209 research outputs found

    Serum Oxytocin, Cortisol and Social Behavior in Calves: A Study in the Impossible Task Paradigm

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    In this study, we explored the correlations between circulating levels of oxytocin, cortisol, and different social behaviors toward humans in 26 Italian Red Pied calves (all females, with an average age of 174 ± 24 days) using the impossible task paradigm. This paradigm has proved fruitful in highlighting the effect of socialization on the willingness to interact with humans in several domesticated species. The test consists of the violation of an expectation (recovering food from an experimental apparatus) while a caregiver and a stranger are present. Immediately after the end of the test (less than one minute), blood was collected from the coccygeal vein. Statistics were performed by the Spearman’s rank correlation; significant differences were adjusted according to Bonferroni’s correction. Cortisol correlates positively (ρ = 0.565; p < 0.05) with the latency of behaviors directed at the caregiver, and the duration of behaviors directed at the apparatus correlates negatively with both the caregiver (ρ = −0.654; p < 0.05) and a stranger (ρ = −0.644; p < 0.05). Contrary to what is reported in the literature on cows, no correlations were found between oxytocin levels and direct behaviors toward the caregiver. This highlights a different behavioral strategy between calves and cows when placed in front of an impossible task

    Beliefs about others' intentions determine whether cooperation is the faster choice

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    Is collaboration the fast choice for humans? Past studies proposed that cooperation is a behavioural default, based on Response Times (RT) findings. Here we contend that the individual’s reckoning of the immediate social environment shapes her predisposition to cooperate and, hence, response latencies. In a social dilemma game, we manipulate the beliefs about the partner’s intentions to cooperate and show that they act as a switch that determines cooperation and defection RTs; when the partner’s intention to cooperate is perceived as high, cooperation choices are speeded up, while defection is slowed down. Importantly, this social context effect holds across varying expected payoffs, indicating that it modulates behaviour regardless of choices’ similarity in monetary terms. Moreover, this pattern is moderated by individual variability in social preferences: Among conditional cooperators, high cooperation beliefs speed up cooperation responses and slow down defection. Among free-riders, defection is always faster and more likely than cooperation, while high cooperation beliefs slow down all decisions. These results shed new light on the conflict of choices account of response latencies, as well as on the intuitive cooperation hypothesis, and can help to correctly interpret and reconcile previous, apparently contradictory results, by considering the role of context in social dilemmas

    IL-27 Regulates IL-18 Binding Protein in Skin Resident Cells

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    IL-18 is an important mediator involved in chronic inflammatory conditions such as cutaneous lupus erythematosus, psoriasis and chronic eczema. An imbalance between IL-18 and its endogenous antagonist IL-18 binding protein (BP) may account for increased IL-18 activity. IL-27 is a cytokine with dual function displaying pro- and anti-inflammatory properties. Here we provide evidence for a yet not described anti-inflammatory mode of action on skin resident cells. Human keratinocytes and surprisingly also fibroblasts (which do not produce any IL-18) show a robust, dose-dependent and highly inducible mRNA expression and secretion of IL-18BP upon IL-27 stimulation. Other IL-12 family members failed to induce IL-18BP. The production of IL-18BP peaked between 48–72 h after stimulation and was sustained for up to 96 h. Investigation of the signalling pathway showed that IL-27 activates STAT1 in human keratinocytes and that a proximal GAS site at the IL-18BP promoter is of importance for the functional activity of IL-27. The data are in support of a significant anti-inflammatory effect of IL-27 on skin resident cells. An important novel property of IL-27 in skin pathobiology may be to counter-regulate IL-18 activities by acting on keratinocytes and importantly also on dermal fibroblasts

    Strong, bold, and kind : Self-control and cooperation in social dilemmas

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    Financial support from the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet), from Formas through the program Human Cooperation to Manage Natural Resources (COMMONS), and the Ideenfonds of the University of Munich is gratefully acknowledged.We develop a model that relates self-control to cooperation patterns in social dilemmas, and we test the model in a laboratory public goods experiment. As predicted, we find a robust association between stronger self-control and higher levels of cooperation, and the association is at its strongest when the decision maker’s risk aversion is low and the cooperation levels of others high. We interpret the pattern as evidence for the notion that individuals may experience an impulse to act in self-interest—and that cooperative behavior benefits from self-control. Free-riders differ from other contributor types only in their tendency not to have identified a self-control conflict in the first place.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Obesity-Related Oxidative Stress: the Impact of Physical Activity and Diet Manipulation

