501 research outputs found

    Cohomology of Conformal Algebras

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    Conformal algebra is an axiomatic description of the operator product expansion of chiral fields in conformal field theory. On the other hand, it is an adequate tool for the study of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras satisfying the locality property. The main examples of such Lie algebras are those ``based'' on the punctured complex plane, like the Virasoro algebra and loop algebras. In the present paper we develop a cohomology theory of conformal algebras with coefficients in an arbitrary module. It possesses standard properties of cohomology theories; for example, it describes extensions and deformations. We offer explicit computations for most of the important examples.Comment: 46 pp., AMSLaTeX, uses epsfig, amssymb, amsc

    Самовоспитание учителя как фактор соврешенствования педагогического мастерства

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    Стаття присвячена дослідженню самовиховання як чиннику й процесу вдосконалення педагогічної майстерності сучасного вчителя.The article is sacred to research of self-education as factor and process of perfection of pedagogical trade of modern teacher.Статья посвящена исследованию самовоспитания как фактору и процессу совершенствования педагогического мастерства современного учителя

    Оцінка різних екстер'єрно–конституціональних типів в селекції поліської м'ясної породи

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    The article deals with the data on test results of efficient use of four suggested estimation methods by different authors of exterior–constitutional types of bulls on the Polissya meat breed: – visual assessment of the animal type of structure on  a 100–point scale,  according to the «Instructions for appraisal of meat breeds cattle»: – evaluation of the body structure on the model deviations by the formula of  M.M. Kolesnyk (1960), A.M. Uhnivenko (2010); – eirisomia index by the formula of M. Zamyatina (2005); – mass and metric coefficient by the formula of D. Vinnychuk et al (2005). Thanks to carried out investigations it have been established, that the most appropriate is the  use of mass and metric factor by D. Vinnychuk. However given the fact that the use of other methods, in particular by model variations of M. Kolesnyk, A. Uhnivenko, the correlation connection was high, and the difference is statistically significant, in our opinion can be used in scientific research, both methods of evaluating structure of  the animals body structure.В статті наведені дані щодо результатів перевірки ефективності використання чотирьох запропонованих різними авторами методів оцінки екстер’єрно–конституціональних типів на бугайцях поліської м'ясної породи: – візуальна оцінка типу будови тіла тварин за 100–бальною шкалою, згідно «Інструкції з бонітування великої рогатої худоби м’ясних порід; – оцінювання будови тіла за модельними відхиленями за формулою М. М. Колесника (1960) А. М.,  Угнівенка (2010); –індексом ейрисомії за формулою М.М. Зам’ятіна (2005) –масо–метричним коефіцієнтом за формулою Д. Т. Вінничука з співавторами (2005). Проведеними дослідженями встановлено, що найдоцільнішим є застосування масо–метричного коефіцієнта за Д. Т. Вінничуком. Однак, враховуючи те, що при використанні інших методів, зокрема за модельними відхиленнями М. М. Колесника, А. М. Угнівенка кореляційний зв'язок був високий, а різниця статистично вірогідна, на нашу думку можна використовувати у науково–практичних дослідженнях обидва методи оцінки будови тіла тварин

    Cucumispora ornata n. sp. (Fungi: Microsporidia) infecting invasive 1 ‘demon shrimp’

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    Dikerogammarus haemobaphes, the ‘demon shrimp’, is an amphipod native to the Ponto-Caspian region. This species invaded the UK in 2012 and has become widely established. Dikerogammarus haemobaphes has the potential to introduce non-native pathogens into the UK, creating a potential threat to native fauna. This study describes a novel species of microsporidian parasite infecting 72.8% of invasive D. haemobaphes located in the River Trent, UK. The microsporidium infection was systemic throughout the host; mainly targeting the sarcolemma of muscle tissues. Electron microscopy revealed this parasite to be diplokaryotic and have 7-9 turns of the polar filament. The microsporidium is placed into the ‘Cucumispora’ genus based on host histopathology, fine detail parasite ultrastructure, a highly similar life-cycle and SSU rDNA sequence phylogeny. Using this data this novel microsporidian species is named Cucumispora ornata, where ‘ornata’ refers to the external beading present on the mature spore stage of this organism. Alongside a taxonomic discussion, the presence of a novel Cucumispora sp. in the United Kingdom is discussed and related to the potential control of invasive Dikerogammarus spp. in the UK and the health of native species which may come into contact with this parasite

    Podocotyle atomon (Trematoda: Digenea) impacts reproductive behaviour, survival and physiology in Gammarus zaddachi (Amphipoda)

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    The Trematoda are a group of phylogenetically diverse metazoan parasites that exhibit complex life cycles that often pass through invertebrate and vertebrate hosts. Some trematodes influence their host’s behaviour to benefit transmission. Their parasitic influence may impact host population size by inhibiting an individual’s reproductive capacity. We assessed the impact of infection by Podocotyle atomon on the reproductive behaviour and fecundity of its amphipod intermediate host, Gammarus zaddachi, using laboratory and field studies. Parasite prevalence was high in the field, with males more likely to be infected (prevalence in males 64%, in females 39%). Males also suffered a higher parasite burden than females. Infected females were less active, but we found no evidence for a reduction in female reproductive success. Infected females also had comparable pairing success to uninfected females. In males, infection reduced survival and fecundity, with mortality being highest, and sperm numbers lowest, in heavily infected individuals. Trematode parasites are sometimes associated with altered host fecundity, but studies often lack the relevant experimental data to explore the evolution of the trait. We discuss this among information specific to the effect of P. atomon infection in G. zaddachi

