218 research outputs found

    adF: A Novel System for Measuring Web Fingerprinting through Ads

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    This paper introduces adF, a novel system for analyzing the vulnerability of different devices, Operating Systems (OSes), and browsers to web fingerprinting. adF performs its measurements from code inserted in ads. We have used our system in several ad campaigns that delivered 5,40 million ad impressions. The collected data enable us to assess the vulnerability of current desktop and mobile devices to web fingerprinting. Based on our results, we estimate that 64% of desktop devices and 40% of mobile devices can be uniquely fingerprinted with our web fingerprinting system. However, the resilience to web fingerprinting varies significantly across browsers and device types, with Chrome on desktops being the most vulnerable configuration.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, 4 tables; added keyword

    Active starch-gelatin films for shelf-life extension of marinated salmon

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    [EN] Biodegradable active films were obtained by casting, using glycerol plasticized oxidized corn starch (OS) and bovine gelatine (BG) blends (1:1 mass ratio), with and without ethyl lauroyl arginate (LAE) as antimicrobial agent (13 g LAE/100 g polymer). Water vapour barrier capacity and colour of the films conditioned at 53 or 88% relative humidity were determined. Both LAE incorporation and high RH promoted film browning, coherently with the progression of Maillard reactions between amino groups of gelatine or LAE and carbonyl groups of oxidized starch. These compounds imparted antimicrobial properties to the films with and without LAE, both exhibiting antilisterial activity in in vitro tests. Packaging of marinated salmon samples in these films greatly reduced the total viable counts, which remained below the legal limit after 45 storage days at 5 degrees C. Nevertheless, films were not effective at controlling weight loss of salmon samples during the cold storage.The authors acknowledge the financial support provided by Ministerio de Economia y Competividad (Projects AGL2013-42989-R and AGL2016-76699-R). Olga Moreno Marro also thanks the Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte for the FPU 2012-1121 grant.Moreno Marro, O.; Gil, A.; Atarés Huerta, LM.; Chiralt, A. (2017). Active starch-gelatin films for shelf-life extension of marinated salmon. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 84:189-195. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2017.05.005S1891958

    Generation of mice with longer and better preserved telomeres in the absence of genetic manipulations

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    Although telomere length is genetically determined, mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells with telomeres of twice the normal size have been generated. Here, we use such ES cells with 'hyper-long' telomeres, which also express green fluorescent protein (GFP), to generate chimaeric mice containing cells with both hyper-long and normal telomeres. We show that chimaeric mice contain GFP-positive cells in all mouse tissues, display normal tissue histology and normal survival. Both hyper-long and normal telomeres shorten with age, but GFP-positive cells retain longer telomeres as mice age. Chimaeric mice with hyper-long telomeres also accumulate fewer cells with short telomeres and less DNA damage with age, and express lower levels of p53. In highly renewing compartments, such as the blood, cells with hyper-long telomeres are longitudinally maintained or enriched with age. We further show that wound-healing rates in the skin are increased in chimaeric mice. Our work demonstrates that mice with functional, longer and better preserved telomeres can be generated without the need for genetic manipulations, such as TERT overexpression.M. A. Blasco’s laboratory is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Project SAF2013-45111RETOS, the European Union FP7 Project EUROBATS, the European Research Council (ERC) Project TEL STEM CELL (GA#232854), the Regional Government of Madrid 2þ2 ReCaRe, the AXA Research Fund and the Fundacion BotınS

    Drift-induced deceleration of Solar Energetic Particles

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    We investigate the deceleration of Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) during their propagation from the Sun through interplanetary space, in the presence of weak to strong scattering in a Parker spiral configuration, using relativistic full orbit test particle simulations. The calculations retain all three spatial variables describing particles’ trajectories, allowing to model any transport across the magnetic field. Large energy change is shown to occur for protons, due to the combined effect of standard adiabatic deceleration and a significant contribution from particle drift in the direction opposite to that of the solar wind electric field. The latter drift-induced deceleration is found to have a stronger effect for SEP energies than for galactic cosmic rays. The kinetic energy of protons injected at 1 MeV is found to be reduced by between 35 and 90% after four days, and for protons injected at 100 MeV by between 20 and 55%. The overall degree of deceleration is a weak function of the scattering mean free path, showing that, although adiabatic deceleration plays a role, a large contribution is due to particle drift. Current SEP transport models are found to account for drift-induced deceleration in an approximate way and their accuracy will need to be assessed in future work

    Facies generadoras de carbón en el Westfaliense superior de la Cuenca Carbonífera Central Asturiana

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    La Cuenca Carbonífera Central Asturiana constituye una cuenca de antepais individualizada en la Zona Cantábrica durante el Carbonifero Superior coincidiendo con la máxima actividad de la orogenia Hercinica. Durante el Westfaliense, se acumularon en ella importantes volúmenes de material clástico procedentes de los relieves en elevación situados al W. Los abanicos aluviales costeros constituyeron unos sistemas deposicionales muy eficientes en la dispersión de estos materiales, generaron extensas cuñas clásticas en relación con las cuales se originaron capas de carbón explotables. En este trabajo se estudian varios litosomas de edad Westfaliense Superior que representan episodios progradantes de estos sistemas sobre ambientes marinos someros v de transición. El análisis e interpretación de sus facies y geometrías permite la reconstrucción de las condiciones ambientales en que se generaron las capas de carbón asociadas a cada una de las unidades estudiadas. Estas se desarrollaron: 1) en zonas marginales a los lóbulos progradantes y zonas interlóbulos y 2) sobre los mismos una vez que éstos fueron abandonados y previamente a su enterramiento

