8,013 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACTMarriage is holy covenant between a man and a woman as husband and wife with the aim of forming a happy and eternal family based on the One Godhead. However, a marriage can result in a divorce due to several factors. As for divorce itself, judges often decide verstek so that it seems to eliminate the rights of the Defendant. This study aims to determine the factors that cause divorce between husband and wife in Malang Regency, to find out the rationale of judges in the process of proving in a divorce lawsuit with a Verstek decision, and to find out how the considerations of religious court judges examine and decide on the case are verstek but ignore the rights of the judges. rights that should be owned by the defendant. The research method used in this research is normative juridical. The results obtained are that the factors that lead to divorce in Malang Regency are generally due to economic problems, while the judge's rationale in the process of proving divorce cases decided by Verstek is Article 22 paragraph (2) Government Regulation Number 9 of 1975 jo. Article 134 of the Compilation of Islamic Law. The judge's considerations in deciding the case verstek were that the Defendant was never present, the judge had tried to reconcile the Plaintiff but was unsuccessful, and the judge had obtained the facts from the Plaintiff's arguments through evidence.Keywords:Divorce, Verstek Decision ABSTRAKperkawinan ialah ikrar lahir batin antara seorang laki-laki dengan seorang perempuan sebagai suami dan istri dengan tujuan membentuk keluarga bahagia dan kekal berdasarkan Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa. Meski demikian suatu perkawinan dapat terjadi suatu perceraian akibat beberapa faktor. Adapun dalam perceraian sendiri seringkali oleh hakim diputus secara verstek sehingga terkesan menghilangkan hak-hak yang dimiliki Tergugat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor penyebabkan perceraian antara suami istri di Kabupaten Malang, mengetahui landasan pemikiran hakim dalam proses pembuktian pada perkara cerai gugat dengan putusan Verstek,dan Untuk mengetahui bagaimana pertimbangan hakim pengadilan agama yang memeriksa dan memutus perkara tersebut secara verstek namun mengabaikan hak-hak yang sewajarnya di miliki oleh tergugat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif. Hasilyang diperoleh bahwa faktor yang mengakibatkan perceraian di Kabupaten Malang umumnya dikarenakan permasalahan ekonomi, sementara landasan pemikiran hakim dalam proses pembuktian perkara perceraian yang diputus verstek adalah Pasal 22 ayat (2) Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 9 Tahun 1975 jo. Pasal 134 Kompilasi Hukum Islam. Adapun pertimbangan hakim memutus perkara secara verstek adalah Terggugat tidak pernah hadir, hakim telah mencoba mendamaikan melalui pihak Penggugat namun tidak berhasil, dan hakim telah memperoleh fakta-fakta dari dalil-dalil Penggugat melaluipembuktian.Kata Kunci: Perceraian, Putusan Verste

    Study of Art Plaza Circulation Theory and Shape of Art Plaza

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    The circulation system is a vital linking infrastructure that connects various activities and uses land on an area and inside a building that considers functional, economic, flexibility and comfort aspects. The explanation of this theory emphasizes the uniqueness of the building itself. So that there are various shapes of buildings in an effort to adjust to environmental conditions, climate, and natural surroundings. As a result, the resulting building has a special shapeation in accordance with the idea of an architect


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    This study examines juridical related to the Center Point Of Indonesia (CPI) reclamation policy implemented in the coastal area of Makassar City. The research method used in this study is the normative juridical method. Data collection techniques with observation, documentation, and direct participation. The technique of analyzing legal materials is by analytical descriptive method that describes existing problems to be further analyzed based on laws and regulations related to CPI reclamation policy. Based on this research, it is found that in making the Center Point Of Indonesia (CPI) Reclamation policy in the coastal area of Makassar City, it still does not pay attention to the legal principles that form the basis of a public policy and also has not paid attention to spatial principles. As a result, in its implementation, the Makassar City government's policy regarding the CPI reclamation has received a lot of rejection due to the massive negative impacts felt by the coastal communities of Makassar City, ranging from abrasion, loss of jobs, to loss of housing. Translated with DeepL.com (free version

    Study of Management of Kearsipan Efficiency of Employees Performance in Office Upt Library in Kutai Timur Regency.

