666 research outputs found

    An initial intercomparison of atmospheric and oceanic climatology for the ICE-5G and ICE-4G models of LGM paleotopography

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    This paper investigates the impact of the new ICE-5G paleotopography dataset for Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) conditions on a coupled model simulation of the thermal and dynamical state of the glacial atmosphere and on both land surface and sea surface conditions. The study is based upon coupled climate simulations performed with the ocean–atmosphere–sea ice model of intermediate-complexity Climate de Bilt-coupled large-scale ice–ocean (ECBilt-Clio) model. Four simulations focusing on the Last Glacial Maximum [21 000 calendar years before present (BP)] have been analyzed: a first simulation (LGM-4G) that employed the original ICE-4G ice sheet topography and albedo, and a second simulation (LGM-5G) that employed the newly constructed ice sheet topography, denoted ICE-5G, and its respective albedo. Intercomparison of the results obtained in these experiments demonstrates that the LGM-5G simulation delivers significantly enhanced cooling over Canada compared to the LGM-4G simulation whereas positive temperature anomalies are simulated over southern North America and the northern Atlantic. Moreover, introduction of the ICE-5G topography is shown to lead to a deceleration of the subtropical westerlies and to the development of an intensified ridge over North America, which has a profound effect upon the hydrological cycle. Additionally, two flat ice sheet experiments were carried out to investigate the impact of the ice sheet albedo on global climate. By comparing these experiments with the full LGM simulations, it becomes evident that the climate anomalies between LGM-5G and LGM-4G are mainly driven by changes of the earth’s topography

    Synthesis of new pseudo‐C‐nucleosides containing pyrazole rings in their structure

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    Synthetic approaches to new 4-(furanos-4-C-yl)-1H-pyrazole and 3-(furanos-4-C-yl)-1H-pyrazole derivatives are described, including its pyrazole-5-carboxylate derivative, which is a pyrazofurin analogue. Preparation of related 5-acetoxy-1-acetyl-1H-pyrazole, 5-acetoxy-1H-pyrazole-1-carboxylate, and 4,5-dihydro-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-5-one derivatives is also reported. The formation of the pyrazole rings was accomplished either by reaction of enones and of 1,3-diketones with N-nucleophiles or by ring closure of a diazoketone.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Apontamentos para a história da instrução primária no concelho de Guimarães.

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    28 (3-4) Jul.-Dez. 1911, p. 97-105

    Relacionamento entre filhos adolescentes e seus pais e mães em um contexto de violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher

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    Este trabalho buscou investigar, com base na perspectiva dos filhos, como se estabelece o relacionamento entre filhos adolescentes e seus pais e mães em famílias que vivenciam/vivenciaram a situação de violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher. Para tanto, procedeu-se à entrevistas com 11 adolescentes de 12 a 16 anos, de ambos os sexos, membros de famílias em que tenha ocorrido a identificação de violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher, perpetrada pelo pai contra a mãe do adolescente. Houve a mediação institucional da Coordenação de Atendimento a Vítimas de Violência Doméstica e Discriminação (CAVVID), localizada em Vitória-ES, e da Secretaria de Políticas Públicas para a Mulher (SEPPOM), localizada na Serra-ES para identificação dos participantes. As entrevistas ocorreram com base em um roteiro semiestruturado que teve por inspiração a Escala de Qualidade da Interação Familiar (EQIF). As questões abordaram a avaliação dos filhos acerca do ambiente familiar, especificamente do relacionamento do adolescente com a mãe e com o pai, sobre o modo como os adolescentes avaliavam a relação entre a mãe e o pai e como essa relação afetava a parentalidade. Recorreu-se à gravação e transcrição integral das entrevistas e depois à categorização e análise dos dados com base no método de análise de conteúdo. A discussão dos resultados ocorreu à luz da Teoria Bioecológica do Desenvolvimento Humano e da literatura sobre o tema. Os dados indicaram que os adolescentes percebiam as situações de conflito entre o pai e a mãe dentro do microssistema familiar, as quais os afetavam. Especificamente sobre o relacionamento com o pai, os adolescentes ressaltaram sentimentos negativos, queixaram-se da falta de disponibilidade do pai para estar com os filhos, dos seus comportamentos agressivos, não só com relação à mãe, mas com relação aos outros membros da família e do consumo de bebidas alcoólicas feito por ele. No que se refere aos aspectos positivos, os adolescentes relataram o suporte material, momentos de cuidado e de expressão de afeto. Por outro lado, quase todos os adolescentes descreveram a relação com a mãe como positiva. Ocorreu menção dos momentos de cuidado, monitoramento, expressão de afeto, realização de atividades conjuntas e sentimento de apoio na relação. Os aspectos negativos descritos referiram-se à ocorrência de desentendimentos por motivos relacionados a limites impostos pela mãe, opiniões divergentes, além de situações que envolviam a relação com o pai. Considerando que, em sua maioria, os adolescentes avaliaram o relacionamento com a mãe positivamente, a análise realizada apontou que os processos proximais com a mãe podem contribuir para atenuar os efeitos dos aspectos negativos da convivência na família, descritos pelos adolescentes. Os dados obtidos reforçam a importância da ampliação de estudos sobre o impacto da violência conjugal na parentalidade do ponto de vista de todos os membros da família, bem como a ampliação da rede de apoio também aos filhos que vivenciam os conflitos envolvendo as figuras parentais, auxiliando as famílias na interrupção do ciclo da violência

    Sensitivity of the sorghum yield to individual changes in climate parameters: modelling based approach.