    Therapeutic effects of telomerase in mice with pulmonary fibrosis induced by damage to the lungs and short telomeres

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    Pulmonary fibrosis is a fatal lung disease characterized by fibrotic foci and inflammatory infiltrates. Short telomeres can impair tissue regeneration and are found both in hereditary and sporadic cases. We show here that telomerase expression using AAV9 vectors shows therapeutic effects in a mouse model of pulmonary fibrosis owing to a low-dose bleomycin insult and short telomeres. AAV9 preferentially targets regenerative alveolar type II cells (ATII). AAV9-Tert-treated mice show improved lung function and lower inflammation and fibrosis at 1-3 weeks after viral treatment, and improvement or disappearance of the fibrosis at 8 weeks after treatment. AAV9-Tert treatment leads to longer telomeres and increased proliferation of ATII cells, as well as lower DNA damage, apoptosis, and senescence. Transcriptome analysis of ATII cells confirms downregulation of fibrosis and inflammation pathways. We provide a proof-of-principle that telomerase activation may represent an effective treatment for pulmonary fibrosis provoked or associated with short telomeres.We are indebted to D Megias for microscopy analysis, to J Mun˜ oz and F Garcı´a for hydroxiproline analysis as well as to CNIO Histopathological Unit. The research was funded by project SAF2013- 45111-R of Societal Changes Programme of the Spanish Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness (MINECO) co-financed through the European Fund of Regional Development (FEDER), Fundacio´n Botı´n and Banco Santander (Santander Universities Global Division) and Roche Extending the Innova- tion Network Program (EIN) Academia Partnering Programme.S

    Liver-specific insulin receptor isoform A expression enhances hepatic glucose uptake and ameliorates liver steatosis in a mouse model of diet-induced obesity

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    Among the main complications associated with obesity are insulin resistance and altered glucose and lipid metabolism within the liver. It has previously been described that insulin receptor isoform A (IRA) favors glucose uptake and glycogen storage in hepatocytes compared with isoform B (IRB), improving glucose homeostasis in mice lacking liver insulin receptor. Thus, we hypothesized that IRA could also improve glucose and lipid metabolism in a mouse model of high-fatdiet-induced obesity. We addressed the role of insulin receptor isoforms in glucose and lipid metabolism in vivo. We expressed IRA or IRB specifically in the liver by using adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) in a mouse model of diet-induced insulin resistance and obesity. IRA, but not IRB, expression induced increased glucose uptake in the liver and muscle, improving insulin tolerance. Regarding lipid metabolism, we found that AAV-mediated IRA expression also ameliorated hepatic steatosis by decreasing the expression of Fasn, Pgc1a, Acaca and Dgat2 and increasing Scd-1 expression. Taken together, our results further unravel the role of insulin receptor isoforms in hepatic glucose and lipid metabolism in an insulin-resistant scenario. Our data strongly suggest that IRA is more efficient than IRB at favoring hepatic glucose uptake, improving insulin tolerance and ameliorating hepatic steatosis. Therefore, we conclude that a gene therapy approach for hepatic IRA expression could be a safe and promising tool for the regulation of hepatic glucose consumption and lipid metabolism, two key processes in the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease associated with obesity

    Heliospheric Transport of Neutron-Decay Protons

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    We report on new simulations of the transport of energetic protons originating from the decay of energetic neutrons produced in solar flares. Because the neutrons are fast-moving but insensitive to the solar wind magnetic field, the decay protons are produced over a wide region of space, and they should be detectable by current instruments over a broad range of longitudes for many hours after a sufficiently large gamma-ray flare. Spacecraft closer to the Sun are expected to see orders-of magnitude higher intensities than those at the Earth-Sun distance. The current solar cycle should present an excellent opportunity to observe neutron-decay protons with multiple spacecraft over different heliographic longitudes and distances from the Sun.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, to be published in special issue of Solar Physic

    Factores asociados a mortalidad en la pandemia de influenza H1N1 2009 en Paraguay

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    La presencia de condiciones médicas pre-existentes se ha asociado con la mortalidadrelacionada al virus de influenza A (H1N1). El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar losfactores asociados a mortalidad en personas con sospecha de infección con influenza A(H1N1) en Paraguay. Los datos clínicos y epidemiológicos fueron obtenidos a través delsistema de vigilancia para la infección por influenza A(H1N1) establecido en el país por elMinisterio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social a partir del 28 de abril de 2009. Hasta el 30de enero de 2010, fueron notificados a la Dirección General de Vigilancia de la Salud,8303 casos con sospecha de Influenza A (H1N1). Tanto el análisis bivariado como elmultivariado identificaron los siguientes factores de riesgo de mortalidad: obesidad(p=0,022; OR:13,5), embarazo (p<0,001; OR:11,0), Diabetes mellitus (p= 0,006;OR:5,7), enfermedad cardiovascular (p=0,002; OR: 4,6), sexo masculino (p <0,0001,OR: 3,0), edad mayor a 60 años (p =0,008; OR: 2,9) y no haber sido vacunado contra elvirus de influenza estacional en el periodo 2009 (p<0,023; OR: 2,6). El embarazo comofactor de riesgo de mortalidad ya había sido observado en las otras pandemias; no así laobesidad, la cual recién en la última pandemia, ha sido relacionada, por varios países,con complicaciones graves de infección por el virus A (H1N1). Esta asociación amerita eldesarrollo de investigaciones que permitan un mejor abordaje promocional, preventivo yterapéutico de las personas con obesidad