    Agile трасформація на основі проєктів організаційного розвитку

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    The organisationl development of project, programs and project portfolios management systems with drivers of agile transformation is considered. Fust changes in the environment require further research into the effectiveness of the application of existing agile methodologies, knowledge systems and competencies of project managers and their leadership. The foundations of environmental change lie in changing the decision-making paradigm in agile project and programs management. The article explores modern approaches to leadership formation when applying agile methodologies of its specificity from decision-making processes in project management. The problems of leadership creation and development in the application of agile project management methodologies for the implementation of Agile transformation of organisation are considered. The studies were conducted based on a competency-based approach modelled by the International Project Management Association. The content model of competency of the leader applying agile management is presented. The Agile leadership and leadership behaviour patterns are formed in a project management behavioural competency system based on agile technology methods and tools. These competencies included: Self-reflection and self-management, Personal integrity and reliability, Personal communication, Relationships and interaction, Leadership, Teamwork, Conflicts and Crises, Resourcefulness, Negotiation, and Orientation to results. The patterns of project managers' behaviour as agile leaders in project product creation and agile project management are explored. The differences in the behaviour patterns of leaders and agile leaders were examined by behavioural competencies within the identified key competency indicators. Such patterns allowed the authors to identify bottlenecks in the application of agile project management methodologies in the context of the development for Agile transformation of organization.Розглянуто проєкти, програми і системи управління портфелями проєктів організаційного розвитку, які є драйверами гнучких перетворень. Швидкі зміни середовища вимагають подальших досліджень ефективності застосування існуючих Agile (гнучких) методологій, систем знань і компетенцій керівників проєктів і керівництва організацій. Основи змін навколишнього середовища лежать в зміні парадигми прийняття рішень в гнучкому управлінні проєктами та програмами. У статті досліджено сучасні підходи до формування лідерства при застосуванні Agile методологій його специфіки в процесах прийняття рішень з управління проєктами. Розглянуто проблеми створення та розвитку лідерства в застосуванні Agile методологій управління проєктами для Agile трансформації організацій. Дослідження проводилися на основі компетентнісного підходу, запропонованого Міжнародною асоціацією управління проєктами. Представлена змістовна модель компетентності лідера, який застосовує Agile менеджмент. Моделі поведінки Agile лідерства формуються в системі поведінкової компетентності управління проєктами, яка заснована на методах і інструментах Agile технологій. Ці компетенції включали: саморефлексію і самоврядування, особисту цілісність і надійність, особисте спілкування, відносини і взаємодія, лідерство, командна робота, конфлікти і кризи, винахідливість, узгодження і орієнтацію на результати. Досліджено закономірності поведінки керівників проєктів як Agile лідерів у створенні продуктів і гнучкому управлінні проектами. Були досліджені різниці у патернах поведінки традиційних лідерів і Agile лідерів по перспективним і поведінковими компетенціями з застосуванням ключових показників компетентності. Такі патерни дозволили авторам визначити вузькі місця в застосуванні гнучких методологій управління проєктами в контексті Agile трансформації організацій

    Targeting the Hippo/YAP/TAZ signalling pathway: Novel opportunities for therapeutic interventions into skin cancers

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    \ua9 2022 The Authors. Experimental Dermatology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Skin cancers are by far the most frequently diagnosed human cancers. The closely related transcriptional co-regulator proteins YAP and TAZ (WWTR1) have emerged as important drivers of tumour initiation, progression and metastasis in melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers. YAP/TAZ serve as an essential signalling hub by integrating signals from multiple upstream pathways. In this review, we summarize the roles of YAP/TAZ in skin physiology and tumorigenesis and discuss recent efforts of therapeutic interventions that target YAP/TAZ in in both preclinical and clinical settings, as well as their prospects for use as skin cancer treatments

    Pathogens of Dikerogammarus haemobaphes regulate host activity and survival, but also threaten native amphipod populations in the UK

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    Dikerogammarus haemobaphes is a non-native amphipod in UK freshwaters. Studies have identified this species as a low-impact invader in the UK, relative to its cousin Dikerogammarus villosus. It has been suggested that regulation by symbionts (such as Microsporidia) could explain this difference in impact. The effect of parasitism on D. haemobaphes is largely unknown. This was explored herein using 2 behavioural assays measuring activity and aggregation. First, D. haemobaphes were screened histologically post-assay, identifying 2 novel viruses (D. haemobaphes bi-facies-like virus [DhbflV], D. haemobaphes bacilliform virus [DhBV]), Cucumispora ornata (Microsporidia), Apicomplexa, and Digenea, which could alter host behaviour. DhBV infection burden increased host activity, and C. ornata infection reduced host activity. Second, native invertebrates were collected from the invasion site at Carlton Brook, UK, and tested for the presence of C. ornata. PCR screening identified that Gammarus pulex and other native invertebrates were positive for C. ornata. The host range of this parasite, and its impact on host survival, was additionally explored using D. haemobaphes, D. villosus, and G. pulex in a laboratory trial. D. haemobaphes and G. pulex became infected by C. ornata, which also lowered survival rate. D. villosus did not become infected. A PCR protocol for DhbflV was also applied to D. haemobaphes after the survival trial, associating this virus with decreased host survival. In conclusion, D. haemobaphes has a complex relationship with parasites in the UK environment. C. ornata likely regulates populations by decreasing host survival and activity, but despite this benefit, the parasite threatens susceptible native wildlife