104 research outputs found

    Anthelmintics efficacy against intestinal strongyles in horses of Sardinia, Italy

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    Intestinal strongyles (IS) are the most important parasites of equids, due to their high prevalence worldwide, pathogenicity and the spread of drug-resistant populations. Despite the large number of horses bred in Sardinia Island, Italy, no data are available on the efficacy of anthelmintic compounds in the control of horse strongylosis. Therefore the aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of five commercial anthelmintic formulations containing fenbendazole (FBZ), pyrantel (PYR), moxidectin (MOX) and two ivermectin formulations (IVM1 and IVM2) against IS in Sardinia by performing a fecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) and investigating the egg reappearance period (ERP) after treatment. In total, 74 horses from 7 farms were examined. Coprocultures performed for individual fecal samples collected at the day of the treatment revealed that cyathostomins were the predominant parasitic species (98.6%). The FECR for all horses belonging to the treatment groups after two weeks was ≥ 95% with a 95% C.I. > 90%. The expected ERP did not decrease in any of the treatment group as FECR values < 90% were found at D60 for FBZ, at D90 for PYR and IVM1, at D150 for IVM2. All horses treated with MOX showed FECRT > 90% for the entire duration of the trial until D150. The results of the present survey indicate that drug-resistant cyathostomin populations are not present in the examined horse population, contrariwise to what observed in other Italian and European regions. The reasons and implications of these results are discussed

    Calicophoron daubneyi in sheep and cattle of Sardinia, Italy

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    This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of paramphistomosis and confirm the species identity of rumen flukes from sheep and cattle of Sardinia (Italy), by molecular methods. From 2011 to 2014, 381 sheep and 59 cattle farms were selected and individual faecal samples were run on 15 sheep and 5 cattle for each farm, respectively. The prevalence at the slaughterhouse was calculated by examination of 356 sheep and 505 cattle. 13adult flukes collected from sheep and cattle and 5 belonging to the historical collection of Laboratory of Parasitology at the Department of Veterinary Medicine of Sassari, previously classified as Paramphistomum spp., were used for PCR amplification and sequencing of the ITS2+ rDNA. Previously classified Paramphistomum leydeni from South America were used as controls. The EPG prevalence was 13.9 % and 55.9 % for sheep and cattle farms respectively. At slaughterhouses, paramphistomes were found in 2 % of the sheep and 10.9 % of the examined cows. Conversely to the latest reports, the sequences comparison showed that all the Sardinian rumen flukes belong to Calicophoron daubneyi.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Implementation of an enhanced recovery program after bariatric surgery: Clinical and cost-effectiveness analysis

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    Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) programs are perioperative evidence-based interventions that have the purpose of making the perioperative pathway more efficient in safeguarding patient safety and quality of care. Recently, several ERAS components have been introduced in the setting of bariatric surgery (Enhanced Recovery After Bariatric Surgery, ERABS). The aim of the present study was to evaluate clinical efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the implementation of an ERABS program. It was a retrospective case-control study comparing a group of adult obese (body mass index >40) patients treated according to the ERABS protocol (2014-2015) with a historical control group that received standard care (2013-2014) in the General and Emergency Surgery Department, Arcispedale S. Maria Nuova Hospital, Reggio Emilia, Italy. Data on the occurrence of complications, mortality, re-admissions and re-operations were extracted retrospectively from medical case notes and emergency patient admission lists. Length of hospital stay was significantly different between the two cohort patients. In the control group, the mean length of stay was 12.6±10.9 days, whereas in the ERABS cohort it was 7.1±2.9 days (p=0.02). During hospital stay, seven patients in the control group developed surgical complications, including one patient with major complications, whereas in the ERABS group three patients developed minor complications. Economic analysis revealed a different cost distribution between the two groups. On the whole, there were significant savings for almost all the variables taken into consideration, mainly driven by exclusion of using intensive care unit, which is by far more expensive than the average cost of post-anesthesia care unit. Our study confirmed the implementation of an ERABS protocol to have shortened hospital stay and was cost-saving while safeguarding patient safety

    Toltrazuril and sulphonamide treatment against naturally Isospora suis infected suckling piglets: Is there an actual profit?

