


Schools as educational institutions have their main mission to produce quality graduates who are relevant to the demands of the labor market. As educators, teachers have a responsibility to develop students' potential and help them become a generation that is educated, skilled, and with integrity. This study aims to determine the effect calling on job satisfaction of teachers. This research can be useful and contribute to the field of psychology, it is also useful for schools in measuring calling and teacher job satisfaction are more relevant. In this study using quantitative research methods with correlational methods. Taking respondents in this study using the method purposive sampling. The total number of respondents obtained was 111 teachers in Malang Raya. The scale used in this research is the job satisfaction scale Two-Factor Theory Scale with a total of 25 items. While on the scale calling use Calling and Vocation Questionnaire (CVQ) consists of 24 items. The results of the study show that there is a significant effect of calling on teacher job satisfaction

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