170 research outputs found

    Sobrecarga del cuidador del adulto mayor en el barrio Tierra Firme de Ibagué

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    Objetivo: Identificar el nivel de sobrecarga del cuidador primario del adulto mayor del barrio Tierra Firme de Ibagué. Método: Estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, transversal. Muestreo a conveniencia constituido por 41 cuidadores primarios de adultos mayores a quienes se aplicó la escala de Zarit versión original, instrumento que consta de 22 ítems cuyo propósito es cuantificar el grado de sobrecarga que padecen los cuidadores de personas con dependencia parcial. Resultados: El 61% de los participantes del estudio expresaron “sentirse capaces de cuidar a su familiar por mucho más tiempo” siendo coherente con el resultado final señalado en la escala de Zarit en la cual el 92,7% no se encuentra en sobrecarga. Conclusiones: Los grupos de apoyos a los cuales asisten los cuidadores informales y las persona con enfermedad crónica con una dependencia parcial son factores esenciales para que los cuidadores tengan ausencia de sobrecarga

    Erros de escritura em espanhol em crianças de terceiro grado de educação primaria

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    Objective . Describing the mistakes in written work of third grade children of elementary school in public schools, keeping in mind their low results in the State exams. Method . 42 third graders of elementary school of Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico participated, being 8 years of age the average age. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) standardized for the Mexican population was used as well as the Evaluación Neuropsicolóica infantil (ENI). Results. Several meaningful differences where observed in the ANOVA test when comparing the total of mistakes in the narrative composition, with the narrative coherence and with the length of the narrative production; and when comparing the precision of the writing with the perception and listening memory processes. The spelling, visual, spatial and listening errors predominated. Conclusion. The analysis of the written work of the children allowed to describe their characteristics, the types of errors and the neuropsychological processes associated with writing mistakes.Objetivo. Describir los errores en las producciones escritas de niños de tercer grado de educación primaria de escuelas públicas, teniendo en cuenta su bajo rendimiento en pruebas del Estado. Método. Participaron 42 niños de tercer grado de educación primaria de escuelas oficiales de la ciudad de Xalapa (Veracruz, México), con una edad promedio de 8 años. Se aplicaron la Escala de Inteligencia Wechsler para niños WISC- IV, estandarizada para población mexicana, y la Evaluación Neuropsicológica Infantil (ENI). Resultados. Se observaron diferencias significativas con la prueba Anova, al comparar el total de errores con la composición narrativa, con la coherencia narrativa y con la longitud de la producción narrativa; y al comparar la precisión de la escritura con los procesos de percepción y memoria auditiva. Predominaron los errores de tipo ortográfico, visual, espacial y auditivos. Conclusión. El análisis de las producciones escritas de los niños permitió describir sus características, los tipos de error y los procesos neuropsicológicos asociados con los errores en la escritura.Escopo. Descrever os erros nas produções escritas de terceiro grado de educação primária de escolas públicas, levando em conta o baixo rendimento nas provas do estado. Metodologia . Participaram 42 meninos de terceiro grado de educação primária de escolas oficiais da cidade de Xalapa, Veracruz, México, com uma idade média de oito anos. Foram aplicadas a Escala de Inteligência Wechsler para crianças WISC-IV estandardizada para a população mexicana e a Evaluación Neuropsicológica Infantil (ENI). Resultados . Foram observadas diferenças significativas na prova ANOVA ao comparar o total de erros na composição narrativa, com a coerência narrativa e a longitude da produção narrativa; e ao comparar a precisão da escritura com os processos de percepção e memoria auditiva. Predominaram os erros de tipo ortográfico, visual, espacial e auditivos. Conclusão . A análise das produções escritas dos meninos permitiu descrever suas características, os tipos de erro e os processos neuropsicológicos associados com os erros na escritura

    Erros de escritura em espanhol em crianças de terceiro grado de educação primaria

