414 research outputs found

    An unstable superfluid Stewartson layer in a differentially rotating neutron star

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    Experimental and numerical evidence is reviewed for the existence of a Stewartson layer in spherical Couette flow at small Ekman and Rossby numbers (\Ek \lsim 10^{-3}, \Ro \lsim 10^{-2}), the relevant hydrodynamic regime in the superfluid outer core of a neutron star. Numerical simulations of a superfluid Stewartson layer are presented for the first time, showing how the layer is disrupted by nonaxisymmetric instabilities. The unstable ranges of \Ek and \Ro are compared with estimates of these quantities in radio pulsars that exhibit glitches. It is found that glitching pulsars lie on the stable side of the instability boundary, allowing differential rotation to build up before a glitch.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Quasi-linear approximation of the HMRI

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    On the necessary conditions for bursts of convection within the rapidly rotating cylindrical annulus

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    Zonal flows are often found in rotating convective systems. Not only are these jet-flows driven by the convection, they can also have a profound effect on the nature of the convection. In this work the cylindrical annulus geometry is exploited in order to perform nonlinear simulations seeking to produce strong zonal flows and multiple jets. The parameter regime is extended to Prandtl numbers that are not unity. Multiple jets are found to be spaced according to a Rhines scaling based on the zonal flow speed, not the convective velocity speed. Under certain conditions the nonlinear convection appears in quasi-periodic bursts. A mean field stability analysis is performed around a basic state containing both the zonal flow and the mean temperature gradient found from the nonlinear simulations. The convective growth rates are found to fluctuate with both of these mean quantities suggesting that both are necessary in order for the bursting phenomenon to occur

    Nonaxisymmetric MHD instabilities of Chandrasekhar states in Taylor-Couette geometry

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    We consider axially periodic Taylor-Couette geometry with insulating boundary conditions. The imposed basic states are so-called Chandrasekhar states, where the azimuthal flow UÏ•U_\phi and magnetic field BÏ•B_\phi have the same radial profiles. Mainly three particular profiles are considered: the Rayleigh limit, quasi-Keplerian, and solid-body rotation. In each case we begin by computing linear instability curves and their dependence on the magnetic Prandtl number Pm. For the azimuthal wavenumber m=1 modes, the instability curves always scale with the Reynolds number and the Hartmann number. For sufficiently small Pm these modes therefore only become unstable for magnetic Mach numbers less than unity, and are thus not relevant for most astrophysical applications. However, modes with m>10 can behave very differently. For sufficiently flat profiles, they scale with the magnetic Reynolds number and the Lundquist number, thereby allowing instability also for the large magnetic Mach numbers of astrophysical objects. We further compute fully nonlinear, three-dimensional equilibration of these instabilities, and investigate how the energy is distributed among the azimuthal (m) and axial (k) wavenumbers. In comparison spectra become steeper for large m, reflecting the smoothing action of shear. On the other hand kinetic and magnetic energy spectra exhibit similar behavior: if several azimuthal modes are already linearly unstable they are relatively flat, but for the rigidly rotating case where m=1 is the only unstable mode they are so steep that neither Kolmogorov nor Iroshnikov-Kraichnan spectra fit the results. The total magnetic energy exceeds the kinetic energy only for large magnetic Reynolds numbers Rm>100.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Ap

    Magnetized Ekman Layer and Stewartson Layer in a Magnetized Taylor-Couette Flow

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    In this paper we present axisymmetric nonlinear simulations of magnetized Ekman and Stewartson layers in a magnetized Taylor-Couette flow with a centrifugally stable angular-momemtum profile and with a magnetic Reynolds number below the threshold of magnetorotational instability. The magnetic field is found to inhibit the Ekman suction. The width of the Ekman layer is reduced with increased magnetic field normal to the end plate. A uniformly-rotating region forms near the outer cylinder. A strong magnetic field leads to a steady Stewartson layer emanating from the junction between differentially rotating rings at the endcaps. The Stewartson layer becomes thinner with larger Reynolds number and penetrates deeper into the bulk flow with stronger magnetic field and larger Reynolds number. However, at Reynolds number larger than a critical value ∼600\sim 600, axisymmetric, and perhaps also nonaxisymmetric, instabilities occur and result in a less prominent Stewartson layer that extends less far from the boundary.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures, accepted by PRE, revision according to referee

