25 research outputs found

    Symbolická vymístění, národní identita a (re)konstrukce paměti

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    Cílem článku je nastínit některé možnosti aplikace obecného sociologického konceptu vymístění na teoretickém poli konstrukce a symbolické reprezentace národní identity. Za použití několika příkladů z dějin moderního českého národa autor popisuje nekončící bitvu o hegemonickou verzi národní historie a identity, která se vede skrze vynalézání, reprodukování a vymisťování jejich symbolických reprezentací. Snaží se demonstrovat, že bez ohledu na to, jak úspěšné může vymístění fyzických atrubutů symbolů být, je jejich význam obvykle nesen v kolektivní pamětí po mnohem delší čas a slouží k problematizaci současných "kanonických" verzí národní identity

    Media and Democratisation: Challenges for an Emerging Sub-field

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    t This article seeks to compile an empirically-based understanding of the role of media in countries in transition. The study focuses on the processes of political socialization, behaviour and accountability, and gives examples from three regions: Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East/North Africa region. We draw on some of the major works relevant to the study of mass media in these transitional contexts with the aim of discerning emergent theories available to the study of media and democratisation. While aware of the limitations posed by the nature and scope of the sample of the studies reviewed, we do identify and discuss some of the potentially key obstacles to theory-building and propose some alternative paths of enquir

    Monitorování mediální plurality v digitálním věku : aplikace monitoru plurality médií v Evropské unii, Albánii, Černé Hoře, Republice Severní Makedonie, Srbsku a Turecku v roce 2022. Národní zpráva : Česká republika

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    This report presents the results of the implementation of the Media Pluralism Monitor for the year 2022 (MPM2023) in the Czech Republic. The MPM is a holistic tool geared at assessing the risks to media pluralism in EU member states and selected candidate countries (32 European countries in total, including Albania, Montenegro, the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, and Turkey). The MPM takes into account legal, political and economic variables that are relevant to analysing the levels of plurality of media systems in a democratic society. The Media Pluralism Monitor has been implemented, on a regular basis, by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, since 2013/2014.Tato zpráva obsahuje výsledky implementace Monitoru plurality médií za rok 2022 (MPM2023) v České republice. MPM je holistický nástroj zaměřený na evaluaci potenciálních rizik pro mediální pluralitu v členských státech a v kandidátských zemích Evropské unie (celkem 32 evropských zemí, včetně Albánie, Černé Hory, Severní Makedonie, Srbska a Turecka). MPM bere v úvahu právní, politické a ekonomické proměnné, které jsou relevantní pro analýzu různých stupňů plurality mediálních systémů v demokratické společnosti. Monitor plurality médií je implementován Centrem pro pluralitu a svobodu médií na pravidelné bázi od roku 2013/2014.The Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom is co-financed by the European Unio

    Introduction : media and illiberal democracy in Central and Eastern Europe

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    This introductory overview opens the series of articles included in the issue entitled Media and Illiberal Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe, and sets the scene for the debate on the relationship between illiberal trends in politics and media landscapes in the region. Drawing on existing scholarship, it traces the roots and the evolution of illiberalism, focusing the discussion within the confines of particularities of media landscapes. Through the introduction of articles addressing manifestations of illiberalism in media landscapes, it argues that “illiberal turn” in Central and Eastern Europe is part of a global political shift, rather than a regional one

    Towards hypermedia campaigning? Perceptions of new media's importance for campaigning by party strategists in comparative perspective

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    This paper analyses strategic thinking around election campaign communication in a rapidly evolving media environment, characterized by the rise of digital communication channels and online social networks as new tools of political campaigning. Using an expert survey with campaign managers of 68 political parties within 12 European nations, representing both old and new EU member states, the study investigates the perceived importance of different types of communication platforms in meeting campaign objectives, especially with regard to differences between new and direct modes of campaigning in comparison to traditional campaign channels. The attributed significance to these various channels is then analysed against a range of variables on macro (country) level as well as meso (party) level. The results suggest that while some differences can be observed in regard to the perceptions of particular types of social media between individual strategists working for parties as well as between strategists working in new and old EU member states (e.g. Facebook is seen as more important in younger democracies), overall we can see a relatively high level of homogeneity in the perceived importance of campaign communication in the sample. The data point to the embedding of new communication platforms within election campaign strategies across most nations and parties; this indicates that the move towards ‘hypermedia' campaign style, integrating both old and new campaign tools and communication platforms, is now becoming a standard feature of professional campaigning strategy in Europe