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    Objective. Describing the mistakes in written work of third grade children of elementary school in public schools, keeping in mind their low results in the State exams. Method. 42 third graders of elementary school of Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico participated, being 8 years of age the average age. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) standardized for the Mexican population was used as well as the Evaluación Neuropsicológica infantil (ENI). Results. Several meaningful differences where observed in the ANOVA test when comparing the total of mistakes in the narrative composition, with the narrative coherence and with the length of the narrative production; and when comparing the precision of the writing with the perception and listening memory processes. The spelling, visual, spatial and listening errors predominated. Conclusion. The analysis of the written work of the children allowed to describe their characteristics, the types of errors and the neuropsychological processes associated with writing mistakes.Objetivo. Describir los errores en las producciones escritas de niños de tercer grado de educación primaria de escuelas públicas, teniendo en cuenta su bajo rendimiento en pruebas del Estado. Método. Participaron 42 niños de tercer grado de educación primaria de escuelas oficiales de la ciudad de Xalapa (Veracruz, México), con una edad promedio de 8 años. Se aplicaron la Escala de Inteligencia Wechsler para niños WISCIV, estandarizada para población mexicana, y la Evaluación Neuropsicológica Infantil (ENI). Resultados. Se observaron diferencias significativas con la prueba Anova, al comparar el total de errores con la composición narrativa, con la coherencia narrativa y con la longitud de la producción narrativa; y al comparar la precisión de la escritura con los procesos de percepción y memoria auditiva. Predominaron los errores de tipo ortográfico, visual, espacial y auditivos. Conclusión. El análisis de las producciones escritas de los niños permitió describir sus características, los tipos de error y los procesos neuropsicológicos asociados con los errores en la escritura. Escopo. Descrever os erros nas produções escritas de terceiro grado de educação primária de escolas públicas, levando em conta o baixo rendimento nas provas do estado. Metodologia. Participaram 42 meninos de terceiro grado de educação primária de escolas oficiais da cidade de Xalapa, Veracruz, México, com uma idade média de oito anos. Foram aplicadas a Escala de Inteligência Wechsler para crianças WISC-IV estandardizada para a população mexicana e a Evaluación Neuropsicológica Infantil (ENI). Resultados. Foram observadas diferenças significativas na prova ANOVA ao comparar o total de erros na composição narrativa, com a coerência narrativa e a longitude da produção narrativa; e ao comparar a precisão da escritura com os processos de percepção e memoria auditiva. Predominaram os erros de tipo ortográfico, visual, espacial e auditivos. Conclusão. A análise das produções escritas dos meninos permitiu descrever suas características, os tipos de erro e os processos neuropsicológicos associados com os erros na escritura

    Propuesta de mejoramiento vial de la calle principal “Subida al Belén” de longitud 2.9 km, sector El Belén, ubicado en la parroquia rural Tambillo, cantón Mejía, provincia de Pichincha

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    El GAD parroquial de Tambillo en su afán de mejorar la red de carreteras y caminos del sector, empezó la labor de identificar las carencias que esta presenta, con la realización de estudios de prefactibilidad, con el propósito de obtener la documentación técnica, planos, informes y cantidades de obra, que permitan iniciar con la rehabilitación y mejoramiento de las vías para mejorar el flujo vehicular del transporte. La vía del presente estudio tiene una longitud aproximada de 2.9 km, Por lo tanto, con el presente proyecto se pretende dar ahorro en el costo de operación y mantenimiento de los vehículos y disminuir los tiempos de viaje de los usuarios, y lo más significativo de este proyecto es el uso de las vías para acercar dos barrios de la parroquia como son El Belén y EL Capulí; el lugar de desarrollo del proyecto es en la parte Noreste de la parroquia tambillo, Cantón Mejía, en las cercanías de la Panamericana Sur. Se planteó el diseño geométrico, estructural e hidráulico de la vía, misma cual debe cumplir con todas las normativas nacionales con el fin de obtener un diseño óptimo, mismo que ayudará a impulsar el desarrollo socioeconómico del sector ya que es una zona agrícola y ganadera por tradición.The parish GAD of Tambillo in its eagerness to improve the network of roads and paths of the sector, began the work of identifying the deficiencies that it presents, with the realization of prefeasibility studies, with the purpose of obtaining the technical documentation, plans, reports and quantities of work, which allow to start with the rehabilitation and improvement of the roads to improve the vehicular flow of transport. The road of this study has an approximate length of 2.9 km, Therefore, with this project it is intended to save on the cost of operation and maintenance of vehicles and reduce travel times for users, and the most significant of this project is the use of roads to bring two neighborhoods of the parish such as El Belén and El Capulí; the place of development of the project is in the northeastern part of the parish tambillo, Canton Mejía, in the vicinity of the Panamericana Sur. The geometric, structural and hydraulic design of the road was proposed, which must comply with all national regulations in order to obtain an optimal design, which will help boost the socioeconomic development of the sector since it is an agricultural and livestock area by tradition