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    A study was carried out to assess the efficacy and the economic profit of prophylactic treatment against Isopsora suis with toltrazuril or with a sulfamethazine/trimethoprim combination in piglets from an intensive pig farm. Thirty-one litters were included in study. Eight litters were treated once with toltrazuril (20 mg/kg b.w.) at 3 days of age (Toltra group); 8 litters were treated with the sulphonamide combination (sodium sulfamethazine 35 mg and trimethoprim 7 mg/kg b.w.) for 3 consecutive days starting at 3 days of age (Sulfa group), and 15 litters were untreated (control group). Counts of oocyst per gram on pooled feces sampled from each litter were carried out on Days 7, 14, 21 and 28 and diarrhea was registered daily from pooled samples. Piglets were weighed on Days 1, 7 and 28 and mean weight gain (WG) and daily weight gain (DWG) were evaluated. The economic profit of treatment was evaluated comparing the WG of piglets of each treatment group from the day of birth to Day 28. On Days 14, 21 and 28, toltrazuril showed a better efficacy in controlling fecal oocyst output, diarrhea and weight gain compared with sulphamidic treatment (P < 0.001). The budgeting analysis showed a return of economic benefit of \u20ac 0.915 per toltrazuril-treated piglets and an additional cost of \u20ac 1.155 per sulphonamide-treated piglets

    Generación de mapas de luminancia urbana a partir de un sensor hiperespectral VNIR y una cámara fotogramétrica digital

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    Revista oficial de la Asociación Española de Teledetección[EN] This paper puts forward a methodology for the generation of high resolution luminance maps from simultaneous hyperspectral VNIR and photogrammetric imagery. The integration of hyperspectral radiance at ground level, properly weighted by the photopic-based coefficients, plus a sensor fusion strategy, provides for the first time a quantitative description of the luminous flux at high spatial resolution and with multi-angle geometry. Accordingly, this methodology allows following up any strategic policy aimed to improve urban illumination management and quantifying its effects in terms of energetic efficiency.[ES] Esta comunicación presenta una metodología para la generación de mapas de luminancia de alta reso-lución a partir de imágenes simultáneas hiperespectrales VNIR y fotogramétricas. La integración de la radiancia hiperespectral a nivel de suelo, ponderada según la curva de visión fotópica, más una estrategia de calibración cruzada de sensores, permiten por primera vez la descripción cuantitativa del flujo luminoso de altísima resolución espacial y con posibilidad de extensión a geometría multiangular. Desde el punto vista práctico, esta metodología hace posible el seguimiento de las acciones adoptadas para mejorar la gestión de la iluminación urbana y cuantifi-car su resultado en términos de eficiencia energética.Pipia, L.; Alamús, R.; Tardà, A.; Pérez-Aragüés, F.; Palà, V.; Corbera, J.; Arnaldich, J. (2016). Hyperspectral VNIR and photogrammetric data fusion approach for urban luminance map generation. Revista de Teledetección. (47):85-97. doi:10.4995/raet.2016.5383.SWORD859747Aubé, M. 2008. Light Pollution Modelling and Detection in a Heterogeneous Environment. Proceedings of Starlight, a Common Heritage, La Palma, Espa-a.Barducci, A., Benvenuti, M., Bonora, L., Castagnoli, F., Guzzi, D., Marcoionni P., Pippi, I. 2006. Hyperspectral remote sensing for light pollution monitoring, Annals of Geophysics, 49(1), 305-310.Berk, A., Anderson, G. P., Acharya, P. K., Bernstein, L. S., Muratov, L., Lee, J., … Lewis, P. E. (2005). MODTRAN 5: a reformulated atmospheric band model with auxiliary species and practical multiple scattering options: update. Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XI. doi:10.1117/12.606026CIE. 1926. Commission internationale de l'Eclairage Proceedings, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Gaston, K. J., Visser, M. E., & Hölker, F. (2015). The biological impacts of artificial light at night: the research challenge. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 370(1667), 20140133. doi:10.1098/rstb.2014.0133Kyba, C., Garz, S., Kuechly, H., de Miguel, A., Zamorano, J., Fischer, J., & Hölker, F. (2014). High-Resolution Imagery of Earth at Night: New Sources, Opportunities and Challenges. Remote Sensing, 7(1), 1-23. doi:10.3390/rs70100001Oppenheim, A.V., Schafer, R.W. 1999. Discrete-Time Signal Processing, Second Edition, Prentice-Hall Inc.Zeitler, W., Dörstel, C., Jacobsen, K. 2002. Geometric Calibration of the DMC: Method and Results, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Science, 2002, 34, 324-332

