.e., overall reef growth, in this unique ocean basin. To provide estimates of present-day reef growth dynamics in the central Red Sea, we measured two metrics of reef growth, i.e., in situ net-accretion/-erosion rates (Gnet) determined by deployment of limestone blocks and ecosystem-scale carbonate budgets (Gbudget), along a crossshelf gradient (25 km, encompassing nearshore, midshore, and offshore reefs). Along this gradient, we assessed multiple abiotic (i.e., temperature, salinity, diurnal pH fluctuation, inorganic nutrients, and TA) and biotic (i.e., calcifier and epilithic bioeroder communities) variables. Both reef growth metrics revealed similar patterns from nearshore to offshore: net-erosive, neutral, and net-accretion states. The average cross-shelf Gbudget was 0.66 kg CaCO3 m−2 yr−1 , with the highest budget of 2.44 kg CaCO3 m−2 yr−1 measured in the offshore reef. These data are comparable to the contemporary Gbudgets from the western Atlantic and Indian oceans, but lie well below “optimal reef production” (5–10 kg CaCO3 m−2 yr−1 ) and below maxima recently recorded in remote high coral cover reef sites. However, the erosive forces observed in the Red Sea nearshore reef contributed less than observed elsewhere. A higher TA accompanied reef growth across the shelf gradient, whereas stronger diurnal pH fluctuations were associated with negative carbonate budgets. Noteworthy for this oligotrophic region was the positive effect of phosphate, which is a central micronutrient for reef building corals. While parrotfish contributed substantially to bioerosion, our dataset also highlights coralline algae as important local reef builders. Altogether, our study establishes a baseline for reef growth in the central Red Sea that should be useful in assessing trajectories of reef growth capacity under current and future ocean scenariosResearch reported in this publication was supported by funding to Christian R. Voolstra from KAUST

    The value of extended amygdala structures in emotive effects of narcogenic with diverse chemical structure

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    To clarify the value of the extended amygdala structures (bed nucleus, central nucleus of the amygdala and nucleus accumbens shell) in the mechanisms of unconditioned and conditioned reinforcement activated by various narcogenic, this paper carried out a neuropharmacological analysis of these effects, using blockade of dopamine receptors, GABA, opioids and CRF receptors within these brain structures, as well as an analysis of behavioral responses by self-stimulation (unconditioned reinforcement) and conditioned place preference (CPP) (conditioned reinforcement

    Выбор программного обеспечения для компьютерных издательских систем

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    Проведено огляд джерел, присвячених застосуванню програмного забезпечення для встановлення на персональні комп’ютери, що інтегровані в комп’ютерні видавничі системи и запропоновані рекомендації з їх експлуатації.Today the pace of development of computer technology have made considerable heights. Together with the improvement of technical equipment improved and appropriate software, which directly influences the efficiency of the newest hardware. Despite this, many users of modern computer technology, including large companies are using outdated software, than put themselves into the framework of capabilities and power of obsolete software packages. To solve this problem was made by analysis of information devoted to the use software for installation on personal computers, which are integrated in the computer publishing systems and provide recommendations on their use.Проведен обзор источников, посвященных применению программного обеспечения для установки на персональные компьютеры, интегрированные в компьютерные издательские системы и предложены рекомендации по их эксплуатации

    Исследование факторов влияния на подготовку краски для офсетного способа печати

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    У даній статті представлений аналіз динаміки розвитку офсетних фарб, проведений патентний пошук глибиною 15 років. Розглянуто процес підготовки фарби для офсетного друку, визначено та систематизовано основні фактори впливу на якість підготовки фарби для офсетного друку. Представлено причинно-наслідкову діаграму.The materials of the article represent the analysis of the offset inks’ development. The patent search was held over 15 years. On the basis of the research there was determined the main directions in the offset inks development and the technological processes of their usage in the offset printing. In the course of the work we have considered the process of ink preparation to the offset printing. According to the modern development tendencies of this technological process, we have determined and systemized the main factors that can influence on quality of ink preparation to the offset printing. The result of this scientific research is the elaboration of cause and effect diagram. The Isikava diagram helps to foreknow the possible causes of the low-quality process of ink preparation for the offset printing that influence on the whole technological process. Consideration of these factors helps to use the best practices, means of control and correcting properties of the printing ink, that improves the quality of printed products.В данной статье представлен анализ динамики развития офсетных красок, проведен патентный поиск глубиной 15 лет. Рассмотрен процесс подготовки краски для офсетной печати, определены и систематизированы основные факторы влияния на качество подготовки краски для офсетной печати. Представлено причинно-следственную диаграмму

    Защита цифровой фотографии с помощью цифровых водяных знаков

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    В статті представлені основні переваги та недоліки цифрових зображень, методи захисту цифрових фотографій, аналіз їх надійності та можливі альтернативи захисту авторських прав. Запропоновано новий варіант захисту цифрової фотографії на початковій стадії її створення. Представлений поопераційний алгоритм створення цифрових водяних знаків для захисту цифрової фотографії.Digital photography has become an integral part of our life and technology of its creation. It meets the requirements of modernity and it is a very laborious process which often connected with use of advanced technologies. At the same time along with the proliferation of photographic works with using modern technology the copyright protection for digital images remains unsolved in Ukraine now. It is connected with the possibility to copy and distribute digital photograph outside the author’s control. Digital photo is very easy copied without worsening image quality in comparison with original, which obviously leads to disappearance of photo-piracy obstacles especially at the placing a file or photo in the Internet. Therefore the researches for development the author copyright protection at the creating of pictures are an actual problem. This article has been devoted to variants of this task solution. In the article the main advantages and disadvantages of digital images, methods of protecting digital photos, analyzes their reliability and possible options to protect copyrighted digital photo have been presented. There were offered new options for protecting digital photography at early stage of its development. Phase algorithm of development a digital watermark for images protection have been shown.В статье представлены основные преимущества и недостатки цифровых изображений, методы защиты цифровых фото, анализ их надежности и возможные альтернативы защиты авторских прав. Предложен новый вариант защиты цифровой фотографии на начальной стадии ее создания. Представлен пооперационный алгоритм создания цифровых водяных знаков для защиты цифровой фотографии

