122 research outputs found

    Two redundant ubiquitin-dependent pathways of BRCA1 localization to DNA damage sites

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    The tumor suppressor BRCA1 accumulates at sites of DNA damage in a ubiquitin-dependent manner. In this work, we revisit the role of RAP80 in promoting BRCA1 recruitment to damaged chromatin. We find that RAP80 acts redundantly with the BRCA1 RING domain to promote BRCA1 recruitment to DNA damage sites. We show that that RNF8 E3 ligase acts upstream of both the RAP80- and RING-dependent activities, whereas RNF168 acts uniquely upstream of the RING domain. BRCA1 RING mutations that do not impact BARD1 interaction, such as the E2 binding-deficient I26A mutation, render BRCA1 unable to accumulate at DNA damage sites in the absence of RAP80. Cells that combine BRCA1 I26A and mutations that disable the RAP80-BRCA1 interaction are hypersensitive to PARP inhibition and are unable to form RAD51 foci. Our results suggest that in the absence of RAP80, the BRCA1 E3 ligase activity is necessary for recognition of histone H2A Lys13/Lys15 ubiquitylation by BARD1, although we cannot rule out the possibility that the BRCA1 RING facilitates ubiquitylated nucleosome recognition in other ways.Genome Instability and Cance

    Requirement for PBAF in transcriptional repression and repair at DNA breaks in actively transcribed regions of chromatin

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    Actively transcribed regions of the genome are vulnerable to genomic instability. Recently, it was discovered that transcription is repressed in response to neighboring DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). It is not known whether a failure to silence transcription flanking DSBs has any impact on DNA repair efficiency or whether chromatin remodelers contribute to the process. Here, we show that the PBAF remodeling complex is important for DSB-induced transcriptional silencing and promotes repair of a subset of DNA DSBs at early time points, which can be rescued by inhibiting transcription globally. An ATM phosphorylation site on BAF180, a PBAF subunit, is required for both processes. Furthermore, we find that subunits of the PRC1 and PRC2 polycomb group complexes are similarly required for DSB-induced silencing and promoting repair. Cancer-associated BAF180 mutants are unable to restore these functions, suggesting PBAF's role in repressing transcription near DSBs may contribute to its tumor suppressor activity

    Functional Connection between Rad51 and PML in Homology-Directed Repair

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    The promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) is a tumor suppressor critical for formation of nuclear bodies (NBs) performing important functions in transcription, apoptosis, DNA repair and antiviral responses. Earlier studies demonstrated that simian virus 40 (SV40) initiates replication near PML NBs. Here we show that PML knockdown inhibits viral replication in vivo, thus indicating a positive role of PML early in infection. SV40 large T antigen (LT) induces DNA damage and, consequently, nuclear foci of the key homologous recombination repair protein Rad51 that colocalize with PML. PML depletion abrogates LT-induced Rad51 foci. LT may target PML NBs to gain access to DNA repair factors like Rad51 that are required for viral replication. We have used the SV40 model to gain insight to DNA repair events involving PML. Strikingly, even in normal cells devoid of viral oncoproteins, PML is found to be instrumental for foci of Rad51, Mre11 and BRCA1, as well as homology-directed repair after double-strand break (DSB) induction. Following LT expression or external DNA damage, PML associates with Rad51. PML depletion also causes a loss of RPA foci following γ-irradiation, suggesting that PML is required for processing of DSBs. Immunofluorescent detection of incorporated BrdU without prior denaturation indicates a failure to generate ssDNA foci in PML knockdown cells upon γ-irradiation. Consistent with the lack of RPA and BrdU foci, γ-irradiation fails to induce Chk1 activation, when PML is depleted. Taken together, we have discovered a novel functional connection between PML and the homologous recombination-mediated repair machinery, which might contribute to PML tumor suppressor activity

    How cancer cells hijack DNA double-strand break repair pathways to gain genomic instability

