275 research outputs found

    OntogenĂšse et covariation chez le genre toarcien Osperleioceras (Ammonoidea)

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    Les courbes de croissance des Osperleioceras de la sous-zone Ă  Reynesi (Toarcien supĂ©rieur) du bassin des Causses (Aveyron, France) sont toutes confondues du stade de la protoconque et de l’ammonitelle, jusqu’à un diamĂštre de 7-8 mm. Elles forment ensuite un Ă©ventail de trajectoires rĂ©sultant en un continuum morphologique allant de formes Ă©volutes Ă  tours larges et ornementation forte (O. reynesi) jusqu’à des formes involutes, comprimĂ©es et faiblement ornĂ©es (O. lapparenti). La covariation de divers paramĂštres morphologiques et ornementaux est observable tant au sein d’assemblages provenant d’horizons uniques qu’au cours des dĂ©veloppements ontogĂ©nĂ©tiques individuels. Il n’est pas possible d’interprĂ©ter cette sĂ©rie continue et contemporaine, passant insensiblement des morphologies de type reynesi Ă  celles de type lapparenti, comme Ă©tant une tendance Ă©volutive due Ă  des contraintes fonctionnelles ou Ă  des adaptations diffĂ©rentielles. L’interdĂ©pendance complexe de la forme de la coquille (involution, section du tour) et de son ornementation (force, densitĂ© et flexuositĂ© de la costulation) peut ĂȘtre simulĂ©e par un modĂšle oĂč l’intensitĂ© de l’ornementation dĂ©pend de la courbure du manteau [Guex, 1999]. La covariation observĂ©e chez les Osperleioceras dĂšs la base du Toarcien supĂ©rieur trahit une augmentation de variabilitĂ©, concomitante d’une rĂ©duction de taille, suite Ă  des instabilitĂ©s environnementales. Elle se fait en plusieurs poussĂ©es Ă  partir d’un stock de formes ayant trĂšs peu variĂ© au cours du Toarcien moyen

    Decaying shock studies of phase transitions in MgOSiO2 systems: implications for the Super-Earths interiors

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    We report an experimental study of the phase diagrams of periclase (MgO), enstatite (MgSiO3) and forsterite (Mg2SiO4) at high pressures. We investigated with laser driven decaying shocks the pressure/temperature curves of MgO, MgSiO3 and Mg2SiO4 between 0.2-1.2 TPa, 0.12-0.5 TPa and 0.2-0.85 TPa respectively. A melting signature has been observed in MgO at 0.47 TPa and 9860 K, while no phase changes were observed neither in MgSiO3 nor in Mg2SiO4. An increasing of reflectivity of MgO, MgSiO3 and Mg2SiO4 liquids have been detected at 0.55 TPa -12 760 K, 0.15 TPa - 7540 K, 0.2 TPa - 5800 K, respectively. In contrast to SiO2, melting and metallization of these compounds do not coincide implying the presence of poor electrically conducting liquids close to the melting lines. This has important implications for the generation of dynamos in Super-earths mantles

    Invasion success of a Lessepsian symbiont-bearing foraminifera linked to high dispersal ability, preadaptation and suppression of sexual reproduction

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    Among the most successful Lessepsian invaders is the symbiont-bearing benthic foraminifera Amphistegina lobifera. In its newly conquered habitat, this prolific calcifier and ecosystem engineer is exposed to environmental conditions that exceed the range of its native habitat. To disentangle which processes facilitated the invasion success of A. lobifera into the Mediterranean Sea we analyzed a ~ 1400 bp sequence fragment covering the SSU and ITS gene markers to compare the populations from its native regions and along the invasion gradient. The genetic variability was studied at four levels: intra-genomic, population, regional and geographical. We observed that the invasion is not associated with genetic differentiation, but the invasive populations show a distinct suppression of intra-genomic variability among the multiple copies of the rRNA gene. A reduced genetic diversity compared to the Indopacific is observed already in the Red Sea populations and their high dispersal potential into the Mediterranean appears consistent with a bridgehead effect resulting from the postglacial expansion from the Indian Ocean into the Red Sea. We conclude that the genetic structure of the invasive populations reflects two processes: high dispersal ability of the Red Sea source population pre-adapted to Mediterranean conditions and a likely suppression of sexual reproduction in the invader. This discovery provides a new perspective on the cost of invasion in marine protists: The success of the invasive A. lobifera in the Mediterranean Sea comes at the cost of abandonment of sexual reproduction