    X-ray Diffraction Study of the NaF – LiF – LnF3 (Ln=La,Nd) Eutectic Composition in the Liquid and Solid States

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    The ternary eutectic alloy with the composition 33 mol % NaF+53 mol % LiF+14 mol % NdF3 has been studied in the liquid and solid states using differential thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction at room and high temperatures. The obtained results demonstrate that the eutectic alloy undergoes no phase transformations at temperatures from 298 K to melting point. Analysis of RMC models of the melt indicates that there is no dense non-crystalline packing of the fluorine anions in contrast to the eutectic NaF—LiF—LaF3 melt

    Формирование свойств новых износостойких деталей на основе отходов алюминиевых сплавов для полиграфических машин

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    Стаття присвячена впливу технологічних режимів одержання на формування структури і комплексу властивостей антифрикційних композиційних матеріалів на основі відходів алюмінієвого сплаву.The paper is concerned influence of technological conditions for obtaining the formation of complex structures and properties of antifriction composite materials based on aluminum-alloys wastes АК12ММгН. Structural studies have been conducted. It is shown that in the tested material available reinforcing phases (intermetallics) have high density and uniform distribution on the sample section. Mechanical, physical and tribotechnical properties of composite materials based on aluminum-alloys wastes АК12ММгН are examined and compared with cast analogue. It should be noted that tribotechnical properties of powder alloy is higher than cast analogue. The mechanical properties of composite materials are not inferior cast alloy. This behavior of the new material is explained by significant differences of structure formation of the powder alloy and cast alloy arising from the various principles of synthesis of materials. This is caused by different principles of synthesis of materials.В статье представлены новые технологические методы получения композиционных антифрикционных материалов на основе отходов алюминиевых сплавов. Приведено сравнение физических, триботехнических и механических свойств композиционных антифрикционных материалов на основе отходов алюминиевых сплавов с литыми аналогами

    Розробка математичної моделі та методу оцінки рівня ризику структури капіталу засобами нейронної мережі Хопфілда

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    У статті розроблено математичну модель оцінки рівня ризику структури капіталу з використанням системного підходу. Запропоновано відповідний метод оцінювання ризику структури капіталу засобами нейронної мережі Хопфілда. Реалізовано комп’ютерним шляхом складений математичний метод на базі апарату нейронної мережі Хопфілда на прикладі співвідношення власного і залученого капіталу ДП “Тульчинське лісомисливське господарство”.In the article the mathematical model of risk estimation of capital structure is designed with the use of systems approach. The method of capital structure risk evaluation is offered on the basis of neural Hopfield network. The mathematical method on the basis of Hopfield neural network is realized by computer on the example of structure capital of DP “Tul'chinske lisomislivske enterprises”

    Surfaces quality of wear resistance composite friction parts of the printing machines at precision machining

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    Виконано комплексне дослідження технологічних процесів надтонкої прецизійної доводки високозносостійких та високолегованих антифрикційних композитних сплавів у широкому експериментальному спектрі – від процесів ручної доводки з використанням найновітніших абразивних брусків природних родовищ до прецизійної машинної доводки з забезпеченням високих вимог до якості поверхонь оброблення. Показано, що на параметри якості поверхонь суттєво впливають матеріал та зернистість абразивних мікропорошків для доводки, а також матеріал доводочного диска та метод машинної доводки. Встановлено, що найкращі показники по якості поверхонь оброблення при ручній доводці забезпечують природні абразивні бруски з мікрокварцитів родовищ «Індій» (США), «Едіган» (Росія) та «Атасу» (Україна).For the first time the technological process of the superfine precision machining high-alloyed and high- wear-resistant new antifriction composite alloys in the wide experimental spectrum – from process of the hand machining with using the new abrasive hones of the natural resources to the precise machining with the ensuring high standards to the quality surfaces details – were researched. It was shown the parameters of the surfaces quality (the roughness, cold working, cold working degree) are sufficiently influenced by the material and granularity of the abrasive grain for the machining, material of the machining disk and method of the machining (the regularity of the using different materials for the machining disks with the union of the rational using micro granularity abrasives and submicron pastes). The main regularities of surface roughness formation parameters depending on graininess, material of abrasive grain, abrasive disc’s vehicle properties and cutting parameters at precision finish machining operations have been determined. It was proved; natural abrasive hones using the micro quartzite from the resources of «Indij» (USA), «Edigan» (Russia) and «Atasa» (Ukraine) provide high quality surfaces at the hand machining. Recommendation for industry on the machining of parts from new composite materials (material of abrasive, granularity) and cutting parameters that provide the high quality surfaces have been formulated. Following recommendation of precision machining for parameters of the surfaces quality for the parts of the printing machines from new antifriction composites have been developed: material for machining disk – globul cast iron; micro powders from chromealundum (CrO at 1,5–2%, abrasive grit 3 mm (33AM3); the cool – oil liquid (kerosene ~65%); oleic acid (~35%); the cutting rapid Vp=5–7 m/min.; the specific pressure q=0,05–0,07 MPa