125 research outputs found

    Measuring the properties of extragalactic dust and implications for the Hubble diagram

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    Scattering and absorption of light by a homogeneous distribution of intergalactic large dust grains has been proposed as an alternative, non-cosmological explanation for the faintness of Type Ia supernovae at z\s im 0.5. We investigate the differential extinction for high-redshift sources caused by extragalactic dust along the line of sight. Future observations of Type Ia supernovae up to z∌2z\sim 2, e.g. by the proposed SNAP satellite, will allow the measurement of the properties of dust over cosmological distances. We show that 1% {\em relative} spectrophotometric accuracy (or broadband photometry) in the wavelength interval 0.7--1.5 ÎŒ\mum is required to measure the extinction caused by ``grey'' dust down to ÎŽm=0.02\delta m=0.02 magnitudes. We also argue that the presence of grey dust is not necessarily inconsistent with the recent measurement of the brightness of a supernova at z=1.7z=1.7 (SN 1997ff), in the absence of accurate spectrophotometric information of the supernova.Comment: Accepted by A&

    Limiting the dimming of distant type Ia supernovae

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    Distant supernovae have been observed to be fainter than what is expected in a matter dominated universe. The most likely explanation is that the universe is dominated by an energy component with negative pressure -- dark energy. However, there are several astrophysical processes that could, in principle, affect the measurements and in order to be able to take advantage of the growing supernova statistics, the control of systematic effects is crucial. We discuss two of these; extinction due to intergalactic grey dust and dimming due to photon-axion oscillations and show how their effect on supernova observations can be constrained using observed quasar colours and spectra. For a wide range of intergalactic dust models, we are able to rule out any dimming larger than 0.2 magnitudes for a type Ia supernova at z=1. The corresponding limit for intergalactic Milky Way type dust is 0.03 mag. For the more speculative model of photons mixing with axions, we find that the effect is independent of photon energy for certain combinations of parameter values and a dimming as large as 0.6 magnitudes cannot be ruled out. These effects can have profound implications for the possibility of constraining dark energy properties using supernova observations.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures Matches version accepted in JCAP. Some corrections due to minor bug in simulations, major conclusions unchange

    Tentative detection of the gravitational magnification of type Ia supernovae

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    The flux from distant type Ia supernovae (SN) is likely to be amplified or de-amplified by gravitational lensing due to matter distributions along the line-of-sight. A gravitationally lensed SN would appear brighter or fainter than the average SN at a particular redshift. We estimate the magnification of 26 SNe in the GOODS fields and search for a correlation with the residual magnitudes of the SNe. The residual magnitude, i.e. the difference between observed and average magnitude predicted by the "concordance model" of the Universe, indicates the deviation in flux from the average SN. The linear correlation coefficient for this sample is r=0.29. For a similar, but uncorrelated sample, the probability of obtaining a correlation coefficient equal to or higher than this value is ~10%, i.e. a tentative detection of lensing at ~90% confidence level. Although the evidence for a correlation is weak, our result is in accordance with what could be expected given the small size of the sample.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    SNOC: a Monte-Carlo simulation package for high-z supernova observations

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    We present a Monte-Carlo package for simulation of high-redshift supernova data, SNOC. Optical and near-infrared photons from supernovae are ray-traced over cosmological distances from the simulated host galaxy to the observer at Earth. The distances to the sources are calculated from user provided cosmological parameters in a Friedmann-Lemaitre universe, allowing for arbitrary forms of ``dark energy''. The code takes into account gravitational interactions (lensing) and extinction by dust, both in the host galaxy and in the line-of-sight. The user can also choose to include exotic effects like a hypothetical attenuation due to photon-axion oscillations. SNOC is primarily useful for estimations of cosmological parameter uncertainties from studies of apparent brightness of Type Ia supernovae vs redshift, with special emphasis on potential systematic effects. It can also be used to compute standard cosmological quantities like luminosity distance, lookback time and age of the universe in any Friedmann-Lemaitre model with or without quintessence.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Cosmic distance-duality as probe of exotic physics and acceleration

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    In cosmology, distances based on standard candles (e.g. supernovae) and standard rulers (e.g. baryon oscillations) agree as long as three conditions are met: (1) photon number is conserved, (2) gravity is described by a metric theory with (3) photons travelling on unique null geodesics. This is the content of distance-duality (the reciprocity relation) which can be violated by exotic physics. Here we analyse the implications of the latest cosmological data sets for distance-duality. While broadly in agreement and confirming acceleration we find a 2-sigma violation caused by excess brightening of SN-Ia at z > 0.5, perhaps due to lensing magnification bias. This brightening has been interpreted as evidence for a late-time transition in the dark energy but because it is not seen in the d_A data we argue against such an interpretation. Our results do, however, rule out significant SN-Ia evolution and extinction: the "replenishing" grey-dust model with no cosmic acceleration is excluded at more than 4-sigma despite this being the best-fit to SN-Ia data alone, thereby illustrating the power of distance-duality even with current data sets.Comment: 6 pages, 4 colour figures. Version accepted as a Rapid Communication in PR

    Near-IR search for lensed supernovae behind galaxy clusters: III. Implications for cluster modeling and cosmology