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    El estudio de los factores de riesgo psicosocial recobra mayor relevancia ante la pandemia COVID-19, lo cual aumenta las exigencias físicas, psicológicas y sociales de los trabajadores, quienes manifiestan diversas respuestas como el Síndrome de Burnout, el cual ha generado una gran cantidad de investigaciones sobre sus síntomas más característicos, como son el agotamiento emocional, la despersonalización y la baja realización personal. El objetivo del estudio fue relacionar los factores de riesgo psicosocial con el aparecimiento de Burnout durante la COVID-19 en trabajadores de la Cooperativa San Francisco Ltda

    Histological Characteristics of Gills and Dorsal Skin in Ambystoma leorae and Ambystoma rivulare: Morphological Changes for Living at High Altitude

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    Vertebrates exhibit structural changes in their cardiovascular and gas exchange systems in response to hypoxic conditions in high altitude environments. In highland neotenic mole salamanders, as other amphibians, the majority of gases exchange is carried out for skin and gills. But, in high altitude environments, the available oxygen is lower than it is in the air thus, the scarcity of oxygen limits the survival of organisms. Many studies on this subject have focused on understanding the hematological mechanisms that amphibians exhibit in response to hypoxia. However, little is known about possible morphological changes in respiratory structures that may permit increased gas exchange during respiration in high altitude amphibians like Ambystoma leorae and A. rivulare, two threatened Mexican salamander species. The aim of the present study was to describe and compare the histological characteristics of the gills and dorsal skin of A. leorae and A. rivulare from populations at low and high altitudes. We found that, in comparison to lowland organisms, highland ones exhibited more pronounced skin folds, greater numbers of secondary branches in the gills, thinner dorsal and gill epidermises, and greater quantity of melanin surrounding the gill blood vessels. These differences permit a greater capacity for gas exchange and also increase thermoregulatory capacity in high altitude environments.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (grant 178723) Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SGPA/DGVS/02407/13)

    Asynchronous learning: evaluation of virtual classroom metrics according to the perception of university students

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    The process and means that the university offers its students must be efficient and of quality, even more so considering the influence of the quality of educational services on student satisfaction. The objective of this article is to analyze the perception of asynchronous learning according to the evaluation of the virtual classroom metrics, carried out by business administration students, the results will allow to continue improving the teaching-learning process in the virtual context of education higher. The methodology of this study is qualitative at the descriptive level, the validation of the data by Cronbach's Alpha, gave a reliability value of 0.985. The results show us that 73.8% of the students perceive that the virtual classroom improved communication and helped the exchange of information between students and 71.4% indicated that the use of the virtual classroom made them more efficient and secure asynchronous learning activities. According to these results, there is a higher percentage of students who consider that the use of the virtual classroom positively influences their asynchronous learning, therefore, it is proposed to continue improving the skills in the use and appropriation of technologies of information and communication technology (ICT) in virtual students.Campus Lima Centr

    Evaluation of the learning management system and its relationship in the perception of engineering students

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    The objective of this study was to identify the results of the learning management system (LMS) functionality, and its relationship in the perception of electronic engineering students. The results serve as a basis for continuous improvement for the higher institution, because these systems are tools that have the purpose of improving the performance and retention of the student in the virtual teaching-learning process. Initially, the reliability of the data collected was determined using Cronbach's Alpha, obtaining a consistency coefficient of 0.868. After processing the data in the SPSS software, using the 5-level Likert scale, it was determined that the indicators that present a better perception are related to the design and ease of navigation. However, 21.4% do not fully agree with the functionality, due to the technical problems presented when downloading the study material. The effect generated by the optimal functionality of the LMS is 70.87% satisfaction in students. The Chi square test validated the cause-effect relationship, with a significance of 0.000, between the functionality of the LMS, on the perception of the students. It determined that the indicators with a greater relationship refer to design, availability (connectivity) and ease of communication and interaction with the teacher and their peers.Campus Lima Centr