    A new scenario for the Domerian-Toarcian transition

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    Pour tenter de mieux comprendre l’évĂ©nement d’anoxie ocĂ©anique globale au Toarcien infĂ©rieur, il convient de remonter aux changements environnementaux qui ont prĂ©cĂ©dĂ© cette phase paroxysmale. En effet, la comparaison des sĂ©quences sĂ©dimentaires et biostratigraphiques du passage DomĂ©rien-Toarcien entre la TĂ©thys occidentale (Maroc, Espagne, Portugal) et l’Europe du Nord-Ouest (Causses, Allemagne, Angleterre) fait apparaĂźtre une importante lacune dans la rĂ©gion septentrionale. La faune d’Arieticeratinae (Emaciaticeras, Canavaria, Fontanelliceras) et d’Harpoceratinae (Lioceratoides, Neolioceratoides), accompagnĂ©e ensuite de Dactylioceras particuliers (groupe mirabile-polymorphum = sous-genre Eodactylites), fait presque totalement dĂ©faut en Europe du Nord-Ouest, alors qu’elle abonde dans les derniĂšres alternances marno-calcaires, sans changement lithologique notable avec le DomĂ©rien des coupes tĂ©thysiennes. Cette faune est intercalĂ©e entre les derniers Pleuroceras et les Dactylioceras du groupe tenuicostatum. Ces derniers apparaissent dans les argiles succĂ©dant immĂ©diatement au dernier banc calcaire Ă  Dactylioceras mirabile au Portugal notamment. C’est lĂ  le diachronisme dĂ©jĂ  reconnu entre les limites lithostratigraphique (disparition des bancs calcaires) et biostratigraphique (apparition du genre Dactylioceras) au passage DomĂ©rien-Toarcien. Cette observation peut s’intĂ©grer dans un nouveau scĂ©nario palĂ©o-ocĂ©anographique prenant en compte Ă  la fois la tendance rĂ©gressive majeure du DomĂ©rien supĂ©rieur (conduisant Ă  une lacune rĂ©gionale importante), l’abondance de matiĂšre charbonneuse dans les premiers dĂ©pĂŽts transgressifs du Toarcien et l’évĂ©nement anoxique global subsĂ©quent. Dans la partie supĂ©rieure du DomĂ©rien, l’existence d’un fort volcanisme peut ĂȘtre dĂ©duite des donnĂ©es relatives aux variations des isotopes du strontium [McArthur et al., 2000]. A ce pic de strontium sont associĂ©es une faible anomalie nĂ©gative du ÎŽ13 C Ă  la limite DomĂ©rien-Toarcien et des valeurs particuliĂšrement Ă©levĂ©es du ÎŽ18 O [Morettini et Bartolini, 1999]. Nous pensons que cette activitĂ© volcanique dĂ©bute par des Ă©missions massives de SO2 induisant des pluies acides, un obscurcissement et un refroidissement. A cette phase de refroidissement correspond une augmentation de l’englacement des pĂŽles et une rĂ©gression responsable de la lacune majeure Ă©voquĂ©e plus haut, particuliĂšrement sensible dans les mers Ă©picontinentales. Bien que les preuves directes d’une glaciation fini-domĂ©rienne fassent actuellement dĂ©faut [Hallam, 2001], le glacio-eustatisme nous semble le seul mĂ©canisme permettant d’expliquer une oscillation marine importante mais de courte durĂ©e [Brandt, 1986 ; Dewey et Pitman, 1998]. En effet, le cycle rĂ©gression-transgression s’étale sur environ deux zones d’ammonites, la lacune sĂ©dimentaire en elle-mĂȘme recouvrant essentiellement les sous-zones Ă  Elisa et Mirabile. Ce premier Ă©pisode serait suivi, dans la zone Ă  Tenuicostatum, par une importante perturbation du cycle du carbone responsable d’un effet de serre. Le rĂ©chauffement, provoquerait alors la transgression bien connue du Toarcien infĂ©rieur, cachetant le hiatus sĂ©dimentaire dans la province nord-ouest europĂ©enne. L’intervalle de temps correspondant Ă  cette lacune aurait permis Ă  la vĂ©gĂ©tation de coloniser les immenses surfaces nouvellement Ă©mergĂ©es. C’est le lessivage et l’oxydation de la matiĂšre organo-humique et bactĂ©rienne accumulĂ©e pendant cette pĂ©riode, associĂ©e Ă  une Ă©lĂ©vation de la tempĂ©rature, qui aurait enclenchĂ© le mĂ©canisme d’anoxie lors du paroxysme de la transgression