    Calicophoron daubneyi in sheep and cattle of Sardinia, Italy

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    This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of paramphistomosis and confirm the species identity of rumen flukes from sheep and cattle of Sardinia (Italy), by molecular methods. From 2011 to 2014, 381 sheep and 59 cattle farms were selected and individual faecal samples were run on 15 sheep and 5 cattle for each farm, respectively. The prevalence at the slaughterhouse was calculated by examination of 356 sheep and 505 cattle. 13adult flukes collected from sheep and cattle and 5 belonging to the historical collection of Laboratory of Parasitology at the Department of Veterinary Medicine of Sassari, previously classified as Paramphistomum spp., were used for PCR amplification and sequencing of the ITS2+ rDNA. Previously classified Paramphistomum leydeni from South America were used as controls. The EPG prevalence was 13.9 % and 55.9 % for sheep and cattle farms respectively. At slaughterhouses, paramphistomes were found in 2 % of the sheep and 10.9 % of the examined cows. Conversely to the latest reports, the sequences comparison showed that all the Sardinian rumen flukes belong to Calicophoron daubneyi.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria


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    Introduction: Application of ipilimumab (IPI) in the treatment of patients with disseminated melanoma, first demonstrated an increase in survival that was an important event in cancer immunotherapy. We present the results of treatment of patients within the framework of enhanced access to the drug (SA184-EAP).Materials and methods: from September 2012 to August 2014 71 patients with metastatic melanoma, with signs of tumor progression, received earlier from 1 to 6 lines of drug therapy were enrolled in protocol of treatment in Petrov Oncology Institute. Median age of patients was 51 years (range from 21 to 76 years). In 39 (60%) of patients IV stage was diagnosed, 25% of patients had metastases to the brain, 28% - had liver metastases, 19% - had bone metastases. All patients received IPI 3 mg/kg once every 3 weeks for total 4 administration.Results: A total there were 229 administrations of IPI in 71 patients (average number of administrations was 3.2). Thirty-nine patients (59%) had 4 administrations and 21 patients (35%) had 1-2 administrations. Most of the patients had at least one adverse event (AE) associated with the treatment. In 15 patients (21%) there were no adverse events. Three patients died due to adverse events possibly related to treatment: 1 – had kidney failure, 1 - had pulmonary embolism, 1 - had cerebral edema and the progression of cancer. Grade 3-4 adverse events were observed in 10 (14.1%) patients: grade 3 rash  - in 3 (4.2%) patients, grade 3 diarrhea - in 2 (2.8%) patients, grade 3 fatigue - in 2 (2 8%) patients, grade 3 dyspnea - in 1 (1.4%) patients, grade 4 of ALT and AST increasing - in 1 (1.4%) patient, grade 3 hypokalemia - in 1 (1.5%) patient. Efficacy of treatment was assessed in 54 patients, complete regression was detected in 3 (6%) patients, partial - in 6 (11%) patients. An objective response to treatment was observed in 28% of patients, the stabilization of process in 6 (11%) patients. Median follow-up was 144 days. The median time to progression was 81 days (95%; CI 73-105). The median overall survival was 411 days (95%; CI - 303-519).Conclusion: Treatment with IPI satisfactorily tolerated by most patients and has significant clinical efficacy as the second and subsequent lines of drug therapy in patients with disseminated melanoma.Введение: Применение ипилимумаба (ИПИ) для лечения больных диссеминированной  меланомой  кожи, впервые продемонстрировавшее увеличение выживаемости, явилось важным событием в иммунотерапии  злокачественных опухолей. Мы представляем  результаты лечения больных в рамках программы  расширенного  доступа к препарату (СА184-ЕАР).