    Navigating high-choice European political information environments : a comparative analysis of news user profiles and political knowledge

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    The transition from low- to high-choice media environments has had far-reaching implications for citizens’ media use and its relationship with political knowledge. However, there is still a lack of comparative research on how citizens combine the usage of different media and how that is related to political knowledge. To fill this void, we use a unique cross-national survey about the online and offline media use habits of more than 28,000 individuals in 17 European countries. Our aim is to (i) profile different types of news consumers and (ii) understand how each user profile is linked to political knowledge acquisition. Our results show that five user profiles – news minimalists, social media news users, traditionalists, online news seekers, and hyper news consumers – can be identified, although the prevalence of these profiles varies across countries. Findings further show that both traditional and online-based news diets are correlated with higher political knowledge. However, online-based news use is more widespread in Southern Europe, where it is associated with lower levels of political knowledge than in Northern Europe. By focusing on news audiences, this study provides a comprehensive and fine-grained analysis of how contemporary European political information environments perform and contribute to an informed citizenry

    A dialogue of the deaf, or communities of debate?

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    This article presents an analysis of the citizens\u27 engagement with the 2013 Czech Parliamentary Elections campaign on Facebook. While many studies primarily focus on the intensity and forms of adoption of social networks by political actors in campaign communication, we attempt to explore both political parties\u27 use of Facebook as well as the extent and ways of citizen participation on the online election campaign. The empirical base for this study consists of all communication archived over the course of three weeks (before and after the elections) on the Facebook profiles of ten most important Czech political parties. Using quantitative content analysis, we first present an overview of the dynamics and intensity of users\u27 engagement with the campaign, illustrating that some of the small as well as populist parties have managed to mobilize significantly larger part of Facebook population than more established parties. Following that descriptive part, we first turn to the analysis of the actual content of communication, examining primarily the tone of users\u27 comments, and then we move on to a more in-depth, qualitative examination of communication on the profiles of two selected political parties which were very successful in their online mobilization. The results indicate that most party profiles have displayed a rather surprising level of heterogeneity, allowing for dissenting voices to be displayed in what is generally seen as a heavily managed communication environment.Članek analizira angažiranost državljanov na Facebooku med češkimi parlamentarnimi volitvami leta 2013. Medtem ko se mnogo študij v prvi vrsti ukvarja z intenzivnostjo in oblikami uporabe družbenih omrežij s strani političnih akterjev pri njihovem komuniciranju v volilni kampanji, je naš raziskovalni namen analiza uporabe Facebooka tako s strani političnih strank kot z vidika obsega in načinov državljanske participacije v spletni volilni kampanji. Empirična osnova za študijo je celotno komuniciranje na Facebook profilih desetih najbolj pomembnih čeških političnih strank, ki je bilo arhivirano v obdobju treh tednov (pred in po volitvah). Na podlagi kvantitativne vsebinske analize najprej predstavljamo pregled dinamike in intenzivnosti uporabniškega angažmaja med kampanjo, pri čemer pokažemo, da so nekatere manjše stranke in nekatere populistične stranke uspele mobilizirati bistveno večji del uporabnikov Facebooka kot bolj uveljavljene stranke. Za tem deskriptivnim delom najprej analiziramo vsebino komuniciranja, pri čemer je fokus predvsem na karakteristikah komentarjev uporabnikov, nato pa z bolj poglobljeno kvalitativno analizo preiskujemo komuniciranje na profilih dveh izbranih političnih strank, ki sta bili pri spletni mobilizaciji posebej uspešni. Rezultati kažejo, da večina strankarskih profilov izkazuje presenetljivo visoko raven heterogenosti komentiranja, kar pomeni, da se dopušča precejšnjo različnost mnenj v komunikacijskih prostorih, ki se jih sicer na splošno dojema za močno nadzorovane