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    Based on sensitivity analyses the effect of changing in climate on sorghum has been investigated. This has been achieved by conducting crop modeling experiments carried out with weather observations and output of global climate models. As can be anticipated results demonstrated that the sorghum yield is more sensitive to rainfall, solar radiation and CO2 concentration. However, the increase in CO2 concentration has a positive effect on yield in years that the crop is submitted to water stress. This effect is extremely reduced under well watered conditions and therefore is subject to the climate inter-annual variability. Accumulated solar radiation along the sorghum cycle below 1900 MJ m?2 has also been shown to reduce the yield. Compared to other weather variables the sorghum yield is less sensitive to changes in relative humidity. In this sense, changes in stomatal closure and therefore photosyntesis is not highly dependent on water vapor pressure. These finds can be applied for both climate observations and global models output

    Antibodies against HDL Components in Ischaemic Stroke and Coronary Artery Disease

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    Quantitative and qualitative defects of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) are important in atherogenesis. In this study, we investigated whether antibodies against HDL components had additional value to conventional cardiovascular risk factors for the diagnosis of ischaemic stroke (IS) and coronary artery disease (CAD). Cross-sectional study was conducted on 53 patients with IS, 51 with CAD and 55 healthy controls, and in vitro studies to validate findings of the clinical study. We determined serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies against HDL (aHDL), apolipoproteins (aApoA-I, aApoA-II and aApoC-I) and paraoxonase-1 (aPON1) as well as PON1 activity (PON1a), total antioxidant capacity and biomarkers of endothelial activation (serum nitric oxide metabolites, 3-nitrotyrosine, VCAM-1 and ICAM-1); in vitro assays tested the capacity of IgG aHDL purified from high titer patients to inhibit PON1a and to reverse protective effect of HDL on endothelial cells. IgG aHDL, aApoA-I and aPON1 were higher in IS and CAD than controls (p < 0.001), predicted negatively PON1a and positively VCAM-1 and ICAM-1. By adding IgG aHDL and aApoA-I to a traditional cardiovascular risk factors model for IS and by adding IgG aHDL in a similar model for CAD, we obtained better discrimination of IS and CAD from healthy controls. IgG aHDL purified from IS and CAD inhibited PON1a by 38% (p < 0.01) and abrogated the protective effect of HDL on VCAM-1 expression by 126% compared with non-specific human IgG (p < 0.001). IgG against HDL components interfere with the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of HDL and may represent novel biomarkers for vascular disease that need to be investigated in prospective studies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Characterization of a settled dust event in an urban area affected by industrial activities

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    Trabalho apresentado em 7th Iberian Meeting Aerosol Science and Technology – RICTA19, 2019, Lisbon, PortugalN/

    Efecto de la temperatura sobre la transferencia de agua durante la deshidratación osmótica de papa (Solanum tuberosum L.)

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    El principal objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la cinética de deshidratación osmótica de papa (Solanum Tuberosum L.). Se comparó el ajuste de los datos experimentales con el modelo cinético fenomenológico y con el modelo de Azuara. Para ello, en cubos de 1 cm de arista se evaluó el efecto de la temperatura (30 ºC, 40 ºC y 50 ºC) sobre los coeficiente de difusión efectiva del agua y sólidos. Se determinó la pérdida de peso de agua y la ganancia de sólidos. Las mayores pérdidas de agua se obtuvieron a la temperatura de 50 ºC. Se calcularon los parámetros cinéticos ajustándose adecuadamente a los modelos matemá- ticos respectivos para la pérdida de agua y la ganancia de sólidos. Asimismo, se determinó la energía de activación mediante la ecuación de Arrhenius siendo superior la energía de activación para la difusión en la ganancia de sólidos.The main purpose for this work is to study the osmotic dehydration kinetics of potatoes (Solanum Tuberosum L.). Thus, a comparison of fitness for the experimental data related to the phenomenological kinetic model and Azuara’s model was made. When applying to 1 cm size potatoes cubes, effect of temperature (30 ºC, 40 ºC and 50ºC) on effective diffusivity coefficients for both water and solids was measured. Water weight loss and solids increase was determined. The highest water loss occurred at 50 º C. The different models kinetics parameters were calculated and a good fitness to mathematical respective relationships was obtained, both for water loss and solids increments. Furthermore, activation energy when applying Arrhenius equation was calculated, being higher for the diffusivity of solids gain.Fil: Silva Paz, Reynaldo Justino. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Buenos Aires; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Entre Rios; ArgentinaFil: Della Rocca, Patricia A.. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Tisocco, Osvaldo D.. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ciencias de la Alimentación; ArgentinaFil: Mascheroni, Rodolfo Horacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico la Plata. Centro de Investigaciones en Criotecnología de Alimentos (i); Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentin

    Nitrogen Used Strategies Of Nodulated Amazonian Legume: Inga Edulis

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Symbiotic nitrogen fixation in legumes is strongly diminished by mineral nitrogen. Nevertheless, recent work with some tropical legumes revealed low sensitivity to mineral nitrogen or even enhancement of nodulation by ammonium. Thus, in this study, we investigated plant growth and nodulation of Inga edulis over a period of 128 days using different sources of nitrogen, i.e. ammonium (15 mM), nitrate (15 mM) and symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Plant growth was evaluated through dry mass, height, stem diameter and root/shoot ratio as well as nodulation by nodule number and dry mass. Nitrate, ureides and total amino acids were determined in roots, shoots and xylem sap. All three nitrogen sources were found to stimulate growth relative to the noninoculated N-free control, however ammonium was the most effective. Nodulation, both nodule number and mass, was strongly reduced by nitrate but not ammonium. The transport of total amino acids in the xylem sap was stimulated by ammonium without change in the composition with asparagine predominating in all treatments. Inga edulis can benefit from fertilisation with ammonium since even at high concentrations growth was improved without impairing nodulation, a condition appropriate for restoration of soil conditions.29119National Institute of Amazonian Research (MCTI-INPA)National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq, Brazil)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq