8 research outputs found

    Burden of cardiovascular disease across 29 countries and GPs' decision to treat hypertension in oldest-old

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    OBJECTIVES: We previously found large variations in general practitioner (GP) hypertension treatment probability in oldest-old (>80 years) between countries. We wanted to explore whether differences in country-specific cardiovascular disease (CVD) burden and life expectancy could explain the differences. DESIGN: This is a survey study using case-vignettes of oldest-old patients with different comorbidities and blood pressure levels. An ecological multilevel model analysis was performed. SETTING: GP respondents from European General Practice Research Network (EGPRN) countries, Brazil and New Zeeland. SUBJECTS: This study included 2543 GPs from 29 countries. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: GP treatment probability to start or not start antihypertensive treatment based on responses to case-vignettes; either low (/=50% started treatment). CVD burden is defined as ratio of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) lost due to ischemic heart disease and/or stroke and total DALYs lost per country; life expectancy at age 60 and prevalence of oldest-old per country. RESULTS: Of 1947 GPs (76%) responding to all vignettes, 787 (40%) scored high treatment probability and 1160 (60%) scored low. GPs in high CVD burden countries had higher odds of treatment probability (OR 3.70; 95% confidence interval (CI) 3.00-4.57); in countries with low life expectancy at 60, CVD was associated with high treatment probability (OR 2.18, 95% CI 1.12-4.25); but not in countries with high life expectancy (OR 1.06, 95% CI 0.56-1.98). CONCLUSIONS: GPs' choice to treat/not treat hypertension in oldest-old was explained by differences in country-specific health characteristics. GPs in countries with high CVD burden and low life expectancy at age 60 were most likely to treat hypertension in oldest-old. Key Points * General practitioners (GPs) are in a clinical dilemma when deciding whether (or not) to treat hypertension in the oldest-old (>80 years of age). * In this study including 1947 GPs from 29 countries, we found that a high country-specific cardiovascular disease (CVD) burden (i.e. myocardial infarction and/or stroke) was associated with a higher GP treatment probability in patients aged >80 years. * However, the association was modified by country-specific life expectancy at age 60. While there was a positive association for GPs in countries with a low life expectancy at age 60, there was no association in countries with a high life expectancy at age 60. * These findings help explaining some of the large variation seen in the decision as to whether or not to treat hypertension in the oldest-old

    Variation in GP decisions on antihypertensive treatment in oldest-old and frail individuals across 29 countries

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    BACKGROUND: In oldest-old patients (>80), few trials showed efficacy of treating hypertension and they included mostly the healthiest elderly. The resulting lack of knowledge has led to inconsistent guidelines, mainly based on systolic blood pressure (SBP), cardiovascular disease (CVD) but not on frailty despite the high prevalence in oldest-old. This may lead to variation how General Practitioners (GPs) treat hypertension. Our aim was to investigate treatment variation of GPs in oldest-olds across countries and to identify the role of frailty in that decision. METHODS: Using a survey, we compared treatment decisions in cases of oldest-old varying in SBP, CVD, and frailty. GPs were asked if they would start antihypertensive treatment in each case. In 2016, we invited GPs in Europe, Brazil, Israel, and New Zealand. We compared the percentage of cases that would be treated per countries. A logistic mixed-effects model was used to derive odds ratio (OR) for frailty with 95% confidence intervals (CI), adjusted for SBP, CVD, and GP characteristics (sex, location and prevalence of oldest-old per GP office, and years of experience). The mixed-effects model was used to account for the multiple assessments per GP. RESULTS: The 29 countries yielded 2543 participating GPs: 52% were female, 51% located in a city, 71% reported a high prevalence of oldest-old in their offices, 38% and had >20 years of experience. Across countries, considerable variation was found in the decision to start antihypertensive treatment in the oldest-old ranging from 34 to 88%. In 24/29 (83%) countries, frailty was associated with GPs' decision not to start treatment even after adjustment for SBP, CVD, and GP characteristics (OR 0.53, 95%CI 0.48-0.59; ORs per country 0.11-1.78). CONCLUSIONS: Across countries, we found considerable variation in starting antihypertensive medication in oldest-old. The frail oldest-old had an odds ratio of 0.53 of receiving antihypertensive treatment. Future hypertension trials should also include frail patients to acquire evidence on the efficacy of antihypertensive treatment in oldest-old patients with frailty, with the aim to get evidence-based data for clinical decision-making

    Patient Characteristics and General Practitioners’ Advice to Stop Statins in Oldest-Old Patients: a Survey Study Across 30 Countries

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    BACKGROUND: Statins are widely used to prevent cardiovascular disease (CVD). With advancing age, the risks of statins might outweigh the potential benefits. It is unclear which factors influence general practitioners' (GPs) advice to stop statins in oldest-old patients. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the influence of a history of CVD, statin-related side effects, frailty and short life expectancy, on GPs' advice to stop statins in oldest-old patients. DESIGN: We invited GPs to participate in this case-based survey. GPs were presented with 8 case vignettes describing patients > 80 years using a statin, and asked whether they would advise stopping statin treatment. MAIN MEASURES: Cases varied in history of CVD, statin-related side effects and frailty, with and without shortened life expectancy (< 1 year) in the context of metastatic, non-curable cancer. Odds ratios adjusted for GP characteristics (ORadj) were calculated for GPs' advice to stop. KEY RESULTS: Two thousand two hundred fifty GPs from 30 countries participated (median response rate 36%). Overall, GPs advised stopping statin treatment in 46% (95%CI 45-47) of the case vignettes; with shortened life expectancy, this proportion increased to 90% (95CI% 89-90). Advice to stop was more frequent in case vignettes without CVD compared to those with CVD (ORadj 13.8, 95%CI 12.6-15.1), with side effects compared to without ORadj 1.62 (95%CI 1.5-1.7) and with frailty (ORadj 4.1, 95%CI 3.8-4.4) compared to without. Shortened life expectancy increased advice to stop (ORadj 50.7, 95%CI 45.5-56.4) and was the strongest predictor for GP advice to stop, ranging across countries from 30% (95%CI 19-42) to 98% (95% CI 96-99). CONCLUSIONS: The absence of CVD, the presence of statin-related side effects, and frailty were all independently associated with GPs' advice to stop statins in patients aged > 80 years. Overall, and within all countries, cancer-related short life expectancy was the strongest independent predictor of GPs' advice to stop statins

    Children's Rights and Welfare Officers as Guardian of Minors in Court Proceedings

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    Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na činnost pracovníka orgánu sociálně právní ochrany dětí, jako soudem ustanoveného opatrovníka dítěte v rámci soudního řízení. Vychází jak z teoretických poznatků, publikací, zákonů, praktických zkušeností získaných při výkonu kolizního opatrovnictví, tak i z informací od opatrovnických soudců. Cílem práce je posoudit, zda soudem ustanovený opatrovník dítěte může uhájit skutečný zájem a blaho dítěte. Začátkem práce se autorka zabývá náhledem do historie opatrovnictví v České republice, klade si otázku co vlastně je nejlepší "zájem a blaho dítěte" a zároveň nastiňuje budoucnost opatrovníka v rámci sociálně právní ochrany dětí. Těžiště práce spočívá ve vymezení role opatrovníka z právního i praktického hlediska, důležitosti spolupráce soudu a opatrovníka, z jeho postavení v soudním řízení a daných postupů a úkonů před soudem. Dále je práce zaměřena na praktický postup opatrovníka v některých typech řízení za použití kazuistik, které byly zpracovány ze spisové dokumentace vedené orgánem sociálně právní ochrany dětí. Závěrem autorka odpovídá na stanovený cíl práce a zmiňuje některé negativní faktory, které mohou v praxi výkon kolizního opatrovníka ovlivnit. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)The present bachelor's degree thesis focuses on the role of children's rights and welfare officers as court- appointed guardians of minors for the purposes of court proceedings. The thesis is based on theoretical knowledge gained from publications and laws, hands-on experience acquired serving as a guardian ad litem as well as information provided by guardianship judges. The aim of the thesis is to assess whether a court-appointed guardian may actually protect the best interests and well-being of a child. In the first part of the thesis, the author takes a look back at the history of guardianship in the Czech Republic while considering the nature of "the best interests and well-being" of the child and outlining the future of the guardian within the framework of the protection of children's rights, legitimate interests and social needs. The main focus of the thesis is the delimiting of the role of a guardian from the comparative perspective of law and practice, the importance of co-operation between the court and the guardian, the guardian's position in a court proceeding and the steps and acts before the court. In addition, the thesis addresses specific steps of the guardian in certain types of proceedings using case studies prepared on the basis of files maintained by an authority dedicated to the...JabokJabokEvangelická teologická fakultaProtestant Theological Facult

    Children's Rights and Welfare Officers as Guardian of Minors in Court Proceedings

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    The present bachelor's degree thesis focuses on the role of children's rights and welfare officers as court- appointed guardians of minors for the purposes of court proceedings. The thesis is based on theoretical knowledge gained from publications and laws, hands-on experience acquired serving as a guardian ad litem as well as information provided by guardianship judges. The aim of the thesis is to assess whether a court-appointed guardian may actually protect the best interests and well-being of a child. In the first part of the thesis, the author takes a look back at the history of guardianship in the Czech Republic while considering the nature of "the best interests and well-being" of the child and outlining the future of the guardian within the framework of the protection of children's rights, legitimate interests and social needs. The main focus of the thesis is the delimiting of the role of a guardian from the comparative perspective of law and practice, the importance of co-operation between the court and the guardian, the guardian's position in a court proceeding and the steps and acts before the court. In addition, the thesis addresses specific steps of the guardian in certain types of proceedings using case studies prepared on the basis of files maintained by an authority dedicated to the..

    Children's Rights and Welfare Officers as Guardian of Minors in Court Proceedings

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    The present bachelor's degree thesis focuses on the role of children's rights and welfare officers as court- appointed guardians of minors for the purposes of court proceedings. The thesis is based on theoretical knowledge gained from publications and laws, hands-on experience acquired serving as a guardian ad litem as well as information provided by guardianship judges. The aim of the thesis is to assess whether a court-appointed guardian may actually protect the best interests and well-being of a child. In the first part of the thesis, the author takes a look back at the history of guardianship in the Czech Republic while considering the nature of "the best interests and well-being" of the child and outlining the future of the guardian within the framework of the protection of children's rights, legitimate interests and social needs. The main focus of the thesis is the delimiting of the role of a guardian from the comparative perspective of law and practice, the importance of co-operation between the court and the guardian, the guardian's position in a court proceeding and the steps and acts before the court. In addition, the thesis addresses specific steps of the guardian in certain types of proceedings using case studies prepared on the basis of files maintained by an authority dedicated to the..