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    Obesity-related oxidative stress, the imbalance between pro-oxidants and antioxidants (e.g., nitric oxide), has been linked to metabolic and cardiovascular disease, including endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are essential for physiological functions including gene expression, cellular growth, infection defense, and modulating endothelial function. However, elevated ROS and/or diminished antioxidant capacity leading to oxidative stress can lead to dysfunction. Physical activity also results in an acute state of oxidative stress. However, it is likely that chronic physical activity provides a stimulus for favorable oxidative adaptations and enhanced physiological performance and physical health, although distinct responses between aerobic and anaerobic activities warrant further investigation. Studies support the benefits of dietary modification as well as exercise interventions in alleviating oxidative stress susceptibility. Since obese individuals tend to demonstrate elevated markers of oxidative stress, the implications for this population are significant. Therefore, in this review our aim is to discuss (i) the role of oxidative stress and inflammation as associated with obesity-related diseases, (ii) the potential concerns and benefits of exercise-mediated oxidative stress, and (iii) the advantageous role of dietary modification, including acute or chronic caloric restriction and vitamin D supplementation

    Elevated serum levels of soluble CD154 in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>Cytokines play important roles in mediating inflammation in autoimmunity. Several cytokines are elevated in serum and synovial fluid samples from children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA). Soluble CD154 (sCD154) is elevated in other autoimmune disorders, but has not been characterized in JIA. Our objectives were to determine if sCD154 is elevated in JIA, and to examine correlations between sCD154 and other inflammatory cytokines.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Serum from 77 children with JIA and 81 pediatric controls was analyzed for interleukin (IL)1β, IL2, IL4, IL5, IL6, IL8, IL10, IL12, IL13, sCD154, interferon-γ (IFNγ), soluble IL2 receptor (sIL2R), and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα), using the Luminex Multi-Analyte Profiling system. Differences in levels of cytokines between cases and controls were analyzed. Logistic regression was also performed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>sCD154 was significantly elevated in cases compared to controls (p < 0.0001). IL1β, IL5, IL6, IL8, IL13, IFNγ, sIL2R, and TNFα were also significantly elevated in JIA. Levels of sCD154 were highly correlated with IL1β, IL6, IL8, and TNFα (p < 0.0001). Logistic regression analysis suggested that IL6 (odds ratio (OR): 1.4, p < 0.0001), sCD154 (OR: 1.1, p < 0.0001), and TNFα (OR: 1.1, p < 0.005) were positively associated with JIA, while IL10 (OR: 0.5, p < 0.002) was protective. sCD154 was elevated in all JIA subtypes, with highest levels among more severe subtypes. IL1β, IL6, IL8, sIL2R and TNFα were also elevated in several JIA subtypes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Serum levels of sCD154, IL1β, IL6, IL8, sIL2R and TNFα are elevated in most JIA subtypes, suggesting a major role for sCD154, and these cytokines and cytokine receptors in the pathogenesis of JIA.</p

    Neurotrophic Effect of Citrus 5-Hydroxy-3,6,7,8,3′,4′-Hexamethoxyflavone: Promotion of Neurite Outgrowth via cAMP/PKA/CREB Pathway in PC12 Cells

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    5-Hydroxy-3,6,7,8,3′,4′-hexamethoxyflavone (5-OH-HxMF), a hydroxylated polymethoxyflavone, is found exclusively in the Citrus genus, particularly in the peels of sweet orange. In this research, we report the first investigation of the neurotrophic effects and mechanism of 5-OH-HxMF in PC12 pheochromocytoma cells. We found that 5-OH-HxMF can effectively induce PC12 neurite outgrowth accompanied with the expression of neuronal differentiation marker protein growth-associated protein-43(GAP-43). 5-OH-HxMF caused the enhancement of cyclic AMP response element binding protein (CREB) phosphorylation, c-fos gene expression and CRE-mediated transcription, which was inhibited by 2-naphthol AS-E phosphate (KG-501), a specific antagonist for the CREB-CBP complex formation. Moreover, 5-OH-HxMF-induced both CRE transcription activity and neurite outgrowth were inhibited by adenylate cyclase and protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor, but not MEK1/2, protein kinase C (PKC), phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) or calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CaMK) inhibitor. Consistently, 5-OH-HxMF treatment increased the intracellular cAMP level and downstream component, PKA activity. We also found that addition of K252a, a TrKA antagonist, significantly inhibited NGF- but not 5-OH-HxMF-induced neurite outgrowth. These results reveal for the first time that 5-OH-HxMF is an effective neurotrophic agent and its effect is mainly through a cAMP/PKA-dependent, but TrKA-independent, signaling pathway coupling with CRE-mediated gene transcription. A PKC-dependent and CREB-independent pathway was also involved in its neurotrophic action