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    Reksi Firmansyah. STUDY OF MANAGEMENT OF KEARSIPAN EFFICIENCY OF EMPLOYEES PERFORMANCE IN OFFICE UPT LIBRARY IN KUTAI TIMUR REGENCY. Each organization, whether large or small, must have a goal to be achieved, to achieve that goal every organization must have a place as an office. Each office must require a unit that manages everything related to administrative activities. Administration activity is a wide scope of activities, usually all administrative activities are processed in a separate unit called the administration, administration, secretariat, office and so forth. Administrative activities in an office basically also have a result like other units. The results or products of an office are letters, forms, and reports. The management of letters, forms, and reports produced and received by an office will ultimately relate to archives. So, the administrative activity is basically produce, receive, process, and store various letters, forms, reports and so forth. Office of the Library Unit of East Kutai Regency is one of the government offices that serve the public interest that will not be separated from archival activities. Office that daily handles library membership card, storage of documents or other documents, makes the office has various archives. Success in archive management is determined by many things. Filing factors such as storage systems, archiving employees, archival equipment, and of course with work environment. The management of archives conducted at the Office of the District Library of East Kutai Regency greatly affects the success or failure of the reinvention of the archives. Observations made at The Office of UPT Library of East Kutai Regency shows that in carrying out the archive management of the office still not fully implement the archive management because it is caused by several factors. These factors include the limited costs for the procurement of archive management facilities


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    Schools as educational institutions have their main mission to produce quality graduates who are relevant to the demands of the labor market. As educators, teachers have a responsibility to develop students' potential and help them become a generation that is educated, skilled, and with integrity. This study aims to determine the effect calling on job satisfaction of teachers. This research can be useful and contribute to the field of psychology, it is also useful for schools in measuring calling and teacher job satisfaction are more relevant. In this study using quantitative research methods with correlational methods. Taking respondents in this study using the method purposive sampling. The total number of respondents obtained was 111 teachers in Malang Raya. The scale used in this research is the job satisfaction scale Two-Factor Theory Scale with a total of 25 items. While on the scale calling use Calling and Vocation Questionnaire (CVQ) consists of 24 items. The results of the study show that there is a significant effect of calling on teacher job satisfaction


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    Kecoa merupakan salah jenis serangga yang biasanya hidup di sekitar rumah, dan dapat sebagai vektor penyakit selain dapat merusak barang-barang dan menyebabkan elergi serta menimbulkan bau yang todak sedap. Pengendalian kecoa dengan insektisida mempunyai banyak kelemahan, salah satu alternatif selain dengan insektisida yaitu dengan menggunakan perangkap dengan pemberian umpan di dalamnya.Di lingkungan RT 18 Kelurahan Selamat Kecamatan Telanai Pura Jambi,Keberadaan kecoa menjadi hama atau pengganggu bagi penghuninya, dan penghuninya belum banyak yang melaksanakan pengendalian. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahuikesukaran kecoa terhadap jenis umpan kelapa bakar dan gula pasir, mengetahui spesies dan stadium kecoa. Metode yang di gunakan adalah eksperimen dengan menggunakan rancangan "Post Test Only Design". Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari uji statistik dengan Mann-Whitney terdapat perbedaan jumlah kecoa yang tertangkap dengan jenis umpan kelapa bakar dan gula pasir (p+0,026) dan jenis kelapa bakar merupakan umpan yang paling disukai. Jenis Pariplaneta americana di dapat 97,7%, dan Jenis Blatellagermanica 2,3%, sedangkan stadium dewasa 60,3% dan nimfa 39,7%. Kata Kunci: Kecoa,Kelapa bakar, Gula pasir,Umpa


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    Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengetahui: (1) bagaimana konsep pendidikan Islam? (2) apa dasar dan landasan ideal pendidikan Islam? (3) apa yang dimaksud dengan tujuan? (4) apa saja prinsip-prinsip umum yang menjadi landasan utama bagi tujuan pendidikan Islam? dan (5) Bagaimana rumusan tujuan pendidikan Islam? Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan. Pengumpulan data penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan analisis induktif. Berdasarkan analisis data yang telah dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pendidikan Islam adalah proses mempersiapkan manusia melalui kegiatan pengajaran, pendampingan, dan pelatihan untuk menyerap dan mengimplementasikan makna sejati ajaran Islam dalam kehidupan mereka sebagai individu dan sebagai bagian. masyarakat untuk mencapai kehidupan dan kelahiran yang bahagia. pikiran di dunia dan di akhirat. Tujuan pendidikan Islam secara umum dapat dibedakan menjadi tujuan umum dan tujuan khusus. Tujuan umum pendidikan Islam lebih bersifat normatif dan ideal. Sementara itu, tujuan khusus lebih operasional dan terukur dengan jelas