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    DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are a significant threat to the viability of a normal cell, since they can result in loss of genetic material if mitosis or replication is attempted in their presence. Consequently, evolutionary pressure has resulted in multiple pathways and responses to enable DSBs to be repaired efficiently and faithfully. Cancer cells, which are under pressure to gain genomic instability, have a striking ability to avoid the elegant mechanisms by which normal cells maintain genomic stability. Current models suggest that in normal cells DSB repair occurs in a hierarchical manner that promotes rapid and efficient rejoining first, with the utilisation of additional steps or pathways of diminished accuracy if rejoining is unsuccessful or delayed. We evaluate the fidelity of DSB repair pathways and discuss how cancer cells promote the utilisation of less accurate processes. Homologous recombination serves to promote accuracy and stability during replication, providing a battlefield for cancer to gain instability. Non-homologous end-joining, a major DSB repair pathway in mammalian cells, usually operates with high fidelity and only switches to less faithful modes if timely repair fails. The transition step is finely tuned and provides another point of attack during tumour progression. In addition to DSB repair, a DSB signalling response activates processes such as cell cycle checkpoint arrest, which enhance the possibility of accurate DSB repair. We will consider the ways by which cancers modify and accost these processes to gain genomic instabilit

    Rif1 maintains telomeres and mediates DNA repair by encasing DNA ends

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    In yeast, Rif1 is part of the telosome, where it inhibits telomerase and checkpoint signaling at chromosome ends. In mammalian cells, Rif1 is not telomeric, but it suppresses DNA end resection at chromosomal breaks, promoting repair by nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ). Here, we describe crystal structures for the uncharacterized and conserved ∼125-kDa N-terminal domain of Rif1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Rif1-NTD), revealing an α-helical fold shaped like a shepherd's crook. We identify a high-affinity DNA-binding site in the Rif1-NTD that fully encases DNA as a head-to-tail dimer. Engagement of the Rif1-NTD with telomeres proved essential for checkpoint control and telomere length regulation. Unexpectedly, Rif1-NTD also promoted NHEJ at DNA breaks in yeast, revealing a conserved role of Rif1 in DNA repair. We propose that tight associations between the Rif1-NTD and DNA gate access of processing factors to DNA ends, enabling Rif1 to mediate diverse telomere maintenance and DNA repair functions

    FIRRM/C1orf112 is synthetic lethal with PICH and mediates RAD51 dynamics

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    Joint DNA molecules are natural byproducts of DNA replication and repair. Persistent joint molecules give rise to ultrafine DNA bridges (UFBs) in mitosis, compromising sister chromatid separation. The DNA translocase PICH (ERCC6L) has a central role in UFB resolution. A genome-wide loss-of-function screen is performed to identify the genetic context of PICH dependency. In addition to genes involved in DNA condensation, centromere stability, and DNA-damage repair, we identify FIGNL1-interacting regulator of recombination and mitosis (FIRRM), formerly known as C1orf112. We find that FIRRM interacts with and stabilizes the AAA+ ATPase FIGNL1. Inactivation of either FIRRM or FIGNL1 results in UFB formation, prolonged accumulation of RAD51 at nuclear foci, and impaired replication fork dynamics and consequently impairs genome maintenance. Combined, our data suggest that inactivation of FIRRM and FIGNL1 dysregulates RAD51 dynamics at replication forks, resulting in persistent DNA lesions and a dependency on PICH to preserve cell viability

    C9orf72 Expansion Disrupts ATM-mediated Chromosomal Break Repair

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    A hexanucleotide repeat expansion represents the most common genetic cause of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia, though the mechanisms by which the expansion cause neurodegeneration are poorly understood. We report elevated levels of DNA/RNA hybrids (R-loops) and double-strand breaks (DSBs) in rodent neurons, human cells, and in C9orf72-ALS patient spinal cord tissues. Accumulation of endogenous DNA damage is concomitant with defective ATM-mediated DNA repair signalling and accumulation of protein-linked DNA breaks. We further reveal that defective ATM-mediated DNA repair is a consequence of p62 accumulation, which impairs H2A ubiquitylation and perturbs ATM signalling. Adeno-associated virus- mediated expression of C9orf72-related RNA and dipeptide repeats in the murine central nervous system causes elevated DSBs, ATM defects, and triggers neurodegeneration. These findings identify R-Loops, DSBs, and defective ATM-mediated repair as pathological consequences of C9orf72 expansions, and suggest that C9orf72-linked neurodegeneration is driven, at least in part, by genomic instability
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