    Profile of paediatric rheumatology specialists and services in the state of São Paulo

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    INTRODUCTION: Paediatric rheumatology (PR) is an emerging specialty, practised by a limited number of specialists. Currently, there is neither a record of the profile of rheumatology patients being treated in Brazil nor data on the training of qualified rheumatology professionals in the country. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the profile of PR specialists and services, as well as the characteristics of paediatric patients with rheumatic diseases, for estimating the current state of rheumatology in the state of São Paulo. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In 2010, the scientific department of PR of the Paediatric Society of São Paulo administered a questionnaire that was answered by 24/31 accredited specialists in PR practising in state of São Paulo and by 8/21 institutions that provide PR care. RESULTS: Most (91%) of the surveyed professionals practise in public institutions. Private clinics (28.6%) and public institutions (37.5%) reported not having access to nailfold capillaroscopy, and 50% of the private clinics reported not having access to acupuncture. The average duration of professional practise in PR was 9.4 years, and 67% of the physicians had attended postgraduate programmes. Seven (87.5%) public institutions perform teaching activities, in which new paediatric rheumatologists are trained, and five (62.5%) offer postgraduate programmes. Two-thirds of the surveyed specialists use immunosuppressants and biological agents classified as restricted use by the Health Secretariat. The disease most frequently reported was juvenile idiopathic arthritis (29.1-34.5%), followed by juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (JSLE) (11.6-12.3%) and rheumatic fever (9.1-15.9%). The incidence of vasculitis (including Henoch-Schönlein purpura, Wegener's granulomatosis, and Takayasu's arteritis) and autoinflammatory syndromes was higher in public institutions compared to other institutions (P = 0.03, P = 0.04, P = 0.002, and P < 0.0001, respectively). Patients with JSLE had the highest mortality rate (68% of deaths), mainly due to infection. CONCLUSION: The field of PR in the state of São Paulo has a significant number of specialists with postgraduate degrees who mostly practise at teaching institutions with infrastructures appropriate for the care of high-complexity patients.INTRODUÇÃO: A reumatologia pediátrica (RP) é uma especialidade emergente, com número restrito de especialistas, e ainda não conta com uma casuística brasileira sobre o perfil dos pacientes atendidos e as informações sobre a formação de profissionais capacitados. OBJETIVO: Estudar o perfil dos especialistas e dos serviços em RP e as características dos pacientes com doenças reumáticas nessa faixa etária a fim de estimar a situação atual no estado de São Paulo (ESP). PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: No ano de 2010 o departamento científico de RP da Sociedade de Pediatria de São Paulo encaminhou um questionário respondido por 24/31 especialistas com título de especialização em RP que atuam no ESP e por 8/12 instituições com atendimento nesta especialidade. RESULTADOS: A maioria (91%) dos profissionais exerce suas atividades em instituições públicas. Clínicas privadas (28,6%) e instituições (37,5%) relataram não ter acesso ao exame de capilaroscopia e 50% das clínicas privadas não tem acesso à acupuntura. A média de tempo de prática profissional na especialidade foi de 9,4 anos, sendo 67% deles pós-graduados. Sete (87,5%) instituições públicas atuam na área de ensino, formando novos reumatologistas pediátricos. Cinco (62,5%) delas têm pós-graduação. Dois terços dos especialistas utilizam imunossupressores e agentes biológicos de uso restrito pela Secretaria da Saúde. A doença mais atendida foi artrite idiopática juvenil (29,1%-34,5%), seguida de lúpus eritematoso sistêmico juvenil (LESJ) (11,6%-12,3%) e febre reumática (9,1%-15,9%). Vasculites (púrpura de Henoch Schönlein, Wegener, Takayasu) e síndromes autoinflamatórias foram mais incidentes nas instituições públicas (P = 0,03; P = 0,04; P = 0,002 e P < 0,0001, respectivamente). O LESJ foi a doença com maior mortalidade (68% dos óbitos), principalmente por infecção. CONCLUSÃO: A RP no ESP conta com um número expressivo de especialistas pós-graduados, que atuam especialmente em instituições de ensino, com infraestrutura adequada ao atendimento de pacientes de alta complexidade.34635