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    Pertumbuhan ekonomi merupakan indikator keberhasilan pembangunan dalam suatu perekonomian. Sumber daya alam yang paling berpengaruh terhadap perekonomian masyarakat khususnya di wilayah Sulawesi Selatan adalah sumber daya dalam sektor pertanian. Pertanian di Sulawesi Selatan memiliki banyak ragam jenis dan memiliki daya saing tersendiri di mata masyarakat, seperti petani sawah, cengkeh, cokelat, dan lain sebagainya. Pada tahun 2019, perekonomian di Sulawesi Selatan meningkat cukup tinggi mencapai 5,46% menurut data Bank Indonesia, namun menjelang akhir tahun dan memasuki tahun 2020, perekonomian di Sulawesi Selatan mengalami penurunan yang terbilang merosot tajam hingga 0,5% menurut data Bank Indonesia. Penurunan perekonomian tersebut dikarenakan adanya pandemi Covid 19 yang menyerang berbagai negara khususnya Indonesia termasuk Sulawesi Selatan. Covid 19 merupakan virus baru yang mengakibatkan pneumonia yang misterius terhadap pengidapnya dan virus ini menular dengan cepat dari satu pasien ke orang lainnya. Adanya pandemi Covid 19 membuat beberapa sektor di Indonesia mengalami keterpurukan, salah satunya adalah sektor ekonomi. Terjadinya penurunan ekonomi dikarenakan diberlakukannya PSBB (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar) sehingga masyarakat terbatas melakukan aktivitas sehari-sehari terutama kegiatan transaksi jual-beli. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu mix method, gabungan dari dua jenis penelitian antara kualitatif dan kuantitatif dikarenakan data yang diambil bersumber dari data yang telah disaji oleh Bank Indonesia, Badan Pusat Statistik, dan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, serta pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan angket (kuisioner). Analisis pertumbuhan perekonomian masyarakat di tengah pandemi Covid 19 terhadap sektor pertanian di wilayah Sulawesi Selatan, terbilang menurun dari tahun sebelumnya, penurunan perekonomian tersebut segera diantisipasi oleh pemerintah sehingga perekonomian perlahan membaik


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    This research was conducted to find out how the concept of understanding al-ittihad and al-hulul in Islamic Sufism? and how is the influence of al-Ittihad and al-Hulul in the world of Sufism? This research is library research. Primary sources of research come from books on Sufism, mysticism or books relevant to the theme. As for enriching research information, secondary data sources are used from various books and journal articles that are relevant to this research. Research data collection was carried out using documentation techniques. The data analysis used inductive analysis. Based on the data analysis that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the notions of al-ittihad and al-hulul in their development gave a considerable influence on the development of philosophy, such as Al-Suhrawardi in Persia. In Turkey, this understanding contributed greatly to the creation of the Sufi mehfil which was developed by Jalaluddin Rumi. While in Indonesia, this understanding is very obvious in the understanding of manunggaling kawula gusti developed by Shaykh Siti Jenar. In relation to today's materialistic and hedonic human lifestyles, the concept of Sufism described in its understanding and teachings can be a medium to improve the increasingly complex social conditions of human life as a form of repressive action that can be taken


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    Public transportation is the type of transportation that involves lives of The aims of this study is to determine and explain the simultaneous and partial influence of facilities, timeliness, trust through satisfaction as an intervening variable on the loyalty of Solo Balapan executive railroad passengers. The research method of this study was quantitative descriptive method. The population is all of train passengers in Gubeng executives. In this study data were collected by means of observation, interviews, questionnaires or questionnaires, literature study and documentation, and using the help of SPSS Statistics. This questionnaire was distributed to 100 respondents who were executive train users. The analysis used in this study includes data instrument tests (validity and reliability tests), multiple linear regression analysis, classic assumption tests (normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test) and hypothesis testing (F test, t test, coefficient of determination). The results of this study indicate that the variable facilities, timeliness, trust and satisfaction affect the loyalty of train passengers in Gubeng executives. T test results show the facility affects satisfaction of train passengers in Gubeng executives. Timeliness affects satisfaction of train passengers in Gubeng executives. trust affects satisfaction of train passengers in Gubeng executives. satisfaction affects loyalty of train passengers in Gubeng executives. Keywords: facilities, timeliness, trust, satisfaction and loyalt