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    Massive galaxy clusters at intermediate redshifts act as gravitational lenses that can magnify supernovae (SNe) occurring in background galaxies. We assess the possibility to use lensed SNe to put constraints on the mass models of galaxy clusters and the Hubble parameter at high redshift. Due to the standard candle nature of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), observational information on the lensing magnification from an intervening galaxy cluster can be used to constrain the model for the cluster mass distribution. A statistical analysis using parametric cluster models was performed to investigate the possible improvements from lensed SNe Ia for the accurately modeled galaxy cluster A1689 and the less well constrained cluster A2204. Time delay measurements obtained from SNe lensed by accurately modeled galaxy clusters can be used to measure the Hubble parameter. For a survey of A1689 we estimate the expected rate of detectable SNe Ia and of multiply imaged SNe. The velocity dispersion and core radius of the main cluster potential show strong correlations with the predicted magnifications and can therefore be constrained by observations of SNe Ia in background galaxies. This technique proves especially powerful for galaxy clusters with only few known multiple image systems. The main uncertainty for measurements of the Hubble parameter from the time delay of strongly lensed SNe is due to cluster model uncertainties. For the extremely well modeled cluster A1689, a single time delay measurement could be used to determine the Hubble parameter with a precision of ~ 10%. We conclude that observations of SNe Ia behind galaxy clusters can be used to improve the mass modeling of the large scale component of galaxy clusters and thus the distribution of dark matter. Time delays from SNe strongly lensed by accurately modeled galaxy clusters can be used to measure the Hubble constant at high redshifts.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    Constraining dark matter halo properties using lensed SNLS supernovae

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    This paper exploits the gravitational magnification of SNe Ia to measure properties of dark matter haloes. The magnification of individual SNe Ia can be computed using observed properties of foreground galaxies and dark matter halo models. We model the dark matter haloes of the galaxies as truncated singular isothermal spheres with velocity dispersion and truncation radius obeying luminosity dependent scaling laws. A homogeneously selected sample of 175 SNe Ia from the first 3-years of the Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS) in the redshift range 0.2 < z < 1 is used to constrain models of the dark matter haloes associated with foreground galaxies. The best-fitting velocity dispersion scaling law agrees well with galaxy-galaxy lensing measurements. We further find that the normalisation of the velocity dispersion of passive and star forming galaxies are consistent with empirical Faber-Jackson and Tully-Fisher relations, respectively. If we make no assumption on the normalisation of these relations, we find that the data prefer gravitational lensing at the 92 per cent confidence level. Using recent models of dust extinction we deduce that the impact of this effect on our results is very small. We also investigate the brightness scatter of SNe Ia due to gravitational lensing. The gravitational lensing scatter is approximately proportional to the SN Ia redshift. We find the constant of proportionality to be B = 0.055 +0.039 -0.041 mag (B < 0.12 mag at the 95 per cent confidence level). If this model is correct, the contribution from lensing to the intrinsic brightness scatter of SNe Ia is small for the SNLS sample.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    An investigation of gravitational lens determinations of H_o in quintessence cosmologies

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    There is growing evidence that the majority of the energy density of the universe is not baryonic or dark matter, rather it resides in an exotic component with negative pressure. The nature of this `quintessence' influences our view of the universe, modifying angular diameter and luminosity distances. Here, we examine the influence of a quintessence component upon gravitational lens time delays. As well as a static quintessence component, an evolving equation of state is also considered. It is found that the equation of state of the quintessence component and its evolution influence the value of the Hubble's constant derived from gravitational lenses. However, the differences between evolving and non-evolving cosmologies are relatively small. We undertake a suite of Monte Carlo simulations to examine the potential constraints that can be placed on the universal equation of state from the monitoring of gravitational lens system, and demonstrate that at least an order of magnitude more lenses than currently known will have to be discovered and analysed to accurately probe any quintessence component.Comment: 8pages, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Near-IR Search for Lensed Supernovae Behind Galaxy Clusters - II. First Detection and Future Prospects

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    Powerful gravitational telescopes in the form of massive galaxy clusters can be used to enhance the light collecting power over a limited field of view by about an order of magnitude in flux. This effect is exploited here to increase the depth of a survey for lensed supernovae at near-IR wavelengths. A pilot SN search program conducted with the ISAAC camera at VLT is presented. Lensed galaxies behind the massive clusters A1689, A1835 and AC114 were observed for a total of 20 hours split into 2, 3 and 4 epochs respectively, separated by approximately one month to a limiting magnitude J<24 (Vega). Image subtractions including another 20 hours worth of archival ISAAC/VLT data were used to search for transients with lightcurve properties consistent with redshifted supernovae, both in the new and reference data. The feasibility of finding lensed supernovae in our survey was investigated using synthetic lightcurves of supernovae and several models of the volumetric Type Ia and core-collapse supernova rates as a function of redshift. We also estimate the number of supernova discoveries expected from the inferred star formation rate in the observed galaxies. The methods consistently predict a Poisson mean value for the expected number of SNe in the survey between N_SN=0.8 and 1.6 for all supernova types, evenly distributed between core collapse and Type Ia SN. One transient object was found behind A1689, 0.5" from a galaxy with photometric redshift z_gal=0.6 +- 0.15. The lightcurve and colors of the transient are consistent with being a reddened Type IIP SN at z_SN=0.59. The lensing model predicts 1.4 magnitudes of magnification at the location of the transient, without which this object would not have been detected in the near-IR ground based search described in this paper (unlensed magnitude J~25). (abridged)Comment: Accepted by AA, matches journal versio