Материалы и методы: В ФГБУ «НИИ онкологии  им.  Н. Н. Петрова» Минздрава России в программу с сентября2012 г. по август2014 г. включен 71 больной диссеминированной меланомой, с признаками прогрессирования опухолевого процесса, получивших ранее  от 1 до 6 линий лекарственной терапии. Средний возраст составил 51 год (21–76 лет). У 39 (60%) больных установлена IV стадия M1c, 25% пациентов имели метастатическое поражение головного мозга, 28% – метастазы в печени, 19% – метастазы в костях. Все больные получали ИПИ в дозе 3 мг/кг 1 раз в 3 недели, всего 4 введения.Результаты: У  71 больного проведено 229 введений  ИПИ (в среднем-3,2).  Тридцать девять больных (59%) получили 4 введений, 21 (35%) – 1–2 введения.  Большинство пациентов имело хотя бы одно нежелательное явление (НЯ), связанное  с лечением. У  15 больных (21%) нежелательных явлений не наблюдалось. Трое больных умерло от нежелательных явлений, возможно связанных с проводимой терапией: 1 – от почечной недостаточности, 1 – от тромбоэмболии легочной артерии, 1 – от отека головного мозга на фоне прогрессирования  опухолевого процесса. НЯ 3–4 ст. наблюдались  у 10 (14,1%) больных: сыпь 3 ст.– у 3 (4,2%), диарея 3 ст. у 2 (2,8%), слабость 3 ст. у 2 (2,8%), одышка 3 ст. у 1 (1,4%), повышение уровня АЛТ и АСТ 4 ст. у 1 (1,4%), гипокалиемия 3 ст. у 1 (1,5%) больных. Эффективность лечения оценена у 54 больных, полный регресс  выявлен у 3 (6%) больных, частичный – у 6 (11%) больных. Объективный ответ на терапию наблюдался  у 28% пацинентов, стабилизация  процесса  у 6 (11%). Средняя длительность наблюдения составила 144 дня. Медиана времени до прогрессирования – 81 (95% ДИ 73–105)  дней. Медиана общей выживаемости составила 411 дней (95% ДИ – 303–519).Заключение: Терапия  ИПИ удовлетворительно переносится большинством больных и обладает значимой клинической эффективностью в качестве второй и последующих линий лекарственной  терапии у пациентов диссеминированной  меланомой  кожи

    Meta-analysis of pharmacogenetic interactions in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis clinical trials

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess whether genetic subgroups in recent amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) trials responded to treatment with lithium carbonate, but that the treatment effect was lost in a large cohort of nonresponders. METHODS: Individual participant data were obtained from 3 randomized trials investigating the efficacy of lithium carbonate. We matched clinical data with data regarding the UNC13A and C9orf72 genotype. Our primary outcome was survival at 12 months. On an exploratory basis, we assessed whether the effect of lithium depended on the genotype. RESULTS: Clinical data were available for 518 of the 606 participants. Overall, treatment with lithium carbonate did not improve 12-month survival (hazard ratio [HR] 1.0, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.7-1.4; p = 0.96). Both the UNC13A and C9orf72 genotype were independent predictors of survival (HR 2.4, 95% CI 1.3-4.3; p = 0.006 and HR 2.5, 95% CI 1.1-5.2; p = 0.032, respectively). The effect of lithium was different for UNC13A carriers (p = 0.027), but not for C9orf72 carriers (p = 0.22). The 12-month survival probability for UNC13A carriers treated with lithium carbonate improved from 40.1% (95% CI 23.2-69.1) to 69.7% (95% CI 50.4-96.3). CONCLUSIONS: This study incorporated genetic data into past ALS trials to determine treatment effects in a genetic post hoc analysis. Our results suggest that we should reorient our strategies toward finding treatments for ALS, start focusing on genotype-targeted treatments, and standardize genotyping in order to optimize randomization and analysis for future clinical trials