    Hall drift of axisymmetric magnetic fields in solid neutron-star matter

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    Hall drift, i. e., transport of magnetic flux by the moving electrons giving rise to the electrical current, may be the dominant effect causing the evolution of the magnetic field in the solid crust of neutron stars. It is a nonlinear process that, despite a number of efforts, is still not fully understood. We use the Hall induction equation in axial symmetry to obtain some general properties of nonevolving fields, as well as analyzing the evolution of purely toroidal fields, their poloidal perturbations, and current-free, purely poloidal fields. We also analyze energy conservation in Hall instabilities and write down a variational principle for Hall equilibria. We show that the evolution of any toroidal magnetic field can be described by Burgers' equation, as previously found in plane-parallel geometry. It leads to sharp current sheets that dissipate on the Hall time scale, yielding a stationary field configuration that depends on a single, suitably defined coordinate. This field, however, is unstable to poloidal perturbations, which grow as their field lines are stretched by the background electron flow, as in instabilities earlier found numerically. On the other hand, current-free poloidal configurations are stable and could represent a long-lived crustal field supported by currents in the fluid stellar core.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure panels; new version with very small correction; accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Geodynamo alpha-effect derived from box simulations of rotating magnetoconvection

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    The equations for fully compressible rotating magnetoconvection are numerically solved in a Cartesian box assuming conditions roughly suitable for the geodynamo. The mean electromotive force describing the generation of mean magnetic flux by convective turbulence in the rotating fluid is directly calculated from the simulations, and the corresponding alpha-coefficients are derived. Due to the very weak density stratification the alpha-effect changes its sign in the middle of the box. It is positive at the top and negative at the bottom of the convection zone. For strong magnetic fields we also find a clear downward advection of the mean magnetic field. Both of the simulated effects have been predicted by quasi-linear computations (Soward, 1979; Kitchatinov and Ruediger, 1992). Finally, the possible connection of the obtained profiles of the EMF with mean-field models of oscillating alpha^2-dynamos is discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Phys. Earth Planet. Inte

    Suppression of a laminar kinematic dynamo by a prescribed large-scale shear

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    We numerically solve the magnetic induction equation in a spherical shell geometry, with a kinematically prescribed axisymmetric flow that consists of a superposition of a small-scale helical flow and a large-scale shear flow. The small-scale flow is chosen to be a local analog of the classical Roberts cells, consisting of strongly helical vortex rolls. The large-scale flow is a shearing motion in either the radial or the latitudinal directions. In the absence of large-scale shear, the small-scale flow operates very effectively as a dynamo, in agreement with previous results. Adding increasingly large shear flows strongly suppresses the dynamo efficiency, indicating that shear is not always a favourable ingredient in dynamo action

    Three-dimensional stability of the solar tachocline

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    The three-dimensional, hydrodynamic stability of the solar tachocline is investigated based on a rotation profile as a function of both latitude and radius. By varying the amplitude of the latitudinal differential rotation, we find linear stability limits at various Reynolds numbers by numerical computations. We repeated the computations with different latitudinal and radial dependences of the angular velocity. The stability limits are all higher than those previously found from two-dimensional approximations and higher than the shear expected in the Sun. It is concluded that any part of the tachocline which is radiative is hydrodynamically stable against small perturbations.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, accepted by Astron. & Astrophy

    Compensation of compliance errors in parallel manipulators composed of non-perfect kinematic chains

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    The paper is devoted to the compliance errors compensation for parallel manipulators under external loading. Proposed approach is based on the non-linear stiffness modeling and reduces to a proper adjusting of a target trajectory. In contrast to previous works, in addition to compliance errors caused by machining forces, the problem of assembling errors caused by inaccuracy in the kinematic chains is considered. The advantages and practical significance of the proposed approach are illustrated by examples that deal with groove milling with Orthoglide manipulator.Comment: Advances in Robot Kinematics, France (2012
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