    Experimental investigation of the stability of Fe-rich carbonates in the lower mantle

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    International audienceThe fate of carbonates in the Earth's mantle plays a key role in the geodynamical carbon cycle. Although iron is a major component of the Earth's lower mantle, the stability of Fe-bearing carbonates has rarely been studied. Here we present experimental results on the stability of Fe-rich carbonates at pressures ranging from 40 to 105 GPa and temperatures of 1450-3600 K, corresponding to depths within the Earth's lower mantle of about 1000-2400 km. Samples of iron oxides and iron-magnesium oxides were loaded into CO2 gas and laser heated in a diamond-anvil cell. The nature of crystalline run products was determined in situ by X-ray diffraction, and the recovered samples were studied by analytical transmission electron microscopy and scanning transmission X-ray microscopy. We show that Fe-(II) is systematically involved in redox reactions with CO2 yielding to Fe-(III)-bearing phases and diamonds. We also report a new Fe-(III)-bearing high-pressure phase resulting from the transformation of FeCO3 at pressures exceeding 40 GPa. The presence of both diamonds and an oxidized C-bearing phase suggests that oxidized and reduced forms of carbon might coexist in the deep mantle. Finally, the observed reactions potentially provide a new mechanism for diamond formation at great depth

    Disconnection between genetic and morphological diversity in the planktonic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina pachyderma from the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean

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    Eight SSU rDNA genetic types have been described in the planktonic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, but the level of correlation between genetic diversity and morphological variation remains unknown in this morphospecies. In this study, we combine molecular and morphometric analyses of specimens of N. pachyderma sampled during two consecutive years across a latitudinal gradient in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. We observe that three genetic types of N. pachyderma inhabit the (sub-)polar waters of the southern Indian Ocean where they have equivalent regional distributions to those previously observed in the South Atlantic. The geographic ranges of these genetic types are largely overlapping. Our morphometric data show that contrary to other planktonic foraminiferal morphospecies, there is no relationship between genetic diversity and morphological differentiation in at least two of the austral representatives of N. pachyderma (Type III and Type IV) despite a high morphological variability and large genetic distance between these types. These genetic types of N. pachyderma in the southern Indian Ocean thus constitute true cryptic species of planktonic foraminifera

    Patterns of eukaryotic diversity from the surface to the deep-ocean sediment

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    Remote deep-ocean sediment (DOS) ecosystems are among the least explored biomes on Earth. Genomic assessments of their biodiversity have failed to separate indigenous benthic organisms from sinking plankton. Here, we compare global-scale eukaryotic DNA metabarcoding datasets (18S-V9) from abyssal and lower bathyal surficial sediments and euphotic and aphotic ocean pelagic layers to distinguish plankton from benthic diversity in sediment material. Based on 1685 samples collected throughout the world ocean, we show that DOS diversity is at least threefold that in pelagic realms, with nearly two-thirds represented by abundant yet unknown eukaryotes. These benthic communities are spatially structured by ocean basins and particulate organic carbon (POC) flux from the upper ocean. Plankton DNA reaching the DOS originates from abundant species, with maximal deposition at high latitudes. Its seafloor DNA signature predicts variations in POC export from the surface and reveals previously overlooked taxa that may drive the biological carbon pump
