99 research outputs found

    Change of tRNA identity leads to a divergent orthogonal histidyl-tRNA synthetase/tRNAHis pair

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    Mature tRNAHis has at its 5′-terminus an extra guanylate, designated as G−1. This is the major recognition element for histidyl-tRNA synthetase (HisRS) to permit acylation of tRNAHis with histidine. However, it was reported that tRNAHis of a subgroup of α-proteobacteria, including Caulobacter crescentus, lacks the critical G−1 residue. Here we show that recombinant C. crescentus HisRS allowed complete histidylation of a C. crescentus tRNAHis transcript (lacking G−1). The addition of G−1 did not improve aminoacylation by C. crescentus HisRS. However, mutations in the tRNAHis anticodon caused a drastic loss of in vitro histidylation, and mutations of bases A73 and U72 also reduced charging. Thus, the major recognition elements in C. crescentus tRNAHis are the anticodon, the discriminator base and U72, which are recognized by the divergent (based on sequence similarity) C. crescentus HisRS. Transplantation of these recognition elements into an Escherichia coli tRNAHis template, together with addition of base U20a, created a competent substrate for C. crescentus HisRS. These results illustrate how a conserved tRNA recognition pattern changed during evolution. The data also uncovered a divergent orthogonal HisRS/tRNAHis pair

    Sensitive Spectroscopic Detection of Large and Denatured Protein Aggregates in Solution by Use of the Fluorescent Dye Nile Red

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    The fluorescent dye Nile red was used as a probe for the sensitive detection of large, denatured aggregates of the model protein β-galactosidase (E. coli) in solution. Aggregates were formed by irreversible heat denaturation of β-galactosidase below and above the protein’s unfolding temperature of 57.4°C, and the presence of aggregates in heated solutions was confirmed by static light scattering. Interaction of Nile red with β-galactosidase aggregates led to a shift of the emission maximum (λmax) from 660 to 611 nm, and to an increase of fluorescence intensity. Time-resolved fluorescence and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) measurements showed that Nile red detected large aggregates with hydrodynamic radii around 130 nm. By steady-state fluorescence measurements, it was possible to detect 1 nM of denatured and aggregated β-galactosidase in solution. The comparison with size exclusion chromatography (SEC) showed that native β-galactosidase and small aggregates thereof had no substantial effect on the fluorescence of Nile red. Large aggregates were not detected by SEC, because they were excluded from the column. The results with β-galactosidase demonstrate the potential of Nile red for developing complementary analytical methods that overcome the size limitations of SEC, and can detect the formation of large protein aggregates at early stages

    Gut microbiota in experimental murine model of Graves’ orbitopathy established in different environments may modulate clinical presentation of disease

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    Background Variation in induced models of autoimmunity has been attributed to the housing environment and its effect on the gut microbiota. In Graves’ disease (GD), autoantibodies to the thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) cause autoimmune hyperthyroidism. Many GD patients develop Graves’ orbitopathy or ophthalmopathy (GO) characterized by orbital tissue remodeling including adipogenesis. Murine models of GD/GO would help delineate pathogenetic mechanisms, and although several have been reported, most lack reproducibility. A model comprising immunization of female BALBc mice with a TSHR expression plasmid using in vivo electroporation was reproduced in two independent laboratories. Similar orbital disease was induced in both centers, but differences were apparent (e.g., hyperthyroidism in Center 1 but not Center 2). We hypothesized a role for the gut microbiota influencing the outcome and reproducibility of induced GO. Results We combined metataxonomics (16S rRNA gene sequencing) and traditional microbial culture of the intestinal contents from the GO murine model, to analyze the gut microbiota in the two centers. We observed significant differences in alpha and beta diversity and in the taxonomic profiles, e.g., operational taxonomic units (OTUs) from the genus Lactobacillus were more abundant in Center 2, and Bacteroides and Bifidobacterium counts were more abundant in Center 1 where we also observed a negative correlation between the OTUs of the genus Intestinimonas and TSHR autoantibodies. Traditional microbiology largely confirmed the metataxonomics data and indicated significantly higher yeast counts in Center 1 TSHR-immunized mice. We also compared the gut microbiota between immunization groups within Center 2, comprising the TSHR- or βgal control-immunized mice and naïve untreated mice. We observed a shift of the TSHR-immunized mice bacterial communities described by the beta diversity weighted Unifrac. Furthermore, we observed a significant positive correlation between the presence of Firmicutes and orbital-adipogenesis specifically in TSHR-immunized mice. Conclusions The significant differences observed in microbiota composition from BALBc mice undergoing the same immunization protocol in comparable specific-pathogen-free (SPF) units in different centers support a role for the gut microbiota in modulating the induced response. The gut microbiota might also contribute to the heterogeneity of induced response since we report potential disease-associated microbial taxonomies and correlation with ocular disease

    Tetraethylammonium 7,12-dicyano-1-carba-closo-dodecaborate

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    In the title compound, C8H20N+·C3H10B11N2−, the carborane anion cage displays nearly-perfect Cs symmetry, with the two CN groups lying on a noncrystallographic mirror plane that bisects the cage. In the crystal, the anions form extended chains along the a-axis direction, with C—H...N hydrogen bonds linking consecutive anions. The C[triple-bond]N bond lengths (and B—C[triple-bond]N angles) in the nitrile moities are 1.1201 (19) Å, 178.60 (15)° and 1.1433 (17) Å, 179.45 (15)°, similar to those observed in organic nitriles. A hydrogen bond between a methylene H atom of the cation and the N atom in one of the nitrile groups of the anion is the closest contact between the anion and cation, at 2.52 Å