    Técnicas de mineração de dados para análise de ganhos de capital imobiliário

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    La minería de datos permite la extracción de información, la clasificación de datos y el procesamiento de los mismos, para conocer su comportamiento, realizar predicciones y para la toma efectiva de decisiones. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo determinar cuáles son las técnicas de minería de datos más utilizadas para el análisis de la plusvalía inmobiliaria, para ello se hace uso de una revisión bibliográfica, análisis de contenido y la aplicación de un diseño de teoría fundamentada. En las investigaciones analizadas se pudo determinar que las técnicas de minería de datos aplicadas para predecir precios en bienes raíces son: Redes Neuronales Artificiales, Análisis Clúster, Árbol de decisión, Modelos de regresión, Modelos estadísticos, Clasificador Bayesiano Ingenuo, Algoritmo K-Neighbors, Algoritmo AdaBoost, evidenciando que la técnica de Redes Neuronales Artificiales es la que mejores resultados presenta. Con respecto a las variables de datos de cada propiedad se encontraron 27 entre las más importantes se presentan el tipo de propiedad, ubicación, precio, área de terreno, área de construcción, número de pisos, número de habitaciones, número de baños, número de estacionamientos o garaje, entre otras, además se analizaron los datos de las publicaciones en redes sociales y sitios web de inmobiliarias de la ciudad de Riobamba. Los resultados proporcionados por esta investigación son útiles para la aplicación de técnicas de minería de datos en investigaciones sobre inversiones inmobiliarias o predicciones del avalúo inmobiliario.Data mining allows the extraction of information, data classification and data processing, in order to know their behavior, to make predictions and for effective decision making. The objective of this research is to determine which are the most used data mining techniques for the analysis of real estate capital gains. For this purpose, a literature review, content analysis and the application of a grounded theory design are used. In the research analyzed it was possible to determine that the data mining techniques applied to predict real estate prices are: Artificial Neural Networks, Cluster Analysis, Decision Tree, Regression Models, Statistical Models, Naive Bayesian Classifier, K-Neighbors Algorithm, AdaBoost Algorithm, evidencing that the Artificial Neural Networks technique is the one with the best results. With respect to the data variables of each property 27 were found among the most important are presented the type of property, location, price, land area, construction area, number of floors, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, number of parking spaces or garage among others, in addition, data from publications in social networks and real estate websites of the city of Riobamba were analyzed. The results provided by this research are useful for the application of data mining techniques in real estate investment research or real estate appraisal predictions.A mineração de dados permite a extração de informações, a classificação de dados e o processamento dos mesmos, para conhecer seu comportamento, fazer previsões e para tomadas de decisão efetivas. O objetivo desta pesquisa é determinar quais são as técnicas de mineração de dados mais utilizadas para a análise de ganhos de capital imobiliário, para as quais se utiliza uma revisão bibliográfica, análise de conteúdo e a aplicação de um projeto de teoria fundamentada. Nas investigações analisadas foi possível determinar que as técnicas de mineração de dados aplicadas para prever preços de imóveis são: Redes Neurais Artificiais, Análise de Cluster, Árvore de Decisão, Modelos de Regressão, Modelos Estatísticos, Classificador Bayesiano Naive, Algoritmo K-Vizinhos, Algoritmo AdaBoost, mostrando que a técnica de Redes Neurais Artificiais é a que apresenta os melhores resultados. Em relação às variáveis de dados de cada imóvel, foram encontradas 27, dentre as mais importantes estão o tipo de imóvel, localização, preço, área do terreno, área de construção, número de andares, número de cômodos, número de banheiros, número de estacionamentos ou garagens, entre outros, além disso, foram analisados dados de publicações em redes sociais e sites imobiliários da cidade de Riobamba. Os resultados fornecidos por esta pesquisa são úteis para a aplicação de técnicas de mineração de dados em pesquisas de investimentos imobiliários ou previsões de avaliações de imóveis.Facultad de InformáticaUniversidad Nacional de Chimboraz

    Sentiment analysis through twitter as a mechanism for assessing university satisfaction

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    Currently, the data generated in the university environment related to the perception of satisfaction is generated through surveys with categorical response questions defined on a Likert scale, with factors already defined to be evaluated, applied once per academic semester, which generates very biased information. This leads us to wonder why this survey is applied only once and why it only asks about some factors. The objective of the article is to demonstrate the feasibility of a proposal to determine the degree of perception of student satisfaction through the use of data science and natural language processing (NLP), supported by the social network twitter, as an element of data collection. As a result of the application of this proposal based on data science, it was possible to determine the level of student satisfaction, being 57.27%, through sentiment analysis using the Python library "NLTK"; Thus, it was also possible to extract texts linked to the relevant factors of teaching performance to achieve student satisfaction, through the term frequency and inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) approach, these being those linked to the use of tools of simulation in the virtual learning process.Campus Lima Centr